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November 29, 1928 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1928-11-29

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4 *

To Lead Sorority Ball
today is Thanksgiving. For which
Iam duly thankful, even though
Fish Pond Is To Be Setting Of : Fortune tellers are to be featured II do have five classes on Friday.
Affair Announced As at the League and Interchurch Really, though, the thought of five
"Different" bazaar, to be held Dec. 6 and 8. 1 r is tn v .r ao

All University women are urged
and invited to attend the League
"fish party" to be held in Bar-
bour gym tomorrow afternoon, No.
vember 30, at 4 o'clock.
The chairman of the affair an-
nounces that it is to be "something
different" and the plans seems tc
bear out this statement. Tennis
nets are to be used in the decora-
tions to resemble fish nets, of
course, and all guests should be
careful not entangle themselves in
them. In order to get the women
acquainted with one another, each
«.one will be signed to a royal order
of a certain fish as she enters, and
then members of one order will
choose partners from those of an-
Edna mower's orchestra will fur-
nish music for dancing and will
/ also play some special numbers.
k, The refreshment committee is serv-
V ing oyster stew in keeping with
the motif of the party. The gen-
; eral plan is to have the party take
place supposedly-in a fish pond.
A party of students and faculty
members of Texas colleges is being
organized to tour Mexico during
the summer of 1929 by an Illinois
University student, J. W. Woodruff,
a junior in the Literary college.I
The tour will start about the mid-
dIe of summer in order to be in
Mexico during the cool climate.
Meeting in San Antonio, they
will travel to Mexico City on a
special train. They will visit Vera
Cruz by the famous mountain
route, Guadaljara in the mountain
lake district, known as the "Swit-
zerland of America," and the opal
Mines of Queretaro. Some of the
noted, people of Mexico will meet
the party in Mexico City, and they
will spend the weekend on a ranch
Which once belonged to President
Woodruff has traveled in 23 of
the 26 Mexican states, and former-
ly attended the University of Mexi-
co. He is now studying Spanish at
* the University of Illinois.
CINCINNATI, Ohio.-Freshman
women at the University of Cin-
cinnati were given an examination
to test their knowledge of student
activities on campus. The exam
is an annual occurrence which
each freshman woman is compell-
ed to take. A Freshman Trial was
held, following the examination, at
which the freshmen were rewarded
or punished according to their
knowledge displayed in the exami-

Miss Ailene Yeo, '30
General chairman of the sixth
annual Pan-Hellenic ball whichl
will be held tomorrow night at the
Union ball room, will lead the'
grand march with her partner.
0 0
j All remaining programs for
j the Pan-Hellenic Ball will bej
given out from 12:30 to 1:30 j
today at the Women's League j
j booth in University Hall. SoS
j many requests for the pro-
grams by women have been
I made who were unable to get
I them at the regular time, 1
Monday and Tuesday that I
j this special time has been!
made to accommodate all j
j those who have not as yet j
procured them. No program j
j will be given out without the
presentation of a ticket to the
j ball. I
0 o

Dorothy Touff, chairman of the
entertainment committee an-
'nounces. For a fee of twenty-five
cents, -one may have his fortunel
told by tea leaves, with cards, orl
by palm reading. Four competent!
fortune tellers have arranged to be
there at all times and they expect
to be kept busy most of the time.
As a further source of entertain-
ment, there will be a fish pond,
where one may fish at ten cents
a fish. There is no telling just
what sore of a bite one will get,a
but an infinite variety is possible.
Skits from the Junior Girls'
play, "For the Love of Pete," will
also be presented it was announc-
ed, and of course, the fashion show
to bem presented by Crowley-Mil-f
ner's is a feature of the entertain-

About 35 years ago Ypsilanti was
known as a woman's school and
Ann Arbor as a men's. There were
between five and six hundred stu-;
dents at Ypsi. Mrs. Ellen Rossen
attended there, and later taught
school for several years.
"The college women of today are
more flapperish, but also morea
self-possessed and resourceful.
They probably took their work1
more seriously then, though hu-
man nature remains the {same,"j
she said in a interview.1
"When I taught school, the
pupils were each given a number,1
and went by that through theI
year. They answered to it instead
of their names. While calling rollj
if there was a hesitancy in answer,
ing I was pretty sure someone wasI

most enough to ruin any Thanks-'
giving dinner, don't you think so?1
And the only reason we have to
have school is because the Board
' of Regents or somebody thinks it
good for us. If they could only
remember the days of their youth
.more distinctly-as distinctly as
some of them claim to-we would
have a holiday for the whole week
And if they won't consider the
Sstudents'viewpoint, they should at
least think of the poor, overwork-
ed professors and instructors. I'm
sure they don't enjoy their turkey
dinners-if they can afford turkey
-any more than we do for think-
ing of the classes they must con-
fduct the next day. Because they
kknow that those students whotare
{ conscientious enough to show up,
probably will be physically incap-
able of listening to a lecture or of
reciting due to the fact that they
consumed too much turkey or
something today.
There really is something to be
thankful for though, and that is
'that the auto ban was raised for
a whole day. The only thing is
that it wasn't announced in time
for most of us to have our cars
shipped to us here at school, and
since comparatively few people
live near enough to go home,. they
won't have much chance to avail
themselves of the privilege. But
then, I know we should be thank-
ful for small favors and I do here-
by take this opportunity to express
[my gratitude publicly, I mean I
actually do. And I hope, no one
becomes ill over the holiday.
Rho Epsilon Delta-RED-a fra-
ternity of red heads is the latest
Greek letter organization at the
University of Wisconsin. Both men
and women are eligible to the fra-
ternity; and the shade of red mat-
ters not.
corsets. We had exercise with
dumbbells and Indian clubs, and
marched to music.
"Assembly was held every morn-
ing, and attendance was compul-
sory. Usually some professor spoke.
As I said, speaking and literature
were recreations-dancing and
smoking were not customary;. Re-
strictions on going out were un-
heard of until recently."

