ST. T A', SD_.NOVEM ER 21, 1928 THE MICHICAN, IAI L GERMAN CONTRACTING COMPANY IS BUING SUPER-GIANT AIRPLANE HUGE PLANE WILL BE ABLE TO CARRY FIFTY PASSENGERS TO RIVAL GRAF ZEPPELIN Body Will Be Well Constructed Ship Fit To Weather Ocean Waves If Forced To Light In Water (By Associated Press) FRIEDRICHSHAFEN, Germany, Nov. 28.-While the merits and drawbacks of the Graf Zeppelin are being discussed, the Dornier con- struction plant on Lake Constance,| an affiliation of the Zeppelin ' works, is quietly completing a sup- per-plane for trans-Atlantic serv- ice. For months the construction of this giant plane has been going on with all the secrecy of war-time at the shops of Altenrhein on the Swiss side of the lake, from which all visitors have been barred. This new plane is not intended as an actual enlargement of the Dor- nier Superwals, but rather as a rev- olutionizing type with which it is hoped to solve the question wheth- er the airship or the airplane is to be the trans-oceanic conveyance of the future. The body of this plane is not a boat but a substantially construct- ed ship fit to weather the most tempestuous ocean waves when it may be found necessary to go down on the water. It is built with mas- sive walls and the interior is di- vided into a series of :watertight bulkheads to prevent the entire ship frombeing flooded in caset water is shipped. PHOTOGRAPHS SHOW VARIOUS STAGES IN LIFE OF BRITISH KING ILIITIAI Dfl 0 lIlA RAID EXHIBIT PICTUR -w I I I 1 x t PROFESSOR DUNLAP OF LATIN DEPARTM NEW AND UNIQUE METHOD AS CU The hull is furnished with a keel B to steady the ship in a high sea. If any one who writes you let- Its bow is surmounted by a con-w ning tower comprising the cap- ters .has a habit of running words tain's bridge and pilot's cage, a together or of using extemporane- chart and navigation room and a ous abbreviations that can't be de- wireless cabin. The span of wings ciphered, send that measures 164 feet. Twelve mo- person over tc tors, arranged in tandem forma- the office of Prof. James E. Dun- tion, six in front and six behind the lap, of the Latin department. wings, will supply a motor, energy And if after five minutes there totaling 6,000 horsepower. he doesn't come out resolved never' The crew will comprise a cap-I again to scribble even in his lecture tarn, two pilots, two wireless oper- ators, on~e navigation officers, two notes, your money will be cheer- mechanics and two stewards. There fully refunded. For he will have, will be room for 50 passengers and learned from some of Professor for 20 tons of freight. With its Dunlap's manuscripts just what iti full cargo the vessel will weigh 45 tons. Its maximum speed will be feels like to puzzle vainly over il- '188 miles an hour and it will have legible pen scratches and abbrevia- a flying radius of 1,860 miles. Over tions. the wings an emergency deck has Just now Professor Dunlap is been erected and between these working on photostatic reproduc- two surfaces the 12 motors will be wing on phoostaticepoduc- mounted. tions of some loose pieces of note For the vessel's take-off the en- paper which William C. Hollands, tire motor power will be required superintendent of binding and to drag it from the water, but in printing in the library, found in an the air only 50 per cent of the ; old Bible. available energy will be employed. These notes contain just about the sort of thing found written in modern family Bibles (if there are such things)-a record of the birth dates of all the children and the dates of their baptisms, with lists of the god-parents. But they are. especially hard to read because they were written partly in dialec- tic Latin and partly in medieval French. Moreover, they were writ- 1 ten by two scribblers, who scrib- bled in different styles. Abbrevia-! tions were used whenever they' happened to occur to either of the writers, and a good many of the letters are formed exactly alike- just as some busy sorority sisters scribble their notes of acceptance ! land bread-and-butter thank you letters today. Incidentally, Professor Dunlap is trying to find out just who wrote Intimate photos of King George lENT PRESENTS V of England depict the British RE FOR SCRIBBLING monarch as he appeared in vai- JRE OR S RIBB ING ous stages of his life from child- the manuscripts and where they hood until the present time: (1) were written, and to determine a child of three or four (standing) whether they are probably valuable with his mother, the late Queen or unimportant. But just now the Alexandra; (2) as a boy; (3) at manuscripts are chiefly useful as a 15; 4) taken in 1922; (5) riding moral lesson to those lost souls do who perish in writing and mailing down the Mall; (6) in full-dres letters that can't be read. naval uniform; (7) the king talk- ing to a member of the famous INDIANA-A new field house Black Watch upon .his arrival in costing $400,000 will be dedicated' Ballater, Scotland, 1926; (8) with here Dec.-13. Queen Mary at his coronation, which occurred in 1911. . s n. n n nInfIIIIIIIIlllikillIIl lLlIlll[111sII llIIIII'IIIIIIIIIiIII IIillma Subscribe for the Michiganensian now. It costs only $4.00. Subscribe for the Michiganensian now. It costs only $4.00. U _f RESERVATIONS For All Important Lake and Ocean Lines Tours, Cruises Independent Travel E. G. Kuebler Gen. Steamship Agency 601 E. Huron Ph. 6412 ANN ARBOR Elilijj l j2 2 BUTLER-English court proce- dure will furnish the topic for de- bate when Butler freshmen meet Purdue's yearling debaters, it has been announced recently. It's not the Hole but the cake around it that makes DAWN DONUTS superior. House Managers- DIAL 2-1640 Chocolate Camp Hot Fudge Sundae! Hot Chocolate! You Never Tasted the Equal 516 William ... one block from State. Birneys own Ice Cream Shipped Daily from Grand Rapids t11 1111-Iti11111l1 ii Ili 111 Hi 111:1N 1. lltl~ ilIi Ii1Nt111111111tlf111111 iil II h' Save 15% On Your Laundry Simply by bringing it and calling for it. A worth-while way to save. WHITE SWAN LAUNDRY CO. Across from the Majestic Those «.Letter" . They're your pr admire them f never-say-die" So with Smith Sm They're college because they, t the "gaff"-a smart doing it. t' \ Men ride. Y'ouAt. for their stamina. nart Shoes. favorites oo, stand._ nd stay ANN' ARBOR'S FINEST DINING ROOM AND LUNCH COUNTER 109 South Main St. Sugar Bowl FAMOUS FOR Our Tasty Sandwiches, Salads, Excellent Fountain Service, and } Fine Home Made i i i i 'They Stay Smart With Long Service" es 1 A 2