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November 28, 1928 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-11-28

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FLOODS FOLLOWGALE:King Of Jazz Says There Is No Such
Thing; ReporterGasps And Collapses
nAMAffis winESrEAD

Four-Day Wind Wrecks Twenty
Vessels; Water Backs Up In
Rhine, Elbe, Moselle Rivers
(By Associated Press)
LONDON, Nov. 27.-Floods today
followed in the wake of a four-day
gale which caused the loss of a
score of vessels of substantial ton-
nages in Western European waters,
and took a toll of possibly 100 lives.
From Belguim north to the Fri-
sian Island lowlands were flooded
as the sea was driven in on them
by raging winds. Dykes and sea
walls buffeted by heavy seas gave
way to the rush of waters.
Water Floods Suburbs
The police, soldiers and civilians
were working frantically in Ant-
werp to repair broken dykes there
and on the opposite side of the
Scheldt. When the city water and
gas) pipes were undermined and
gave way, the suburbs were flooded.
Industrial plants are closed.
Railroad bridges were damaged,
and telephonerand telegraph lines
down. Six persons are missing. A
hole 60 yards in circumference and)
six yards deep was' made in the
Grand Palace at Antwerp.
At Ostend the water from the
seas ran down streets and inundat-
ed the ground floors of the build-
Inhabitants Flee
The Flanders villages of Grem-
bergen, Moorseele and Termonde
were evacuated by their inhabi-
tants as the sea rushed through
a break 20 yards wide in the dykes.
. A number of houses in the neigh-
borhood of Rotterdam also were
abandoned. At Bergen-op-Zoom,
Holland, a 130-foot dyke broke with
a tremendous crash, letting in the
Sylt Island, one of the Frisian
group, was inundated, and dwellers
sought safety on the highest points.
At Heligoland the sea wall was
torn away, and sand dunes were
leveled. The River Elbe was backed
up by the sea, and low lying streets
of Hamburg were flooded.
River Volume Swells
Rivers in the Vosges hills are
rising with larming rapidity. The
Moselle also is rising, and tribu-
taries of the Rhine are raging tor-
rents. Houses along the banks of
the Ruhr at Mulheim were evacu-
ated, and shipping on the Saar is
at a standstill.
Cuxhave Roads, Germany, is full
of disabled shipping. One incom-
ing vessel reported that it had
sighted five wrecks in the North
Sea. The liner Carinthia, arriving
at Liverpool, Eng., reported it pick-
ed up 16 SOS calls, all of which
subsequently were cancelled.
French Ship Sinks
The French freighter Cesaree
sank off Algiers and 15 of her
crew of 19 were drowned. An Ital-
ian steamer believed to be the Sa-
lento was wrecked and all aboard
lost. The Norwegian steamer
Michelsen was driven ashore, and
three members of the crew
downed while the rest were being
rescued. The British steamer
Neath Abbey asked for help, re-
porting she was in a dangerous
positionoff West Kapel.
The steamships Montenegro and

Saleron were wrecked near
Vigo, Spain, and three lives were
lost. The freighter Arnabal-Men-
di sank off San Sebastian, Spain,
but her crew was rescued.
Reed Addresses
Annual Banquet
(By Associated Press)
ST. LOUIS, Nov. 27.-Speaking in
his usual militant manner, United
States Senator James A. Reed
urged the Mississippi Valley Asso-
ciation to go before Congress, not
as "supplicants asking benefac-
tion," but as business men asking
for money for a great public in-
Senator Reed, the principal

