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November 29, 1928 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-11-29

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I, V







Celebrate Visit To Jose As National
Holiday By Closing Government
Offices And Schools e
(By Associated Press)
JOSE, Costa, Rica, Nov. 28, 1928-
Herbert Hoover brought his good
will visit to Central America to a
triumphant close tonight and
moved on toward South America.
He had received a reception here
such has had been accorded previ-
ously to only one person-native or
foreigner - Colone.l Charles A.
This was the first capital visited
by the President-elect but yester-
day he had been acclaimed at Co-
rinto, Nicaragua, and Monday was
the guest of La Union, Salvador,
and Amapala, Honduras. He. is due
at Guayaquil, Ecuador, on Sunday
for the first of his South American
When Mr. Hoover arrived here,
he found a cheering throng of 10,-
000 gathered about the railroad
station. He drove to the U. S. le-
gation, where another crowd of'
5,000 assembled. They shouted:
"Viva Hoover! Viva Senora Hoov-
er!" Until Mr. and Mrs. Hoover
responded byrappearing on the
balcony to smile and waving an
acknowledgement to the tribute
from the clamoring crowd.
Proclaim National Holiday
A national holiday had been pro-
claimed, and all government of-
fices and schools were closed.
Cheering crowds had assembled at
every little station along the rail-
road, for the passage of the spe-
cial train which carried Mr. Hoov-
er in the private car of the presi-
dent over the picturesque route
from the coast. The train climb-
ed upward 4,000 feet to the pretty
and progressive capital.
'More than 100 prom-nent men,
members of the cabinet, political
and industrial leaders, had met Mr.
Hoover at the port where he land-
ed from the battleship Maryland,
and President Gonzales Viquez
paid the guest of the nation the
compliment of returning with him
on the train to bid him farewe
just before he reimbarked.
The most cordial sentiments to-
ward the United States were ex-
pressed by both officials and the
people. It brought to a climax
goodwill in Central America after
unprecedented situations for the
past two days, when rival political
factions met, as never before in
history, in friendly fashion with
the president-elect.
Quesada Makes Statement M
Foregin Minister Rafael Castio
Quesada tonight said: "Costa Rica
is proud of and thinks it particu-
larly significant that there was no
military display here in connec-
tion with the Hoover reception.
Costa Rica lined its streets to wel-
come Mr. Hoover with school
throngs, not with soldiers, happy
little boys and girls, proud to
wave salutes at Mr. Hoover in the
name of peace, not the military
display of guns, bayonets, and
soldiers of a standing army lined
the streets of San Jose.
"The great President-elect of'
the greatest American Republic,
travelling on a mightly battleship
which is converted into a peace
ship, travelling on a mission and
with a message of peace and good-
will, is received by Coast Rica in

precisely that spirit. We of the
present generation and our chil-
dren who will be the next acclaim
the occasion as an historic epoch.
President Viquez, who has three
years remaining on his term, and,
who will thus head the Costa Rica
government during much of Mr.
Hoover's presidency, led other
members of his cabinet in express-
ing similar views to those of the
foreign minister.
Transportation Club
To Sponsor Speaker
Of interest to all engineers of
the University will be the talk of

ICongregations of the communityj
and the entire public are invited
to attend the union service com-,
memorating the season's spirit to
be held at 11 o'clock this morning
in the First Methodist church. This
service is to be held independent
Cof the individual services featur-
ming special sermons and musicalI
programs in the various churches.
Rev.rFrederick Cowin, pastor of
the First Church of..Christ, Dis-
ciples, will preach the Thanksgiv-
ing sermon at the union service,
while the prayer will be offered by
the Rev: Henry Lewis, rector of St.
Andrew's Episcopal church.
The union services were arrang-
ed by several ministers of the city,
and the sponsors expect that the
combined congregations will offer,
the largest Thanksgiving day as-
sembly of worship in the history
of the city.

