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September 30, 1928 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-09-30

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Vol XXIX. No. 7.






Renowned Flonzaley Quartet Will
Be Here Nov. 23 On Farewell
Tickets are selling rapidly for the
semi-centenary anniversary series
of choral union concerts, accord-
ing to Charles A. Sink, president of
the University school of music.
Unusual enthusiasm over the com-
ing program has been in evidence
by , the number of early reserva-
tions ma Ie, Sink said.
4The series this year boasts a well
variated range of artists, including
three solo singers, two pianists,
twp violinists of note, a quartet of
musicians, a famous~ chorus, as
well as .a renowned symphony or-
Rosa Ponselle, recognized by
many as the =outstanding operatic
abprano of the day, is the first of
'the singers who will be heard here
this fall. She will appear on Oct.
10. Following her engagement by
about two.weeks, Amelita Galli
Curd, faoed exponent of coora-
tlira singing, will return to Ann
Arbor for a song recital. The third
singer on the program, Roland
Hayes, negro tenor who has rapid-_
ly risen to fame in this country
and abroad, is scheduled for a pro-
gram on Jan. 18.
Horowitz to Play
Vladimir Horowitz and Sergei
Rachmaninoff are the two pianists
who- will entertain .local music
lovers. The former will be accom-
anied on Nov. 12 by the Detroit'
symphony orclestra under the
baton of Victor Kolar. Rachanin-
off was heard several years ago in
Ann Arbor and at that time re-
ceived one of the greatest ovations
ever accorded an artist. When he'
comeshere on Feb. 13 he will play
a number of his own compositions
as well as a specially selected group
of other musical works.
Fritz Kreisler, who has often
been hailed by those interested in
violinists as "the greatest of them
all' will come here Dec. 13 for the
last concert before the holiday sea-.
son. Another violinist, this time a
woman, Yelli Daranyi, the distin-
guished Hungarian artists, will
play in Hill auditorium on Feb. 20.
She has received the plaudits of
many of the foremost musical
critics of the world and has caused
favorable comment wherever she
has played.
Quartet Will Appear
Nov. 23 will mark the final ap-
pearance in Ann Arbor of the
Flonzaley quartet, that world ne-_
nowned organization of musicians,
which is now on its farewell tour.
Ann Arbor moreoVer was one of the
first cities in America in which the
Flonzaley quqartet played when it
first came over to this country.
Ann Arbor has been included in
a special tour of the Pargue Teach-
ers Chorus which has been brought
to this country by a special com-
mittee of Czechoslovakian-Ameri-
cans who persuaded the group of
60 artists to come here for a very
limited number of concerts. On
Jan. 24, this well known group of
whom Walter Damrosch once said,
"There islnothing like it in the
world," will be heard here.
Including the concert series on
March 11, the Detroit symphony
w hestra with Alfred Mertz as
gnest conductor, will make their
setiund appearance of the series.
Met was formerly Wagnerian con-
dictor at the Metropolitan opera
house since he is one of the out-

standing conductors in the world,I
his appearance with the Detroit or-
(-.,stra is being awaited here with
ir eat interest.

More than 1,500 applications for,
work have been made by students
to the employment department in
charge of Mrs. Mary L. Stewart,
with headquarters. in the office of
the Dean of Student, and most of
the aplicants have been satisfac-
torly placed. It is estimated that
about the same number of men
have continued in jobs which have
been found for them in past years,
thereby making further applica-
tions unnecessary. This, according
to Mrs. Stewart, brings- the num-
ber of students working at least
part of their way through school
to nearly forty per cent of the total
:enrollment of men students.




