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November 21, 1928 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1928-11-21

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D A I U Y,

(Continued From Page Six)
announced later. Aside from the
seven veterans returning from the
1927-28 team little is known as to
the potential material which will
report for practice the day after
the opening of the new rink.
The veterans who are expected
to report to Coach Lowrey at the
beginning of practice are Captain
Fisher, one of the main-stays of
last year's team, Hart, Bryant,
Maney,- Copeland, Mygard, and
Shea. Al of these men are for-
ward and defensive men and do

THE..M.CH.GAN..AI... .

(Continued From Page Six)
with the boys from Theta Chi nos-
ing out the Triangles by one point
for third.
The race was held over the same
course as used by the Freshman
harriers, and Lowmaster's time of
16:30 for the three mile course
was dangerously near the 'time set
by the Yearling runners, a few of
which have, however, lowered the
time for the run to around 15:20..
Breaking all precedents hitherto;
established, the race itself was not
a set up for any one man, or for
any combination of three men.
V 7 L +ar t , hn 1.s rlh d b,

(Continued From Page Six) l ing at Ann Arbor, the undefeated
are now on the Varsity squad. Wisconsin Reserves defeated the
Stars Transfered to Varsity |Michigan Junior Varsity, 19-0, at
In its first game of the season I Madison, the Cardinals' passing
the Junior Varsity exhibited a attack as in the Varsity game,
strong running and passing at- proving too much for the Wolver-
tack in handling the Mt. Union Ines.
college team of Alliance, Ohio, a The final "B" defeat came at the
14-0 setback. The brilliant work hands of Western State Normal, a
of the Reserves resulted' in the pass over the goal line in the last
transfer of Totzke, McBride, Dahl- 30 seconds of play giving the teach-
em, and Whittle, backs, and Smith, ers a 6-0 victory. The game was
end, to the "A" squad. played on a muddy field which
Crippled by this wholesale loss materially hampered the Michi-
of players and unable to build up gan ball carriers, and although the
a real offense or defense in the few Wolverines gained more ground
days of practice, the Reserves lost and made more first downs than
their second gaine to the Ypsilanti their hosts, they were unable to
Normal team, 25-0. Ypsilanti has score.
lost but one game this year, an Reserves Defeat Alma
early season tilt, and ranks as one The Reserves 'next sprung a sur-
of the strongest minor elevens in prise by defeating a strong Alma
Michigan. team, M. I. A. A. champions in
Ohio Juniors Beaten 1926 and 1927, 33-0 on Ferry field.
Although Sherwood, center, was The Junior Varsity, although held
transferred to the Varsity during scoreless in the first half, romped
the next week, the "B" team through the visitors, who had been
showed a complete reversal of defeated but once before, in the
form to outplay the Ohio State third and fourth quarters. Geistert,
Reserves, Hughes' place kick being who scored three of the five touch-
sufficient to give the Wolverines downs, starred for the Wolverines,
a 3-0 victory. breaking away for several long
While the Badger Varsity was runs, while the Michigan pass de-
handing the Wolverines a 6-0 lac- t fense completely broke up the

highly touted Maroon aerial at- INDIANA AND PURDUE
Deprived of the services of WILL MEET TO FIGHT
Hughes, who made the trip to Bal- FQR INDIANA CROWN
Itimore, and Geistert and Cook, who
were also transferred to the Var- (special To The Da)iy)
sity for their work in the Alma DLOOMINGTON. Ind., Nov. 20.-
game, the "B" team developed a; Two powerful grid elevens, Ind i-
new star, Wilson, in swampingTo- ana's representativesi n the Big
ledo university, 33-0, on a muddy Ten i Conference, will settle their
field last Saturday. The Reserve annual dispute at Lafayette next
backs romped through the Toledo Saturday, when Purdue's Boiler-
eleven at will, while the line stop- makers and Indiana's Scrappin'
ped all attempts to gain. ' Hoosiers meet in Ross-Ade stadi-

12 en m.,rxas er wno lau e n
not have among their numbers a favored to win hands down, found
regulat goal tender. himself pressed all the way, and
Frank Shea is one of the most came close to being out on the
promising men on the squad and home stretch.
should develop into one of the lead- D'Anna, of whom little was
ing hockey players in the Con- known before the race, stuck with
ference. Last year he was forced . Lowmaster over the entire dis-
to remain out of most of the games tance, and put on, at the finish of.
due to an injury received early in the heartbreaking three mile trek,
the season. The greatest setback one of the most astonishing spriits
to be suffered by the varsity is the to be seen outside of Varsity com-
loss of ex-Captain Steve Jones, petition, almost making it a dead
who gained considerable promin- heat.
ende~~ 'bh het


$ 50

y s peru t1 manclIIUIee on te
team last year.
The biggest worry confronting
Coach Lowrey this season is the
lack of a good goal tender. While
the rest of the team is expected
to be comparatively strong, this
one position is likely to be rather
weak unless some new material is
uncovered after- the season be-'
gins. Coach Lowrey is desirous
that anyone aspiring for this posi-
tion should report at the meeting
to be held Monday evening.
While no definite plans have as
yet been made it is expected that
the Intramural department will
form a regular intramural hockeyI
league to operate in the rebuilt
Coliseum. With the inaugeration
of this activity Michigan will rank
among the leading Big Ten schools
in the field of hockey.!
Lindbergh looks like a "piker" as
a good-will, ambassador, sinceI
Hoover has taken part of the na-vy
along on his trip. And then too,
strong backing may be part of
good will.

The three men to finish behind,
the two leaders, and who brought
a victory to their fraternity in the
event were, E. A. Eddy who placed
third, C. Dalby who took fourth
lace, and R. Dixon who came in
fth. These men, all of whom be-
long to Tau Kappa Epsilonbfrater-
nity came in pretty well bunched
together, giving their house the
necessary number of points to win
the meet.
The Interfraternity hand ball
tourney plans have now been com-
pleted, and efforts are being made
to get the play under way. The
chart with the complete pairings
for the tournament have been
posted in the Waterman gymnas-
ium, and the first round must be
played off 'before Friday' after-
noon. The four wall courts in the
new Intramural 'Sports building
are being used exclusively for the
To enter in this tournament a
fraternity must enter at least four
men, two of 'whom may represent
the house in the singles, and the
other two in the doubles.

Efficient Service

By Experienced Men

DIAL 2-1408



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