By Tatler
"There is no such thing as jazz,"
said Paul Whiteman, striking an
attitude. And when Paul White-
man strikes an attitude, it says
struck. I looked at him in aston-
ishment; after all these years of
hoping and waiting to have him
Whiteman said, "There is no jazz!"
talk to me, came this bombshell!
My equilibrium was restored with
difficulty. "What do you want to
know, my boy?" Paul continued
kindly. "Do you like to play be-
fore college audiences?" I stam-
"You are darn right I do," he
continued, "I get more fun and in-
spiration from playing before a
group of college boys than before
any other audience....No, I am
playing concerts for 14 more weeks
and will be unable to play for the
J-Hop here this year, all reports
to the contrary."
When the orchestra concludes its
long concert tour, it will then hop
a rattler to Hollywood where a six-;
reel talking movie will be made, he
He also admitted, under pressure,
Announcement Is Made To Press
That Prince Has Not Been
Asked To Return
(ay Associ4ed Press)
LONDON, Nov. 27,-Ting George
tonight was said in an official
bulletin to be holding his own as
he approached the time when
medical opinion in general expec-
ted a crisis in his illness which
would determine his future course.
A brief bulletin was issued from
Buckingham Palace tonight at the
same time that It was announced
that a warship had'beennordered
to proceed to- East Africa for the
use of the Prince of Wales. The
bulletin read:~
"The King passed a less dis-
turbed day. His temperature was
somewhat 'lower than of the cor-
responding hour last night. His
strength was maintained."
The Duke of York speaking at a
meeting of the British Poster Ad-
vertising Association today, said:
"I am glad to be able to tell you
there is a slight improvement in
the King's condition this morning."
"Some of you will know what
pleurisy is and how depressing it
can be," continued the King's sec-
ond son. "There are two things
to be remembered. From the nature
of the illness progress must be slow
and there must be ups and downs,
but progress has been made."
The anoM'ement was received
with prolongeL. zheering
Anxiety over King George's ill-
ness was not greatly relieved this
morning when his physicians is-
sued what might be called a non-
committal bulletin.
The Press Association stated that
it was officially informed at St.
James palace today that the Prince
of Wales has not been recalled to
Mortarboard, honor society for
senior women, will hold its annual
Thanksgiving party from 4 o'clock
to 7 o'clock tomorrow in Palmer
field house. Admission, including
refreshments and checking, will be

a quarter, and the charge for the
privilege of dancing with the wo-
men whom the organization has
asked to be present will be ten
cents per dance.
Attack Launched
Against Hoover s
Good-Will Tour
(By Associated Press)
MEXICO CITY, Nov. 27.-The
wrath of the Chamber of Deputies
was aroused last night when Her-
man Laborde, a labor member
quoting the British press, launched
a bitter attack against Herbert
Hoover's good will tour and Ambas-
sador Morrow's work in Mexico,
sador Morrow's work in Mexico.
Leaders of the chamber jumped to

that ten of the men in his or-
chestra are college men. It took
diplomacy to obtain this startling
bit of information, but he owned
up like a gentleman saying, "some
of the best men I've ever had have
been exposed to college life."
Interspersed with all his com-
ments directed to my pencil and
pad were comments about certain
players in other orchestras and of
musicians in general. As this in-
terview was given immediately
preceding the concert, his men
were coming up and talking shop.
It was interesting to note that he
showed deep interest in a band he
had evidently heard by radio or
else personally for a short time,
and in the men whom they were
surmising might be in that orches-
tra. He never loses his interest in
unknown musicians and in unreco-
gnized compositions, and prides
himself in having discovered sev-
eral headliners and noted works.
"Well, sonny," he conluded, pat-
ting my head, "if this is all you
want, I would like to go in and
get some rest. Goodbye," he said,
managed to stammer as he hurled
shaking my hand. "Goo'bye," I
his 100-plus pounds away from the
stage-door. I stood in the near-
vacuum, gazing at the hand that
shook the hand that had shaken
that of President Coolidge, the
Prince of Wales, Babe Ruth,
Charles Spencer Chaplin, Fritz
Kreisler, Benny Leonard, and
other musical authorities. (See
program). The king of jazz had
(P. S. Mr. Whiteman also said
he thought jazz had a future.)
Harris Players Will Present Play
Tomorrow Night And Also
Two Nights Next Week
Several names familiar to follow-
ers of campus drama have been
announced in the 'cast for "Mist-
ress of the Inn" which will be given
tomorrow and Friday nights in the
little theater of the Harris Players
at the corner of Huron and State
streets. Tickets for the production
are now on sale at $.75 apiece, re-
served, and are being sold at the
bok office at 548 Thompson street,
phone 3010, at Wahr's bookstore,
and at the Print and Book Shop.
The play will also be given on
Thursday and Friday of next week.
Among those appearing in the
play will be Florence Watchpocket,
'29, John S. Donal, Jr., Grad., J. B.
Smith, '30, Arthur Hinckley, '29,
Alfred Foster, '29, Edward Fahan,
Sarah Bonine, and Blossom Bacon,
'30. The direction is that of Rob-
ert Finney of the romance langu-
ages department, and Prof. Raleigh
Last year, the Harris group gave
Barrie's "Alice - Sit-by-the-Fire,"
and Pirandello's "Right You Are."
The group is non-sectarian and
the membership is open to any who
manifest an interest in dramatics
taken seriously.
Following an old custom, the
players will hold a reception after
the first performance, at which
coffee and other delicacies will be
served to all those present and the
time will be devoted to effecting
contacts between the first nighters
and the players themselves.
Saturday Last Day
For Senior Pictures

