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November 23, 1928 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1928-11-23

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70 I W A "A

TUNIVERSIT OF MINNESOTA Cora Finds Outsider Archers Practice
Ss "DUTCHDATE" CLUB; Appreciating Daily Gn Indoor Rane
n uRn n(i Dut8h hch Date club is tnew- At, ydrLann-Archersare continuing practice pledng
N GTCOUS TIBIG OCEYSESO _iea thing on the University off FNCINGlIUSDY At last, my dear, a man, an cut- ion the indoor range in the WO- I"A A of

psilon Phi announ
of Miriam Finstt

Dr. Bell, Betty Smither Give
. Awards After Program; Rose
Strasser Receives Big "M"
-Closing a spirited hockey season,
the annual hockey banquet was
, held in the Women's Athletic build-
4 ing at 6 o'clock last night with 110
, women present. Edna Mower's or-
h chestra played for dancing between
" courses, and during the dinner
i class songs were sung. Each class
o also gave a stunt between the
Maize and blue were used for the
N color schemes on the tables, which
1 were aranged to form, an H.
, " Marie Hartwig, '29, wa" toast-
' mistress. The program was as fol-
lows: "The Bully"-Miss Laurie
O. Campbell; "The Roll In"-Miw
" Dorothy Colby; "The Free Hit"-
i Miss Ruth Murray; "The Drive"-
9 Betty Smither, '29, and "The Goal'
. -Dr. Margaret Bell.
t ,Dr. Bell, assisted by Betty Smith.
1 er, '29, gave out the awards. Rose
a Strasser, '29, received the Big "M"
the highest award given by W. A
A. The letter is awarded to thos
women who win 1200 W. A. A. point
and the one this year is the firs
that has been given in severa
i Margaret Ohlson, '30, was thi
,only one 'given the privilege o
n wearing the 600 point pin. At thi.
time the 300 point "M" was award
ed to Nellie Becker, '29, France
Biebly, '30, Margaret Eamon, '31
and Roberta Reed, '31.
t The points earned by the hockey
k players this season were as fol-
Seniors: 100 points - Louis
l:. Cooley, Marie Hartwig, Cynthia
{ Hawkins, Velma Johnson, Dorothy
y. Lyons, Frances Miller, Jannette
Sauborn, Betty Smithers, Rose
Strasser, Ann Zauer, Rosemary
Troester, Nataline Vincenti; 75
points-Ethel Klanderman, Bertha
Levin, Shirley Mansfield, Esthei
Juniors: 100 points - Dorothy
Bloom, Margaret Bush, Mildred
Cassidy, Marion Gieb,Herma Gra
owsky, Frances Bielby, Arlienne
Heilman, Dorothy Marshick, Mar-
jorie, Muffley, Margaret Ohlson
Myrtle Kutschinski, Margaret Sib-
ley; : 75 points-Frances Sackett
Margaret Stahl, Dorothy Touff.
Sophomores: 100 points-Helen
Domine, Margaret Bush, Albertina
Elizabeth Wood, Roberta Reed,
Maslen, Flora Schaefer, Josephine
Quarry, Helen Wilson, Esther Koch,
Frances Whipple, Helen Moore; 75
points - Jane Robinson,. Ruth
Crooks; Virginia Collen.
Freshman: 100 points-Louise
Breaky, Marianna Paddock, Eliza-
beth Healy, Dorothy Felske, Jean
Levy, Marjorie Millar, Esther La-
Rowe, Dorothy Elsworth, Dorothy
Bidrzell, Sylvia Weiss, Mary Louise
Hershey, Marjory Elsworth; 75
points-Elizabeth Louden, Donna
Motley team: 50 or 35 points-
Elizabeth Campbell, Edna Johnson,
Dorothy Briggs, Lela Crump, Dina
Berkkovitz, Martha Boehmer, Eliz-
abeth MacCauley, Gertrude Locke,
Margaret Seeley,- Helen Collen,
Elizabeth Whitney, Helen Clarke,
K. Wilson, Muriel Volz.
Freshman second team: 50 or 35?
points-Florence Laramee, May
Ashley, Mary Kickey, Jane Incn,
I rgarrt's I

Scientifically prepared food
is not an empty expression,
bti means well-cooked, appe-
You will always feel safe in
entertaining your guests here.
Special attention given to
private parties.
Luncheons and Dinners
Now located at

Mrs. R. W. Engels, Myrna Steele, ized by a group of men who
Myrle Steele, Jean Roberts, Bernicethought that the girls were getting
Braun, Hortense Bumpus, Doris too much for nothing, and has the
Litzenberger, Pauline Bowe, Helen open approval of the dean of stu-
McCarthy. dent affairs and the dean of wo-
The mythical hockey eleven men.
chosen by the managers and The club has instituted a system
coaches has for its players. R. W., of regular rushing pledging, "hell
Elizabeth Wood; R. I., Rosemary week," and formal initiation. The
Troester; C. F., Ann Zauer; L.1., members have announced that only
Betty Healy; L. W., Rose Strasser; "he-men" who are willing to live up
R. W., Frances Miller; C. H., Louise to the conditions of the club will
Cooley; L. W., Esther LaRowe; R. be eligible for membership. Sev-
F., Dorothy Lyons; L. F., Sylvia eral faculty members will be so-
Weiss; G., Marjorie Muffley; sub- licited to join the new fraternity.
stitute for forward line, Cynthia Feminine criticism is reported to
Hawins; substitute for backfield, have reached the ears of the
Marie Hartwig. founders of the order, but has not
dampened their enthusiasm. They
Subscribe for the Michiganensian plan soon to enlist sororities in a
now. It costs only $4.00. campaign to support the idea.
Poet Will Give Recital Under Auspices
Of The Inlander And University Women1

On Friday evening, December 7,(it
Carl Sandburg, eminent American g
ooet and biographer, will give a re- to
vital of his poems, under the com-
:ined auspices of the Inlander tl
magazine and the American Asso- u:
3iation of University Women. .ta
Sandburg, who is a native - of Il- w
inois, has had a most interesting 1;
ind variegated career. He had lit- p
Ile schooling, and at the age of h
,hirteen abandoned his studies to ti
>ecome a driver of a milk-wagon.
'rom this time on, for the fol- w
lowing six years, he was in turn h
many things. p
The Spanish-American war S
'ound Sandburg, fresh for some N
iew adventures, in the midst of in
;he Porto Rican expedition as a -
nember of the Illinois volunteers. n
After his return from the war, he
>egan to take an earnest interestj i
.n literature. He matriculated at
.,ombard College and graduated f
after having been captain of the i
basketball team, editor of the E
school paper and handy man about :
the town, this last attribute giving
him the means to earn his way =
through school.
For a time Sandburg was safety
expert on a business periodical and'

Sakn k Beauty Shop TUT!TUTF MhMez
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