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November 28, 1928 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1928-11-28

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Published every morning except Monday
Suring the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Coaference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
ttied to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
Ished herein.
Entered at the pnstoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate;
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.0o; by mail,
ffices Ann Arbor Press Building, Mar.
Gard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 212..
Telephone 4925
Editor.....................Paul J. Kern
City Editor .............. .Nelson J. Smith
News Editor .............Richard C. Kurvink
Sports Editor..................Morris Quinn
Women's Editor............. Sylvia S. Stone
Editor Michigan Weekly.... J. Stewart Hooker
Music and Drama............R. L. Askren
Assistant City Editor... Lawrence R. Klein
Night Editors
Clarence N. Edelson Charles S. Monroe
oseph E. Howell Pierce Rosnberg
Donald J. Kline George E. Simons
George C. Tilley
Paul L. Adams C. A. Lewis
fdorris Alexander Marian MacDonald
Esther Anderson Henry Merry
C. A. Askren N. S. Pickard
Bertram Askwith Victor Rabinowitz
Louise Behymer Anne Schell
Arthur. Bernstein Rachel Shearer
Seton " C. Bovee Robert Silbar
Isabel Charles Howard Simon
4. R. Chubb Robert L. Sloss
Prank E. Cooper Arthur R. Strube)
Helen Domine Edith Thomas
Douglas Edwards Beth Valentine
Valborg Egeland .Gurney Williams
Robert J. Feldman Walter Wilds
Marjorie Folmer George E. Wohlgemuth
William Gentry Robert Woodroofe
Lawrence Hartwig Joseph A. Russell
Rchard Jung Cadwell Swanson
Charles R. Kaufman A. Stewart
Ruth Kelsey Edward L. Warner Jr.
Donald E. Layman Cleland Wylie
Telephone 21214
Arsistant Manager-RAYMOND WACHTER
Department Managers
Advertising..... ......Alex K. Scherer
Advertising..............A. James Jordan
Advertising.......... ... Carl W. Hammer
Service...............Herbert E. Varnum
Circulation..............George S. Bradley
Accounts....... ........ Lawrence E. WValkley
Publications..............Ray M. Hofelich
Irving Binzer Jack Horwich
Donald Blackstone Dix Humphrey
Mary Chase Marion Kerr
Jeanette Dale Lillian Kovinsky
Vernor Davis Bernard Larson
Bessie Egeland Leonard Littlejohn
Helen Geer Hollister Mabley
Ann Goldberg Jack Rose
Kasper Halverson Carl F. Schemm
George Hamilton Sherwood Upton
Agnes Herwig Marie Wellstead
Walter Yeagley

assumed. Their's is a worthy pro-
ject and one which the student
body would be only too glad to
assist. That time is needed to ac-
complish it cannot be doubted but
that time should succeed in thwart-
ing or postponing its culmination
would be unforgivea le.
President-elect Herbert Hoover,i
safely harbored aboard the battle-
ship Maryland, is engaged in a
good-will mission to the republics
of Latin America. Hardly more
than three weeks ago, this same
Mr. Hoover completed an electoral
campaign which was more than'
successful. At that time he was
considered by many Americans to
be more intimately acquainted
with the situation and attitude of
foreign nations toward the United
States than perhaps any other,
American in public life.
Since his election, he has set
forth on a venture unprecedenteda
in our history. The newness of1
this move, however, is by no means1
reason for it to be regarded with
disfavor. It is rather a definite
recognition that nothing less than
a sore spot exists in Central Amer-
If it can be that a man of Mr.
Hoover's training and capabilities
supposes that such a trip alone will
prove of sufficient import t: pacify
the already inwardly hostile re-
publics of Central America and to
convince Nicaragua that the pres-
ence of United States marines
within her borders was an act of
friendship, then it were better that
the President-elect and the battle-
ship Maryland had remained at
home and spared the tax payers
the cost of their mission.
If, however, the good-will mis-
sion is to be the forerunner of a
friendly policy that will recognize
the rights of these nations as op-
posed to our imperialism, and if
Mr. Hoover proposes to make the
sentiments of his Amapala, Hon-
duras, plea for "a constantly im-
proving understanding" between
the United States and her neigh-
bors as operative upon this coun-
try as upon its neighbors, the wis-
dom of his mission need not be
There can be little doubt that
the hostile and domineering atti-
tude of the United States in the
past has been a most unfortunate
foreign policy, and the continued
occupation of Nicaragua by United
States marines an outright act of
war, in fact, if not according to
the technicalities of international
law. A rectification of this atti-
tude and a policy of good-will
which is carried out in a manner
as acceptable to Latin Americans
as to American interests would be
a most desirable step.
Campus Opinion
Contributors are asked to he brief,
confining themselves to less than 300
words i possible. Anonymous com-
munications will be disregarded. The
names of communicants will, however,
be regarded as confidential, upon re-
quest. Letters published shoulden t be
construed as expressing the editorial
opinion of the Daily.