The exhibit-bazaar of Polish folk been producing such delightful
art, to be held Saturday at Har- things in art, must not," says Pro-
ris Hall, should arouse much in- fessor Mitana, "be judged solely by
terest on the part of the lovers of their sense of beauty. They, too,
folk lore, Professor Jadeusz Mitana as any other people, have their
of the University declares. It will shortcomings and defects. Yet if
have to be aranged of necessity on one wishes to glean any true know-
a small scale and leave out many ledge as to the nation's nature and
outstanding, highly characteristic character, one has to dig down
types of Polish peasant art, such { not into its politics, sociology, or
as the wooden architecture, carv- economy, but into its religion and
ing, ceramics, sculpture, and vari- art, for after all, it is art that is
ous kinds of painting, music, the greatest revealer of the dyna-
dances, and songs. It will offer, mic forces of a man's soul."
neverltheess, Professor Mitana says,
a delightfully pleasant and origi-Men, Women
nal picture of the artistic sense of Colege L e, Oie
the great bulk of the Polish vil- 'S " By C
lage population. The dominating C
feature of the bazaar will be all
kinds of rough wool carpets with "Women students are now at-
which the peasants cover their tending the University of Paris in
benches, tables, beds, and the walls as great numbers as men," stated
of their huts. August V. Desclos, assistant direc-
These weavings, known as "kil- tor of the National Office of French
ime," had been spread throughout Universities and Schools, who was
all Poland in ancient times, but in Ann Arbdr last week. "This is
the style varied with the locality. illustrative of the democratic spirit
Now the modern Polish artists use of the university in which no dis-
this same technique for producing tinction is made between men and
new weavings, which have become 'women, and women are treated on
famous throughout the world, and the same footing as men. Women
have won admiration at exhibitions are enrolled in almost every de-
held at Paris, Stockholm, Prague, partment of the University of Pa-
and elsewhere. ris, although the department of
The exhibit-bazaar will also show romance languages includes the
various types of peasant costumes, largest group of women.
in miniature, and a large num- "In France, women students are
ber of shawls worn by village wo- extremely hard-working, and have-
men in various parts of Poland. no opportunity to engage in out-
The costumes, weavings, and folk side activities, since the work is
embroideries of the ancient city di culttandexamnations are hard
of Cracow in southern Poland, as d c and exmination s e
well as those of Lewicz, in central added pass," continued Mr. Desclos He
Poland, are especially ,attrattive, de, "The French university stu-
according to Professor Mitana. i dent finds it almost impossible to
Exceptional attention should also ; support himself, and at the same
be drawn to by the collection of time do satisfactorily his academic
original adornments, Professor Mi- work."
tana feels. These are the socalled
"wycinanki" made out of paper.
Through their notifs of ornamen-
tation, their delicacy for work, and
amazing sense of color, they testi-
fy to the feeling of beauty of Lith
Polish people.
"Polish peasants who have long


rangements for the party are in
charge of Betty Smither, '29, presi-
dent of W. A. A.
Members of Wyvern: Those whc
are unable to go on the Wyveri
house party are requested to no-
tify Marjorie Muffley, 9617, by
Monday, it is urgent that she have
this information by that date.
All members of Pegasus will meel
at Rentschler's studio at 10 o'clock
on Saturday to have their picture
taken. All members who have not
paid their dues bring them at that


Landscape design is a field of
work offering. many opportunities
to women, according to Professor
Aubrey Tealdi, of the Landscape
Design department.
"Certain phases of landscape de-
sign offer excellent nelds for the
I professional woman designer," said
Professor Tealdi. "Notably in the
field of domestic landscape design,
the development of home grounds
and country estates ith, their
endless opportunity for beauty and
convenience, women have a chance
to distinguish themselves. Both in
this country and in England some
women practitioners stand in the
front ranks of the profession.
"Several women graduates from
the Department of Landscape De-
sign are practicing in the United
States today with decided success.
Every one of them does credit to
the department and to the Uni-
versity. Their records prove that
there is a place for women in the
profession provided they are will-
ing to devote themselves whole-
heartedly to their work."
Subscribe for the Michiganensian
now. It costs only $4.00.


answering for an absent classmate.
When recitation came I called that
number, and soon found out if its
original owner was missing or not
"The chief interest in college
was in literary societies, and
speaking. Lyceum courses were ar-
ranged. There were four literary'
societies in Ypsilanti and each
competed ,rushing around to get
the desired members.
"Athletic equipment was poor
and scarce. There was one gym at
the normal used by both men and
women. No particular suit was re-
quired, only that they remove their


Open Until 2 A. M.
Friday & Saturday Evening
"Midnight Spreads"
Tea Leaf Reading with
every service.
Q.brapnt Ajl
3011/2 South State Street
We will be closed all
Thanksgiving Day

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A Presentation of
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We present to you our advanced showing of
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The well molded and draped brim gives this desired
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the ever popular felt in fashion's gayest colors.'
Paris continues to feature the turban in a most

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- Beautiful Forinals of Velvet, Taffeta, Tulle, and i
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Just a little bit different-a selection of
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exceptional values.


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o '1'



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