Stand That Religion Has No
Part In Campaign
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Sept. 29.-Her-
bert Hoover announced flatly to-
day that he wanted no support for
the presidency on the basis of re-
His declaration was made in a
second formal statement repudiat-
ing a circular bearing the stamped
signature of Mrs. Willie W. Caldo
well, Republican national commit-
teewoman for Virginia and appeal-
'ing to the women to "save the Uni-
ted States from being Romanized."
I "I cannot fully express my in-
Idignation of such circulars," the
Republican presidential candidate
said. "Nor can I reiterate too
strongly that the religious question
has no part in this campaign. I
have repeatedly stated that neither
I nor Republican party wants sup-
port on that basis." '
"There are important and vital
reasons for the return of the Re-
publican administration, but this is
not on of them."
Supplements Issue,
Hoover's statement supplement-
ed one issue last night in which
he reiterated the declaration he
I made in his acceptance speech
against religious intolerance in
American political affairs.
Before he made that speech, he
issued instructions on which Dr.
Hubert Work, chairman of the Re-
publican national committee, sent.
notice to all Republican party of-
ficials and workers that neither
religion or prohibition were to be
treated as issues in this campaign.
Before issuing his statement to-
day, Hoover conferred with several
of( his closest advisors including
William J. Donovan, assistant Uni-
ted States attorney general, and
officers of the national committee.
When he called the newspaper
correspondents into his office to
make his statement public, he
plainly showed an intense feeling.
Declines .Discussion
Hoover declined to go into a de-
tailed discussion of the incident
which lec to his renewed declara-
tion, but Mrs. Caldwell, in a tel-
egram to the Republican national
committee, amplified her provision
in a formal statement that she had
not authorized the injection into
the circular sent to women in Vir-
ginia of any reference to the re-
ligious question.
I She stated to Republican party
I officials that she directed the is-
suance of the circular to volunteer
Hoover workers in the state and
gave a general outline of what she
wanted to save. Before the circular
was prepared, she was called to
Washington to attend a party Ton-
ference here, she explained. The
literature was sent out in her ab-
sence bearing a fascimile of her
1928-29 OFFICERS1

Going through the files, applica-
tions for "board jobs" were far in
the lead, while the number of mu-
sicians was second on the list. Al
though the list of kinds of work
desired was not as varied this year
as it has been in some years past,
the department has dealt with a
wide range of occupations. This
year, waiters, dishwashers, butch-
ers, bakers, musicians, oil-station
attendants, and many other
tradesmen have been placed, while
odd jobs are filled, as they are
needed, for a few hours at a time.
The employment department is
busy nearly all of the time during
the school year as requests for stu-
dents to do various kinds of work
are continually coming in and are
filled from the index of applicants.
The department has and almost
unlimited list of concerns, local and
national, who offer sales positions
on the commission basis. Com-
paratively few . of such positions
can be filled, however, because the
type takes too much of their time
from their studies.°
Change From Tuesday to Thursday
As Day of Broadcasting Also
Made by Prof. Abbot
Change in the station which will
broadcast the University's radio
programs during the next year and
a change in the day of broadcast-
ing, was announced yesterday by I
Prof. Waldo Abbot of the rhetoric
department, who is also director of
radio for the University.
Due to a change in policy of
station WGHP, the station first an-
nounced to broadcast the pro
grams, the Richards-Oakland sta-
tion WJR, will handle the pro-
grams. WJR, which inaugurated
the Michigan night programs in
1925, has a more powerful broad-
casting equipment and a cohse-
quently greater range, thus' assur-
ing the University a greater audi-
The University programs will be
broadcast from 7 o'clck to 8
o'clock on Thursday nights in-
stead of upon Tuesday nights as
was previously announced. The
first program will be put on the
air from WJR at 7 o'clock next
Thursday night. Among the speak-
ers will be Shirley Smith, secretary i
of the University, Coach Fielding
H. Yost, Prof. George W. Brown,
and Prof. James K. Pollock; the
Varsity band under the direction
of Nicholas Falcone will play sev-
eral school numbers.
At the first cabinet meeting of
the Student Christian Association,
held yesterday afternoon in Lane
Hall, plans for the coming year
were discussed and the following
appointments to the cabinet were
announced by Martin Moe, '30,
president of the association.
Recording secretary, Mark An-
drews, '29; treasurer, Herbert Hun-
ter, '29 B. A.; publicity director,
Lawrence R. Klein, '30; fresh air
camp, George Rich, 30L; extension
service, Harold Husband, '29; voca-
tional council, Ben Kearns, '29;
foreign students, William Palmer,
'29; "Upper Room," George Enge-
Sfried, 30; upper'class discussions,
Charles Moore, '29, and freshmen
discussions, Chester Bennett, '29.
Plans for the ensuing year whichi
were discussed will be announced

