PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1928 PAGE FOUR THE MiCHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, NOVEMBBR 29, 1928~ Published every morning except Monday Suring the University sgear by, the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatchestcredited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub' lished herein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, es Ann Arbor Press Building, May- bard Street. Phones: editorial, 4925; Businesi, 221. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR KENNETH G. PATRICK Editor.........................Paul J. Kern City Editor........:::..Richrd..Nelson J. Smith News Editor.... ... ar C. Kurvink Sports Editor..................Morris Quinn Women's Editor............. Sylvia S. Stone Editor Michigan Weekly.... J. Stewart Hooker Music and Drama........ ...R. L. Askren Assistant City Editor......Lawrence R. Klein Night Editors Clarence N. Edelson Charles S. Monroe J oseph E. Ho well Pierce Romeberg onald J. Klinc George E. Simons George C. Tilley Reporters Paul L. Adams C. A. Lewis Vorris Alexander Marian MacDonald Esther Anderson Henry Merry C. A. Askren N. S. Pickard Bertram Askwith Victor Rabinowitz Louise Behymer Anne Schell Arthur Bernstein Rachel Shearer Seton C. Bovee Robert Silbar Isabel Charles Howard Simon L. R. Chubb Robert L. Sloss Frank E. Cooper Arthur R. Strubel Helen Domine Edith Thomas Douglas Edwards Beth Valentine Valborg Egeland Gurney Williams Robert J. Feldman Walter Wilds Marjorie Follmer George E. Wohlgemutb William Gentry Robert Woodroofe Lawrence Hartwig. Toseph A. Russell R'chA ung Cadwell Swanson harles R. Kaufman A. Stewart Ruth Kelsey Edward L. Warner Jr. Donald 1;. Layman Cleland Wyllie BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER EDWARD L. HULSE Assistant Manager-RAYMOND WACHTER Department Managers Advertising...............Alex K. Scherer Advertising...............A. James Jordan Advertising............. Carl W. Hammer Service................Herbert E. Varnum Circulation...............George S. Bradley Accounts..............Lawrence E. Walkley Publications...........:...Ray M. Hofelich Assistants Irving Binzer Jack Horwich Donald Blackstone Dix Humphrey Mary Chase Marion Kerr Jeanette Dale Lillian Kovinsky Vernor Davis Bernard Larson Bessie Egeland Leonard Littlejohn Helen Geer Hollister Mabley Ann Goldberg Jack Rose Kasper Halverson Carl F. Schemmn Geore Hamilton Sherwood Upton Agxes Herwig Marie Wellstead WaIter Yeagley THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1928 Night Editor-JOSEPH E. HOWELL practiced this year with practical- ly no incentive up to this time. With no coach and no equipment they have been working in an ef- fort to give Michigan a good rep- resentation in a sport which only last year was elevated to varsity rank. Fencing has been granted but one end of the auxiliary gym of the Intramural building and a few rubber mats to practice on. More- ,over, it is the only intercollegiate varsity sport for which the equip- ment is not supplied. Fencing, its proponents claim, develops a bodily grace that no other sport can give, it requires endurance, and it is perhaps the most esthetic of sports, In view of the interest shown by the per- severance of the varsity and the large freshman enrollment in the last few years there seems to be little reason why fencing should not receive the full aid and support of the University. RE-APPORTIONMENT When the Senators and Repre- sentatives who compose the Seven- tieth Congress assemnble in Wash- ington for the "lame duck" session next week, a number of items of national interest concurrent with the past electoral campaign will in all probability occupy the center of legislative interest to the ex- clusion of some other matters which are of equal importance though hardly of equal interest. Among' these questions is one problem which it is most certainly to be hoped will be placed before the Congress and definitely set- tled. That is the question of the re-apportionment of the House of Representatives in accordance with the dicennial census of 1930. In accordance with the consti- tution, it is the duty of Congress to reapportion seats in the House each ten years following the fed- eral census. In 1920, however, Congress overlooked this formality and as a result at the present time no re-apportionment has taken place since the 1910 census. Failure to carry out this function has been due largely to the fact that there is a general objection to increasing the size of the House beyond the