ESTABLISHED 1890 I g Lwrujan #ai MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS Vol. XXXIX, No. 52 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1928 EIGHT I Schubert Memorial To Feature Program Over Radio Tonight THEODORE HARRISON TO FEATURE ARTIST; WILL SING TEN NUMBERS BEI DR. CANFIELD TO SPEAK Symphony Orchestra From School Of Music To Play Music Of Schubert One of the outstanding features of the current series of Michigan Night radio programs will be given tonight when the eighth program of the year will be broadcast be- tween 7 o'clock and & o'clock through WJU-WCX, Detroit, devot- ed to a memorial program in honor of the hundredth anniversary of the death of that famous composer, Franz Schubert, which is being celebrated this week. The feature artist of the pro- gram will be Theodore Harrison, head of the voice department of the .University School of Music. Harrison has won distinction both in America "and in Europe as a soloist. Tonight he will sing ten numbers by Schubert, his first group of four selections being a cycle from "The Beautiful Little Miller Girl," namely: "Whoiu," "Der Neugierige," "Efersucht und Stolz," and "Trockue ' Blumen." Harrison's next group will include: "Fschirweise," "Pas Vobiscum," and "Rastlose Liebe." In his con- chuding group will be: "Merres Stifle," "Ihr Bild Nachlass," and "ark, Hark the Lark." HeEwill be accompanied by Miss Donna Essel- styn, also of the School of Music. The remainder of the musical program will presented by the Uni- veysity School of Music Symphony Orchestra, playing Schubert's Un- finished Symphony (First Move- ment) "The March Militare," "Movement Musical," and The Bal-" lad Music from the opera Rosa- mund. The orchestra has been trained by Joseph E. Maddy but in his absence from the city, it will be directed by Earl V. Moore, di- rector of'the School of Music. The principal, speaker on the program will be Dr. R. Bishop Can- feld, professor of Otolaryngology in the Medical school, and his talk will be intimately connected with the musical character of the pro- gram. Glen McGeoch, instructor in the history of music will give the other talk tonight speaking on Schubert and his music, giving special at- tention to the selections being of- fered on the program. Theater Is Offered ATo Amateur Authors Amateur playwrights on the campus are at last to be provided with an audience and a place in which to experiment with their dramatic offerings. Prof. L. J. Carr, of the sociology department, has opened up in the basement of his home a little theater which he states he will devote to experimen- tation in dramatic art and to any short plays written by amateurs. Professor Carr's theater has a stage about 12 feet across and twenty feet deep; it is eight feet high. tI is equipped with draw curtains and lights, and now has a set capable- of being shifted into many different arrangements. The set was built by Fed Rebman, car- pented for Mimes, and it can be arranged for inside or outside scenes. He has also supplied the theater with red and black cush- ioned folding chairs, so that an au- dience of 22 people can be accom- modated for any showing. Professor Carr's interest in dra- rnatics began with his association with the Dodo group of amateurs interested in dramatics. This or- ganization came into bankruptcy in 1926, and since then there has been little encouragement of camp- us playwrights. Professor Carr wishes to start' such an organization again, and' has incorporated his "little thea- ter" into the architecture of his home. Any who have written short plays or wish to write some and have a showing of them is request- ed to get in touch with Professor Carr in the Economics building or at his home address, which is R. F. D. No. 1. Any type of short play that will conform to his facilities will be welcomed by him. 0 0 ROOMSI Madame Schwimmer To Come December 6; Is Center Of International Controversy, Mme. Rosika Schwimmer, who bearing arms . . . . and she is a will speak on Dec. 6 in Hill audi- writer, author and propagandist torium, has, since 1914, been the by profession .'. ... She would see the constitution and govern- center of a violent controversy ment of the United States de- throughout the world. This con- stroyed by an enemy rather than troversy has recently risen to new, have one citizen life a finger in heights in this country through their defense. If every citizen be- her attempts to take out citizen- lieved as she does and acted as ship papers in the American she does and acted as she will, we courts. would have no Constitution and She applied for papers for the no Government." first time in a Chicago court in This statement on the part of 1926, when Federal Judge Carpen- the Department of Justice has ter refused her application be- aroused much comment among cause when she was asked whether the metropolitan newspapers, both she thought war justified under favorable and unfavorable to Ma- any conditions, Mme. Schwimmer dam Schwimmer. The former replied that she "positively did viewpoint is taken by the Cincin- not." Soon afterwards, higher nati Post, which comments, edi- court reversed