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December 02, 1928 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-12-02

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Convening Congress
To Meet Old Issues
Of Former Campaign
Hoover To Determine Advisability
Of Granting Extra Session
For Farm Debate
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Dec. 1.-Two big
ghosts of the campaign-farm re-
lief and tariff revision-hovered
over the capital today as return-
ing members of Congress squared
away for the completing short ses-
sion beginning Monday.
Leaders of both the House and
Senate found plenty of business for
the term ending next March 4, as
they pondered over the calendar
today. Bills to appropriate several
billion for next year's government
expenses will occupy immediate at-
tention of the House and the old
Boulder Canyon dam row will come
Campaign Pledges Chafe
But the reelected Republican
hosts are looking ahead already to
the problems of the approaching
administration of Herbert Hoover,
and the pre-session discussion,
amounting almost to wrangling,
revolves about campaigns for farm
relief and tariff revision and an
extra session for their considera-
The call of Chairman Hawley of
the House Ways and Means com-
mittee assembling its members on
Monday to discuss a tariff revision
program served temporarily to
quiet the Republican row as all
hands looked forward to the com-
mittee's decision.
But with Herbert Hoover, who is
visiting South America, lies the fi-
nal decision on the extra session
which many members are demand-
ing for the consideration of tariff
revision and farm relief. With
these demands increasing, another
dispute is on as to whether it shall
be held in the spring or -next fall.
Longworth Wants Session
Speaker Longworth of the House
today reiterated his favor of a ses-
sion next September, if an extra
one must be had for tariff revision.
In the Senate Chairman Smoot of
the Finance committee stands pat
for an extra session as soon as
the newly elected Congress comes
into power next spring.
Similarly, majority leaders are
divided on how and when to dis-
pose of farin legislation.
Chairman McNary of the Senate
Agriculture Committee said today
he would have a new measure, de-I
signed along administration lines,
ready for presentation next Tues-!
To Open With Brief Sessions
Programs for the opening day
call for brief sessions in both the
Senate and House. The usual reso-
lution of appointing committees
to inform tie President formally
that Congress is in session will be
made out of respect to members
who have died during the summer.
Tuesday, 'President Coolidge's
message will be read and Wednes-
day the two branches will go to
work. There is a possibility, how- I
ever, that Senator Johnson, Repub-
lican, California, co-author of the
Boulder Dam Bill for the develop-
ment of the Colorado river basin,
will insist his measure be taken up
as early as Tuesday. It has the
right of way until disposed of.
University Mentors

Aid Research Group
Prof. Thomas H. Reed, head of
the Bureau of Government, Prof.1
J. S. Reeves and Prof. J. R. Hayden
of the political science department
were in New York yesterday at-
tending a preliminary meeting of
the Committee of Policy of the
American Political Science associa-I
tion of which Professor Reed is:
chairman. The committee is mak-
ing a study of the present status
of political science research and
will present its recommendations
at the next convention of the asso-
ciation. Charles A. Beard, noted
historian, is' also a member of the
tArt And Religion"
Is Tolstoy Subject

Fries Addresses Convention At Baltimore,
Says Rules Of Grammar May Be Violated

I Minister To Ecuador

Confers With Hoover
On Good-Will Tour

Grammar laws are made to be
violated just as much as are the
laws against liqquor consumption,
it was hinted in a speech delivered
to delegates for the National Coun-
cil of Teachers of English, now in
session at Baltimore, Md., by Prof.
Charles C. Fries of the English de-
If a word is used repeatedly by
large numbers .of people, and more
or less by those in the accepted
social sphere, this fact indicates
that a word is advisable and should
form a part of the English langu-
age, it was said.
The word "ain't" is good English
despite the contrary claims of sev-
eral hundred other English teach-
ers, Professor Fries asserted. It is
actually a legitimate contraction
of "am not," he said, and is in-
correctly used only with plural
nouns and pronouns, and in theI
third person.
Because many persons feel an
unconscious and disagreeable re-
action to the word, however, it is
held to be bad English, according
to the speaker. Because of this
feeling which people have for the!
word, many changed their votej
from Al Smith to Herbert Hoover!
when Al's use of the term in his
Time Limit Extended
For Senior Pictures.