present total of 435; and at the same time no congress- man wishes to vote a fellow rep- resentative out of office by de- creasing the representation of any one state. As the situation now stands, the House is entirely too large for the most effective work and needs to be reduced in size although the possibility of such a step is doubt- ful. At the same time there are obvicus inequalities in the present apportionment of representatives, according to population, Michigan being one of the most offended states in this respect. Some measure to remedy this situation might well be passed in this session to take affect in 1933. In this way, the present congress- men can satisfy all of the various elements concerned, place the IHouse back upon a constitutional basis, and arrange for the reduc- tion of representatives in those states which have lost in popula- tion without necessarily feeling that they are voting any one col- league out of a job. ETA SIGMA PHI Monday night, initiation was held by the Michigan chapter of Eta Sigma Phi, national honorary fraternity in classical studies. This was the first initiation held by the society since the induction of the local chapter last spring, and the ceremony, perhaps, may be taken as a mark of greater interest on the part of the student body in the study of Latin and Greek cul- ture. The little group of students who were active in bringing the honor- ary fraternity here deserve much credit for their action, which should revive interest in advanced study of the classics among Michi- gan students, an interest which in recent years has shown a lamen- table tendency to wane. ASTED ROLL * o DANCE I .1. DANCE DANCE At 4 p. m. this very after- noon, in the Women's ATH- LETIC Building, the most sen- sational party ever staged on the U. of M. campus, will swing into action. Special policemen have been assigned to handle the huge crowds and the Ad- visors of Women have pro- hibited all further publicity. Ten cents, one dime only, will be the price of the party per dance. It is expected that for a very nominal sum one will be able to dance with all the good looking girls present. ADVISERS OF WOMEN REFUSE PUBLICITY PERMISSION Complete refusal to allow any publicity on the women's party was made yesterday by the Advi- sors of Women. Rolls will be per- mitted to publish nothing further. It was feared by the Advisors that the party might turn into a brawl, FEDERAL AGENTS OFFER AID At a late hour last night it was announced that the fed- eral agents had offered aid in making the party a success. "You are furnishing cookies," one of them did not say to Tiny Petie over the phone, "We will bring the gingerale and-." From here one the conversa- tion was unreportable. GUMP, NASTY KENNY WITHROW WILL NOT ATTEND It was made certain late yester- day that A. Gump and Nasty Kenny Withrow, University motor- cycle officers, would not attend the party in a body. "We feel partic- ularly fortunate in securing this announcement said Tiny Petie at a late hour yesterday." * * * - REA DONATES MORAL SUPPORT TO ENTERPRICE Rah Rah Rea, chief enforce- ment officer, said he would lend his moral support to the party. "It is the co-eds that make most of my business for me," he was not quoted as say- ing. * * * - Music And Drama LENOX ROBINSON Lenox Robinson as an interpre- ter of the Irish National theater movement is one of those appeal- ing figures whose personal charm commands the attention while his narrative of the development of the Abbey Theater in Dublin stim- ulates his audience. Whimsicality in his speech made tle story amusing, and his utter sincerity gave the impression of a selfless- i ness unique in the make-believe field. As usual the powers that be,-inl control, of his appearance, visited him with the inevitable plague of sighing souls who profess, how- ever futilely, an abounding fas- cination in play-writing. The lameiand the halt and the blind, of dramatic creation throngedI him in his appearance before the Play-writing class in the Rhetoric Seminary, and made him play Job, under their barrage of barren stu- pidities, until even the devil would have been shamed, but he brought' grace and charm to the role to passthe session off with a re- signed gesture of the self-con- scious public figure. In his lecture on the develop- ment of the Abbey Theater Mr. Robinson made some pointed and shrewd analysis of the situations as they arose and gave a very in- teresting, not at all romanticized, version of the struggles that so hampered the founding of the group. His remarks, taken