this decision. How- tonial, "Certainly we have no- ever, only recently, naturalization reached the age where ithisneces- commissioner Crist has appealed sary for the government to pro- through the Labor department to tect }us against the policies of ex- have Mme. Schwimmer's case re- tremeists. Madam Schwimmer is a examined by the Supreme court. brilliant woman. If she has some- The Department of Justice is ap- thing to say, wby not hear her? pealing the case for the Labor de- It is f u n d a m e n t a l of our partment, and says in its belief :I theory of government that any "Because of her sex and age there person should be free to think as is, of course, no possibility that the he pleases and to seek peaceably respondent will ever be called up- to persuade others to his views. onb personally to bear arms in the It is regretable that the govern- defense of this country; but she ment should violate thisgprin- does .not believe in other people ciple." .. . Effinger Describes Trip Through Italy Dean- Of Literary College Talks Before II Circolo Italiano;k Tells Of Mussolini ITALIAN LIFE CHANGED "Mr. Mussolini doesn't believe in giving things away," said Dean John R. Effinger of the literary college in a speech yesterday, to members of Il Circolo Itallano. "He believes that foreigners who come to Italy ought to pay for the privil- ege of enjoying her museums and works of art. In consequence, the prices of admission to galleries is much higher than pit was under the old regime. "But there is a way to beat the game," Dean Effinger continued. "By certifying that he s an Amer- ican student there for purposes of studying one can, upon payment of a few lira, obtain a pass which will admit him to all national museums and to many municipal showplaces." During the course of his remarks, Dean Effinger recounted various incidents of his trip through Italy last spring, and presented his im- pressions of the land, under the government of Mussolini.d h Under this regime, he said, the efficiency of Italian life has been increased greatly so that people work more and beg less, and trains are gradually coming to run on schedule. But he expressed some doubt as to whether things would continue in their present state aft- er Mussolini's death. "The traditional Naples of dirt and beggars has changed to a city of beautiful boulevards fronting the Bay, of prosperous citizens, and of substantial buildings," he said.. "Venice on a Festival day pre- sents decorations scarcely com- prehensible to Americans who have never seen them," Dean Effinger averred. "The houses are covered with satins and silks and tapes- tries hundreds of years old. Gon- dolas painted golden red, or pink, or silver and blue are manned by gondoliers in liveries of corres- ponding hue. There is a perfect riot of color. "But when you go to Italy," he concluded, "never speak of Mr. Mussolini. If you want to keep, out of trouble and embarassing situations, remember that Mus- solini's Italian name is Mr. John- son." Awards To Be Given To Best Decorators Pep Meeting Will Be Held Saturday Student Council Decides To Hold h'tuMeeting At 1 o'Clock In Hill Auditorium Michigan Press Club To Open Here Today In Tenth Convention SYMPOSIUM W I L L OCCUPY FIRST SESSION OF MEETING DAILY EDITOR TO TALK Publishers Will Make Tour Of New Buildings Of Campus; Annual Dinner To Follow Meeting in Ann Arbor for the tenth consecutive year, editors and publishers of the state of Michi- gan, numbering nearly 200, will open the convention of the Univer- sity Press Club of Michigan at 2 o'clock this afternoon at the Union. Registration beginning this morn- ing, will continue throughout the day, while the ariving delegates are welcomed by a reception com- mittee headed by George Simons, '30, and Charles Monroe, '30, of Sigma Delta Chi, honorary jour- nalistic fraternity. A symposium on "The Commu- nity Newspaper" will occupy the editors in the initial session this afternoon. The symposium and a discussior; of the problems of small newspapers will be led by Wesley M. Maurer and Donald H. Haines of the department of journalism. Following the symposium, an essay on "What Is News" will be read by Kenneth Patrick, '29, managing editor of the Michigan Daily. At the conclusion of the meet- ing, an inspection tour of the new 'buildings of the campus will begin, the itinerary including the new Women's League building, the Mu- seum and the Women's Field House. At 6:30 the delegates will attend the annual President's dinner, given each year in their honor by the Board of Regents, at which Professor Brumm will be toast- master. President Clarence Cook Little will speak to the editors on "The University and the Press." After the dinner some of the edi- tors and their wives will be guests of Play Production at its third presentation of Maeterlinck's "The Intruder" and W. S. Gilbert's "Tom Cobb." The second session of the con- vention will begin tomorrow morn- ing at 9:00, and will be given over to addresses by members of the faculty. Prof. James K. Pollock, of the political science department, wil speak on "The Newspaper and Party Government"; Dean John R. Effinger