Appointments with photogra-
phers for sittings for senior pic-
tures in the 1929 Michiganensian
must be made by Saturday accord-
ing to J. Franklin Miller, '29, bus-
iness manager of the publication.
Copy for the sorority section of the
yearbook is due the same day, it
was announced by Thomas
I Thomas, '29, managing editor.
Editorial work upon the 'Ensian
is being completed rapidly, accord-
ing to Thomas, with a large portion
of the art work already finished.
Many excellent action pictures of
football games are included in the
sports pictures which are being
prepared, he declared yesterday.

Funds Being Collected To Enlist
Legal Aid For Fight Against
University Plans
Revolt against the University
officials on the part of the citizens
of Ann Arbor, concerning the vital
question of erecting a new $800,000
dormitory on Observatory street
failed to materialize to any great
extent at a meeting of the citizens
at 7:00 o'clock last night in the City
Townspeople Express Sentiments
The meeting was held, and all
the citizens were given an oppor-
tunity to express their sentiments
regarding the matter. Up to the
present, sentiment among the
townspeople is mixed, though the
current of public opinion seems to
,denote that the University's planf
for erecting the newdormitory is
an ill-advised one and one which
is liable to affect seriously the real
estate values of many of the pri-
vately owned rooming houses of
the city. It is the opinion of a ma-
jority of the property owners that
they have been mislead by the Uni-
versity in investing in local real
estate in the past and, therefore,
they expect the University to co-
operate with them in coping with
the situation by extending over a
much greater period of time the
University plan with regard to
Citizens Raise Funds
At present the only action that
has been taken with regard to the
opposition to the University is a
canvass of the citizens to secure
funds to cover the expense of en,-
listing citizen's counsel, Attorney
Frank Devine, to take court action,
which is not expected to take place'
until after Thanksgiving day.
A secret meeting was held at
1 which certain resolutions were
adopted for the action of a special
committee of the opposition. Ex-
cerpts from these resolutions fol-
Whereas, the present situation isf
the result of more than a half cen-
tury's appeal on the part of Uni-
versity authorities and partnership
with the people of Ann Arbor, it
seems unfair to abruptly end such
partnership, bringing ruin to many,
and untold loss to all, therefore, be

Theatre Guild Will
Give Drama Tonight
"Ned McCobb's Daughter," the
third in the series of four plays
now being presented here by the
New York Theater Guild, will show
at 8:15 tonight at the Whitney
Written by Sidney Howard, this,
drama was acclaimed by New York
audiences as being a distinct suc-
cess; and critics say that it is a
masterful blending of comedy,
melodrama and the creation of un-
usual characteis. The scene is laid
in New England and the principal
character, Carrie McCobb, is faced
with a conflict of wills and pur-
poses, brought about'by a situation
that defies the strict moral code of
New England which is innate in
people of this type.
The play as a whole is an inter-
esting presentation of human emo-
tions and promises to be one of the
best of the series.
Fla Fails When Within 90 Miles
Of Goal; Seized By Illness
Due To Caffein Capsules
(By Associated Press) .
KEY WEST, Fla., Nov. 27.--
Leonard S. Flo's attempted non-
stop flight from Walkerville, On-
tario, to Havana, Cuba, failed late
today when the youthful aviator
was within less than a 100 miles of
his goal. Flo is an Ann Arbor resi-
Seized with illness, after his long
vigil at the controls, Flo was forced
to land here at 4:23 o'clock this
afternoon and was taken to a hos-
pital. The aviator refused to go to
bed at advice of a physician and
went instead to a hotel.
Before turning in for a rest, Flo
told the manager of the hotel he
would fly to Havana tomorrow
and after arrival in the Cuban
capital would make ready for a
non-stop flight from Havana to
The landing was made at the
airport about six miles from the
city and hospital authorities said
the aviator reached there about
5:30 o'clock. A physician said Flo's
illness was due to effects of cap-
sules containing caffein taken by
the youth to keep him awake.
After taking off from Walker-
ville last night at 11:07, Flo flew
steadily toward his goal. Early this
morning he passed over Atlanta
and shortly after noon passed
Tampa where he flew low, waving
to persons below. The course there-
after lay along the sparsely settled
southwestern portion of the penin-
sula and across Florida Bay and the
Keys into Key West.,
Key West is only 90 miles from
Havana, where Flo had hoped to
land at dusk on Columbia field.
Before turning in for rest Flo
left orders not to be disturbed. He
left a note for newspapermen in
regard to his plans of his proposed
flight tomorrow.
Georgetown Mentor
Honors Pommerening
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Nov. .27.-Lou
Little, Georgetown football coach,