out ,of the body of his speech, have particu- lar significance, as Professor Jack pointed out in his introductory re- marks, locally for those interested; in the bidi h of a University the- ater and the development of indi- genousA.vwer:ca drama among the students. Mr. Robinson stressed the sincereity of effort which alone can lead to fruitful results, the Iwillingne-s to drudge at his writ- ing a dramatist must submit to 1 until tie makes his play a living thing, and the intense idealism demanded to keep a dream alive through difficulties. R. L. A. Get Acquainted With Schaeberle & Son MUSIC HOUSE For Everything in Musical Instruments and Supplies Radiola and Atwater-Kent Radios 110 So. Main St. You are cordially invited to attend the opening of our new Bridge Room Friday and Saturday It will be loaded with a large and attractive stock of Christmas Gifts and Cards THE ART AND GIFT SHOP Mrs. W. H. Kress, Hostess e ... IgIa - New Smart 11 WA- ( Copies of French bags, severely plain with a stunning ornament. Calf and antelope; also velvets. Handkerchiefs-so dainty and ser- viceable. White and all colors; neat design and color combinations. Hand embroidered and hand rolled edges. The large as well as the small georgette handkerchiefs for 'evening wear; colors to match . the formal gown. Handbags I The Collins Shoppe "Exclusive but not Expensive" Liberty at Maynard 1 - -_. Read the Classif ied Ads of - 4Q QUALTY. A & Gift _ ri. C... ..,. Fischer's Ui tore Problems. C can help you solve your ome in and look us over. Electric Grills from Electric Toasters . . . $7.98 to $15.00 . . $5.00 to $12.50 Electric Percolators and Urns. Urn Sets and Irons, Set Sets, Dinnerware, Colored and Plain Glassware, Silverware and Novelties of all kinds. THANKSGIVING DAY;:j Three hundred, and seven years have passed since the Puritan fathers, according to the tradition- al story, participated in the first Thanksgiving Day. In the years that have elapsed, we have lost sight of much of the spirit that was prevalent on that day.' Still each year on the last Thursday in November, the Presi- dent issues a proclamation setting aside the day as a national holi- day. And in a manner not always worthy of the descendants of the hardy band which built its home on a bleak New England shore, we, too, remember the day. All too often we have come to look upon Thanksgiving Day as an occasion of merriment and exces- sive zeal. We think of it largely in terms! of an unusually heavy meal and all of the good things which we have come to associate with a Thanksgiving dinner. And yet if we pause today and compare our lot with the meager homes and harvests that John Al- den and his contemporaries were able to eke from rocky New Eng- land soil, we must concede that we ate indeed fortunate and that we have much for which we may be thankful, if we choose. Thanksgiving Day, fortunately, is not merely an occasion where one indulges in an orgy of over- eating and associates the day vag- uely with the Puritans and Ply- mouth rock. Its significance is much deeper and much more to b regarded. It represents very definitely a day on which we can pay tribut to the memory of the men and women who came to America for a principle and an ideal, and wh were men and women enough to stick in one of the most unfav- orable regions of a particularly habitable country even at the cost of death and sickness. Thanksgiving Day as such may well be remembered as a tribute to moral and spiritual forces which have been influential in laying the foundations of the present United States. If such a purpose can be perpetuated while we indulge i a' day of leisure then so much the more has been gained. OSCAR SAYS PRICE IS EXHORBITANT "Ten cents to dance with a co-ed is an exhorbitant outrage,' said Oscar, Rolls wonder horse, when interviewed yesterday. Only yes- terday one invited me to the Pan- Hellenic ball for nothing. * * * CORRECTION Mr. Will Push will not lead the grand march of the Pan- Hellenic ball. His many friends and admirers regret this more than the Pan-Hellenic ball committee. * * * LARK STILL OBLIVIOUS Lark erst director of Rolls, is still defunct as a result of the recent calamity. A Wash- ington blonde denies all re- sponsibility for Lark's falling in love. Her communication to The Daily follows: * * * COMMUNICATION: Rolls Executive Board Dear Sirs: Will you kindly instruct Mr. Lark that he has fallen in love with me entirely without my knowledge or consent. I greatly regret the in- conveniences I may have caused him by not advising him of this sooner. All