Invite Students And Faculty
Attend Informal Affair In
Athletic Building


All University students are in-
vited to attend the dance to beI
given by Mortar Board, senior
women's honorary society, from 4
to 7 o'clock today at the Woman's
Athletic building. I
"All details of the plans have
been completed and the dance
promises to be a gala affair with
which to complete the celebration
of Thanksgiving day," according to
Hilda Mary Evans, '29, president of
the organization.
There will be an entrance charge
of 25 cents per person, which will,
hqwever, eover both checking and-
refreshments. A six-piece orchestra
selected from the Qranger or-
chestra will furnish music for the
occasion. A charge of .10 cents will
be made for each dance. Guests
are privileged to come in couples
or individually,: since members of
Mortar Board and other women
students be on hand to -act as
hostesses. 'Anyone- desiring tickets'
to the dance may procure them by
calling Marie Hartwig, '29, at 5480.
Although this is the first dance
of this type to be given this year,
similar affairs have been given in
the past which have proved highly
Yost To Be Speaker
At Freshman Dinner
Prof. Fielding H. Yost, director of
intercollegiate athletics and "the
grand old man" of Michigan foot-
ball, will be one of the speakers at
the Freshman banquet to be held
Dec. 5 in the, ballroom of the
Union according . to William E.
Nissen, '29, president of the Union.
An outside speaker and a promi-
nent student will be secured to
give additional talks, Nissen stated
yesterday. Prof. Waldo Abbot, of
the rhetoric department, is to act
as toastmaster and the Union or-
chestra will furnish music for the
Tickets for the banquet are now
on sale and may be secured either
from Union committeemen or at
the main desk in the Union lobby.
The price is $1.25. The banquet is
open to all freshman men.

,imrnkit, A MIM'
Woman's League And S. C. A. Join
In Sponsoring Sixth Annual
Cosmopolitan Dinner
"There is so much good will be-
tween the Turkish people and
Americans working in Turkey, that
war with that country is impossi-
ble," said Dr. Cyril H. Haas, '04M in
Abroad" at the International
Thanksgiving dinner last night at
the Union.
"What has been done in one
country can and should be done
in all. That is what we need now,"
he continued. .
Dr. Haas spoke in terms of the
highest praise for the Turkish na-
tion. "The Turk is not 'unspeak-
able' or 'impossible,' " he said. "In
all the time I have worked in Tur-
key, I have never had any trouble
with Turkish people.
Was Never In Danger
Though I have slept in strange
villages, and dark huts, I have neve
villages, and dark huts, I have
never been in any danger. There
is one thing that all men will agree
upon the value of-that is friend-
ship," Dr. Haas went on to say.
For the past 18 years, Doctor
Haas has had charge of the or-
ganization and administration of
an American hospital in Turkey.
Prof. Alfred H. White, of the En-
gineering college spoke on "The
Significance of Thanksgiving Day."
He gave a short outline of the his-
tory of Thanksgiving and told of
the purpose and meaning of the
Miss Bush Offers Program
The program was opened by a
welcome address by Bettina A.
Bush, '29, and her talk was fol-
lowed by a few words from P. K.
Lee, '30D, who responded on behalf
of the foreign students. Benito H.
Lopez played several selections on
the violin, accompanied by Otto J.
Stahl, of the School of Music. Mar-
tin J. Mol, '30, president of the Stu-
dent Christian association, also
The dinner, which was the sixth
annual Thanksgiving banquet
given to foreign students, was held
under the joint auspices of the
Student Christianaassociation, and
the Women's League.
.About 300 students were pres-
ent, representing over 40 different
nations. The tables were arranged
so that a faculty member and his
wife headed each group of eight
foreign students and acted as host
and hostess. The committee in
charge of the banquet was headed
by co-chairman William Palmer,
'29, representing the S. C. A. and
Miss Bush, acting for the Wom-
en's League.
Flanagan Will Talk
On Russian Theater
Continuing the series of Univer-
sity lectures, Professor Hallie Flan-
agan, director of the experimental
theater at Vassar college, will speak
on "The Russian's Theater of the
Revolution" at 4:15 tomorrow
afternoon in Natural Science audi-

