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November 21, 1928 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-11-21

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A4 a





Prohibition Commissioner Hints
That Dignified Liquor Investigation
Will Be Started Soon
Disapproval of the proposed in-
auguration of a deferred rushing
system at the University was reg-
istered by an over-whelming vote'
of the members of the Interfrater-
nity council at a- special meeting
held at 7:30 o'clock last night in
room 302 of the Union. The com-
mittee appointed by Edward H.
Wachs, '29, president of the coun-
cil, and headed by M. Robert Deo,
'29, to consider plans for deferred
rushing submitted a report setting
forth the objections to the propos-
ed system which was accepted by
the council.
Hulse Makes Report
Edward L. Hulse, '29, chairman of
the council committee to formulate
plans for a satisfactory investiga-
tion of the alleged liquor situation
in and in the vicinity of Ann Arbor
reported that following a confer-
ence with President Clarence Cook
Little, the committee had com-
municated with Ogden L. Mills,1
acting secretary of the Treasury, 1
regarding a survey of conditions,
who in turn had referred the mat-
ter to J. M. Doran, federal prohibi-
tion commissioner. After securing
available data from the University,
Doran intimated that some sort of
.a dignified investigation would be1
started in the near future, the re-
sults of which are to be reported
back to the University.I
A letter from President Little
announced the appointment oft
Prof. W. C. Hoad, of the engineer-4
ing school, to the judiciary com-t
mittee of the council. It was also
announced that Wachs and Ber-,
nath P. Sherwood, Jr., '29, would
represent the local council at the
National convention of the Under-i
graduate Interfraternity Confer-
ence, to be held n New York on1
Nov. 31 and Dec. 1.
Data Is Presented
The report relative to deferred;
rushing which was presented to the
council by Deo follows:
"After considering the various
plans submitted regarding deferreds
rushing and pledging, this com-
mittee has attempted to find a pro-
gram which it believes would prove
sufficiently plausible to warrant1
recommendation for adoption by
the council. The committee has
arrived at the conclusion, however,
that plans for a nevw system would
not improve in any way the sys-
tem now in existance. Therefore
the committee recommends the re-
jection of any such system for the
following reasons:
1. Academic rules to be in force
under the University College sys-
tem and which would affect pro-
spect e fraternity men are uncer-
tain such an extent that at
present it is impossible to allow
for them in rushing rules which
might be suggested.
2. The same uncertainty of rules
regulating privileges and duties of
Freshmen in the new dormitories
prevails; thereby eliminating that
from possible consideration in any
system which might be adopted.
3. A deferred rushing program
would seriously interfer with es-
tablished traditions regulating the
conduct of Freshmen at the Uni-

4. Under the University college
system many students would re-
main at the University for a pe-
riod of two years only, such men
being practically worthless to the
fraternity if they could not bel
initiated until after a full year
in attendance at the University.
5. Overw h e lmin i n g difficulties
would be faced in attempting to,
enforce rules prohibiting and re-
st icting rushing and pledging in
so large a school as the Univer-
6. Such rules would deprive
freshmen of the benefits of fra-
ternity connections for more than
a full semester.
7. Fraternities would meet with
financial difficulties were they de-
prived of the revenue from the
freshmen which isgusually neces-
sary to meet budget figures.
8. The deferred rushing system
has been a failure in other col-



3 Q

Award Scholarships
To Three Freshmen
Winners of the) competition
for the Phillips classical
scholarships for (freshmen, as
announced yesterday by Prof.
Campbell Bonner of the Greek
department, are Thomas Mc-
Intyre Cooley, a graduate of
Phillips academy at Exeter,
N. H., Miriam Jane Highley, a
graduate of Ann Arbor high
school, and Dorothy Goldberg,
a graduate of Detroit Northern
high school.
The scholarships were estab-
lished in 1896 by the bequest of
Henry Phillips of Philadelphia,
and are awarded yearly to
freshmen on the basis of com-
petitive examinations in Latin
and Greek.

