SA'T'URDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1$28, THE MICHIGAN DAILY F WAGE SEVEN VARSITY FENCERSn o Michigan's left tackle, and Sch- LTATs s i F I E 3S L LO H VENE C A H I~G R I D B I T S ileusner, who holds down th e ASING I iT g HA VE NEW COACH1 berth in the Hawkeye forward ,w all CADVRTSNGi rIare generally considered the pick mg (Continued From Page Six) LNU IContinued From Page Six) NTof the Big Ten tackle crop. ------- ICEa stone also pursued some furtherĀ± PaekSix)bIy shemBtrgensilfch studyof physical education in a;--- Glen Thstlethwaite, Coach It is. an .interesting coin- --~ ~sto Ten members of the Michigan college in Massachusetts before en- (Continued From Page Six')Ingwersen places great stress cidence that Mayes McLain, 21F T UT Ipri football squad will make their last terg the possible victory. on the playing conditions. pound fullback on the Iowai FRAT HOUSES, ATTENTION 171 squawi a e hei lat teingthecoaching profession. IemadA almMci appearances in Wolverine grid togs Coach Johnstone has for four Probably overshadowing this iit team, rghlalalcem, ichi- NOT n p t of trdit Ohi tat The Wolverine coach also pins gn's right halfback wear the T when the Maize and Blue eleven years been director of athletics in an pos w raon, 1 his hopes for a formidable offen- same number, 11; while Sim- We have just traded in a $600.00 and will attempt to upset the invading the public schools in Pontiac where and Illnois will stage another last sive on a dry playing field, as Al i rall and Glassgow are both Brunswick Electrical Panatrope. per Iowa team at the Stadium this he has also given considerable val- ditch struggle at Urbana. Should Dahlem and Jim Simrall, Michi- labeled 17. We defy you to tell this from new. Onl afternoon. uable aid in the coaching of swim- both Wisconsin and Iowa lose, the gans pony banks, will be of little A wonderful instrument for your RIDI Those closing their collegiate m and gymnastics as well as or- victor in/ the Buckey-Illini scrap use if the turf is heavy. Ray Cragin can readily qualify as dances, especially as it will give sho football careers with todpy'sgand gynotesve lasses will be able to claim the champion- the best all-around performer on vlume from a mere whisper to full ten gae r-C .Go Ich amizinig one of the very few classes si. bealo laiven hampioen d- It still remained somewhat the present squad after today's! orchestral volume. All games are: Capt. George Rich, in Michigan high schools in fenc- si. Both elevens have been de night as .to game. Starting his career as a Al Otto Pomnmerening, George Squier. Iing. fae neadbt ekt o uncertain last somew amte.presen sarafer toda' rhetalvlue maymove nthe srng ofth eetres whether M i c h i g a n would center, Cragin has played both An unheard of Bargain Raymond Cragin, Marshall Boden, This is not Coach Johnstone's ToveIllnoi nwib the s inaugurate the yellow jerseys right and left guard in addition to iPIAN William Dansby, Ray Parker, Er- first connection with the Univer- tha buie icago wibthesm used in the Navy game on the the pivot iposition, besides occa- at ist nest McCoy, Robert Williams, sity of Michigan as he Was em-M aleri hiag wit s home field for the first time, sionally working FS t tackle on de- mu Louis Kubicek, John Totzke andMilWkradHmrtmhem Dallas Whittle. ployed during the past summer as backfield. To combat these ground or not. fense. This afternoon he is slated $300.00 tun a coach of swimming, wrestling, g ,to start at a different post, right of Of the ten men, Captain Rich is fencing, and boing in the sum- gainers, Wile, who will appear as As the Iowa uniform includes tackle. Terms if desired 160 the only te who leas completed mer school for coaches. As is in- head coach at Ohio State for the black jerseys with gold lettering three y one oharsity competition. dicated above CoachJohnstone is' last time today, is expected to start that look very much like those of STOFFLETSo He first broke into the lineup as a a very versitile athletic. Holman, Eby, Kriss, and Cory. The the Wolverines, it seems probable 54,E fullback, on the 1926 Conference The fencing squad has been giv- game should uncover a lot of de- that . the fans will have unusual Hawkeyes will hold a weight 54NTC championshtip.tea'm, 'having two en