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November 20, 1928 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-11-20

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Vol, XXXIX. No. 50.



Itinerary Calls For H
Of Panama Cana
Visiting Coun
(By Associated P
Herbert Hoover sailed
battleship Maryland
peoples of Latin Ae
tend to them an assu
friendly feeling of
States for her neighb
lies on the southern c
Corinto, on the we
Nicaragua, was the fir
port of call as the Ma
anchor and moved ma
of the .eharbor. Af
President-elect was to
vious path which wo
to Balboa for a brief
the Panama canal, do
coast of South Ameri
and thence to virtual
countries on the cont
The definite itiner
trip was to be made
Vaconsultation on boa
land with Ambassad
Fletcher, a special r
of the state departmen
the Hoover party on ti
Presidential Salute
Embarking as a pr
three and a half mont
innauguration as Pr
Hoover boarded th
while the guns of the
ships of the harbor ro
dential salute of 21 gu
The Pesident-elect w
train by Admiral Willi
commander-in-chief o
States battle fleet, w
him to the Admiral's
For a moment thex
and stood at attentio
naval band saluted
then they stepped inti
and slipped silentlyc
bay. Mrs.. Hoover, the
and various other me
party, followed closely
was some delay about g
way. Delayed baggage
anchor for more than
er the Maryland had)
by the President-elect
before noon the last tr
stored away. The
turned, back shorewa
Marylandbegan her lo
Party Stops At G
The President-elect
San Pedro at 940
morning after an over
from his home at Stan
sity. Only two sche
were made onW'the tr
California mainland,
daleon on the outsk
Angeles, where it was
a group of friends of
Another halt was made
ton, near San Pedr
school children and' ci
place might catch a
their next President.
Mr. Hoover spent
time on the trip from
Palo Alto to the port
tion in replying to va
letters and telegram
manded his attentio
sailed. These cleared
tired late, but was up

hour and appeared'
platform at Wilmingto
Several members of
staff accompanied the
the Maryland to say
their chief whom they
Florida after his
South America.

S unur I Fraternity Council
- UIIL Will Meet Tonight
mTo consider a report of the com-
.VOYAGEU mittee appointed at the last regu-
- lar meeting of. the Interfraternity
I council by Edward H. Wachs, '29,
A and headed by M. Robert Deo, '29,
A A to formulate plans for deferred
rushing rules for the University, a
O PROMOTE special meeting of that body has
G AMONG been called for 7:30 o'clock tonight
ONS on the third floor of the Union.
Aside from the report on plans
TTLESIP for a new rushing system to be con-
sidered by the Senate committee
is Inspection on student affairs, as a possible
tl Before solution of the problem of frater-
tries nity rushing, other reports are ex-
pected from committees appointed
Press) to consider other Campus problems.
Nov. 19.- Annual dues of $5 will be payable
today on the at this meeting, the penalty for
to meet the non-payment of dues being for-
rica and ex- feitures of membership in the
rance of the council.
the United
oring repub- SCHU T PR G A
est coast of I
st announced
ryland lifted
terward the
follow a de- Radio Night Will Commemmorate
uld lead him of Hundredth Anniversary Of
inspection off Composer's Death
wn the west
ca, to Callao,
'ary for the In commemoration of the hun-
public after dredth anniversary of the death of
rd the Mary- Franz Schubert, famous composer,
or Henry p. this week's Michigan Night radio
epresentative program will be devoted to a me-
t, who joined morial program of his work. The
he Maryland. program, which will be broadcast
between 7 and 8 o'clock Thurs-
Is Given 'day night from the new Morris hall
ivate citizen studio, is the eighth to be given
hs before his this year, being put on the air
esident, Mr. through WJR-WCX, the "Good Will
e Maryland Station" of the Richards Oakland
other battle- Company, Detroit.
ared a presi- The University School of Music
ns. Symphony orchestra, under the di-
as met at his rection of Prof. Earl V. Moore, and1
am V. Pratt, Theodore Harrison, director of the
f the United voice departtnent of the school, as
vho escorted soloist, will offer an all-Schubert
launch. repertoire. Unlike other Univer-
party paused sity radio programs, there will be
n while the only two faculty talks on this pro-
Mr. Hoover; gram, and both of these will be on
o the launch some phase of music.
out into the Dr. Bishop Canfield, professor of
ir son, Alan, otolaryngology in the medical
mbers of the school, will describe how a throat
after. There specialist can determine the tone
vetting under qualities of a singer's vocal cords
e held her at by an examination.
an hour aft- In the other talk on the program,
been boarded Glen McGeoch, assistant professor
but shortly of music in the School of Music,
unk has been will devote his time to a brief
last launch treatment of Schubert and his
grdy andgthe music, giving special attention to
rng voyage.' the numbers offered on that pro-
lendaleon gram itself.
a..Because of the fact that the
oas met at his School of Music Symphony orches-
o'clock this tra is composed of 100 pieces, the
night journey previous invitation extended to the
iford univer- public to witness the broadcasting
duled stops of the program has been with-
ip down the drawn, it was announced yesterday
one at Glen- by Prof. Waldo M. Abbot, of the
irts of Los rhetoric department, who's announ-
boarded by cer and program manager for the
Mr. Hoover. local studio.
at Wilming-
o,, that the
izens of that Immigration Matter
glimpse of To Go Before Court
much of the (By Associated Press)
his home at WASHINGTON, Nov. 19.-At the
of embarka- request of the government, the
irious urgent Supreme court today reversed a
s that de- previous decision, and consented to
n before he decide whether persons domociled
away, he re- in Canada can cross the boundary
at his usual to work, or in search of employ-
on the rear ment without passports and visas