Governor Denounces Republican
Administration As To Way It
Has Enforced Laws
(By Associated Press)'
MILWAUKEE, Sept. 29.-Striking
his first campaign blow at prohibi-
tion, Gov. Smith contended tonight
that the state should be given the
right to' modify both the Eigh-
teenth Amendment and the Vol-
stead Act or to keep them in within
their borders.
As he wound up his initial
stumping tour through the West
with a speech in this city, once
widely known for its beer, the
Demcratic nominee for president
called for frank discussion of the
prohibition question and assailed
present restrictions on the manu-
facture and sale of liquor and the
Republican administration in the
way it has been enforcing them.
Renews Pledge
Then he outlined as in his speech
of acceptance, his program for
modification both both the'.Eigh-
teenth Amendment and the Vol-
stead law, only, howeve-, i the
streets were -a majority of the vot-
ers gave their approval. He re-
newed his pledge to guard against
the return of the salooi, but made
no direct reference in his prepared
text to the Canadian liquor system
as he did last month at his modi-
fication in Albany.
"It must be borne in mind," said
the New York governor, "that uri-
der my suggestion federal prohibi-
tion is preserved in its entiity 'for
the states that desire to remain
"It will remain always the duty
of the federal government under
my proposal to protect the states
desiring to remain dry from the
introduction or importation into
$hem, of alcoholic beverages.
Asserts Prohibition Stand
"Now I am fully aware," the
Democratic nominee went on, "that
as president of the United States,
cannot bring this about myself,
but, repeating what I said in St.
Paul, what we lack in this country
E s leadership; and if I am elected
president of the United States it
will be my duty to lay this matter
before every community that I can
reach and let them make their own
decision. If that is not Demo-
cratic government, I must confess
I do not understand it.
"You can expect nothing from
the Republican party. The long
record of eight years indicate that
they have used the law for patron-
age purposes and for political ex-
pediency. They have tried to be
wet when they were with the wets,
and dry when they were with drys.
They have silently stood by and
permitted the paralysis of the ma-
chinery of government when it
comes to carrying out the man-
date of the constitution and the
statute laws. It is, because of that
that after eight years they are
compelled to promise again that
they will do something about it if
given a new lease of life by the
American people."
Recalling the declaration in his
speech of acceptance that with re-

septc to prohibition two constitu-
tional duties evolve on 'the presi-
dent: first, to recommend to Con-
gress one in his opinion .is the in-
terest of the nation, and second, to
enforce the laws as he finds them.

Showing a decrease of more than
300 students for the total enroll-
ment' at this time last year, the
official figures showed the total
registration of the University to be
9,274 when the books closed yes-
terday noon. The enrollment at
this time last year was 9,579, 305
more than' this year.
The College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts shows the lar-
gest drop, 261 less students being
enrolled this year. Other schools
which showed losses are Law, 25,
Pharmacy, 3, Dental, 19, education,
57, and business administration, 4.
Several divisions. showed higher
totals however. There are: Col-
leges of Engineering and Architec-
utre, 19, School of Nursing ,, and
Graduate, 40.
Of the total for 1928, 6,788 are
men and 2,486 are women. In 1927,
there were 6,951 men and 2,628
women. Thus far, there are 1,318
freshmen enrolled as against 1,451
for a total in 31927.
(By Associated Press)
SAN DIEGO, Cal., Sept. 29.-Ed-
ward Schlee . and William Brock,
Detroit' fliers, took off from Rock-
well' field here at 6:49:a. m., today
in"an attempt to break the world's
flight endurance record now held
by Germany.
The record' Schlee and Brock, De-
troit to Tokio fliers, are attempting
to ;beat is 65 hours 25 minutes, es-
tablished by 4ohann Risticz and
Wilhelm 'Zimmerman, at Dessau,
Germany, last July. The Germans
flew a Jrunkers plane equipped with
a 280 hoursepower motor.
Broek Pilots Ship
Brock and Schlee have a Bellanca
'monoplane fitted with a 220 horse-
power Wright Whirlwind engine.
Their. plane weighed 6,150 pounds
at the take off and Brock, who was
at .the controls, hurtled the ship'
into the' air with ease after a run
of seven-eighths of a mile over an
especially prepared runway. The
weather was ideal.
The plane carried 560 gallons of
gasoline and 21 gallons of lubri-
cating oil. Four fried chickens,
two quarts of concentrated soup,
two dozen hard boiled eggs, two
quarts of coffee, four gallons of
water, 100 sandwiches and several
dozen oranges and lemons were
taken along to keep Brock" and
Schlee from getting hungary and
thirsty during their contemplated
three days and nights in the air.
Make Dangerous Start
As the plane flew into the morn-
ing mist, it headed westward for
five miles directly over the Pacific
ocean as a turn to the right or left
would have courted disaster. Had
their motor stopped the fliers would
have plunged into the sea with
their three-ton land plane with lit-
tle likelihood that they could have
been rescued
(By Associated Press)
CHICAGO, Sept. 29. - The Uni-
versity of Chicago's thirty-seventh
annual aggregation o f football
huskies, making their first aippear-
ance of the season, went down to
the scoreless defeat in both ends