It seems only fair to dedicate
this column to the ladies after
they have caused so ......
* * *
Lark is still cowering in a
little ball in one corner of the
women's desk refusing food of
all kinds. His temperature
fluctuates between 40 and 1801
degrees, and he looks as worn'
as a dope addict.1
* * *
Another story broke just as we'
were about to send the really im-
portant section of the paper to.
press. Just a minute now till the,
ticker stops and we'll see what this
Dear Lark: (Lark is still sick,
but we'll take the message)
After extensive investigation
along the line suggested by you
I am ready to submit my re-
port as follows:
1. It is found that one Will
Push to lead the grand march
of the Pan-Hellenic ball.
2. That there is no evidence
to show that he Will pay for
this privilege.
Yours for a complimentary ticket,
Rolls Executive Committee.
* * *
This high light of the Women's
social season seems to be causing
a lot of excitement on the campus,
and is nearly disrupting some of
our organization. Look at this.
To A Sweet Little Girl From
Jackson, Michigan, Who Is Beingf
Cheated Out Of A Great
Pleasure by Sickness
And the great Pan-Hellenic Ball
draws near. You are confined to
your bed by the ravages of disease,
and here I sit in the Daily office,
with Lark next to me in the throes
of misery. Why, oh why couldn't
you muster the nerve to approach
me? I'm not so bad-really I'm
not. Why didn't you ask me? I'm
wasting away!
And still they keep your identity
a secret. What a cold world this
is! Lark and I have ordered a
double grave. You'll come to our
funeral, won't you? Please? The
Lark has a lump in his throat and
I have one on my head.
Indigent Nell.
X *
And as though it weren't
enough to Pan Hell for weeks
at a time and then climax itj
with a grand march, another
female organization called
Mortar Board feels that it must
throw a party. They are go-

