SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1928 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIVE PAGE FIVE ' S C...A.4 MLV'A v m I"A * -_ Y 1 r I /Lr i / l f L Z fi fA r C y1 2 4 r t f t I x 1 t t r i Fnz REPORT FELLOWSHIPS Miss Hassinger Says Michigan Sports WOMAN ARE ASKED TO Dramatic Sorority BOARD OF GOVERNORSFlon AVAILABLEJO_ WM EN "In spite of the fact that we the sports that you have here, bas- SIGN OUT CAREFULLY At a recent meeting of Sigma HOLDS FRT EMakin have almost two thousand more ket ball, baseball, track, swimming, Delta Phi, national honorary dra Arbor women enrolled in the University and golf. But we have no intra-D--ma sorority, the society, de- Quartet Applications And Recommenda- of Minnesota than you have here mural hockey as this sport is re- In checking over the signing out sided to meet at luncheon at 12 The first meeting of the Board night i tions Must Be Submitted By at Michigan, the management and served for interclass games only. slips for October, the House Or- o'clock Tuesday, November 27, at of Governors of the Michigan Beethov January 1 organization of women's athletics "One comparatively new sport ganization committee of the Wo the Cozy Corner Tea ioom to dis- League building was held at 11 recognit on the two campuses is much the that you don't have here on this ,'clocyesh cuss plans for the eai.'nationa ILL POST DESCRIPTION same," was the statement of Miss campus that we've had for about men's League has found almost pso e a met before yesterday morning in the WIL PS ECITO iThe society has not mteo mmtteromofteIoensWeek. lRuth Hassinger, instructor in phy- four years at Minnesota is horse- innumerable mistakes; Elizabeth this year but they will now start committee room of the Women's The Announcement of the fellow- sical education, who graduated shoe pitching or quoits. We've only I Wellman, '29, chairman of the their work, according to Vera Athletic building. All the members to term ships made available by the Amer- I from Minnesota two years ago. had quoit tournaments up there Board of Representatives states. Johnston, '29, president of the or- of the Board were present t the of thea ican Association of University Wo- "First of all, in women's athle- for about four years and they are These mistakes are due largely to ganization. (meeting. fifth an men for the year 1929-1930 has re- tics at Minnesota comes our big extremely popular. We don't have taking mencarelessness, 9it-is3thought.-The officers for this year are: PresidentessneVeratiJohnsont., '9Vc-The members of the Boardoftkn cently been received by Miss Grace inter-class games," she continued. bowling alleys at Minnesota, andPresident, Vera Johnson, 29; Vice- Governors are: Mrs. Arthur N ental to Richards, chairman of the Ad- "All of those are held outdoors just as all women interested in prac- It should be remembered that President, Lillian Setchell, '30, Sec- Vanenbrg residen. Afthe mately visors of Women. Practically all as late as the season permits, but ticing or playing at all have to go the slips are to serve a purpose retary, Florence Watchpocket ', Alumncrg, president of the 500 A of these fellowships are available!as it gets colder much earlier up down town to do it, this sport is and that they should be carefully and Treasurer, Elizabeth Mc- dlumnae council, Mrs.WW.nD.aHsn-gomyne r sh ullyfiitly satdersote Au na e cutcive Mscret a oft e ona only to women having at least a there we're generally glad to start considerably handicapped. and legibly filled out. Women Curdy, '29. Alumnae xcunil, s. Wilam C.h appeara bachelor's degree, and applications playing them inside after the first "W. A. A. at Minnesota is parti- should definitely state where they Elct Housn, Mrs. Ms. Wikler Re of Euro and recommendations for them of November. Outdoor sports are cularly active, but so many of our are going, should put their classHo AsA EewtsNetoMr'n, Mrs. "lrc tury of must be received not later than especially popular up at Minnesota women live in the twin cities, and numerals in the column provided} *ack, Dr , Mar ElliotMi Three Ja 1 192.and I've had some wonderfully go back and forth every day, that for them, should be careful to sign P l t M aGace, Dr. Margaret Elliott, Miss Andsriteao flthrilling times playing in ice- a large proportion of them don't in when they return, should put yreidentdof thy W e , 'au, QAolf A descr d t variosfe- 'hockey games on the rink we have have the time to spend on campus down their address when 'they nh'hon, Spin back of our gymnasium. You activities they would have if they1 town for over night, and At a recent meeting of the W. ,Cy ins, 29, Margaret mb the bulletin boardiin Barbour don't have ice-hockey for women had the afternoon and evenings should not use nick-name, Miss A. A. evecutive board, Helen Do- BMbcock,old30, and Eleanor Cooke,av gymnasium, and