of today's double header, dropping
the first game to the University of
South Carolina, 6 to 0, and the sec-
ond to Ripon College, of Ripon,
Wis., 12 to 0.
Coach Stagg, laboring through
the training season with a crippled
crew, sent the best team he could
muster together against the South
Carolina eleven. Trying every com-
bination of play and player, he
managed to stop the southern team
in the second half, and to keep the,
score down to the single touch-
down that was registered in the
second period.
Indiana Crushes Wabash While
Reserves Beat Normal



'30E, Wilcox,'
'30, Selected as
Junior Officials

'30, and

Appointments to Union commit-
tees for the college year 1928-29
were announced yesterday by Wil-
liam E. Nissen, '29, president of the
organization. Nisssen's announce-
ment was made following a meet-
ing of the activities committee at
which the appointmentsmtwere
Those named to committee
places were as follows: house de-
partment committee, William Ed-
wards, '30, chairman, and James
Brown, '29, assistant chairman; re-
ception department committee,
James Garard, '30E, chairman, and
William Murphy, '30, assistant
chairman; underclassdepartment
committee, Jack Wilcox, '30, chair-
man, and John Ihrig,''30, assistant
chairman; and publicity commit-
tee, Kenneth Lloyd, '30, chairman,
and Frederic J. De Witt, '20E, as-
sistant chairman.
Selections jo committee positions
were made on a basis of previous
Union committee work, Nissen
stated. All chairmen and assistant
chairmen will be members of the
executive. committee of the Union.
Each chairman will make the ap-
pointments to his own committee.
The house department conducts
the holding of all Union member-
ship dances, the holding of bowl-
ing, billiard, and bridge tourn a-
ments, and is in charge of the tap
room, the lobby, and swimming.
The reception committee takes
care of lists of roms, Father's day
arrangements, r e c e p t i o n for
guests, the library, and general en-
tertainment. The underclass com-
mittee takes care 'of all freshmen
[assemblies and group metings.
The activities committee which
made the appointments is com-
posed of the following members:
William E. Nissen, '29, president,
Kenneth Schaeffer, '29, recording
secretary, Paul Buckley, general
manager of the Union, Bernard
Watson, '29M, medical vice presi-
dent, and Herbert Hunter, '29 B.
Ad., combined vice president.
Watson and Hunter were elected
to the activities committee at a
meeting of the Board of Directors
of the Union held yesterday. Under
the Union constitution, Buckley,
Nissen, and Schaefer are members
ex officio of the committee and the
other two. members are selected
from the group of six- Union vice
The other four vice presidents
who are Union officials are: liter-
ary vice president, Ralph E. Popp,
'29, engineering vice president,
John R. Hall, '29E, law vice presi-
dent, David C. Vokes, '29L, and
dental vice president, William D.'
Hayller, '29D. The vice presidents
together with, the president and
the recording secretary were selec-
ted by the student body at the all-
campus elections last spring.
Special trains will be run to
Columbus for the convenience of
Michigan students attending the
Ohio State-Michigan grid game,
Oct. 20, it was announced yesterday
by Harry Tillotson, business man-
ager of the Athletic association.
A round trip price of $5 will be
charged, two trains being run from
Ann Arbor, one Friday night, and
the other Saturday morning. They
will return so that one will' arrive
in Ann Arbor Saturday night, and
the other Sunday morning. The
Ann Arbor railroad is making the
arrangements for this transpor-
Michigan's allotment of 15,000
tickets are selling rapidly, accord-
ing to Mr. Tillitson.
Cosmopolitan Club
Addressed By Little

"Youth, International Friendship
and the Spiritual needs of the
present generation" was the topic
of a talk by President Clarence