Music And Drama
TONIGHT: At 8:15 the The-
ater Guild presents "Ned
Mc'Cobb's Daughter," at the
Whitney theater.
A Review By Nelson J. Smith, Jr.
"Oompah, oompah, oompah"-
the man with the bass horn blew
and blew. "Blah, blah, blah" went
Wilbur Hall on the trombone. The
fiddles twanged and symphonized.
Roy Bargy tinkled the piano in his
best concert form. Pingitore pick-
ed his banjo for all the music a
banjo is worth. Austin (Skin)
Young yodelled his best. The
drummer banged and crashed his
way through to the bitter end....
The whole ensemble blared and
muted, crashed and stopped ...It
was Paul Whiteman in action.
Out of this seeming chaos, came
something which to date defies
classification. It was concert mu-
sic with something new injected. A
spirit, perhaps? A novelty? Per-.
haps even something illegitimate?
But with it all, something fascinat-
ing-something which comes a lit-
tle closer to the spirit of the age.
than Beethoven and Bach-some-,
thing which interprets inharmony
and cacaphony in terms of rhythm
and sound, and produces, strangely
enough, a little of harmony, and
much of impression.
"Metropolis" is music in the im-
pressionistic stage. It is to music
today what "Ullyses" is to litera-
ture. The sounds and rhythms of
city living from the undertone and
the overtone for a vast structure.
interpretative in its esence and
gripping in it effects. Fronm this
blending of the varied effects
comes the impreasn rof * r >'-ed
and the disaster of lrdsrn life--
yet life with = t (emo 1ad
arh y th m ---aws t h a m o tif a n r a i-
eon d'etre, re iurmrig nd p ,""r10
Th11 nlastic ut of the Witeman
orchestra g: Te the r, mrvemts
life action and1}£ m. m 'adt-
tion they dislaed1 t '0rlecn "
the possiblit{'. .'. rh ar nhrt
in combinat onm and ;intvrumts
which would raus? S L'"kw<od
to turn over in hitis ad Strt
And then there w e -
shwin's "Corncerto in F l
need be said about Gcshwin and
his ability. He is toa one of the
leaders in the mov emnert to rEc'e !
the piano from t ib Tolrtamn sof
digital pyrotechnice d restore it
to the place of r'vs '"ld the mu-
sical. F?{llowing in th peerless
style of their intor' de iof his
"Rhapsody in Blue" Whiteman's,
with Bargy in the soo part, once
again turned -the trick.
Of the popular numbers "Gypsy"
was by far the best. It is jazz
with a twist for the better-with
something just a little below the
classical. Of the rest of the "jazz"
numbers Paul Whiteman's nme
alone is the guarantee of good en-
tertainment. And Wilbur Hall had
a new piece for the tire pump!
That epitomizes the concert. Some-
thing different, something new.
And, if we may judge, something
tolerably important!
".A: :


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I. ~i1





be one

planned for TONIGHT promises to
of the best dances ever offered 1


- i t

Surveying the situation of last
Saturday, it appears that the Var-
sity football team was not the only
group that put up a game fight
against odds. But while the Varsity
won, the sophomore class lost its
fight for recognition, and now ap-
proaches the mark set last year
by the class of 1929 in losing four
consecutive class games. The 19311
members have already lost three.I
Despite the laughs which mayl
have been hurled in their direc-
tion, the class of 1931 should have
some pride and satisfaction for its
showing last Saturday. Seldom
has a class turned out as well after
two defeats in order to regain lost
prestige. The members of '31 should
not feel ashamed, and Saturday's
defeat should be but an incentive
to win the Spring games of 1929.
The freshman class on the other
hand was victorious, and to the
victors go the congratulations of
the campus. They won by a deci-
sive margin, and fairly. By their
exhibition, the class of '32 seems
on its way to emulate the example
set by the present juniors in win-
ning four straight.
Recent days have witnessed im-
portant steps in the formation of
a campaign which it is planned will
culminate in the erection of the
Burton Memorial Campanile. Final
organization plans were completed
and endorsed last week for the in-
stitution of a drive among the
members of the graduating classes
from 1921 to 1928 inclusive, these
being the classes which were at
Michigan during some portion of
the time that Dr. Burton filled the
president's office.
At the same time the Ann Arbor
University of Michigan alumni
club completed the formation of
its plans for the even more diffi-
cult task of raising the funds for
the carillon of over 50 bells. The
next step will be the organization
of the drive as provided for in the
plans accepted by the groups. Once
this has been accomplished the
work will go definitely forward al-
-though the actual drive to secure
the more than $60,000 necessary
for the purchasing of the carillon
will not start for almost a year and
the bells, to be imported from Eng-
land, will not be heard upon the
campus until 1937.
The class of '28, graduating last
June, was the last class which en-
tered the University before Dr. Bur-
ton's death. Since then a new gen-,


