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November 27, 1928 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-11-27

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4 ar13





"Melancholy Baby," "Tiger Rag"
And Popular Airs Add Luster To
Impressive Array
Paul Whiteman, famed "king of
jazz," and his well known orchestra
will give a concert tonight at 8:15
o'clock in Hill auditorium. White-
man was last heard here three
years ago, and has just returned to
the concert stage after a prolonged
absence during which time his or-
chestra attained even greater
heights than ever before through'
a constantly increasing popularity
as phonograph recorders.
The program which Whiteman!
has arranged for his Ann Arbor I
performance is as follows:
I Introduction: "Yes, Jazz is
I. (a) Sugar '
(b) Gypsy
(c) Tiger Rag
III. Concerto in F ,
George Gershwin
Andante con motoI
Allegro con briof
Roy Bargy, soloist
IV. (a) Just Like a Melody Out
of the sky
(b) Valse Inspiration
(c) Melancholy Baby
V. Metropolis (premiere per-
formance) Ferde Grofe
VI. Band divertissement, "Free
Air," variation based on
noises from a garage
Ferde Grofe
VII. Popular request numbers
(a) Chicquita
(b) American Tune
The concert is a recognized Uni-
versity event and University wom-
en' are to be allowed special late
permission, it was announced yes-
Expecting a last minute rush for
the remaining seats tonight, two
box offices will be maintained.
Seats at all prices are still left, it
has been announced.
Has Given 600 Concerts
Whiteman's memorable debut
took place on February 12, 1924
when he appeared in a concert
hall in New York with what had
been hitherto un-recognized, "a
jazz orchestra." Since his immedi-
ate popularity there, he has given
more than 600 concerts in the
United States, Canada, and Europe,
and has received recognition from
all corners of the world.
The popular artist has made two
transcontinental tours. At the
present time he is on his way for
another long American tour which
started at Carnegie hall, New York
Mast month.
Paul Whiteman has often stated
his belief that the college musician
is an important factor in the de-
velopment of jazz music. He has
further intimated that he is par-
ticularly interested in college men
for positions in his orchestra, not
only because they play well, but be-
causehebelieves further that their
altogether proper attire is an addi-
tional asset to the quality of the
Services In Hleavy Demand
Many popular composers have
made special efforts to provide
Whiteman and his orchestra with
selections for presentation by his
orchestra. For example, Gersh-
win's "Rhapsody in Blue" was
originally introduced by Whiteman
in 1924. Recently Roger Wolfe
Kahn, son of the prominent banker
-and backerĀ° of the Metropolitan
opera house in New York, has for-
saken his orchestra to compose
mitsic for the Whiteman organiza-

Convention Approves
Standard Waterway
(By Associated Press)
ST. LOUIS, Nov. 26.-A standard
channel nine feet deep, the ap
propriation of $35,000,000 for floo
control for the next fiscal year an
a yearly allotment of $25,000,000
per year until the Mississippi val
ley waterway system is completed

Strong Ocean Gales 1
Take Toll Of Ships
(By Associated Press)
PARIS, Nov. 26. - Destructive
gales raging in the north Atlanticj
and in the English channel for the
past four days, crippling and
wrecking 21 crafts of all sorts
from the hook of Holland to Cape
Sinistere and strewing the French
coast with wreckage were abating
Coming on the heels of the de-
strud-tion, however, were floods
which developed in several parts
of France threatening to bring to
a hectic close one of the most tur-
belent weeks of stormy weather in
many years.
The heaviest lost was in the
foundering of the French freighter
Cesaree off Algiers, 15 sailors being
drowned of the crew of 19.

S1 930 HOP COMMITTEE Harris Players Will
Produce Italian Play
SANNOONCES NEW PLAN Opening the season for the Har-
ris Players, a local little theater or-
FOH SA E r" IKIS ganization of townspeople and
Sstudents, will be "Mistress of the
Inn," a play from the Italian of
Carlo Galdoni, according to an an--
CHAIRMAN PLANS BOOTHS FOR nouncement yesterday. The playt
FRATERNITIES AND will be given at the theater on the
INDEPENDENTS icorner of Huron and State streets
Thursday and Friday night of this
TO REVIEW APPLICATIONS week and next week, and admis-
_____ Ision is 75 cents, seats being re-
Invitations And Applications Will served. The box office is located!
Be Mailed To Members Of at 548 Thompson street.
Junior Classes i The play to be given is being