'radio speeches grated on his hear-
ers' sensibilities, according to Pro-'
fessor Fries.
Many other words and construc-
tions which are used in every day
language all over the United States
should be granted the approval ofj
grammarians because these words
form the quickest and easiest way
of expressing and understanding a
given thought, Professor Fries
claimed. Therefore such phrases
as "it is me" and "he had wrote"
should receive the 0. K. of the
strictest of Bostonians, he said.
No opinion was given as to the
propriety of the idiomatic phrase
popular in college circles through-
out the country, "let's take a bolt."
Junior Hop Tickets
To Be Sold Tuesday
Accepted Applications Necessaryl
To Purchase Tickets For I
The Dance



Moscow Habinah Players Have Had Varied
Experience; Will Appear Here On Tuesday
Many varied experiences rang- cret performances. But still they
ing from the heights of success to persisted, through the untiring ef-
bigoted persecution comprise the forts of Naum Zemach, the origi-
history of the Moscow Habinah nal organizer, brother of the man
players, two representatives - of who will play in Ann Arbor Tues-
which, Benjamin Zemach, drama- day.
tic dancer, and Chaiele Grober, At the time of the Russian revo-
singer, will play here Tuesday lution the organization fancied it-
night in Sarah Caswell Angell hall, self free at last from persecution,
under the auspices of the Hetlel but the Soviet officials ruled that
foundation. any drama played in any but the
The troupe of enthusiastic young native tongue was inimical to their
Hebrew players was organized a regime.
number of years before the Rus- A memoranda signed by great
sian revolution almost like a group artists like Constantin Stanislav-
of wandering minsttrels to play a sky, Feodor Chaliapin, Vladimir
in Hebrew the old Biblical stories i Dantschenko, supported the He-
throughout Russia, Poland, Lithu- brew artists stating that, "Russian
nia, and Austria-Hungary. are owes a great debt to these ar-
In 1913 severe Czarist persecu- tists of Habima."
tion forced the young enthusiasts Zemach opened the New York
to give their one-act plays in se- dancing season recently playing to



Detroit University
Wins Ninth Contest
With 33-13 Victory




Finance Minister Of Republic Joins
President-Elect In
(By Associated iress)
GUAYAQUIL, Ecuador, Dec. 1.-
Herbert Hoover today received a
first-hand account of many
changes brought about in recent
years in the government of Ecua-
dor and the narrative was filled
with phrases which had a familiar
ring such as a Federal reserve sys-
tem, farm loan banks, debt liqui-
dation, and the setting up of a
gold standard.
The review of the administra-
tive reforms in the south American
republic, the first to be visited on
his good-will tour, was given to the
President-elect of the U n i t e d
States by Gerhart A Badin.i




Appointments Must Be Made
Once To Include Pictures In




Several announcements con-
cerning the, 1929 Michiganensian
including pictures, subscriptions,
printing engraving, and design-
ing were made yesterday byt
Thomas Thomas, '29, managing
A number of seniors, according'
to Thomas, failed to make appoint-
ments with photographers during
the time limit which closed Satur-
day. These appointments must be
made at once, he stated, or else
the pictures of those who have not
made appointments will not appear
in the book.
In answer to a number of ques-
tions concerning the time for the
taking of fraternity and 4orority
group pictures, Thomas announced
that these groups may make ap-
pointments for pictures with the
photographer of their choice im-
mediately after the Christmas va-
cation period but that no appoint-
ments are to be made previous to
that time.
Several sample copies of the new
heavily embossed tan cover have
been rceived from the manufac-
turers, Thomas said, and will be
placed on display during the next
sales campaign which will be held
soon. More than 50 per cent of the
half price receipts which were pur-
chased by students for 50 cents and
are redeemable for $1.00 on the
price of an 'Ensian have been
turned in, Thomas avers. Holders
of the balance of these stubs, he
urges, should redeem them as early
as possible as the price of the year-
book will advance from $4 to $5 on
Dec. 15.
Art work on the division pages
of the Michiganensian is rapidly1
nearing completion, Thomas stat-
ed, two plates having already been;
sent to the engravers. About half
of the sub-division plates are com-]
plete and the rest are rapidly be-
ing finished.
The sub-division plates are be-
ing prepared as dry-brush carica-
tures with a slight element of hu-
mor apparent in each one. Al-
though printing contracts have
been arranged and signed, none
of the actual print work will be,
submitted for some time.
Perhaps the most unique section
of the work Thomas believes, will
be the satire section which will
embody a number of photographs
and cartoons together with suffi-
cient satire to make it one of the
outstanding sections of the. book.
Dr. Yoakum Attends
Research Convention
Prof. Clarence S. Yoakum, of the
school of Business Administration,
is in New York City today attend--{
ing the convention of the personnel
research federation according to