names two Carnegie Tech and twoj
New York University players on his
all-American eleven selected today
for the Associated Press. No other
team has more than one. Eight
Eastern players, two from middle-
south, comprise Little's selection
western teams and one from the
which follows:
Ends-Barrabe, New York Uni-'
v e r s i t y; Rosenzweig, Carnegie'
Tackles - Nowack, Illinois;
Mooney, Georgetown.
Guards--Pommerening, Michi-
gan; Ghetto, Pittsburgh.
Center-Westgate, Pennsylvania.
Quarterback-Harpster, Carnegie
Halfbacks-Strong, New York
University; Mizell, Georgia Tech.
Fullback-Cagle, Army.
Farm Relief Decision
May Be Up To Hoover


7 All unpaid subscriptions to
I The Daily are due not later
I than Saturday, Dec. 1. The
I price is $4.50. ' Unpaid sub-
scriptions will be discontinued j
I after that date and billed at
I the rate of five cents per copy.
President-Elect Converses With
President Diaz Through
(By Associated Press)
CORINTO, Nicaragua, Nov. 27.-
A roaring popular greeting was
given Herbert Hoover when he
stepped ashore here today. He also
was welcomed to Nicaragua by
President Diaz, president-elect
Moncada, former president Cham-
orro and several members of the
cabinet and other dignitaries.
Mr. Hoover and Senor Dlaz, Mon-
cada and Chamorro had an inti-
mate talk of more than half an
hour, conversing through an inter-
preter in the customs house.
Charles C. Eberhardt of Detroit,
United States minister, and several
of Mr. Hoover's friends, who are
voyaging with him, said his con-
versation signified that the next
President of the United States had
accomplshed just what he hoped to
do in Nicaragua. Intimate talks
with the leaders of the country
which he visits are what Mr. Hooy-
er most desires.
It was especially notable that the
trio with whom Mr. Hoover con-
ferred. here were former bitter
enemies, opposing each other in
politics and even in arms when the
contending factions took to the
Hundreds of Nicaraguans, straw-
hatted and coatless, stood upon
freight cars on the railroad tracks
in front of the customs house when
the American visitor arrived. They
yelled "Viva Hoover" and waived
star-spangled banners, many of
which were home-made copies of
the American emblem done in
colored tissue paper.
A battalion of United States
marines was stationed in the
streets leading to the customs
house. They came- to "present
arms" as{ Mr. Hoover arrived
and their band played the national
anthems of the two countries. The
ceremony was repeated as the con-
ferees left the customs house to
board the U. S. S. Maryland where
Mr. Hoover was host at a luncheon.
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Nov. 27.-Perry
Wheeler, superintendent of the
Lamport and Holt lines, operators
of the Vestris, testified today that
if the Vestris put to sea on her
fatal voyage with no.covers on the
hatches, she was unseaworthy.
Testifying in the federal inquiry
into the disaster in which 110
lives were lost November 12 off the
Virginia capes, Wheeler agreed
with Captain Jessop, American
nautical expert, that with the seas
coming up it was "The first duty
of a sea going captain" to im-
provise hatch covers.
Senate Is Ready
For Ratification

Of Anti-War Pact
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Nov. 27.-Senate
ratification of the Kellogg-anti-
war pact seems assured, barring
unforeseen developments, with the
only question to be settled that of
1 procedure.
Senator Swanson of Virginia,
ranking Democrat on the senate
foreign relations committee, has
announced his support of the
treaty, as have Senator Borah of
Idaho, chairman of the senate for-