Recent news that "Hotbed," a order to vacate. Consequently to
college play written by Paul R. Os- ocntinue they had to have a new
burn, who was an instructor in the theater, which soon came to be
rhetoric department two years ago, what was a barn on Spring street.I
is being enthusiastically received The reorganization in 1923, which
by critical Broadway theater-goers necessitated a stock issue, brought
recalls an interesting bit of reflec- in many outsiders whose interest
tion on the author's career when was not wholehearted; however,
he was still a figure on thisjtheir money and that of the on--
campus. The play received 17 cur- ginal members remodeled the barn
tain calls at its first performance. into this quarter.
Osburn started his career as a The organizations then reached
playwright for a group of amateur its peak, went into producing its
actors on the campus, called the plays commercially, and finally
Dodos. This group began formal- went into debt. In 1926 the barn
ly in 1920 in the home of Mrs. Jud- property was sold and the Dodos
son Grinnel, the wife of a news- ceased practical existence. Some of
paper man, who, for a while, was the original members now on the
editor of the Washtenaw Tribune. campus are: Mrs. Mary O. John-
They first gathered for the purpose son, of the architectural college;
of reading good literature and Prof. L. J. Carr, of the sociology
plays and for social functions, department; Prof. E. A. Walter, of
whenever possible, they wrote the rhetoric department; Donal
short plays. They then turned to H. Haines, of the journalism de-
producing what they wrote. partment, and Walter A. Donnel-
Producing began in the Grinnel ly, of the rhetoric department.
home on Thompson street. The Prof. J. B. Moore, of the English
specialty of the Dodos was the in- department acted as director.
timate type of plays which were It is with this group that Osburn
capable of the limitations of pro- had his start, most of his plays for
ductions which their facilities im- the Dodos being written in colla-
posed. Mrs. Grinnel, it seems, had boration with Donnelly. "Hotbed"
a knowledge of the minute details was begun during the Christmas
of staging, and acted as their his- vacation of 1925 when he was still
tronic authority. Soon their facil- on the campus. It has been rewrit-r
ities were outgrown and Mrs. Grin- ten since. This is its second week's
nel had her home remodeled so run on Broadway, being produced
that the dining room and kitchen by Brock Pemberton. Another of
were used as their little theater. Osburn's plays, "The Ledge," has
This show life was too much for been purchased by Pemberton and
the comfort of the rest of the fam- will be staged in January; it is a
ily, and the Dodos were first in melodrama.


State Editors, Publishers, Guest
Speakers Of National Fame
Here For Convention
Editors and publishers from
throughout the state, guest speak-
ers who are national figures in the
newspaper world, and faculty
members representing nearly every
school on the campuswill convene at
the Union tomorrow afternoon for
the opening of the tenth annual
convention in Ann Arbor of the
University Press Club of Michigan.
The meetings will continue until
Saturday noon.
Tomorrow at 2 o'clock, a sym-
posium on "The Community News-
paper" will be led by Wesley M.
Maurer and Donal H. Haines, of
the department of journalism. This
will be followed by a general dis-,
cussion and by the reading of an
essay, "What Is News," by Kenneth
G. Patrick, managing eidtor of The
Daily. At 4 o'clock the delegates
will make a tour of the campus,
inspecting the new Women's build-
ing, the Museum and the Women's
field house.
At 6:30 o'clock, the delegates will*
be guests of the Board of Regents
at the annual President's dinner.
This dinner which is given each
year in honor of the editors will
be presided over by Prof. J. L.
Brumm, head of the department of
journalism and secretary of the
club, who will act as toastmaster.
President Clarence Cook Little will
address the convention at the din-
ner on "The University and the
On Friday morning the meetingt
of. the convention will be given
over to addresses by faculty speak-
ers.. Prof. James K. Pollock, of the
political science department, will
speak on "The Newspaper and
Party Government." Dean John R.
Effinger of the literary college who
spent last semester abroad, will
give an address on "French News-
papers." Following Dean Effinger's
address, Prof. Lowell J. Carr, of the
sociology department, a former
newspaper man, will speak on "So-
ciety and the Newspaper." As the
last speaker of the morning, Dr.
James M. Bruce, director of post-
graduate medicine, will address the
group on "Newspaper and Health
The luncheon hour on Friday
will be given over to group lunch-
eons for the three newspaper asso-
ciations represented: the Asso-
ciated Press, the Michigan League
of Home Dailies, and the League of
Michigan Weeklies.
Vestris Inspectors
Deny Drunk Charges
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Nov. 20.-An ac-
cusation that two government in-
spectors were drunk when they ex-
amined and passed the liner Ves-
tris five days before she sank with
a loss of more than a hundred lives
was read today at a department of
commerce inquiry, and immediate-
ly drew a shouted denial from Cap-
tain Edward Keane, one of the ex-
amining officers. Both Keane and
his assistants said they had found
the Vestris seaworthy.
Appoint New Men To
Soph Prom Committee
Due to the stalking of appendi-