- I. U *,.J P J '- a lt ,' u +Wi 0S
Tickets for the 1930 J-Hop will American minister to Ecuador and
go on sale next Tuesday afternoon Senor Tejada, finance minister of
at the side deck of the Union, that country.
George Bradley, '30, has announced. The three conferred at some
The tickets will be $10.00 as before, length while aboard the light
and those expecting to buy then American cruiser Cleveland° which
must bring their accepted applica- met the battleship Maryland at the
tion with them, he added. If the entrance to Guayaquil Harber, to
application has not yet been re- 'carry Mr. Hoover to that city, while
ceived, information concerning the heavy dreadnought rode at
them may be found by calling Rob- anchor in the deepwater near
ert McCoy, '30E, chairman of in- Puntas Island.
vitations. Bading told Mr. Hoover the con-
All of the special invitations are fidence of the people of Ecuador
now in the mails, McCoy averred, in President Ayona of that country
and the applications should be re- was "absolutely remarkable" and
turned immediately 'so that they said that during his administration
may be accepted or rejected and the country had been restored to
reports made. The applications a gold standard, farm loan banks
are to be mailed to the committee established, a Federal Reserve sys-
with a self-addressed, stamped en- tem set up, customs collection im-
velope and the committee will re- proved, and a reduction of the na-
turn them as soon as they are ac- tional debt undertaken.
cepted, he reported. The tickets, Senor Tejada went into detail
will be accepted in the, order in about financial reforms and assur-
which they are received, he said, ed Hoover that the people of this
and thus the sooner that they are country felt a deep debt of grati-
returned to the committee the tude to the United States for its
more sure a junior will be of re- assistance in bringing Ecuador
ceiving a ticket. through a most serious period ofI
It is expected that at least one its affairs.
of the orchestras for the Hop will1
be signed by the end of this week, Quake Causes Death
the music chairman announced.
Due to the postponement of ac- Of Hundred In Chile
tion upon the new budget and the
absence from town of certain ad-
ministrative officials, the work in'(By Associated Press)
signing the orchestras has been SANTIAGO, Chile, Dec. 1.-A
delayed. Among those from whom tentative death list from the se-,
the music committee will select vere quake which shook southern
are Coon-Sanders Original Night- Chile early this morning stoodl
hawks, Johnny Johnson and his well over 100 tonight with com-1
Statler Pennsylvanians from New munication with large section of
York, Don Bestor and his orches-, the country still lacking.
tra, Jack Crawford's orchestra, the The conductor of the first train
Benson All-Star orchestra, and from Talca reported about 80 dead
Ralph Foote and his musicians. All in that city, which was one of the
are recording orchestras, mostly hardest hit. Distress was increased
Victor, and each ,is well-known in there by the destruction of the
his special field, the music chair- hospital by fire. The Cathedral
man admitted. If the Hop is held and railroad station were demol-
in the new Intramural building, ished by the shock.
two orchestras only will be needed, Seventeen persons were drowned
he said, and efforts will be made at the Barahona camp -of the Ten-
to secure two of the best for the iente mine of the Braden Copper
event. Several of those the com- company when the shock let loose
mittee wished to have are now un- a torrent from the reservoir. The
available due to previous engage- flood swept away several small
ments, he averred. ! bridges and the river works at
Alvan Bovard, '30, favors chair- Cachopacl and other valley villages.,
man, had little to say except that Five persons lost their lives at
he expected to close the favors' Quinta where the railway station,
contracts soon and that he con-- was wrecked by the tremblor.
sidered the various articles pre--
sented for selection to be of excel- Five Passen ers Die
lent variety and quality.
After Plane Burns
Basketball Coaches
Cosd NesBAsoc ated Pess)
Consider New SAN ANTONIO, Texas, Dec. 1.-
Five persons were burned to death
(secial To The Daily) at 5 o'clock this afternoon when
CHICAGO Dec. 1.-Western con- a tri-motored airplane owned by
CIcaOhec1-esodayterncon- Homer D. Ballard, and piloted by
ference coaches met today to fir- Mathew Watson, crashed and
terpret various changes in basket- burned six miles north of Spur,
ball rules, but the meeting was Texas, in Dickens county.
secret and no information was Badly burned papers in a suit-
given out. case in the ruins of the plane
The changes, designed to reduce identified Watson and Ballard, of
stalling to a minimum, have San Antonio, but the other three