Nine to One

Nine to Twelve


To the Editor: ing to charge the men for
Your editorial of yesterday morn- theirs, instead of giving the
ing anent the walking off of the girls a chance to rid themselves
act at the Michigan on Saturday of part of an allowance.
night was entirely justified in the * * *
first part, and I heartily agree Perhaps this is only for bait, but
with your justification of the hi- they tell us they are going to serve
larious action of the students. refreshments. We're rather glad
However, it was not the fault of the we'le ting our cances with
Michigan management in any way, we'll be taking our chances with
that the act was discontinued. But Chicago gunmen at that time. That
I cannot force any person to per- death would at least be a quick one.
form under the circumstances, nor
could you, Were we to exchange Our dear pal, Cora, is breath-
places. We did not arbitrarily cut lessly hunting for one or two
off the show, the performer merely more letters on the typewriter
refused to go ahead. He can be to finish filling the extra space
excused in a way for the simple on the Women's page. ThereI
reason that he was scared "stiff," has been a special appeal made
and did not understand the stu- to freshmen to bring a flock
dent attitude. He actually expec- of dimes and five-dollar
ted the students to come up on thesgold
stage and attack his people. That pieces over to the Women's
he expected it is only natural when Field house Thursday after
it has happened, actually, though noon. * *
of course many years ago, but the
reputation of Ann Arbor audiences A late report from the hospi-
remains. At any rate, I personally tal mentions the fact that Yell-
was very sorry the action came it is confined to his bed with
about. And I am not giving you a broken toe. It seems that he
any press agent alibi. dropped a Rolls column on it
However, the second part of the other night.
your editorial I consider a mali- * * *
cious and cowardly attack, entirely Yellit received a beautiful bouquet
a falsehood, and for it I think you of vegetables last night via special
are little less than a moronic an- delivery.
ninias, devoid of a particle of fair- * * *
ness. In the ten years I have been We've tried medicine, Chris-
in Ann Arbor, I have never, either tian Science, and hypnotism to
by suggption, word or action,
threatened the Daily policy in any cure Lark, but to no. avail.
manner. If you are running the Now let's see if this will bring
type of paper that will allow your } him out of i t.
editorial policy to be controlled by * * *
a commercial interest; if you per- Dear Lark:
mit your judgment- to be affected Maybe you will be relieved of
by the dollars and cents the Daily your severe case of love-sickness,
receives through its advertising when you are told that you haven't
columns; then you are indeed a a chance with the sweet young
cheap and unworthy publication. athnefomthe tl s e fiysung
I reiterate-I have never threat- thing from the capitol. In the first
ened you or any fellow worker of place you have too much competi-
yours, nor any predecessor of yours, tion. Just stop and think it over.,
as you claim. Is it asking too much ,First there is the entire fraternity
of you to demand that you retract to which her father belongs and
your statement; or else print out in which she is a legacy. Secondly,
boldly, that every reader may see are not the exploits of the lovers of
it, the name of some persons whom the Daily staff enough to convince

1K 'LI
r. 5


Owing to an error, it was
I 'stated yesterday in this column
I that Prof. Hallie Flanagan j
I would speak Thursday after-
I noon at 4:15 o'clock in Natural
j Science auditorium. She speaksj1
j Friday afternoon. l
o - - 0
Lennox Robinson, Irish drama-
tist, will be present in Ann Arbor
this afternoon for two important
addresses. The first will be givenj
at 2 o'clock in the rhetoric semin-
ar, and the second at 4:15 o'clock
in Natural Science auditorium.
Mr. Robinson is one of the most
important leaders of the dramatic
movement in Ireland. Ic has1
written several plays of which "TheI
I Whiteheaded Boy" is now being
produced at the Detroit Civic the-
ater by Miss Bonstelle, under Mr.
Robinson's special direction. He
is also important as a critic, and at
present he is the nmma.nar of lt
famous Abbey theater.
The Abbey theater is renowned
as the place from which the pr-
ent theater moYemenT in Tr-'an
began. The plays of Lad
ory, Synge, Yoats, t e . <
and Scan (YCasey were all i
duced at this 'e r which las
became a hi-stoi ,pa in the rtd-
vancement ol h Inw andv vig - us
spirit which is nredominating If Ji
playwriting tP y f
.In his iddo tI*a _r
noon, M obison will (.( i -
the problems of play w nf , andl
he will also speak on I- Aboey
Theater." This is ar e -(ileut op-
portunity for those iu r sted in
the modern theater to g afirst
hand description of one of its most
interesting phases, and to learnj
the aims of the movement which
Mr. Robinson is directing at the






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