of the Literary college, will speak on. "French Newspapers," Prof. Lowell J. Carr, of the sociol- logy department will address the convention on "Society and the Newspaper," and Dr. James D. Bruce, director of Post-graduate medicine will speak on "Newspa- 1 pers and Health Columns." I Hoover Goes Fishing On Good Will Tour "We want more than tolerance," asserted Lewis Browne, interna- tionally recognized author, histor- ian, and lecturer, speaking of "The Strangest Story," in his third ap- pearance here under the auspices of the Hillel foundation, before a crowd of more than five hundred people who crowded into every seat and every bit of standing room last night in Natural Science auditor- ium. "Tolerance is merely conde- scension," he continued, "and what we want is comradeship. Let u§ alone to do our own work in our own way,das long as we please and we will be glad to let you do your work in your way. "We are the only people in the world who have lived so long un- der such circumstances. Certainly, we add color to life and society; our spirit is a part of society, a part of us; let us give our whole psychic makeup to the world. We, who have lived the Strangest Story in all history-certainly we have something to contribute. All we ask is, let us alone. "Some people have claimed that the secret of the miraculous exis- tence of the Jews is constant per- secution. That may be true. Op- pression has kept us alive, but un- der it we have done nothing else but breathe. "Some have claimed that the Jew can be recognized by his biological features, but that is untrue. "Religion is often credited with the existence of this race but that can not be true either since al- most all of the outstanding Jews of today do not openly or actively profess their Judaism. There is no such religion. There are Ju- daisms, in the same way that there is no real Christianity but rather one might say there are Christian- ities. "Sometimes nationality is con- sidered as the basis of their exist- ence but again there is nothing to sustain such claims since they al- ways belong to the nation where they live. "They are distinctive in another way. It is psychological, a some- thing in their minds which has, been bred there by thousands of years of minority existence. It is that certain madness which cen- turies ago was given by those di- vinely insane men called prophets. They were told that their job was to teach ideals of righteousness and peace among men and that they would suffer for it. The more, they suffered, the more they were to feel that they were fulfilling the task for which they had been chosen. This notion kept them' alive through oppression. Oppres- sion itself has made him show his mental trait of intensity, of emo- tional intensity and drive, that force which has often carried him to extremes. He can do anything with this emotional drive as he has shown in his passion for learn-, ing, in 'his passion for success in, the short time since the many bar- riers of ancient superstition have been lifted allowing him to take part in all activities," he concluded. Miraculous Existence Of Oppressed Race Expressed By Lewis Browne In Talk Here d 1i R o' f] Iz R Ir Ix f] 'k y ft p tl WILL Leader Of Freshmen For Saturday Games Elected At Meeting RAYMOND PRIEST WILL LEA] FRESHMEN AGAINST RIVALSS BRANDT GIVES PEP TALI George Ryerson Leads Sophomore In Attempt To Put Down First Year Men MARCH TO FIELD Unable to secure a suitable meet- ing place for Friday night, the Stu- dent Council voted last night to hold a pep meeting for the Iowa game at 1 o'clock Saturday after- noon in Hill auditorium. Successful efforts were made im- mediately to secure the presence of the band which will lead the cheer- Ing section and the student body down State street to the new stadi- um in a procession after the meet- ing. Efforts were started at once to obtain an alumni speaker, a faculty speaker, and a student speaker, whose names will be announced later. A concert by the Flonzaley quar- tet of New York which will 1be given in Hill auditorium Friday night under the auspices of the Choral union, made it impossiblel to secure the auditorium for 7:15 o'clock Friday. The Choral union is given precedence over the Stu- dent Council in obtaining the serv- ices of the auditorium. An attempt was made to securej the auditorium for 5 o'clock Friday, but without success due to the ne- cessity of erecting scenery for the Flonzaley concert. It was decided that the Union ballroom was un- suited by size for, holding a pep meeting, and that the Yost field house was too far from the campus Y C t E t , A previous attempt to hold a pep I (By Associated Press) meeting in the field house was a ON BOARD U. S. S. MARYLAND, failure, it was brought out by the Off Cape San Lucas, Lower Cali- council. fornia, Nov. 21.