Conflict Arises As Boards Decides
To Set Time Of Founding
In Year Of 1837
In response to the action of the
Board of Regents during their
October meeting of this year, when
they definitely established 1837 as
the date of the founding of the
University, William A. Spill, '96L,
secretary of the Alumni committee
on University history and tradition,
in a communication to The Daily
yesterday scored the move of that
body as r4 thing clearly beyond
their power. "I feel," he said, "that
all evidences thus far point to 1817,
and that 1837 is without any his-
torical support whatever."
The committee, of which Spill
was secretary, presented a reso-
lution to the alumni of the Uni-
versity at the triennial meeting in
Chicago last May, requesting 1817
be set as the date of the founding
of the University. This resolution,
following =considerable discussion,
it was given the committee to un-I
derstand, was adopted, except that
the chairman was to present the
matter to the Regents.
This was done in Sepember and
again in October, according to
Mr. Spill. "On' October 28, the
Board refused to accede to the
request, as was their right to do,"
he stated. "But they went further
and passed a resolution which
purports to state that the Regents
v. Board of Education, 4 Mich-
igan 213 ruled that the Univer-
sity was not organized until 1837 in
Ann Arbor and that the date in
question should be "understood" to
be the date of the real organiza-
"Such an actionwas clearly be-
yond their power," he continued.
"When the University was found-
ed depends on the records of his-,
tory and none of us can remake or
change that." '
In support of his argument for
the change in date, Spill pointedl
out the multitude of evidences
that the University was not
only in operation prior to 1837 but,
that the press and people of
pioneer Michigan knew it and
called it "the University of


(By Associated Press)
PITTSBURGh, Nov. 20.-
How coal can make two stalks
of winter wheat sprout in place
of one in the Northwest, keep
the grass green in the Mississip-
pi valley, and help the cotton
beat the boll weevil in the South
was explained to the second in-
ternational conference on bi-
tuminous coal at the Carnegie
Institute of Technology here
C. H. McDowell, president of
the Armour Fertilizer company
of Chicago, explained how fer-
tilizers of ammonia and nitro-
gen may be derived from coal.
He said their growth would be
slow, but that it would be im-
portant to both farmers and
coal men.
The beginning, Mr. McDowell
said, was years ago when, in
order to remove the odor from
illuminating gas, coal men ex-
tracted the ammonia. Now, he
said, quantities of both am-
moniv4 and nitrogen are now
available as by-products of
liquefaction of coal.



M ,

Unique Uses Of Coal I
Explained By Expert I



Number Of New And Old Problems
To Be Dealt With In Last
Message To Congress

i L i
Four High-Priced Stocks Climb
$35 to $63 Per Share; Others
Rise Ten Points

Announce Ticket Sale For Annual
All-Freshman Banquet To Be
Held Dec. 5th

Making his third appearance I
Ann Arbor in the last three year
Lewis Browne, well known lecture
historian, and author, will spea
at 8 o'clock tonight in Natural Sc:
ence auditorium, under the at
spices of the Hillel foundatioi
His subject will be "The Strange.
Ever since the publication of h.
first great novel, "Stranger Tha
Fiction," Mr. Browne has been cori
sidered as one of the earliest c
a new school of modern historiar
who present history in interestin
novel style. "That Man Heine,
a biography of the great Germa
poet, one of Mr. Browne's recer
works, was chosen by the Literar
Guild as "one of the years mow
distinguished biographical produc
tions." Another recent effort, "Th'
Believing World" sold 20,000 copiE
in the first four weeks after pul
lication and is still considered a
a best seller. Large sales hav
been reported for his latest bool
"The Graphic Bible," a rathE
itnique history of the Bible wit
maps and explanatory notes by th
Mr. Browne started out as a rabl
in a small Connecticut communit
and through his assertions of radi
calism and his desire to write wa
gradually drawn farther from tb
ministry until by 1926, he definitel
decided to abandon the ministr
and turn to writing exclusively. B
spent the entire summer of 192
in Russia, studying the religiot
developments in Church and Syna
gogue there under the new SoviE
regime. He has written articles fc
the Nation, The New Republic, an
other American journals.
Mr. Browne, although not yE
thirty years old, has already bE
come one of the most widely rea
authorities in this country on th
difficult subject of comparath
There will be no admission charE
and anyone interested is welcorr
to attend.