an. or otherwise complying with Ameri-
his personal can immigration laws.
party aboard The -court had recently declined
"goodbye" to to review a case in which the cir-
will meet in cuit court of appeals for New York
return from had held that Mary Cook and An-
tonio Danelon had the right.

Investigate Rumors That Captain
Got Instructions From Shore
To Get Along Without Aid
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Nov. 19.-The rec-
ords of three commercial wireless
telegraph companies produced in
court today indicated that officers
of the steamer Vestris made no re-
port to their superiors on land that
they were in trouble at sea until
after they sent out a general SOS,
which was hours after there were
definite signs that they were in
serious danger.
On several instances after the
ship had begun to keel, it was also
shown, they reported "nothing to
communicate" to a sister ship ap-
proaching them.
Officials of the Radio Marine
corporation and the Marconi
Wireless company occupied the:
stand for the greater p'art of the
fourth day's session of the federal
inquiry into the sinking of the Ves-
tris off the Virginia capes a week
ago today with the loss of more
than a hundred lives.,
Nothing they testified indicated
that the captain of the ship de-
layed his SOS until 10 o'clock
Monday morning, almost a full day
after he had had to leave the
Vestris too, on any authority other
than his own.
Tuttle Subpoenaes Records
United States Attorney Charles
H. Tuttle, conducting the inquiry
before United States Commissioner
Francis A. O'Neill, has subpoeaned
the radio records to determine the
truth or falsity of rumors that dur-
ing those long hours when the Ves-
tris was keeling over, Captain
William Carey has asked for in-
structions from ashore as to the,
advisibility of asking aid and had
been told to make every effort to
get along without a distress call.
The only other important witness
of the ;lay was Herbert G. Welland'
23-year-old third mate of the Ves-
tris, who had charge of launching
the life boats. His testimony of
the launching was at striking var-
iance with previous testimonies of
passengers and members of the
crew that inefficiency was shown
in getting the boats into the water
and that they were found to be
unseeawrthy when they were
Steward Is Last Witness
The fourth and only other wit-
ness of the day was a 20-year-old
steward in the second cabin who
told of being assigned to investi-
gate a leak in the side of the ship
At the close of today's session
the federal attorney said that he
still had some radio records to be
produced, but he intimated that he
believed those already read from
the stand were fairly conclusive'
evidence that Captain Carey with-
held his SOS as long as he did
solely on his own responsibility and
not in submission to instructions
from ashore.
Sell-Out Anticipated 1
For Saturday's Game
Possibility of "a capacity crowd
for the final game on the Wolverine

grid schedule is seen by the offi-
cials of the Athletic association.
Already 60,000 tickets have been
disposed of for the Iowa-Michigan
contest and the remainder are be-
ing sold at a rapid rate, according
to Harry A. Tillotson, business
manager of, the association.
Student tickets for Saturday's
game are now in the mail, Mr.
Tillotson said yesterday afternoon.
Other tickets can be secured at the
administration building until gameI
time, according to the ticket de-j
partment of the association. l
War Will Be Topic
Of Faculty Debate
Prof. Preston W. Slosson, of the
history department and Dr. Fran-
cis Onderdonk, of the architectural
college will engaged in a debate
tonight at the Alpha Nu chih room