Collection Of Rare
Books On Exhibition
Shakespearean Group Displayed
In Main Corridor
Of Library
Representative selections from
the' McMillan Shakespeare collec-
tion are now on display in the
main corridor of the library. This
collection is the largest and best
rare collection in the library, con-
sisting of fine specimens from the
second, third, and fourth folios of
the Shakespearian editions.
The McMillam Shakespeare col-
lection contains about 8,000 vol-
umes, 6,525 of which were pur-
chased in 1883 under the super-
vision of Prof. I. N. Demmon, with
money given for that purpose by
Senator James McMillan of De-
troit. The University library does
not own any of the first folio, nor
any of the original quarto folio edi-
tions of the separate plays, but it
is fortunate in possessing the sec-
ond, third, fourth folios, and other
Shakespearian rarities.
One case contains selections
from the third folio of the plays,
which is considered more valuable'
than the first, as almost the entire
first impression of both 1663 and
1664 issues of the third were de-
stroyed by the Great London fire
of 1666, 'as they lay unsold in the
printer's warehouse. This third edi-
tion is notable in that it is the
first in which the final "E" is
dropped from the poet's name. Two
of the finest examples of modern
printing are on display here also
one being printed in 1893 by Wil-
liam Morris and one in 1909 by F. J.
Numerous selections are on dis-
play which advance the Baconian
theory that Francis Bacon wrote
the works accredited to Shake-
speare. Several prove Bacon to
have written works by other
famous authors. A certain Delia
Bacon (whose name is co-incident)
is recognized as being the first to
assault the Shakespearian pedes-
The first translation of Shake-
speare was made into German in
1762-1766. Representation of that
and other translations into French,
Hebrew, Hungarian, Spanish,,
Greek, Italian, Icelandic, Dutch,
and Russian bear evidence of the
universal acclamation of Shake-
speare, the literary hero.
Criticisms, abridgments, altera-
tions, and sources of the author's
works are included. In addition to
the largest volume are also dis-
played the smallest, that being the
"Ellen Terry" edition of 1904.
The British museum has the
largest collection of Shakespearian
rarities at the present time. Pre-
vious to a fire that destroyed it
completely the Birmingham library
in England was the best for trans-
lations, but now the Museum excels
in that also, so that German stu-
dents come to England to study
German translations.
Southern California
Defeats Notre Dame
(By Associated Press)



packed houses who received his
pantomimic dancing very favor-
ably. He also has played recently
as one of the premier-danseurs
with the Cleveland Symphony or-.
To Open Ticket Sale
For New Union Opera
1928 Opera To Contain Unusual
Singing Features, With
Special Chorus


General sale of tickets for the,
1928 Michigan opera, "Rainbow's
End," will be held this week on
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and
Friday at the main desk of the
Union from 2 o'clock to 5 o'clock
in the afternoon. In addition the'
special sale for women will take
place from 2 o'clock to 5 o'clock
Wednesday afternoon in the, box-
office of Hill auditorium. On Sat-
urday, opportunity will be given all
those who have not already pur-
chased their seats to do so from 10
o'clock to 6 o'clock at the box-office
of the Whitney theater.
"Rainbow's End" will open here
with its performance on Monday
night, Dec. 10, and will play nightly
performances through F r i d a y
night, Dec. 14, with a special mat-
inee on Saturday, Dec. 15. The
prices for seats range from $1.50 to
Definite announcement of the
personnel of the various choruses
has not yet been made by E. Mor-
timer Shuter, general director, but
it is expected that this informa-
tion will be forthcoming the first
part of this week. William Browne
'31, who has been hailed as Shut-'
er's latest discovery in opera talent
has been practicing regularly in
his role as leading lady of the new
show. In addition, Daniel H. Buell,
'30 who plays the part of the comic
lead has spent much time drilling
choruses in the many new routines
devised for the 1928 presentation.
One of the outstanding features
of "Rainbow's End" is said to be.
the unusual singing ability of many
of the persons in the cast and
choruses. Moreover, the special
singing chorus of 25, trained by
Theodore Harrison, director of the
Varsity Glee club, will augment the
singing in many scenes.
Costumes for the show are re-
ceiving their finishing touches at
the hands of the experts in the.
employ of Peter March, the De-
troit firm which has succeeded
Lester of Chicago as designers and
outfitters to operas. A final fittingy
will take place sometime this week'
when all little changes that must
be made will be accomplished by
the staff. -
Jimmie Green's Band
Will Play For Prom
Announcement yesterday' that
Jimmie Green and his orchestra of
Chicago will play at the 1931 Soph
prom on the night of December 14,1
concluded several weeks of endeav-
or to obtain. music, according to J.
Palmer Crawford, '31, president of'
the class. Green's orchestra is
now playing at the Garden of Al-
lah in Chicago, and has rapidly
come into prominence within thel
past year.
It was thought earlier in thej
week that Zez Confrey and his
band were to corne, but the com-
mittee was unable to make ar-
rangements with the famous pi-
anist and composer. It is said by
local musical authorities, however,
that the Green band is a better