Desires Equal Economic Prosperity1
In Relations And Mutual, Aid
In Solving Of Problems

Prominent Pacifist
To Visit Ann Arbor
Mme. Rosika Schwimmer, Hun-
garian peace leader and lecturer,
who will speak on "The Abolition
of War," on Dec. 6 in Hill auditor-
ium will visit Ann Arbor late this
week to complete plans for her
appearance here. She will discuss
the Kellogg peace pacts and dis-
armament in her talk next month.
Mme. Schwimmer has had con-
siderable experience in speaking,
and is one of the best known fig-
ures, on the lecture platform in the
universities of Central Europe. She
is one of the leaders of the move-
ment of world peace, and has been
endorsed by Jane Addams, Clar-
ence Darrow, Zona Gale, Upton
Sinclair and many others famous
in the fields of literature and so-
cial work.

directed by Capt. R
Placing emphasis on the fact of the Romance lang
that the next J-Hop will be "The ment and Prof. Ralei
J-Hop of the class of 1930 in fact} is a typical examplec


as well as in name," special invita- eighteenth century
tions are now in the mails on their traying well the ar
way to the members of each junior dress and manner of
class of the University, Robert S. has been given by mar
McCoy, '30E, announced last night stock companies, inch
in explanation of a new plan to be Eva Lei Gallienne a
used this year. These letters are York cast.
not to be confused with the formal
invitations given out later in theT

tobert Finney
uages depart- By Associated Press)
igh Nelson. It LA UNION, Salvador, Nov. 26.-
of continental Mutual respect between countries
drama, por- was described tonight by Herbert
tificialities of Hoover in the second speech of his
the times. It good-will trip to representatives of
ny well-known the republic of Salvador as "the
uding that of foundation of ail sound interna-
nd her New tional relations."
The American President-elect
also declared that upon interna-
r n i I r o tional economic relations nations


Present Informal Discussion On
Subject. Of Playwriting At
Rhetoric Seminar

Tomorrow's presentation of
Lenox Robinson, renowned Irish
dramatist, novelist, and producer,
by the rhetoric department will
come as a surprise, for it was only
at a late hour yesterday that final
and definite arrangements could be
made to insure the presence of Mr.;
Robinson in Ann Arbor.
He will make two addresses to-
morrow. The first will be an in-
formal affair, given at 2:00 o'clock
in the rhetoric seminar to the stu-
dents of the play writing class of
the rhetoric department. Mr. Rob-
inson has requested that only a
small group' attend this discussion,
which will be based on the sub-
ject "Play Writing." Any students
interested in the subject, aside
from those enrolled in the class,
are cordially invited to listen to
the visitor. The' second lecture of
the afternoon will be public and
delivered at 4:15 o'clock in Univer-
sity hall auditorium, His subject
for the later lecture will be "The
Abbey Theater," of which he is at
present manager.
The subject of the second talk
is that famous old theater in Dub-
lin so figurative in the progress of
the Irish dramatic renaissance. It
was the stage of this theater which'
produced the offerings of Synge,
Yeats, Lady Gregory, St. John[
Irvin, and Sean O'Casey.
The reason enabling the appear-
ance of Robinson in Ann Arbor is
due to the necessity of his pres-
ence in Detroit this season to
superintend the production of his
play "The Whiteheaded Boy," at
the Civic Theater under the direc-
tion of the Bonstelles.
The lecturer is considered to be
one of the most influential leaders
of the dramatic movement in Ire-
land, where, he was for a time a
critic for the dramatic columns of
the London Spectator.
Flanagan To Speak
On Russian Theater
Prof. Hallie Flanagan of Vassar
college, director of the experiment-
al theater there, ,will speak 'here at
4:15 o'clock Friday afternoon, Nov.
30, in Natural Science auditorium
on the subject of "Russia's theater
of the Revolution." She will speak
here at the request of Prof. O. J.
s Campbell of the English depart-
Professor Flanagan spent the
school year of 1926-27 as a Fellow
of the Guggenheim foundation,
1 studying comparativemethods of
-modern theatrical production. In
e the course of her study she traveled
_in England, Ireland, Sweden, Den-
mark, Latvia, Russia, Czechoslov-
akia, Austria, Germany, Italy and
Many unusual discoveries were
made by Professor Flanagan in her
,studies abroad according to ad-
vance reports. She teaches a play
1 production class as part of her ac-
tivities at Vassar. One of the out-
- standing achievements there re-
d cently was the production by that
d class of Chekov's "Marriage Pro-
- posal," done in three different
d styles, impressionistically, realistic-
d.1I .. rni,+fAvna'1'y Thn