( By Asscitd Press)
NEW YORK, Nov. 28.-With her
daughters striving earnestly to
reduce, old mother earth has
learned that she is some 592,000,-
000,000,000,000,000 tons heavier
than had hitherto been known.
Dr. Paul R. Heyl of the United
States Bureau of Standards at
Washington announced, the revised
figures in a speech at Cooper Union
last night. Five years ago he set
about the task of weighing the
earth to get a result more exact
than the estimate of six sextillion
,-the figure six followed by 21
ciphers-tons, arrived at about 30
years ago by an English scientist,
and a retired Jesuit in a Bohemian
monastery, working independently.
Dr. Heyl's calculations indicate
the earth weighs somewhat more
than six sextillion tons.
No Statement Made Concerning
Temperature Or Pulse Of
Royal Patient
(By Associated Press)
LONDON, Nov. 28.-Extreme re-
ticence continued tonight to char-
acterize the manifold announce-
ments issued at Buckingham Palace
on the illness of King George. .
Taken at its face value, this eve-
ning's bulletin from Sir Stanley!
Hewett and Lord Bowson of. Penn,
was regarded as favorable, es-
pecially when read in connection
with a letter which the two phys-
icians sent to the Parliament ear-
lier in the day.
It was noted, however, that
again nothing was said about the
patient's temperature or pulse, and
that even the rather stereotyped
statement that "his strength was
maintained," was omitted this eve-
ning. The bulletin said this:
"The King passed a fair day,
with some sleep. Otherwise condi-
tions are unchanged."
It was possible to infer from the
statement "conditions are un-
changed," that there had been no
diminution in the King's strength.
The fact that he had obtained
sleep was hailed as another fav-
orable sign.
The slightest straws of favorable
indications are being grasped in
London, so there was comment to- f
night on the fact that the bulletin
was issued earlier than usual,
showing that the doctors had taken
less time to decide on its wording.-
Only an hour elapsed between their
arrival at the palace, and the
writing of the bulletin, whereas on
recent evenings the interval has
been about twice as long.
Public speaking and speech will
be discussed at the National Con-
vention of the National Association
of Teachers of Speech in Chicago
during a conference on "Inter-
scholastic Speech Contests Spon-
sored by the College and Univer-
sity" at the Stevens hotel on Dec.
28. Prof. C. E. Densmore of the
University speech department is
chairman of the conference.

Five problems will be discussed
at the conference: "How are in-
terscholastic speech contests. of
value to the speech department of
the college and university?", "How
can the speech department of the
college and university improve the
public speaking of the interscho-
lastic speech contests?", "How can
the judging of interscholastic
speech contests be improved?",
"What means can be employed to
increase the interest of the school
and community in interscholasticE
speech contests?", "Should the in-
terscholastic extempore speaking
contest replace the interscholastic
declamation and oratorical con-
The first problem will be discuss-
ed by Prof. Craig Baird of the Uni-
versity of Iowa; the second, Prof.
Richard C. Reager of Rutgers Uni-
versity; the third, Prof. Robert
Burlingame of Doane College; the
fourth, Olive Deckwood of Mount

United States Attorney Expects To
Complete Investigation
By Friday
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Nov. 27.-Edward
Keane, inspector of hulls in, the
United States steam boat inspec-
tion service of the department of
Commerce, acknowledged on the
witness stand today that he had
not made a truthful report of his
inspection and that the Steamer
Vestris should not have been issued
clearance papers on its last vog-
age, on which it sunk.
Testifying at the Federal hearing
into the disaster Keane repeated
testimony he gave last week at the
Inspection Service's investigation
that although he said in his offi-
cial report that he had lowered the
Vestris' lifeboats, he had not ac-
tually done so.
"That being one of the require-
ments," said the U. S. Attorney
Tuttle, who is conducting the Fed-
eral Inquiry, "unless it were done,
clearance papers should not be
Tuttle produced Keane's afficial
report of his inspection, a little red
book, and read from it a printed
question, as to whether the life
boats had been lowered. Opposite
this question Keane had written
Keane repeated his earlier testi-
mony that he had not lowered the
boats because at the time of the
inspection the pier was on one side
of the Vestris, and cargo. lighters
on the other. If he attempted to
lower the boats with a full load,
in accorda:ce with the require-
ments, he said, he was afraid that
something might give way, and a
disaster would result.
After lne nad completed his testi-
-mony, the hearing was adjourned
until Friday, and Tuttle announced
that he expected to complete the
investigation on that day.
Valley Association
Demands Waterways
(By Associated Press)
ST. LOUIS, Mo., Nov. 28.-With
the battle cry "on to Congress for
an outlet to the sea," the power-
ful Mississippi Valley association
has wound up its tenth annual
convention here demanding "deep-
er and better inland waterways."
William R. Dawes, had of the
Chicago Association of Commerce
and a second cousin of Vice-Presi-
dent Dawes, was elected president
to succeed James E. Smith.
Probably the crowning feature of
the convention, in the estimate of
its delegates from 26 inland states,
was the announcement of Maj.-
Gen. T. Q. Ashburn, head of the
Government-owned barge line, that
railroads of the land appear ready
to drop their opposition to its de-
Summerall Reports
Mobilization Plans