Death Toll Increases
In Wake Of Tempest
(By Assocatd ress)
LONDON, Nov. 19.-The great
tempest which devastated portions
of England and northwest Europe
late last week, moved across Scan-
danavia and the Baltic Sea and to-
night was spending its force in the
sub-Arctic region of Russia.
Tales of marine disaster and of
property losses on land came from'
the wake of the storm and addi-
tional reports were received of
probable loss of life both afloat
and ashore.
The gale took a toll of more than
two score lives and it was possible
that this might be nearly doubled'
when reports are received of some
of the wrecks along the coast.
The fate of 11 of the crew of the
steamer, Eltham, wrecked on the
coast of Cornwall, remained in
doubt tonight. No bodies have been
washed ashore nor was there any
other indication of the where-
abouts of the crew, but it was still
hoped that they might have been
rescued by some passing vessel.
From Stockholm came a report
that a thousand ton steamer had.
been thrown on the rocks of Her-
mosand. The vessel could not be
identified from the shore and
nothing was known about the'
crew. It was feared, however, that
all aboard her had been lost. f
Rosika Schwimmer, Hungarian I
Peace Leader, To Give
Lecture Dec. 6
Mme. Rosika Schwimmer, cele-
brated Hungarian speaker and
journalist and one of the leaders
in the peace movement, will speak
on the "Abolition of War" on Dec. 6
in Hill auditorium. She will discuss
the Kellogg peace pacts and the
disarmament problem. M me.
Schwimmer was one of the organ-
izers of the Ford Peace expedition.
During the war, Mme. Schwim-
mer was active in trying to bring
about the end of hostilities. She'
was also one of the leading or-
ganizers of the Woman's Inter-
national Congress, at the Hague, of
which Jane Addams was chair-
woman and which sent two dele-
gations to interview the heads of
the leading belligerent and neutral
nations, to see if some agreement
could be reached to stop the fight-
At present, Mme. Schwimmer is
trying to gain citizenship in the
United States. She was willing to
take the oath of allegiance, but re-
fused to swear that she would
take up arms in behalf of the
United States in case of a war,
saying that her conscience would}
not permit her to do so.
Mme. Schwimmer will deliver her
talk under the auspices of the
Cosmopolitan club. Tickets will be
placed, on sale soon, and will be
priced at thirty-five and fifty cents.
Pittsburgh Mav Solve
City Smoke Nuisance
(By Associated Press)
PITTSBURGH, Nov. 19.-Produc-
tion of clinkerless coal, known as
briquettes, soon will be available
to help reduce coal smoke of
Such was the prophesy made to-
day before the second internation-
al conference on bituminous coal

at Carnegie Institute o f Tech-
nology in a joint paper by James
Balph, secretary of the Coal Car-
bonization company, Pittsburgh,
and M. J. McQuade, president of
the Ben Franklin Coal company
of West Virginia.
s_ _ _ _

Annual Inter-Class Events To Be
Held On South Ferry Field
Saturday Morning
In the annual class games, to be
held on South Ferry field next
Saturday morning, the freshman
class, as yet untried in battle, will'
meet the more experienced soph-
omores in what is expected to be
a hard fought battle on the part,
of both teams.
The sophomores, who have se-
lected George Ryerson, '31, as their
captain, met last night at the
Union for a pep talk and rally.
Plans to waylay the erring fresh-
man on Black Friday have been'
carefully laid and committees to
enforce these plans have been ap-
The freshmen have as yet elec-
ted no captain, but will do so at a
pep meeting which will be held at1
7:15 o'clock Wednesday night in
the ballroom of the Union. At'
this meeting Carl Brandt of the
speech department will deliver the
principal address, then Ernest Mc-
Coy, '29, Varsity basketball captain,
will give a short talk. Robert War-
ren, '29, will represent the student
council at the meeting and will
explain the rules of the contests.
Sophomores Have Yet To Win
During the last two successive
class games, the present sophomore
class has as yet been unable to
score a victory. As a result, they'
will assemble Saturday at Ferry
field determined to down their
traditional rivals.'
Already the freshmen are band-I
ing together in small groups and
walking back and forth across the'
campus shouting, "Down with '31",
and even more disrespectful slo-
gans, which have been specially
As usual, the traditional events
will be held, consisting of a cane
spree, pillow fights on the backs of
wooden horses, and a flag rush.'
Each of the first two count one 1
point and the flag rush, three. The
class which has the largest num-
ber of men out for the games is
almost certain to win the latter
event since the superior strength
gained in this way is of a decided
Meeting Places Are Set
The sophomores will meet at Wa-
terman gymnasium to paint the
traditional red of bravery on their
faces and on any unfortunate
freshman who wanders into the
wrong path. There the sophomore
band will assemble to lead them to
the battle field and to help bolster
the spirits of the Class of '31.
The freshmen will meet at the
Union to prepare themselves for
the fray and it is expected that
they, also, will have a band to lead
their procession to Ferry field. The
'verdant green' will be their favor-
ite color and undoubtedly there
will be considerable of it to be seen
Announce Committees
For Junior Engineers
James C. Houston, '30E, Harry H.
doll, Jr., '30E, and Donald W. Rich-