season, McCoy said, and act only as II. II 1 I . built up the foundation "uponE
a better connecting link between which other progress rests." House Physicians Report Bad
the members of the committee and "And our international economic Day Brought About By
their classmates. With each letter ,n relations can have but one real High Fever
has been enclosed an application UUfoundation," he said. "They can H
for a ticket to the Hop. onyoto h poprt f
The applications are to be fillednl each of us. They can not flourish FAMILY MUCH CONCERNED
out and returned with an enclosed "Rainbow's End" Is Week Ahead Of in the poverty of degeneration of
self-addressed and stamped en- Past Operas In Preparation ymTy Associated Press)
velope as soon as possible, contin- Ps prsI rprto any of us. Our economic progress
For Opening Here is mutual. It is not competitive." LONDON, Nov. 27.-The Daily
ued McCoy. The special address Irs___rb s Mail in its second edition this
has been included in the letter, itI Stresses Mutual Problems I morning displays prominently the
being in care of McCoy, Box 14, HAS SPECIAL CHORUSES But economic development, Mr. following comment on the condi-
Ann Arbor. Hoover pleaded, should not be the I tion of King George:
Fl A c.OMail orders for seats for the 1928 only medium of international
File Applications In Order aiyadntossol ae"h "We regret to state that hope
The applications for Hop tickets Michigan Union opera presenta- amity and nations should have "the " entertained two days ago has not
will be filled in order of receipt,tin"RnbwsEdmuter- mutual problems of strengthening etrandtody g a o
cein im de fr tion, "Rainbow's End" must be re- the foundation of peace, building been fulfilled and up to the present
necessitating immediate fil.m ceived by the Union not later than up confidence and friendship and time there has been no progress
Phillip Allen, 30E, chairman of tomorrow night in order to be filled the institutions and ideals of each toward recovery. It is realized that
booths, has pointed out that it men when the other orders are on of our nations. the King is engaged in. a hard up-
be convenientforfraternitymenwhenthHotherordersareonofourgatihill fight and that his constitu-
to make arrangemeiits with their I Thursday. A large number of or-I He urged a freer-exchange in tion is being put to a severe test.
house brothers concerning booths, ders have been already received ca deas in a inalinfectionpersists,
so that the number of men attend- according to Paul Buckley, treas- enduring basis of mutual respect." and in the inost faeorable circum ,
ing llor te com te and urer of the opera. stances, the battle must be of a
for the houses themselves. d The show will open Monday ANATALA, Honduras, Nov. 26.- prolonged and anxious nature. The
The applications will be reviewed night, Dec. 10 at the Whitney thea- President-elect Herbert Hoover in condition of anyone at " the age of
as soon as received, and their ter and play nightly performances the first speech of his Central and the King (63 years) suffering from-
validity marked. Those whose ap- through Friday night, concluding South American good-will tour to- such an illness must be considered
plications have been accepted will with a Saturday matinee perform- day at this Honduras seaport, de- serious.'
be notified, and tickets will go on ance. Tickets are priced from $3 clared that he was making his trip
sale next Tuesday, Dec. 4, at the down to $1.50. "to learn more" of the common LONDON, Nv. 26.-It is general
side desk in the Union lobby, said Cast and chorus rehearsals have problems of the western hemi-i ly expected by medical men that
George Bradley, '30, ticket chair- been combined with great success, sphere so that he might be "better the crisis in the illness of King
man. As the number of tickets has according to E. Mortimer Shuter, fitted for the task which lies be-dGeorge may be reached about tle
been limited to 700 this year, the director of the production. At fore him." middle of this week and that until
committee places especial em- present all details of the entire Interested In Welfare then on definite opinion can be
phasis upon filing of applications. first act are complete, while the Speaking before a large audience formed. y
Plan Special Distribution I finishing touches are being applied of Honduran government official; His Majesty had an uncomfort-
As the names of the literary col-I to the second act. On the whole! and citizens, Mr. Hoover declared able day, it was disclosed tonight,
lege junors wr the from the the opera is more than a week that the western hemisphere "all but on the whole the report was
e t juniors were taken from the ahead of all previous schedules, of us" were interested in "one great not considered unfavorable. Al-
Student directory and different Shuter states, and that will give common task-the advancement of though his physicians had said yes-
means of distribution were used in him a chance for continued im- the welfare of the people of our terday that he was suffering from
other schools, there is a probability I provement of the choruses and respective countries." a high fever, his exact temperature
that a few juniors will not receive general "business" of the show be- The President-elect said the na- of 101.6 was given tonight for the'
Coyaid. andth whplictions, do notween now and the opening night. tions of North and South America, first time in the regular bulletins.!
receive these, a special distribution More than 125 men will make were pledged through the blood of The statement by Sir Stanley
frjniors athere aspcasdstibuen ilthorip thisar, whihe ia lage our forefathers to national inde- IHewett and Lord Dawson of Penn,
take place at the Union, starting inumber than ever before. The pendence, to self government, to issued shortly after 9 p. in., read:
Thursday afternoon, former number making the trip has development of the individual' "The King has not had a com-
In conclusion, McCoy pointed out been augmented not only by a 1,through ordered liberty as the only fortable day. His temperature
that no tickets will be od ue larger cast and more men working' sound foundation of human was 101.6, but the pleurisy has not
thatno ickts illbe old nles lrge cat ad moe mn wr ig sciey "extended farther and his strength
ben aced. ' p t 'but also by theaddition of a special "We know it is the only true road is maintained."
tohuanprgrss"cecepaszeedIsuaceof this report from
Arrangements for music and dec- singing chorus which is said to be to human progress he natins andI Buckngham alac srpawaited
oraion ar prgresin saisfc-one of the features of the show. "andwknwtathntisad!BuigamPlc wsaate
orations are progressing satisfac- n o- - the institutions we have created by the public with perhaps greater
nounced, and it is probable that- NOTICE can flourish only in peace, and mu- anxiety than on any day since His
the orchestra will be engagedhby NTtual prosperity. In turn we know Majesty became ill last Wednesday.
the time that the ticket sale is un- Prosecution of the person(that these institutions and these
der way. who took the coat of Mrs. H. ideals themselves form the greatest Cs Facilities
der__way.___ H. Nielsen Friday night from security of peace." Commends
Commander At Battle ushers check room in Hill au- I He concluded his brief speech Of Michigan Library
Editoriuin is threatened by ! with a plea for "a constantly in- , cia irr
Of Jutland IS Dead!i University officials if it is not ( proving understanding" between
_J__ s a returned immediately, it was the United States and her neigh- Col. Fielding H. Garrison, author
(By Associa tedPress)j stated in an announcement bor relations." 'of numerous works on medicine,