Miss Richards1here do you? to spend in games and meetings. Wellman declared. mine, '31, was elected to fill the th will be glad to give any addition- hockey in snow about a foot thick but really, W. A. A. has the same The committee feels that a good position of publicity manager President Clarence Cook Little o al information that may be desired "I remember one night playing number of actively interested many girls are not signing out and made vacant by the resignation of atmlunche we ey w the The y as to the method of application. when we had to use a red ball in members at Minnesota as it does are not observing the League, the manager who was elected by at luncheon, when they were the Thep There are no application blanks, order to be able to see it at all. It at Michigan. Many outdoor ac- housing rules, for there is oftena a the board in the spring elections e f utr applction mhi be made bym ~was just freezingly cold too, and tivities are planned through W. large discrepency between the last year. to. ltter ontellchairmanDofthescom-we were all so bundled up that we A. A., and some are extremely number of girls signing out and Miss Domine ,has had consider- Mi. No 6 mittee on fellowships Dr. Agnes L could hardly run. The game al-popular, such as tobagganing and the number living in the house. If able experience in the field of ath-M Tailors non tr lgers, Bry a wrco m e ac-Themost ended in a riot, but it cer- skiing parties. this occurs for November, an ef- letics. She has received her nu LADIES' COATS RELINED alinco tainly was fun," she added and "We haven't, or we didn't have fort is to be made to check up on merals in several sports, and sne OUR SPECIALTYEert; Qt t eanird by acertificate fromher eyes danced at the memory. two years ago when I was there," it. The committee is also going has worked for one year in the ORK GUARANTEE Allegro r aae registrar of the college from "Our intramural -tournaments she concluded, "anything like the to talk to the residents of the women's sports department of The which the applicant holds a de- are managed by the students facilities for indoor athletics that houses where there seems to be a Daily. The publicity manager of Erun po gree; by testimonials as to the themselves with only the supervi- you have here at Michigan in your large number of faults in the slips the athletic association is respon-g health, character, and scholarship sion and occasional help of a new Women's Athletic building. in order to clear up any misunder- sible for the posters, newspaper of the applicant; and by theses tnig htnesae~ t.?//,lil." papes orpportsn; inv ytesg, member of the staff of the physi- However, I think we do enjoy and standings that may exist. The slips publicity, and also for specialties papers, or reports of investiga- cal education department, and get more fun out of our activities supposed to be in use are those which aid to keep W, A. A. in the are specified. they include contests in almost all we hold outdoors." hus Tesla and these may upuicbain eye._AsA._h Three Are Open To A. B.'se t Martha kLeads e at the League ofice in Bur-' Subscribe for the Michiganensian 'Three of the fellowships are:IM rh Cook LeaOpsne bour gym. now. It costs only $4.00. 331anr open to women holding only a i.Cora Op nes 330 MaydS bachelor's degree. These are the Tr-Deltas At Half 'ul 11UtIlltlplimmmlllmmmmmmmm 1mmmmmm i Margaret E. Maltby fellowship Well, my dear, the football sea- - which carries an award of $1,500, son closes today for the year. Isn't the Boston Alumnae fellowship, of .At the half of the that sad? I mean I am really sor-$elatnSo $1,ooo, aind the Southwest Central game in the intramural tourna- ry that there won't be any more1 - r st .Lunneon oerore tne gami Sectional fellowship of $1,500. . ment, Martha Cook ;was leading until next fall because I do enjoy- o psear One fellowship, the Northwest Delta Delta Delta, 5 to 0. The win- football even when it might be!c Central Sectional fellowship, is better than it has been on this Dinner after the game.. .4 available to a holder of a bache- ning team will meet Zeta Tau campus this year. However, I lor's degree who has also com- Alpha tomorrow morning at think our team really deserves a Choose a New Crystal Skirt pleted at least one year of gradu-- eleven o'clock on Palmer field to lot of credit, as I've said before, ~ ate study. The other fellowships I play off the final match. and next year we'll show every- and a Novel Knt designedTRY are open only to holders of higher At the hockey banquet Thurs- one whether or not Michigan can Sweater or a Jersey Dress pop degrees. play football. -1 The Sarah BerlinerResearcht, it was not possible to But really, my dear, I hope w I1=lularly priced. and Lecture fellowship is available present the cup to the winning win today especially, because what for research in physics, chemistry, iteam