Directors Seek . More Practi
Means Of Amending Present
Union Constitution -
Approving the appointment o:
committee to arrange for the .
submitting to the male stud
body of the University of the p:
posed merit system of select
Union officials and also authoriz:
that committee to prepare
amendment to' the constitut:
which would provide a more pr
tical and feasible means of amex
ing the Union constitution, marl
the chief work of the board of
rectors of the Union at their i
fall meeting held yesterday in 1
Union building.
In addition, the board voted
again ban the playing of bridge
other card games in the Union 1
bies with the' exception of si
tournament matches as the hoi
department cimmittee of th Un
might. provide.
The ban on card playing, lif
during the summer session, w
again adopted by the board w
it became evident. William E. l
sen, president of the organizati
stated yesterday, that gaMbl:
was going on in connection w
the card games and that an i
desirable element was be.
brought into the Union.
Holbrook Appointed
The committee to prepare a
arrange for the resubmission
the merit system propsa l to '
Union membership will be heat
by Prof. Evans Holbrook of 'the]
school, it was decided by the boa
The other members of the co
mittee, two student members, a
2 non-student members will be
pointed later.
Under the merit system plan
it was submitted to the male s
dent body last spring, it, is p
posed that the two ,aor Un
officers, the 'president and the
cording secretary, now elective 1
all-campus vote in the spring el
tions, be made appointive solely
a basis of merit while the six vi
president of the organizat
should remain elective, as previo
ly, one from each school and c
lege of the University.
When this proposition was si
mitted to an assembly of Un
members late last May, it recel
what appeared to be an ov
whelming majority but shoi
after the polls were closed the b
loting was challenged by a numin
of students as illegal The obj
tions as made were placed bef
the board of directors at a spe
meeting, which held that the V
ing was illegal and that the 'qu
tion of the merit system should
resubmitted at an assembly to
held this fall.
Consider New Mears
The assembly, which was poc
attended, and the accompany:
balloting served to point out ti
some more workable means
amending the Union constitut
was needed and as a conseque
the consideration of some r
means of amending the constiut
will also be considered by Prof
sor Holbrook's committee at 1
recommendation of the board.
Three committees were a
named by the board of direct<
The financial. committee' fort
coming year will consist of Ju
James o. Mufin, of the. Board
Regents, Professor Holbrook, fin
cial secretary of the Union, and'
Union president, Nissen, all
whom are ex officio members; a
two members selected yesterd
Prof. H. C.Anderson of the r
chanical engineering departm
and Daniel Zimmern,
Arbor alumnus.
David Vokes '29L, and John
Hall '29E, Were the student vi
presidents elected to the board
directors house committe. The

offico members are Paul Buckl
general manager of the Union, a
Dean G. Carl Huber, of the gr'
uate school. The third commit
was the activities committee.
'M' ih a4- .t 1nO Faj.1nt mai






With the largest advance seat
sale in history, indications are
that Hill auditorium will be com-
fortably filled for the lectures this
year, according to Oratorical as-
sociation officials. This is due, it
is said, to the unusual merit of
+h~ ,~nrl nircutnra.h r wih h

Meeting for the 'first time this
year, this Interfraternity council
will convene in room 302 of the
Union at 4:15 o'clock Tuesday aft-
ernoon for the purpose of electing
officers. Dean Joseph A. Bursley
will act as chairman o f the meet-I
ing, and urges that all fraternities!
send a representative to this meet-
No business other than the elec-
tion of officers will be taken up
at the special meeting, action ofI
the Saturday night- dance question

Over 600 debates will be held by
Michigan high schools this year
under the auspices of the Michi-
gan High School Debating League,
according to Gail E. Densmore.
Last year 244 schools were enrolled
in the League, 600 debates were
held, 1,200 debaters participated,
and 125,000 people attended the de-
The subject chosen for all the
league debates this year is: "Re-
solved, That a Federal Subsidy for
the Development of an American
Merchant Marine Would Be a Wise
National Policy." Application for

sented by the Free Press. Both
schools in the final debate will re-
ceive a large bronze trophy cup,
one engraved "First Honors," the
other engraved "Second Honrs,"
and for the first time each of the
two schools participating, in the
semi-final contest will receive a
smaller cup suitably engraved. The
trophy cups are presented by the
University of Michigan Extension
The Michigan High School De-
bating League was organized by the
Board of Regents of the, University
of Michigan in 1917 to be under the



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