one end of the auxiliary gym- ceptive plays since neither team is opportunity of seeing Michigan's advantage over the Wolves, NOTICE All-Americans, Fiedman and Oos- nasiumnof the new Intramural excepted to place reliance on a eleven arrayed in the canary hue. but Michigan's heavy pair of WE BUY USED CLOTHING LOST terbaan, as teammates. building in which to practice and line smashing offensive. s H. BENJAMIN Bl ends bring the averageuptoH.BENJA Otto Pommerening became a the squad has been holding their Two great halfbacks will duel for Both squads will enter the h .i215 E. Washington Phone 4310 regular in 1927, and developed into workouts there for the past week. individual honors at Lafayette contest with their full with three pounds of 'that T. T. S.,c one of the best linemen in the Rubber mats have also been sup- when Indiana and Purdue engage strength, the return, of Joe of the invaders' forward wall. NOTICE-Dial 3916, Moe Laundry, W A Conference during the present plied the team but it is still no- in another traditional game. Ben- Gembis to the lineup after an __204 N. Main, for laundry service. tick season. He has composed an inte- ticable that. fencing is practically nett, Indiana's star, and Pest Welch absence of two weeks having Sub be f the Michianensian Small enough to do good work, -- gral part of the impregnable left the only intercollegiate sport at of Purdue are the backs. The considerably enhanced Michi- Sbscri for gn i large enough to give servce. 41 WAN side of the line. Michigan in which the members of Boilermakers will be seeking a vic- gan's hopes for a good show- nov, . It costs only $4.00. tio George Squier also received his the squad have to furnish all of tory to boost their position in the ing. -_ W AI first letter in 1927, and has' held their- own equipment. standings to the .500 mark. tick doin right tackle berth during The squad which will continue The forward pass should play an The eyes of Conference and Mid- most of the games this season. to prepare for the opening of its important part in the Dartmouth- dle Western critics will be fastened T 1 NCOKETHUD Ray Cragin, though in his first season is about the same as be- Northwestern fray at Evanston, an on at least two of the performers CORXN W ELL COA LJ - CK Ea year of Varsity competition proved gan practice at the opening of intersectional clash. in today's fray, as Pommerening,tsh his worth during the Illinois game school without a coach. Wiggers On' when he substituted for Bovard, is developing in all of the events who was injured, at center. Since but is specializing in the epee and Scranton, Pocahontas that game he has been used in the I will probably- be the varsity's 4 line during some portion of every strongest man in this event. Winer Kentucky and West Virginia Coal tilt, and has .won the right to start and Dowsette are the other twoSolvay and Gas Coke at right tackle against the Hawk- men working for a position in the c * I eyes this afternoon. epee division of the sport. - s A PWRITER S E R V I C E-New ona, Royal, Underwood, Rem- ton portables, also used large I portable typewriters o, all kes bought, sold, rented, ex- nged, cleaned, repaired. Large ek, best service, considerate es. Phone 6615. O. D. Morrill Nickels Arcaae. C CE-H. W. Clark Shoe Fac- y, corner of South University I Forest. Let us save you 20 cent on your repair work. Ly one shoe factory in town, NG BOOTS from $10 up; golf es from $8 up; moccasins in different leather styles, $6 kinds of shoes made to your asure.-H. W. Clark. c O TUNING-The Concert Art- Piano Tuner, phone 6776. Vic- Allmendinger. Not with any sic house. Exclusive piano er for the University School Music. Office at rcskQenee, 8 Morton Ave. Wed., Thu., Fri. e LOST -Wallet belonging to J. E. in, Lawyers club. 53,54 WANTED v T E D - One- Pan - Hellenic et. Any price. Call 7210. 54 TED-Used car in good condi- n. Call 4840. 54 q T E D-Three Pan - Hellenic bets. Call 3743. 53,54,55 SON COACH TRUNK-Will cold cash for one in good pe. Dial 9853 after 12:15 at e. UBSCRIBE TO T HE MICHIGAN ,William Hoclrei n& Sons Plumbing, Steam and Hot Water Heating, Repairing Phone 5014 211 S. Fourth Ave. This business has been growing ever since it was established. The secret- "giving absolute satisfaction to our customers." We believe it pays to do business in a friendly way. If you thinky so too, let's get together. CORNWELL COAL - COKE OFFICE, CORNWELL BLOCK Phones, Office : 4551-4552 Yard Office : 5152 DAILY $3.50 FO7R THE .:! YEAR SUNDAY CHURCH SERVICE ' . , / . t. / .