of my week-end nights are going to be full (and I too) until May 16. Advise Lark. Hastily Washington Blonde. ANOTHER COMMUNICATION: To all youse.guys: Tell dis bold Lark and all de other boidies at the daily office that they ain't got a chance with me. My boy friend is al-j ready mad about your insult- ing column and if youse don't shut yer face he'll clean out the whole mess of youse. But on de other hand youse might send me a picture of disj lark boid and let me know if he has a car. Does he get paid for riting rolls and if so how much? Ring me up at 7717. Washington Blond. j WHICH IS THE ONE WITH WHOM LARK IS IN LOVE? "NED McCOBB'S DAUGHTER" Book Ends, Carving Sets and Cutlery. Skates, Sleds and Skiis. Reviewed by R. Leslie Askren In "Ned McCobb's Daughter" Sidney Howard has again shown Jn o .1CiscnerCo his ability to mix together a fas- p0A cinating melange of dramatic ma- ' 94 .' uA Y terial ladle it out with a balanced_____ judgment, and serve it as spicy the- atric fare. 'The construction of this thriller is as near perfect as good drama allows of melodrama- I t'' tic writing, and Howard's sympa- - thetic handling of the human na- ture elements makes it a play of ; llll l11111111#ilt11 1i i i ti11 as sturdy stock as the hardbitten Yankee character of old Captain , McCobb's daughter herself. The story concerns itself with the trials the McCobb family-old Captain Ned, his daughter, Carrie, and her brother, Ben, the cop- A suffer at the hands of the shiftless1= Callahan tribe. Carrie has married - George who turns out to be one of c the queasiest rotters God ever blessed humanity, in the shape of 1E" Carrie, with. The man is an utter .. villian, with all of authorismTk Howard's dice loaded against him,= but he serves as God's gift to a talented dramatist when Howard I0 uses him as a foil to the vibrant 00" integrity of Carrie. Another piece de resistance is ootlegger-broth er, Babe, who seems to. salve the whole ;prc ain problem of living with the loan of his money until it is shown that the money is as tainted as Babe is himself in character. In drawing the character of the wealthy spider Howard has used some of the most biting 'irony, and honeyed it over with marvelous comic effect. For =At this Thanksgiving Season we wish to express-S the third act a splendid struggle of characters is set up, based on Car- i rie's fundamental right to at least our thanks to those customers whom wehaveh t the bare necessities of existence, and Babe's interests in the liquor privilege of serving during the past year. ring he has built up. The struggle ' for selfpreservation between these "plasr two characters reaches tremendous - We appreciate your business and take pleasure in heights, until Carrie, with all the Yankee shrewdness of her nature, extending g to our succeeds in acoup d'etat that giveseivn her life, her children, and her self respect without the blighting effect of Babe's wealth. Babe, recogniz- = ing his loss, takes it like a sport. wustoers are - usomesWhoCae Elizabeth Risdon .as Carrie gave the 'sincerest performance of the series. With the fascinating op- portunities the play offers her she-0 has created a character and play ed it with ability that is nothing short of marvelous. Her voice con- trol is perfect. She plays every.' stop in a tremendous gamut with=C extraordinary skill, and the power she brings to this ability makes i her interpretation a glorious crea- 1 ANN ARBOR FLORAL CO. tion. 2 Es Neal Caldwell as the utterly vic- e 122 E. Liberty ious-and vicious in such a des- picable manner-made a splendid, i if not nearly so dramatically writ- = ten, foil for the admirable Carrie. C FLORIST -CAMPUSFLRS He did not avail himself of occas = sional opportunities to play his 2 1115 So. University S e e r 0 ,t e e n e Campus Opinion Contributors are asked to be brief, confining themselves to less than 300 words it possible. Anonymous conm- municationswill be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential, ton re- quest. Letters published should nut be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of the Daily. 1 THANK YOU To. the Editor: This autumn at Convocation I spoke to the undergraduates con- cerning the "decoration" of Uni- "versity property with paint during the period of class games and at other times. I asked the students not to disfigure the University and other public property. I wish to thank them most sincerely for hav- ing respected my wishes in this matter. It has proven to be a real source of satisfaction and en- couragement. FE--0 FENCING