Members of the Faculty:
Kindly fill out cards for the Michigan Daily at the Office of the
:retary, Room 3, University Hall, rather than at the Michigan Daily
Members of the Faculty :
Parking permits may be obtained without delay by applying at the
'Office of the Secretary.
Herbert G. Watkins, Assistant Secretary.
A meeting of the Interfraternity Council, for the election of officers,
will be held in Room 302 of the Michigan Union on Tuesday, October
2, at 4:15 p. m. All fraternities are urged to have their representatives
J. A. Bursley
Notice, Upperclassmen:
The Postoffice is making a new student directory and it is desired
that it be made as complete as possible immediately. On checking up
the undeliverable mail already on hand, we have found that a very
large percentage of the old students have moved from their former
addresses and much of this mail is now on hand undeliverable. There-
fore ALL OLD STUDENTS are requested to fill out an address card
as soon as possible. The cards may be secured at the Arcade Station
on Maynard Street or at the Main Office.
Student mail that is on hand and undeliverable may be found at
the General Delivery window, MAIN OFFICE.
Fill out an address card whether you have been registered at the
postoffice before this present session or not for last year's directory
will not be consulted after September 30th.
A. C. Pack, Postmaster
Freshmen and Sophomore Women:
The Physical Education requirement (Regents' Ruling) is to be
fulfilled the first two years of college. Those not registered have until
Saturday noon, September 29, to complete registration. All questions
of deferment or exemption must be taken up with Dr. Bell, Health
Service, 10-12 a. m.; 2-4 p. m.
Ethel McCormick
Sophomores and All Entering Upperclass Women:
Hygiene Requirement: First lecture-Tuesday, October 2, Sarah
Caswell Angell Hall, 4:00 p. m. All questions in regard to this require-
ment must be attended to by Saturday, September 29. See Professor
McCormick, Barbour Gymnasium, Director's Office.
Margaret Bell, M.D.
Freshman Women--Hygiene Lectures:
Lectures begin Monday, October! 1, Sarah Caswell Angell Hall, 4:00
p. m. Remaining lectures and examination are on each Monday at,
4:00 p. m. until October 12.
Margaret Bell, M.D.
College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, Changes of Elections:
No change of elections may be made except by special permission
secured on the blank provided for this purpose by the Recorder's office,
Room 4, University Hall. This blank must be properly filled out, accord-
ing to instructions, and filed in this office not later than Saturday,f
September 29, before a change of elections is official. Membership in a
class does not cease until this blank has been filed and notice sent to1
the instructor from this office.
Changes of sections only may be made with permission of instruc-.
tors and do not necessitate an official blank.'
Florence Mohr, Recorder.
Girls Wishing Part Time Employment:
There are numerous opportunities to earn board and also cash
by serving or helping to get dinners. Please come in to see me if
Beatrice W. Johnson.
School of Education: Faculty, Juniors, Seniors:
The Senior Class of the School of Education will give its Annual
Presentation Dance in, honor of the Junior Class this evening from 8
to 12 in the gymnasium of the University High School. A good orchestra'
and special features will be provided and it is hoped that every mem-
ber will be present to enjoy an informal good time.
Alletta Morton, Pres. Senior Class
English 20 and 29, Colleges of Engineering and Architecture:
Beginning Tuesday, October 2, English 20 will meet in Room 229 W.
Eng. and English 29 will meet in Room 1042 E. Eng. Bldg.
Y. H. Walton
History 93:
Classes will meet in Room 103 Romance Languages Building instead
of 1035 Angell Hall.
Preston Slosson
Chemical Engineering Seminar:
The first meeting of the year will be held on Monday, October 1, at
4 o'clock, in room 3201 East Engineering building. Mr. E. M. Skinner
will talk on 'The Critical Study of Motor Fuel Volatility."
Alfred H. White
E. M. 10:
E. M. 10 will be offered during the present term, 1 or 2 hours, as a
library course in the history of early engineering developments. Meet-
ings Tuesday at 7 p. m. qand Thursday at 4 p. m. in the Transportation
Library, East Engineering Building.