Rich Praises Coaching Staff; Letter
From Yost Read; Fogherty
To Be Manager
In the midst of fine tributes
paid to a great Michigan team, Joe
Truskowski of Detroit, made-over
center, end, passer, and line plung-
er, was introduced at the annual
football banquet in the Union last
night as the captain-elect of the,
1929 Varsity.
Truskowski is a two letter man,
having earned a letter at center
on the 1926 machine. He was out
of school last year but returned
this fall to the difficult task of
filling Oosterbaan's place at left
end. In addition "Truk", as he is
known on the campus, is a basket-
ball letterman and a member of
the baseball squad.
Brandt Is Toastmaster
The banquet program included
speeches by the retiring captain,
George Rich, the head coach, "Tad"
Wieman, Truskowski, Joe Magid-
sohn, '11E, and a number of the
remarks by toastmaster Carl
Brandt of the speech department.
Brandt in opening the program
declared, "We are met here tonight
to honor one of the greatest fight-
ing mechines that has ever rep-
resented the Maize and Blue." He
then read a letter from Fielding
H. Yost, director of athletics, who'
did not attend the banquet because
of a speaking engagement in Owos-
so, made last August , which he
was unable to cancel. Yost's letter
in part follows:
"No football team and coaching
staff ever merited the congratula-
tions and respect of the students
and alumni more than the 1928
Michigan team and coaches.
Loyalty Rated High
"I have often witnessed Michigan
spirit and loyalty tested during my
twenty-eight years at Michigan but
have never seen them more highly
demonstrated than by the boys of
this, the 1928 team.
"So here's to Tad, Cappie, Jack,
George, Bennie, Capt. Rich and
that gallant crew he led to victory
in the Illinois and Iowa games. No
greater demonstration of the "will
to win" has ever been witnessed
than that given by Michigan's rep-
resentatives in these two games. All
hail to the Victors!"
In giving the principal speech
of the evening, Joe Magidsohn
paid two singular tributes to Mich-
igan teams.
Officials Impressed
"Never during the 17 years that I
have been an official," he declared,
"have I ever heard any official
say one derogatory thing about a
Michigan team. And all of the
~officials with whom I have talked
say that when a Michigan teamkis
on the field they have to pay closer
attention to the play than with any
other team."
In closing, Magidsohn referred
to Grantland Rice's radio speech
on Monday night in which Rice
placed Michigaii\ with the Army
and the Navy as the three greatest
teams in the country because after
four defeats, the Michigan team
came back and beat the two rank-
ing teams of the conference, Illi-
nois and Iowa.
Rich Expresses Appreciation
Rich in the first talk of the eve-
ning expressed the appreciation of
the team for the fine spirit shown
by the student body, and praised
the coaching staff.
Coach Wieman explained the or-
ganization of the coaching staff

as a unit, expressed his apprecia-
tion and the appreciation of the
coaches "for the wonderful spirit
with which the student body and
alumni have backed the team."
Before introducing the captain-
elect, he took occasion to pay par-
ticular tribute to the work of three
men, Pommerening who played
his best every second of every game,
Cragin who was a substitute and
a reserve for two years and a half,
Gembis whose toe was responsible
for the marginin every Michigan
victory, of whom Wieman said, "I
have never seen a finer exhibition
of returning punts and passes than


Ask Council Aid
Resolved, that the Common
Council of the City of Ann Arbor,
representing all the people of Ann
Arbor, respectfully request that
there be an immediate suspension
of efforts to place in operation the
proposed building program, until
all the facts, and methods to be
used, inconnectionbwith same have
been fully placed before. the pub-
lic, and until there has been a
full, fair and open investigation
of such proposed building program,
without the fear of reprisal, so that
it may be fairly determined wheth-
er the plan is for the best inter-
ests of all concerned.
Resoluved, further, that Mr. J. E.
Beal, Ann Arbor member of the
Board of Regents, respectfully be
requested to use his good efforts to
secure the wishes of the citizens,
in whose behalf this resolution is
(By Associated Press)
Cloudy and unsettled, probably
rain or snow Wednesday and Wed-
nesday night and in southeast por-
tions Thursday; colder Thursday
and in extreme north portions
Mail Otrders Due
For Opera Seats
Mail orders for tickets for the
1928 Michigan Union Opera may be
sent to the office of the Union any-
time today in order to be taken
care of in the first allotment of
tickets which will take place to-
morrow, according to Paul Buckley,
treasurer of the opera.
Regular sales will be announced


For Zep Planned

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