Passed And Punted 'His Team To
Victory And Showed Good
Running Form
(Special To The Daily)
By Edward L. Warner
Outplayed by Georgetown in the
first half, University of Detroit
came back to score two touchdowns
in each of the third and fpurth
periods to completely overwhelm
the Hill Toppers 33-13, before 30,-
000 spectators this afternoon at
Dinan field. Led by their two
scintillating backs, Captain Tom
Connell .and Lloyd Brazil, the Tit-
ans completed the 1928 season un-
defeated with their ninth straight
From the opening kickoff, which
Connell ran back 90 yards for De
troit's first touchdown, the game
was packed with thrills. George-
town retaliated with two touch-
downs in the first quarter to take
the lead. Detroit failed to get un-
der way again after initial score.
fumbles and penalties coupled
with poor field generalship handi-
capping the Titans.
Cachon Bolsters Team
Insertion of Cachon, regular
quarterback, into the lineup gave
Detroit the necessary scoring
punch in the second half. Two
concerted drives of 80 and 65 yards
netted the Titans a pair of touch-
downs in the third quarter. De-
troit's deceptive attack bewildered
the Titans as Brazil hurled passes
or skirted the ends, Connell outran
the opposing flankmen for long
gains, while Maloney penetrated
the Hilltoppers line for more yard-
Mooney kicked off on the open-
ing play to Connell, who did some
spectacular open field running in
eluding the entire Georgetown
team to cross the final chalk mark
for a touchdown. Starting on their
own 40-yard line Georgetown be-
gan a drive for a score. A pass,;
Scalzi to Provincial, placed the ball
on Detroit's five yard stripe, from
where Hudak went over for the
touchdown in two attempts.
Georgetown Romps Awhile
A few minutes later,,Georgetown
received the ball on Detroit's 32-
yard line when Brazil was forced
to kick from near his own goal.
Scalzi and Barabas advanced the
ball to the 21 yard stripe.. On
fourth down Scalzi passed to
Hudak for another touchdown. De-
troit threatened to score in the
second quarter when Malony re-
covered Leary's fumble on George-
town's 14-yard mark but lost, the
ball on downs.
Between the halves the Univer-
sity of Michigan and Detroit bands
alternated in parading and provid-
ing the spectators with music. The
entire Michigan football squad
were guests at the game.
' In the second half Detroit un-
covered a powerful offensive that
swept Georgetown aside. Four con-
secutive first downs were register-
ed, as a result of two passes, De-
troit assumed the lead when Brazil
passed to Goodnow for the touch-
down and Connell kicked goal.
Detroit Runs Wild
Another advance of 65 yards be-
gan when Vachon intercepted
Scalzi's pass on his 35 yard strip.
Brazil went over for the score
from the five yard line.
The Titans made the game a
complete rout in the fourth pe-
riod. Brazil passed to Goodnow for
a 26-yard gain. And Connell took
the ball over on a "wide end run.
Another touchdown followed soon
'after. Brazil passed to Vachon for
a first down on Georgetown's 28-
yard mark. Brazil then hurled an-
other pass to Goodnow who step-
ped outside on the three yard lin_,
Connell then streaked around end
for the touchdown after a delayed
Summary: Touchdown-Connell

. 3; Brazil, Goodnow, Hudak, 2
points after touchdown-Connell,
13; Mooney.
Prof. Hobbs To Visit
New York This Week



evoked considerable criticism k
among the Big Ten coaches andi
athletic officials, but it was inti-c
1 mated a general interpretation wasI
agreed upon. The meeting was to t
have been held next week, but1
with the coaches anxious to gain a
clear interpretation before going
too far with their plans, it wasI
called for today.

bodies, all men, have not been
identified. Clifford B. Jones of
Spur said in a long distance tel-
ephone conversation tonight that
the bodies of the men were too
badly burned to be identified.
The plane crashed in the farm-
ing section at what is known as
Dry Lake in Dickens county. The
crash was seen by employees of the
West Texas Utilities company who


1.-Southern California's powerful
gridiron guns routed the ramblers
of Notre Dame, 27 to 14, here today.
It was the Trojans' first successful
encounter in the three engage-
ments with the Rocknemen of
South Bend.


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