Weiman, Rich, And Captain-Elect
Will Also Give Talks At
All-Campus Affair
Michigan's 1929 football captain
will be introduced tonight at the
annual football banquet to be held
beginning at 6 o'clock in the ball
room of the Union.
The. banquet which is given in
honor of the football squad and at
which the entire squad are to be
guests of the Union, will be ad-
dressed by Joe Magidsohn, '11E, all-
Western halfback in 1909 and 1910;
as the outside speaker, by Coach
Elton E. (Tad) Wieman, by Captain
George Rich, '29L, as well as by
the -captain-elect. Carl Brandt of
the speech department, it is an-
nounced, will act as toastmaster.
It is the wish of Union officials
sponsoring the banquet that the
attention of students attending be
called to the time when the ban-
quet is due to start which is 6
o'clock and not 6:15 o'clock as
printed on the tickets. This change
is being made so that the banquet
will be over in time for any who
care to do so to attend the White-
man concert beginning at 8:15
o'clock in Hill auditorium.
An Outstanding Official
Magidsohn, it is expected, will
prove of special interest as in addi-
tion to being prominent in Univer-
sity alumni circles, he is one of the
most outstanding of Big Ten foot-
ball officials.
He did not see a single Michigan
game: this year, although his home
is in Detroit, owing to the fact
that he has been engaged each
week of the fall officiating for vari-
ous conference teams.
A member 'of the board of gov-
ernors of the Detroit University of
Michigan club, Magidsohn held a
similar position in Chicago before
locating in Detroit. It is expected
that he will devote the major por-
tion of his remarks to comments
concerning other Big Ten teams
and their games this year, throw-
ing interesting sidelights upon
number of the contests.
Praised By Eckersall