as bad weather had made with all the old grads and every- ar biology, rnd is open to Ameri- the playing of the final matches body here 'to see the game, it -....Putting the Fashionabl can women holding the degree of impossible. Out of fourteen play- would be too bad if we lost, I mean Doctor of Philosophy or Doctor of ing days this fall, on only seven it actually would, don't you think New Showing of Selected is smartly dresse Science, or having equivalent of them was the weather suitable so too? And I hope we win for = 4Christmas Novelties preparation. for hockey games. still another reason and that i =N- Is Award In Public Health that all those people who are loyalw/- By the terms of the Mary Pem- for by an award of $1,500 made enough to Michigan to bet on our EDR e d V ,/ berton Nourse Memorial Fellow- available as the A. A. U. W. Eu- team-if loyalty is what inspires ship, candidates must possess a ropean fellowship, which is open them to bet-really deserve to win- bachelor's degree and must also to any woman holding a degree something on the risk they are New Shipment of $10.00 and $16.50 Dresses have completed a minimum of who has completed all the require- taking. And those people who bet either two years of graduate study1 ments for her doctor's degree with on the other team-I refer to the = Smart style is only one of the feat tending toward public health the possible exception of the com- Michigan men who bet for Iowa- shoes-others are the Archtone work or two years of practical pletion of the dissertation. really ought to lose if anyone does. _."" _ishmeoverstheaous la l work in the field of public health. The A. A. U. W. International! Of course, that isn't the funda4r4 4 44 mt 4 made over the famous last-th The award is $1,500, and may be fellowship confers an award of mental reason for my wanting the sound foot comfort-while the q used for any work along the lines $1,500 which enables the holder to team to win. I want them to win 201 E. Liberty St. Phone 4977 = terials used-give the satisfacto of public health work which shall carry on a year's research in some just on general principles, I meanR Cs s be approved by the committee. country other than her own dur- for the glory of Michigan, and ev- ed Cross shoes are moderatel3 Research in Europe is provided ing the academic year 1929-30. erything. .li ll i ll llI[l i nl$10.50 and $11. Eal ii g au p LH en, ion [ly Flo ina sea: iniv its sur. 200 aeri ins nce pe its 0 Be se au, in, r s Mr rog he f le )pp( nia Bic uar m sai ha.: t. I e d ure rch ese jua ry y 50. ey Quartet . ves Last Concert its final bow to Ann diences, the Flonzaley layed a concert last ill Auditorium mostly of and of Schubert, in that this week is being observed as Schubert nzaley Quartet decided te its career at the close son 1928-29, its twenty- versary, and is therefore farewell trans-contin- It has made approxi- 0 appearances in nearly can cities and educa- titutions, and over 500 es in the principal cities in the quarter of a cen- existence. f the members of the which is composed of etti, first violin, Alfred Sond violin, Iwan D'Ar- violoncello, and Nicolas violo, have been playing since its foundation in . E. J. De Coppet. gram last night consist- following numbers: Bee- uartet in B. flat, Op. 18, gro con brie, Adagio, ma , Scherzo, Adagio (La- ), Allegro quasi allegro; loch: Pastorale; Schu- -et in G. Major, Op. 161, olto moderate, Andante, noto, Allegro vivace, Al- a ROOM' ft " 11:30-1:30 .. 5:00-8:00 CE CREAM Foot forward with the Shoe I es of Red Cross construction- assure you of lity of the ma- wear-and yet priced. [ i, This Coat Sale- Offer of Co F Fur Coats I i-- - ! 11_111111111111111111111111 111111111 1211111111 H! ! I~ 1111111E~111111! 111111111 111111# 1 (I lit! - n- Week - - r - r ing you the choice of our large stock ats at $28 to $98 ormer prices were $39.50 to $135. Reduced- e of our stock of Fur Coats at remark- eductions- $58 to $238 '- Former prices $89.50 to $289.50 W endid showing of the latest Tailored is in Velvets, Satins and Crepes, in both For the formal after the game; For it and half sizes, at $25 8 the Pan-Hellenic; Whether it is frock or wrap or cocktail jacket, we can i - wr-"014 *r4 =r * . 4 . The oxford pictured above combines tan and brown kid leather and achieves fashionable distinction. Two narrow leather straps with buckles are the fastening. The heel is Cuban style. $11.50 pair. Choic able r This strap slipper of black or brown kid is smart with the newest costumes. Side cutouts lend an attractive style note. Smart vamp length--walking type heel. This number is priced at $10.50. I Tailored G A sp] Gown regula A dressy type of slipper is the one- strap in above illustration. Low cut at the sides-and the high heel is dressy. Of black patent leather-sim- plicity is the keynote to its smartness; at $10.50 pair. it Eu .. I-,%- Y