-Herbert Hoover, Arrangements will be made by who has waded in a trout stream, the council to hold up vehicular late this afternoon went after big- traffic on State street while the ger game on the famous breeding band leads the cheering section grounds of the sword fish, tuna and the rest of the student body and jew fish about 25 miles off the down to the new stadium. cape which forms the extremity of lower California. IBefore he put off in a motor boat Three Leave For Phi foeoe fmamtro 'Thre Leve or F i from the battleship which is car- Erying him southward for a goodwill Et g aGatheringtour of Latin America, further ar- rangements of the itinerary were Three delegates of Phi Sigma will announced. The president-elect leave this afternoon for Urbana, expects to visit Havana and Mexi- Illinois, the home of the University co. He will visit Montevideo and of Illinois where the organization may, possibly go to Santa Domingo. was founded, to attend the first , convention of that society, which In Explanation will be held on Friday, November 23. Selling Rush Hits Magidsohn ToTalk ( New York Market At Gridiron Dinner, Stops "Bull" Movement Which Has Former Varsity Halfback And Big r Been Sweeping Exchange Ten Official Secured For a Since Election Annual Banquett BEARS T A K E COMMAND WIEMAN, RICH TO SPEAKt (By Associated Press) Joe Magidsohn, '11E, Varsityr NEW YORK, Nov. 21.-A hurri- halfback in '09 and '10, prominent. cane of selling orders struck the University alumnus, and one of thec stock market with terrific force ranking Big Ten football officials, late today, checking the "bull"'has been selected as the outside1 movements which has been mov- speaker who will talk at the an-l ing along with considerable vio- nual football banquet to be held1 lence since election day. Although in honor of the 1928 Varsity next' the "bull" forces succeed in stag- Tuesday night in the Union ball- ing a moderate recovery from the room, it was announced yesterday low levels, final quotations dis- by William E. Nissen, '29, presidentt closed a long list of net declines of the Union. . ranging from $1 to $5 a share, and l Magidsohn who is recognized as a few specialties down $7 to $20 one of the most prominent of Con- a share. ference officials has not seen the Because of the delay of more Michigan team play this year and thanan ourin the stock ticker will be unable to seethe Iowa game than an hour at thebrtoftker Saturday owing to his official cap-) and the fact that the brunt of the acities. selling took place in the last half It is expected that he will de- hour of trading, the market was vote most of his speech to refer- over before most traders learned ences to the work of other teams the retion mha taen plaed land their outstanding players this the reaction had taken place al- i year though it is considered likelyj though rumblings of it became ap- that he will also describe some in- parent in mid-afternoon. The fin- cidents in past Michigan football al quotation was printed one hour history. and 48 minutes after the close. He is at present a member of the Beginning tomorrow, all sales University of Michigan alumni club olume of individual transactions, of Detroit and holds a position on, vom the board of governors of that except at the opening, will be; body. At one time he held a simi- dropped from the ticker in the lar post with the Chicago alumni hope of greatly expediating the group. In his-undergraduate days I printing of quotations. In order to Magidsohn was a member of Mich- provide New York afternoon news- igamua, Web and Flange, Vulcans, papers and press associations with and of class football and baseball total sales of all stocks, the New teams for two years. York stock exchange arranged to Others speakers on the program have a special shipment of 50 with Magidsohn will be Captain Western Union telegraph printers George Rich, '29L, Coach Elton E. sent here from Chicago today on (Tad) Weiman, and the captain- the Twentieth Century Limited. Ielect for next year who will be in- Pending the installation of these troduced at the banquet. Carl machines, the total sales of indi- Brandt of the speech department, vidual stock will be printed hourly is to be the toastmaster. Music on the bond ticker, being inter- will be furnished by the Union or- spersed with the bond quotations chestra. in order not to delay unncessarily1 Tickets for the banquet are the printing of bond prices. $1.25 and may be obtained either Sale of a New York stock ex- from Union committeemen or at change seat was arranged today at the main desk in the Union lobby. the record-breaking price of $525,-1 Anyone who desires may attend by' 000, an increase of $30,000 above purchasing a ticket. Arrangements previous record established a few are also being made to provide for days ago. The identity of the pur- indivdual tables for fraternity or chaser was not revealed, pending other groups desiring them. official action on his application for membership. a Dance Master The reaction today was general-S ly regarded by market observers asI Brands Modern Jazz a partial correction of some of the1 speculative excesses of r e c e n t weeks. It followed repeated,- warn-1 UNIVERSITY OF INDIANA- ings on the part of conservative (Adolph Blom, Russian ballet mas- commission houses 'and may have ter who appeared here recently, been influenced, in part, by the expressed himself as strongly op- widespread publicity given to the posed to American jazz