" THE MICHICAN DAI L Y THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1928 AMERICAN GIRL WILL WED NEPHEW TT[ flDFP MI7TIf OF SWEDISH KING ON DECEMBER 1 Oi lE UU~lI RL iIIUI i :. 3 i { f ii OUT SEALS TO1 i T tq r d _ . , r "- - . --- . - i ( 4 R RIDENSOF O CAMPAIGN P L A N S INCLUDE CONTEST IN RURAL SCHOOLS ii :.® ... ... ... CLUBS Seventy-F S CONDUCT SALES Five Per Cent Of Receipts 201 Z2t n1 '*uieu rurvWnrz HOLIDAY MATINEE TODAY WITH FULL ORCHESTRA ARRANGEMENT M Jl> 1 ": : :::,i:::""":M1 ..:,:: ":,:,Wall Be Retamned For work in Washtenaw county to fnance _.;.wiha :::~:~::the tuberculosis ork00 thisri- ,,,:: hetbruoi work in ti court- }'."":tyY, was inaugurated yesterday with ":"; };:}".: ?";.;". ri~ii::::;ie::the WEashteflaw county branch of :.:..".the Michigan Tuberculosis associa- tion mailing 14,000 seals to resi- dents of the county. Joining the ranks of American Count Folke Bernadotte, son of Seal sale campaign plans, includ- girls who have married title for- Prince Oscar Bernadotte, of Swe- ing a poster contest in the rural den. The wedding is set for Dec. schools, a booth for the sale of eigners is Miss Estelle Manville, 1 at Pleasantville, N. Y. A new seals in this city, mailing of seals daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Ed- photo of the betrothed pair is rtoall residents, and other fea- ward Manville, who is betrothed to shown above. tures, were announced today by Mrs. Flora Neal Brown, executive secretary of the Washtenaw county 'ndiana Fraternitiesbranch. n Business firms of the city al- Will Make Donation ready have received their seals, these being mailed in time for use U on monthly statements. Residents Acting upon the suggestion of of Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti and the dean of students, the Inter- ,the rural sections of Washtenaw "N" Club Members Resent Editorial fraternity council here has voted will receive their quota Friday, all Suggestion.That Maroons 'o observe Golden Rule day Sund2 seals being mailed today and S eave ig Ten Dec. 9. Observance of Golden Rule Thursday, the official opening date day calls for the dispensing with of the sale. the usual dessert at Sunday dinner The Washtenaw branch is super- GROUP MAKES RESOLUTION The money saved in this manner is vising the entire sale in this coun- then donated to the Golden Rule ty, being assisted in the villages by Members of the "N" club at 1 fund to carry on relief work in various civic organizations. Let- Northwestern university, composed various parts of the world. ters signed by Dr. John Sundwall, of the athletes who have won their I president of the county branch, letters in some sport while at, that' urging the purchase of these seals, school, have come to the defense TRACESGRTare being mailed by the secretary of the University of Chicago and OF IRISH THEATER to Ann Arbor and Saline citizens, its present position in Western while the plea to the Manchester Conference athletics. residents is signed by Mrs. Louis The club has set forth a reslu-' Tracing the development of the Tiohsinedb the pre t, ec- Abbey Theater of Dublin, the cen-I Grossman and Dr. P. A. Scheurer tion signed by the president, sec- AbbeyTheater ofIrih ulitu renIof that village, both members of retary, and members of the execu- ter of the Irish cultural renais- the executive board of the county. tive committee, repudiating the re- samce, from its foundation by Wil- The Woman's Stuy cub at Dex- cent editorial in The Daily North- 'am Butler Yeats,. Edward Martin, ter is aiding the sale there, and western, student publication, which and Lady Gregory thirty years ago the Kiwanis club at Chelsea is suggested that Chicago should through the vicissitudes of war and indorsing the campaign in that withdraw from the Conference. political strife to the present day illage, while Prof. P. B. Samson The resolution as written bythe LennoY Robinson, noted dramatist vlaYpsilanti, secretary of the "N" club is as follows: and manager of the Abbey Thea- Washtenaw branch is adding his "Our attention has been called described yesterday afternoo signature to the letter to citizens in to an editorial appearing in a re_ in University hall auditorium the his city. The Milan Woman's club cent issue of the Northwestern shifting scene of Irish letters and is directing the sale in Milan. Daily in which the suggestion is the dominant personalities taking Only one booth is being provided made that the University of Chica- part therein. for this year, this being located in go withdraw from the Big Ten con- The qualities upon which the the Quarry Drug store on State ference. Representing the "N" fame of his repertory theater is street. Persons desiring additional club of Northwestern university, based ,according to Mr. Robinson, jseals, not receiving seals through we wish to disavow this suggestion are stillness, beauty of speech, and the mail; or wishing to contribute and to express for ourselves an rare and therefore meaningful more to the work of the organiza- exactly opposite sentiment." I gestures. tion, may do so at this booth or at The stage of his theater, he said, the office of the county branch, Subscribe for the Michiganensian iseighteen feet wide and sixteen on the second floor of the Cham- now. It costs only $4.00. feet deep, and it seats 550 people. I ber of Commerce building. SHOWS + 1:25 w /iW Thanksgiving Spirit 11 prevails more ad more, when we humans find a day of happiness despite the many routine st-backs. It's well to be joyful by trusting ourselves to a feast of entertainment and the traditional banquet. Let's join the thousands in festival spirit. ... ... An Airplane Battle"-Ma Cabaret Holdup--Thrill Follows Thrill in This Captivating Love Romance! PAHS PP.ESE NTS 01 mom- D LA's ap an supL CAROL' Pah Id cture: (i 4L i Policy Today 1:25 3:00 4:40 7:00 8:40 50c 1Oc c Musical Synopsis MAJESTIC STRING ENSEMBLE KEN OSBORNE Relief Organist with Novelty Innovations I I FOX VARIETY "SEA BREEZES" PARAMOUNT NEWS :.Y.. .... low COSMOPOLITAN OPENING SATURDAY And Our First Great Attractions for Joy Month 4 pJw . IIs' You Will See DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS 'HARLIE CHAPLIN /IAE MURRAY vORMA TALMADGE GEORGE K. ARTHUR a I 0 2.p KARL DANE RENEE ADOREE