(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Nov. 28.-War
Department mobilization plans in
the event of a grave national
emergency provide for call to arms
of six field armies, aggregating 3,-
500,000 men from an estimated na-
tional man power of 18,000,000,
according to Maj.-Gen. Charles P.

Drawings of Charles Livingstone
Bull, and a number of other fa-
mous illustrators, will comprise the
exhibition of bird paintings to be
shown in the fourth floor exhibit
room of the new Museum as the
first exhibits open to the public
there, beginning Friday.
The exhibit will be in conjunc-
tion with the open meetings of two
bird clubs, the Wilson Ornithilogi-
cal club, and the Mid-West Bird-
Binding association, which are
holding their annual meetings at
the Museum Friday and Saturday.
Included in the papers to be read
at the meetings will be several by
members of the Museum staff, and
by Prof. Ned Dearborn of the
School of Forestry.
The exhibit of drawings will last
for several days, it has been an-
Flyer Appears To Be Suffering
From Iliness Which Forced
Him Down At Key West
(By Associated Press)
HAVANA, Nov. 28.-Leonard S.
Flo, brought his Spartan biplane
down on the field at Camp Co-
lumbia at 3:52 this afternoon after
a flight of a hundred and some
miles from Key West. He appear-
ed to be suffering still from the
sudden illness which forced him
down at Key West yesterday in his
attempted non-stop flight from
Walkerville, Ontario, to Havana.
The former army aviator requir-
ed one hour and 52 minutes for
his flight today because of oppos-
ing winds. He was received by Col.
Julio Fanguil, commander of the
aerodrome and by Captain John
J. G. Beam U. S. A., assigned here
as an executive officer to the
Cuban-Aeronautical school. He
also met and was congratulated by
Lieut. Benjamin Mendez, Columbia
pilot -who is en route to Bogota.
Flo said he would remain here
for several days, and was undecid-
ed whether to attempt a- non-stop
flight from Havana to Detroit. He
said he would probably enter the
airplane races from Detroit to
Miami to be held in January.
Weather conditions tonight were
reported favorable for the flight
of Lieut. Mendez tomorrow to Puer-
to, Barrias, Guatemala. He was
received today by President Ma-
chado but bestowal ofdthenGrand
Cross Corlosmanuelde Cespede was
postponed and will be received by
the aviator in his home city.,
Mendez with his mechanic, John
Todhunter, left tonight for Co-
banas Harbor.
Poultry AssociationJ
Wants Grading Law
(By Associated Press)
EAST LANSING, Mich., Nov. 28.-
The Michigan Poultry Improve-
ment Association, according to J. A.
Hannah, secretary, contemplates
asking the next Legislature to pass
a measure providing for an egg
grading law, compulsory licensing
of all hatcheries producing baby
chicks for sale, a bureau of poultry
husbandry in the State Depart-
ment of Agriculture, and arequest
for an additional fund for research
to be appropriated to the poultry
department of the Michigan State

After conferring with egg deal-
ers and others interested in egg
grading, the executive committee
of the Michigan Poultry Improve-
ment association has appointed aj
committee to work out the pro-
visions of the proposed legislation,
enforcement and means of insur-
ing anactment.