music. speech delivered before the Nation- "Jazz! It's all right sometimes, but al Grange last night by Gov. Roy all the time-terrible!" he said. Young of the federal reserve board. "Farces are necessary in life as At a pep meeting last night, that :eveloped into a contest between iterary students and engineers, Raymond M. Priest, '32, was chosen aver Leo Brown, '32E, to lead the freshmen against the sophomores In the fall games next Saturday norning. The sophomores chose George Ryerson, '31, last week to lead their ohorts into #battle, and held as ally last Monday in the Union to nake plans for waylaying unwary sreshmen tomorow, traditionally mnown as Black Friday. The first- year men are understood to have some ammunition up their sleeves 'or the sophomores also. Carl Brandt of the speech de- partment delivered the fight talk at the freshmen meeting last night and Robrt F. Warren, '29, Student ouncilman in charge of fall games, explained the events, the rules of he games, and the system of awarding points. There will be the customary hree events: the pillow fight, cane spree, and flag rush. For the pil- [ow fights picked men from the two classes oppose each other, perched on the backs of tall saw horses. When the signal is given they at- tempt to bat each other off, using pillows as ewapons. If both men are on the horse and not touching the ground at the end of five min- utes, the match is a draw. The side which has succeeded in bat- ting the largest number of oppo- nents off the horsese is awarded one points. In the cane spree, which is an- other individual combat, members of the oposing classes struggle for possesion of a cane about four feet long and as big around as an ax handle. As soon as one of the con- testants lets go of the cane with both hands, the battle is over, but if both men still have hold of the cane at the end of five minutes, the contest is judged a draw. To the class with the most canes in its possession when the final whis- tle is blown one point is awarded. The flag rush is a mob affair in which all 'the representatives of either classes ,are pitted agaist" one another. The freshmen de- fend three tall poles at the tops of which flags are tied. The sopho- mores rush the poles in flying- wedge formation ,and attempt to scale the pole and tear down the flag. A point is awarded to the sophomores for each flag captured, and a point to the freshmen for each flag successfully defended. The class of '31, twice defeated last year by the class of '30, has yet to win a class game. Council Reinstates Medical Hop Member At the regular meeting of the Student council last night it was voted to restore a representative of the Medical school to the J-Hop committee, in consideration of an agreement reached recently be- tween the Student council and the Honor council of the Medical school to cooperate in holding class elections. The restoration will take place immediately, and a Medical representative will take- his place on this year's committee. For several years the Medical school has refused to cooperate with the council in holding class elections, and the matter came to head this year when the council voted to remove their J- Hop representative. The agreement provides that the Medical school will hold their class elections during the week speci- fied by the Student council, and will be in charge of a Student councilman and an Honor council- can from the Medical school. The assemblies will be arranged so as not to conflict with laboratory sec- tions. The class treasuries, due to spec- ial conditions existing in the Medi- cal school, will be completely in the Honor council and the class treasurers. instead of under the Two cups and an honorable men- tion will be awarded to the best' decorated fraternities next Satur- day, according to an announce- ment last night by Richard Spin- dle, '29E, Student councilman inj charge of home-coming week-end.' The contest is an annual feature in celebration of the football team's return to Ann Arbor for the final conference games of the season. The first place cup is being given by Charles Graham of Graham's bookstores, who has been sponsor- ing the contest for the past ten Those going are William B. Pal- mer, also a member of the nation- al organization, Lawrence E. Hart- I wig, '31, and Douglas L. Edwards, '31. Dean J. A. Bursley, also a member of the national organiza- tion, will be unable to attend be- cause of University business. Medical Groups Will Stage Joint Meeting The University of Michigan pedi-. atric in infectious disease society will hold a meeting Friday after- noon and Saturday morning, No- How do you like this morning's Daily? The night editor readily admits that it is something "entirely different," but for once, through no fault of his. This morning about 1:30, as he was thinking deep thoughts of going home and going to bed, he was informed that the linotype on which the usual large heads of The Daily are set, had gone wrong and that none of the front page type was available. It was found impossible even to shift magazines, so the type used is the only that was available. To make matters even worse, :[