BERLIN, Nov. 26.-Admiral Rein-
hard Scheer, who directed the l
German fleet at the battle of Jut-1
land May 31, 1916, against a supe-l
rior English fleet, died today at
the age of 65. His death occurred!
as he was traveling from Dresden
to Mannheim.t

issued yesterday afternoon.
Two campus coat thieves
are now serving sentences at
Jackson prison, the officials
state. It is their hope that it
will not be necessary to make
a third arrest.


d vl



who visited here last weekend, de-
TlE WEATHER clared that he thought Michigan's
(fly Associated Press) library system was one of the best
Increasing cloudiness Tuesday, that he had seen.
followed by rain Tuesday night Colonel Garrison is attached to
and rain turning to snow Wednes- the library of the surgeon-general=
day; somewhat warmer Tuesday. I of the United States army, thet
largest medical library in the1
ED AT WHITNEY i aorld. He is making the tour of;
medical libraries of the country
IN NEW YORK CITY with the purposehof studying their
organization in order that he may
establish what he judges to be
of a store house for rum which he the best system in the New Welch
proposes to run down in large ' Medical library at John Hopkins:
quantities from Quebec, for this University in Baltimore, Md. This,
brother-in-law is a bootlegger of I new library is now in the process
extensive operations. Babe is quite of construction.
willing to pay generously-pro- Colonel Garrison has been direc-
vided he gets what he wants-and tor of the index catalogue of the
what he wants is the use of Carrie's surgeon's library for almost 12
home and moreover the cover of years. This catalogue is in con-
respectibility and disarming pres- stant use throughout the country
ence of Carrie's children to ride and is the greatest bibliography of
a-top the hay wagons with cases medicine that exists.
of alcoholic content hidden be-

It is also possible, however, that
he will make some comments con-
cerning his own undergraduate
days as he played upon two of
Yost's greatest machines, and was
himself hailed by Walter Ecker-
sall as one of the "best all around
halfbacks since Heston's time."
Tickets for the banquet are still
on sale and may be secured either
from Union committeemen or at
the main desk in the lobby of the
Union. The price is $1.25 per plate.
Any student may attend as the af-
fair is an all-campus. and not an
invitational dinners
Many fraternities, according to
William E. Nissen, '29, p'resident of
the Union, are availing themselves
of the system followed last year
and reserving tables for the affair.
Other groups will be allowed to
make the same arrangement by
getting in touch with the Union
early today.
Union Billiard Play
Will Start Tuesday
Registration for the Union pool
and billiard tournaments will con-
tinue until Friday in the Union
billiard rooms, it was announced
yesterday, and tournament play
will begin the following Tuesday.
Silver loving cups are being of-
fered as first prizes in each con-
test and $5 in trade in the billiard
room will be given to the man win-
ring second in each tournament.
Duringtournament play, rates in
the billiard room will be cut in half
for men participating.
Walker Pays Tribute
To Vestris Rescuer
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Nov. 26.-A diminu-
tive West Indian negro, member of

' The story of "Ned McCobb'sI
Daughter," by Sidney Howard,c
which will be presented here byj
the New York Theater Guild to- t
morrow night at 8:15 at the Whit-t
ney theater has attained great T
popularity in New York City.
It is said to be a drama of thef
strong, sweeping type, supplemen-
ted by comedy and the creation of
unusual characters. Melodrama?
comes in for its part, too, and

utterly no account grafter whoS
drifted up from Boston.
As the story opens,Carrie finds
herself confronted with the fact!
that George has gone wrong again.i
She must have $2,000 to make up
money George has taken from his
employers. She would mortgage
the farm, but discovers that it al-
ready has been mortgaged without
her knowledge and that this was
done to get George out of yet an-
other scrane of which she knew,

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