% '( , I f . ' S V' J i U ( , ' i (, i; 'n 2Z 4 Electricty opens a new era ofI ocean travel FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Cor. State and Washington Sts. Arthur W. Stalker, D.D., Minister Samuel J. Harrison, Associate Minister and Student Director 10:30 a. m.-Morning Worship. Dr. Stalker's sermon subject: "Jesus With a Doubter," sec- ond of a series entitled "Jesus with Individuals." "The Deader's Faith in Man- kind," Prof. Carrothers' sub- ject; "What May I Believe?" R a 1 p h Johnson's subject; "Agora," discussion group. 6 p. m.-"Mansions," a play by Wesley players. 7:30 p. m.-"The Herald and His Message," Rev. Samuel J. Harrison. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Huron and Division Sts. Merle H. Anderson, Minister Dale H. Moore, Associate Mrs. Nellie B. Cadwell, Secretary for Women 9:30 a. m.-Church School. 10 a. m.-Student Class in Audi- torium will be addressed by Mr. Bennett Weaver, English Instructor at the University, formerly head of the School of Religion at Michigan State State College. 10:45 a. m.-Morning Worship, Dale H. Moore preaching. Ser- mon, "Certainties." 5:30 p. m.-Social Hour for Young People. 6:30 p. m.-Young People's So- ciety. Leader, Don Bla kstone. HILLEI FOUNDATION 61i F, University Dial 3779 Maurice B. Pekarsky FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH R. Edward Sayles, Minister Howard R. Chapman, Minister for Students 10:30-Mr. Sayles will preach. Topic, "Blessed Are the Peace- makers." 12:00-Church Bible School. 12:00-Student Class in New Testament History, Mr. Chap- man, at Guild House. 6:30-Special-Student meeting in church parlors. Mrs. W. H. Dorrance of Detroit will speak on "Adventures in Friendli- ness." A social hour will fol- low when students will be guests of members of the church. All young people in- vited. BETHLEHEM EVANGELICAL CHURCH (Evangelical Synod of N. A.) Fourth Ave. between Packard and Williams Rev. C. William Roth 9:00-Sunday school. 10:00-English service. 11:00-German service. Attend church regularly. on Sundays FIRST CHURCI OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 409 S. Division St. 10:30 a. m.-Regular Morning Service. Sermon, "Soul and Body." FIRST CONGREGATIONAL Corner State and William Sts. Allison Ray Heaps, Minister 10:45 A. m.-Sermon topic, "The Grace of Gratitude." 9:30-Church School. " 5:30 p. m.-Student Fellowship. Mr. Heaps will give an illus- trated stereoptican lecture on "Tolstoi's.Ressurection." ST. ANDREW'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Division and Catherine Sts. Rev. Mr. Henry Lewis, Rector Rev. Mr. T. L. Harris, Assistant 8:00. a. m.-Holy Communion. 9:30 a. m.-Holy Communion (Harris Hall). 9:30 a. m.--The Church School. (Special Thanksgiving Ser- vice.) 11:00 a. m.-Morning Prayer and Sermon. 11:00 a. m.-The Kindergarten. 5:00 p. m.-Even Song. 6:30 p. m.-The Student Supper. (Harris Hall.) Miraculously quiet and vibration- less, luxurious and swift, the new electrically operated S. S. Califor- nia largest American-built pus- senger ship, has opened a new c-a in ocean travel. Electricity drives the California so efficiently that the fuel bill for the comforts found in the finest hotels. Complete electrification makes the California an engineering marvel and a commercial success; it is booked far in advance, a sister ship has just been launched, and another is under construction. On sea or land, in every walk of B3e consistent in your religion ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH Washington St. at Fifth Ave. E. C. Stellhorn, Pastor initial coast-to-coast trip was even less than the Canal toll. Electricity mans.the winches, bakes the bread, makes the -- - _ -1_ 2 *r: / r. life, electricity is in the van of progress. Undreamed of yesterday, the electric ship is a symbol of the electrical in- ra ofrs , - . r-; n-I- n G17 I ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH (Missouri Synod) Third and West Huron Streets C. A. Brauer, Pastor Res. 100 W. Washington St. Phone 22341 ' I 5 I r - __ s