(By AsciePress) Carl Brandt of the speech de-
NEW YORK, Nov. 20.-With four partment will deliver the prin-
high-priced issues sky-rocketing cipal talk at the freshman pep
$35 to $63 a share, and at least 50 meeting to be held beginning at
others climbing $1 to $10 a share 7:30 o'clock tonight in the Union
to new high records, Wall Street ball room, according to Jackson A.
today witnessed the wildest stock Wilcox, '30, chairman of the under-
market in its history. The violence class department committee for
of*the advance scared many small the Union.
traders and investors into liquidat- The principal event on the eve-
ing their stocks, with the result ning's program will be the selec-
that many of the gains were cut tion of the freshman captain and
down, and a number of issues the preliminary organization of the
showed losses of $1 to $5 a share. freshman class for the annual Fall
Total sales set a new high record: games which will take place Sat-
at 6,811,900 shares which contrast urday morning on South Ferry
with the previous record of 6,714,- Ernest McCoy, '29, varsity basket-
400 established last Friday. ball captain, and Robert Warren,
Orders poured into the market '29, representing the Student coun-
in such gigantic volume that the cil will speak at the meeting. War-
ticker ran from 30 to 100 minutes ren will explain the rules and the
behind the market during the traditions of the games to the first
greater part of the day, the usual year men. Wilcox will preside at
last minute rush of orders delay- the meeting. An an added feature
ing the printing of the final tran- of the evening's program, the Var-
sactions until 2 hours and 42 min- sity band will furnish music for
utes after the market closed, the the occasion.
longest delay on record. Tickets will go on sale at the
Forced by the thousands of com- meeting for an all-freshman ban-
plaints against the present service quet to be held. on Wednesday
and the widespread confusion night, Dec. 5, it was announced
caused in brokerage houses yesterday by William E. Nissen, '29,
throughout the country to take president of the Union. The price
drastic action, officials of the ex- will be $1.25.
change today decided to drop all Prof. Waldo Abbot of the rhetoric
sales volume from the tape, except department has been secured as
for a few minutes after the open- toastmaster for the affair, it was
ing Thursday. Under the new plan, announced. Coach Fielding H.
only stock prices will be reprinted Yost, director of inter-collegiate
__ _~~ ~ ~ d f1fr s -neP to hb n of

(By Associated Press)
number of old and some new prob-
lems are before President Coolidge c
as the time approaches for him tog
send his sixth and last annual
message to Congress.
The President's final communi-
cation of this character will bes
read on Capitol hill two weeks fromi
today and the prospects are thatt
he will have it completed well in-
advance of his departure fromr
Washington next week for a,
Thanksgiving vacation in Virginia.
He already has the material be-
fore him upon which he may base i t
his recommendations for legisla-I
tion respecting Boulder Canyon
dam, a project which figured toc
some extent in the presidentialr
campaign and over which there
has been a great deal of discussion
during almost all of Coolidge's ad-
The President has received a
confidential report from the com- 1
mision annninted in the interior


Students Invited To Hear Speec
By National Authority On Subje
Of Comparative Religion


on the ticker, and it is expected athletics, isepcatu oei
that the quotation service will be the speakers. A prominent out-
speeded up at least 25 per cent. side speaker will also be secured.
Arrangements are being made by
the exchange to supply sales vol- Flooded Cumberland
ume of individual stocks to press. .
associations and newspapers pend- Beginning To Recede
ing the installation of special tel-(e
egraphic printers which are being (By Associated Press)
provided for this service, but the PINEVILLE, Ky., Nov. 20.-With
details have not been worked out. three persons dead and property
Based on an average price of damage in this vicinity estimated
ard $5 an share r limited at between $300,000 and $500,000,
the Cumberland river was receding
stocks, today's tremendous turn- late today after one of the worst
over ivoalued atn excangef600,000 rampages in its history, leaving a
curities va a neary 0,0,- layer of mud from one to three
000. inches thick.
Hundreds of families,. forced
No Tickets Available from their homes by the floods, to-
For Play Production night were returning to repair the
Fla r u o damages. In Pineville, the water
had left the business district en-
Continuing their success of last tirely and only portions of the low
night, members of Play Production line residential section were still
will again give their second presen- inundated. In Harlan, residents
tation of the season at 8:15 o'clock who passed the night in the court-
tonight in University hall, A packed house on bedding donated by
house attended the private show- citizens returned to their homes.-
incr o. f f 4-v.Plirt ', "'ThPT n- r____-,.