R. S. Swinton
Zoology 31 (Evolution):
A list of members of the class is posted in corridor near Room
2091, Natural Science building, in a lighted case. To insure complete-
ness of the list, please inspect it at once. If your name is not there, or
is misspelled, please report the defect promptly at Room 3089.
A. Franklin Shull
Phi Delta Kappa:
The first luncheon of the year will be held at 1:15 this afternoon.
All active and associate members are urged to be present.
R. D. MacNitt, President
Choral Union Concert Tickets:
All series tickets for theChoral Union Concert Series which may
not have been ordered by mail will be offered for sale over the counter
at the University School of Music beginning Monday morning, October
1. There probably will be a limited number of seats left in all divisions.
It any season tickets remain, they will be broken up for individual
concerts and offered for sale over the counter at the University School
of Music Monday morning; October 8, at $1.50, $2.00 and $3.00 each.
Charles A. Sink
Organ Recital:
Palmer Christian, University organist and head of the organ depart--
ment of the University School of Music, will give the first recital in this
year's series of twilight recitals in Hill Auditorium Wednesday afternoon,
October 3, at 4:15 o'clock. The public, with the exception of small
children, will be admitted free. Doors will be closed promptly at the
hour of beginning, and latecomers will not be admitted until after
the number has been performed.
Charles A. Sink
Comedy Club:
The first meeting of Comedy Club will be October 1, Monday, 4
p. in., in room 302 U. H. The first production date is Oct. 21 so all mem-
bers must be present at this meeting to choose the play.
Thurston Thieme,
All 'Varsity Bandmen:
Meet at Ferry Field at 2:00 p. m., Saturday for drill, with instru-
N. L. Falcone
Tennis Players:
Entries for the All-Campus Tennis Tournament close Monday after-
noon at 4:00. Play starts Tuesday. Call 22315 for results of draw-
Intramural Department, Earl N. Riskey
Cosmopolitan Club:
The first social meeting of the year will take place tonight, Sat-
urday, September 20, at 8 o'clock in the auditorium of Lane Hall. Dr.
Clarence Cook Little will be with us to give the welcoming address to
the foreign students. All new foreign students and those American'
st.;dents interested in cosmopolitan ideals, as well as the old members
and friends of the club, are cordially invited to be present at this
Raja F. Howrani, president
Mail for the following persons is
on hand, undeliverable, at the Main
Office of the Postoffice, and may be
secured by the parties to whom ad-
dressed if called for at the General
Delivery Window on or before Oc-
tober 6th, 1928:
Spencer Alford
Joseph Allard
Harold F. Balmer
Arthur Bassett
Francis M. Bechtel, Jr.
Samuel Beer
Alene Bennett
Albert Berkowitz
Mildred Bishop
E. M. Brockway
Prof. Frederick Alden Bradford
Frank N. Brown
Gerald Deur
Henry Dinkelspiel
Prof. B. F. Douglas
Tom Drake
Thomas Farrell
Jack Ferens
Arthur Fries
Thora Fung
Boyd R. Gernhard
Alvard Ginman
Evelyn Griggs
Ralph B. Guijarro
Sal R. Halpern
W. A. Hamilton
Prof. Harrison
M. I. Van Hecke
Ben H. Hill
Hardy Hodgson
Geraldine Hogan
Ruth A. Huffer
Mrs. Husselman
Vivian LaJuenesse
Loads of Second-Hand Books
Drawing Instruments
Engineers' Supplies
. . .. .,_.. .... ._ . 'III
k 11
__ 3
To the Newcomers to Ann Arbor
As always, our policy of Service is for you.
Electric light bills are payable at our Univer-
sity Avenue Branch between now and the
10th of October.
Avail yourselves of this Service, and let us
become acquainted.
101 N. Main St. 707 N. University Ave.
a new-shade
Non-Breakable Barrels in the
Ultra Modern Style!
You have never held a sweeter pen-
so light, so well balanced, so responsive,
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We showed scores of different pens to
hundreds of pen-users and asked,"Which
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You'll do the same among pens at this
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A Modern Blue-and-White
Of the latest modern design--trira,
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And after you have written with %t, it
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"Blue-and-White" Pencil
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