Regular Orchestra Pit Has Been
Made And Will Be Flooded
By Spot Lights
Four hundred couples are ex-
pected to be present at the sixth
annual Pan-Hellenic ball which is
to be held tomorrow night in the
ball room of the Union, according
to the reports of the ticket com-
mittee as to the number of tickets
that have been sold. There is al-
ready a waiting list of one hundred
women who were unable to get
tickets for the ball, it is claimed.
The general design of the decor-
ations of the Union, will be both
unusual and effective and will in-
clude several novel features which
have never been used before at
any' previous Pan-Hellenic ball.
The long corridor leading to the
dance floor will have tall iron
standards, filled with yellow and
white mums, placed at regular in-
tervals along the walls.
As the most important feature at
every dance is always the music,
the members of the decorations
committee have purposely decided
to emphasize this fact, by includ-
ing in their plans the construction
of a regular orchestra pit which
will have two spot lights on it'
throughout the entire evening.
To Replace Decorations
All artificial floral decorations
which are now in use on the walls
of the Union will be removed and
replaced with real mums and other
flowers. Huge clusters of yellow and
white mums, silver grass imported
from Florida and red maple leaves
will be hung on the panels. Un-
derneath them along the walls will
be palms and big Spanish vases
also filled with the giant mums.
The two' other features that thl
decorations committee are espee-
ially emphasizing are the chaper-
ones' booth which will be effective-
ly screened with palms and the
iron standards filled with masses
of mums, and at the other end of
the room, the fireplace, which will
be banked with different fall
Thegrand march will be lead by
Aileen Yeo, '30, generpa chairman
of the ball, and her partner, and
will be formed about 11 o'clock.
Florence Holmes, '29, president
of the Pan-Hellenic Association,
will be second in line, and imme-
diately following her will be Mar-
garet Read, '30, who had charge of
the finances for the event. Next
in line will come the different
committee chairmen, in order:.
Mary Stewart, '30, chaperones,
Eloise Harnau, '30, decorations,
Mary Evans, '30, favors, and Kath-
erine Fitzpatrick, '30, chairman of
the music committee. Following
their chairmen will come the var-
ious members of the different com-
mittees. The grand march will
end in the usual 'M' formation,
when the pictures for the Michi-
ganensian will be taken.
Will Be Largest Ball
A general comparison of the
preparations made by the commit-
tees for this year's ball and the
plans and reports of those of pre-
vious years, show that the Pan-
Hellenic association this year is ex-

pecting the affair to be even a
bigger and more successful affair
than it has even been before.
The first Pan-Hellenic ball, was
held in Granger's dance hall in
November, 1923. A six-piece or-
chestra was hired; and the refresh-
ments consisted of coffee and
sandwiches which were prepared
in the basement underneath the
dance floor. In 1924, punch was
served, and decorations of basket*
of, different colored mums were
used to decorate the hall, and at
the ball held in 1925, the sumptious
and extravagant addition' of a
spot-light on the .orchestra and
dancers was made.
In 1926, great strides were made
by the association, for this was the
first time the Union was hired, and
also the first time an orchestra
outside of town came to Ann Arbor
for the Pan-Hellenic ball at last


Dramas lovers will be given a
rare treat Tuesday night when a
Chaiele Grober and Benjamin
Zemach, two of the players in the
famous Moscow_ Habimah players
who are touring the 'country after
performances which elicited the
highest praise in New York, play at
the Sarah Caswell Angell hall audi-
'These players offer' something
entirely unique to American audi-
ences; they combine interpretative
dancing, singing, and pantomine
in an organic effort to dramatize
the modern Jewish spirit.
Prof. Oscar J. Campbell of the
English department when told that
representAtives of the Habimah
players were scheduled to appear

The history of the Russian the-
ater of which Zemach and Miss
Grober are stars, is very romantic.
In the heat of the first revolution-
ary tempests of 1917, Habima was
born. Its first performance took
place on a tiny stage before an
audience of about a hundred peo-
ple, in a little private house on one
of the narrow cross-streets of
Moscow. Today it is known in all
the capitals of Europe as a theater
whose performances have revolu-
tionized conventional ideas con-
cerningt the bounds of d'ramatic
The play which made these ar-
tists famous is the well-known
Jewish play the "Dybbuk," Maxime
Gorky the Russian writer said con-


Mme. Rosika Schwimmer, Hun-
garian peace leader and lecturer
who will speak on Dec. 6 in Hill
auditorium, figured recently in an
interesting libel suit, in which she
sued Fred C. Marvin for $100,000
in the New York courts. The oc-
casion for the suit arouse when
Marvin started a campaign against

several other names to which she
evidently objected. In the trial,
the jury awarded her a judgment
of $17,000.
During the course of the case,
several interesting facts were
brought out. Marvin, it appeared,
had denounced the writings of
George Bernard Shaw, H. G. Wells,

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