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;- By Morris Quinn
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n ite of the coldest weather days of Aubrey Devine, Gordon
To Start On of tie season, Coach Burt Ingwer- Locke, and "Duke" Slater, and To Be Without
Record For son is driving his Hawkeye grid- the Hawkeyes have a chance Wuerfel B
)anger men through one of their hard- to chalk up four wins in fiveI
est weeks of practice in order to starts by capturing their final
RP MADE nave them at top form for the im- tilt of the year. 4AKJV EC
Services of Captain
ecause of Knee
t root in Froshman sports this
ceters, around the annual
osLcountry numeral race which
! r hleld on Friday afternoonj
v o _ thrme mile course laid out
along; Gcddes heights.
Twenty men will be ready to startj
Sth the gun, and all indications
nowm ee. to point towards an un-
usu: ,J close race. There are, how-
ever, one or two men who are at
the resent time favored to lead
the ld to the finish.
Fi,ibbons Is Favorite
:r Frog. past records, it seems prob-~
able that Fitzgibbons shall cross,
the finish line the winner. Dur-
ing the weekly time trials he has
come the closest to breaking the
<:.> record of 15:07 set for the course
in last year's run. Since Fitzgib-
bons' best time for the trek up to
the present date is 15:23, made on
a rain-soaked course, if the wea-
ther clears enough by Friday tc
furnish the runners a fast track:
SPARTAN RUNNERS HOPE he may lower the record.
TO TAKE C. I. C. TITLEaOthers Show Well
The race, however, will not be
(By Associated Press) such a set up as it might seem,
EAST LANSING, Nov. 21.-- for there are two men who are
Lauren Brown, Michigan State's sure to press Fitzgibbons along the
famous distance runner, will meet way. Bansfield, and Ransford have
a foeman worthy of his best efforts both covered the course well under
Saturday when he attempts to lead 16 minutes and should make Fitz-
his team to its third Central Inter- gibbons extend himself to the lim-
Collegiate title, and its ninthI it.
straight harrier victory in three Following the usual custom, the
years. first three men to finish will re-
Brown's most feared opponent in ceive silver loving cups as well as
Bre n'd-mest eclassidwilpnenJonthe numeral sweater awards given
the mid-western classic will Joe to the first ten men 'to finish.
Sivak of Butler University, former The race is scheduled to start
I. A. C. star and holder of a mark on Friday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock.
of 4.18 for the mile. The start and finish of the race will
Sivak acknowledged to be ne of be in front of the University Health
the best distance runners in Amer- Service.:
ica trounced such stars as Ray
Conger of Iowa State and Orval according to announcement made
Martin of Purdue in a special mile today by Director of Athletics
run at the Ohio relays last spring Ralph H. Young. They are Michi-
and has been the star of the Butler gan State, Ypsilanti State Normal,
cross country team this fall. Six|Butler University, Lombard Col-
colleges and universities have. en.-|lege, Western State Teachers and
tered the Central intercollegiates I Marquette University.
portant battle with the Wolverines.
The fact that Glen Thistle-
thwaite's Badgers surprised
nearly everyone by throwing
eater on the Black and Gold
title hopes Saturday, has only
served to make the Hawkes
more determined to atone for
thcir defeat at Michigan's ex-
Convinced that Minnesota will
rise to the occasion in her annual
battle with Wisconsin and trip the
Badgers, the Iowans still vision at{
least a tie for the 1928 Conference
honors and they will invade the
new Michigan stadium for the first
time intent on staying in the run-
This season has been the
most fruitful enjoyed by an
Iowa eleven since the golden
Borg Beats Talhelm
In Horseshoe Finalst
Although delayed during most of
the fall season by inclement wea-
ther conditions, the singles match-
es in the all-Campus horseshoe
tournament have been completed
with Borg emerging winner by vir-
tue of his victory over Talhelm in
the final round of play.
Borg defeated Kelly, 1927 cham-
pion, in the semi-final round, and
retaining his accuracy in the finals,
took two straight games from Tal-
helm, to win the loving cup, and
All-Campus championship. The
score for the final round of play
was, 50-10; 50-17.
In addition to developing a pow-
erful line, Coacl Ingwersen has
built up what is generally recog-
nized as the most formidable andt
best balanced running attack thatN
has been seen in Big Ten circlesI
this year.t
Glassgow and Pape, a sen-
sational sophomore, form an i
excellent pair of ball carrying
halves, while Farroh has proved l
to be a fine blocking halfback.t
Add to this trio, Amril, who in
addition to being a heavy I
quarterback, is also a fine ball
toter and you have the reasons
(Continued on Page Seven)
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Nov. 21.-Nebraska's
tussle with the Army will be the
only intersectional football in the
east Saturday.
The game is not drawing the
same public interest it might1
have but for two unforseen inci-
dents during the last two weeks'
or so. Army apparently . was a
certainty to enter the battle with
the Cornhuskers undefeated but
Notre Dame spoiled all that on
November 10. Last Saturday, Ne-
braska, unbeaten and untied, was
held to a scoreless draw by Pitts-
A Yale-Harvard battle draws
its 70,000 spectators, rain or shine,
unsuccessful season or otherwise.
Nothing short of an earthquake
can affect that attendance.
Six Wolverine cross-country rita-
ners, without the services of Cap-
tain Wuerfel, will leave toni Flt
with Coach Farrell for ratison
where they will compete against
the other Big Ten schools for the
Conference title Saturday morn-
This title has been won for the
last four years by a strong Badger
team, but this year Iowa will enter
as heavy favorites. The Hawkeyes
with a team of sophomores have
beaten Illinois, Minnesota, .,and
Wisconsin in dual meets this year,
while Illinois, has gained a victory
over the Wolverines and Ohio in a
triangular meet at Columbus. The
other cross-country squads in the
Big Ten are not strong this year.
To Reach Madison Friday
A knee injury will keep the star
Wolverine captain at home during
this meet, but Michigan will be
well represented by Monroe,
Aubrey, Benson, Austin, Justin and
Grunow. This team will arrive at
the Badger school Friday morning,
and with weather permitting will
jog over the five mile Varsity
course that afternoon to get the
lay of the land.
Inclement weather has kept the
Varsity in the Field house for the
past few days, the team being
somewhat handicapped due to this,
but Coach Farrell says that a
cross-country race held in the kind
of weather which is prevailing at
present is always in doubt as some
men run better in mud than others
of greater speed.
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