Michigan." Among these was the department to inspect the engi-
summary of the decision of the neering feasibility of the proposal.
Supreme court of Michigan made for a huge dam in the Colorado
in June, 1887, which stated: river. It is probable that he will I
(Continued on Page 8, Column 7) use the facts which the commis-I
sion has developed to form his own
Effinger To Address a "The report will not be made pub-'
Italian Club Today li by Mr. Coolidge since it was
given him only as a convenient ref-
Dean John R. Effinger of the erence containing the latest infor-
literary college will recount exper- mation on the project. The whole!
iences of his recent trip to Italy document probably will be laid be-I
in a speech to be delivered to mem- fore Congress when it convenes for
bers of Il Circolo Italiano at 4:15 its short session December 3. +
o'clock this afternoon in room 103 The indications are that another+
of the Romance languages build- old standing problem-farm relief,
ing, it was announced yesterday by will be doubtless in the message inI
club officials. no new form. Mr. Coolidge feels,
Dean Effinger has recently spent that all of the constructive things
several months on the Continent he has to say upon farm relief al-
during which time he livedinnItaly # ready have been set forth in pre-{
for about six months, long enough vious messages and speeches and
to gain a rather intimate knowl- that his views on what should not
edge of the country and its people, be done have been adequately de-1
it is reported. scribed in his two vetos of the Mc-
There is to be no admission Nary-Haugen bill.
charge, and the general public One of the new questions to be
will be welcomed to the meeting, submitted is ratification of the Kel--
says Anton Napoli, of the Romance logg Treaty to outlaw war, a dis-
languages department and adviser cussion of which may be expected
of the club. This lecture is the to be related to the Senate attitude
first of a series planned by the on the naval building bill which is
'ircoto or teremainder of the on its legislative program. In view
Circolo far the remainder of the o i ritc a peh ay
present semester and next spig, of his Armistice Day speech, many
Theyse e tor bnde t spring. observers feel that the President's
They are all to be delivered in message may deal fully with his
English and have been planned essretmay he rith niy
with the aim of attracting all who desire to have the American navy
are nteestd i an phse f ,rounded out with a number of new
are interested in any phase of cruisers.
things Italian: political, artistic, _
or current, says Napoli.
A number of musical programs, Alpha Nu Discusses
presenting faculty members of the World Peace Problem
School of Music supplemented by1
members of the Circolo, will also Two opposing views of the solu-
be given. tion of the problem of world peace
o o met in heated argument last night
I SENIORS at the meeting of Alpha Nu, cam-
pus debating society, on the fourth
j Seniors who have signed up 1 floor of Angell hall. Prof. Pres-
for their 'Ensian pictures must I ton Slosson of the history depart-

Dr. Guthe Addresses
Anthropological Club
"The great difficulty in the
problem of archaeology in the
Middle West is to convince people
that archaeology is merely one
side of local history," Dr. Carl E.
Guthe, associate director of the
anthropology museum, told the
anthropological club of the Uni-
versity last night at a meeting in
the Museum.
"When this fact becomes accep-
ted, interest and support of the
science of anthropology will be un-
doubtedly increased," he continued.
Dr. Guthe told of his work last sum-
mer in sixteen western states as
chairman of the committee on
state archaeological surveys of the
national research counsel. He
canvassed the Mississippi valley
visiting organizations doing local
archaeological work. He discovered
that in most states historical so-
cieties were doing this branch of
natural history.
"It is important," the archaeolo-
gist stated, "that emphasis be
placed upon evidence within the
earth regarding relationship be-
tween specimens of ancient cul-
tures. The accuracy of the his-
torical records depends upon this
relationship, and not upon the in-
dividual specimens found." Dr.
Guthe compared individual arch-
aeological specimens to manu-
scripts with names and dates mis-
sing. Like a manuscript without
names and dates, individual speci-
mens, he said have no significance.
Dr. Guthe found the states most
active in archaeological work to be
Ohio, Wisconsin, Iowa, and Ala-
bama. He stressed the importance
of a close relationship between
states in their archaeological work.
"Ancient American culture did nol
conform to the artificial govern-
ment divisions that exist today, sc
an earnest attempt to correlate anc

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