ardson, '30E, will head the com-
mittees of the junior engineering
class, it was announced yesterday
afternoon by Robert N. Grunow,
'30E, president of the class.
Members of the various commit-I
tees are:
Athletic: Houston, chairman, T.
Stock, J. F. Smith, I. Grodsky, and
R. Ramsdell.
Finance: Coll, chairman, J. T.
Elliot, and N. MacDougal.
Social: Richardson, chairman,
R. Daly, and S. Cochran.
Representatives from the junior
engineering class to the J-Hop
committee are P. Allen Emde, and
R. McCoy. These men were selec-
ted by the class at its election a
few weeks ago.
Cold Hits Kentucky,
Flood Waters Recede

Drama Classes Offer
Private Presentation
Play Production's second private
laboratory presentation will open
at 8:15 o'clock tonight at the Uni-
versity auditorium in University
hall for a three night's run, includ-
ing performances tomorrow and
Thursday nights. All persons are
requested to be in their seats
promptly at 8:15 o'clock as no one
will be seated during the one act
"curtain raiser," Maeterlinck's,
"The Intruder." The other number
is O. S. Gilbert's farcical comedy,
"Tom Cobb."
As is customary with such pres-
entations, admission is by invita-
tion only. A limited number of
seats remain for the performances
tonight and tomorrow night, but
all the seats for Thursday nightl
have been taken. Persons inter-1
ested in attending should call the<
Play Production office.
Captain For Nert Year's Varsity
Squad To Be Announced At
Annual Dinner
With tickets selling rapidly for
the Union's annual football ban-.
quet to be held in honor of the
1928 Varsity next Tuesday night in
the Union ballroom, it was an-1
.nounced yesterday that the ban-
quet which will start at. 6 o'clock
will be over in time so that those,
who desire to may attend the




Rehearsals Are Ahead Of Schedu]
According Tot E. M. Shuter,
General Director
Ticket applications for the 19
performances of the Michiga
Union opera, "Rainbow's Enc
are being placed in the mail th
week, according to Paul Buckle
treasurer of the opera. Applic
tions for life members of the Unic
were placed in the mails yesterd:
and those for partially paid li
members will be sent out tomorro
The opera opens in Ann Arb
Monday, Dec. 10, at the Whitn
theater and plays through Satu
day, Dec. 15.
Annual members of the Unic
including all male students of tl
University may obtain applicatio
by calling at the main desk of tl
Union on Friday, Nov. 23, orthen,
after. All mail order applicatio'
must be at the Union not lat
than Wednesday,. Nov. 28. Eve;
request for tickets will be handl
according to priority of receipt 1
I the Union. No discrimination b
tween the various applicants
made other than according to tl
time in which the application
received at the, Union.


Whiteman orchestra concert begin- Rehearsals Ahead Of Schedule
ning at 8:15 o'clock in Hill audi- Rehearsals for the opera are cc
torium. siderably in advance of the usu
Present- indications, according to schedule, according to E. Mortin
Union officials, are that the system Shuter, general director of I
of reserving tables for fraternities production. In past years the opi
will be used extensively again this has taken much more time th
year. Under this plan, it is pos- this year, but Shuter attributes I
sible, for an entire fraternity house difference to the unusual tale
or for a portion of the men from which he has discovered for t
any one house to secure a separate 1928 show.
table at the banquet. William Browne, '31, lead:
In order to avoid a possible mis- "lady" of "Rainbow's End" h
understanding which has been pre- been drilled in many new and u
valent in former years, it has been usual routines. In addition, Dar
expressively 'announced that 'the H. Buell, '30, who plays the cor
football banquet is an all-campus lead, has devised a number of sp
and not an invitational affair. Any cial arangements for himself a
student wishing to attend may do other members' of the cast.
so by purchasing a ticket either Good music is the boast oft
from a Union committeeman on director this year when he spea
the campus or at the main desk in of "Rainbow's End" as the "op
the lobby of the Union. Tickets different." A special singing cho
are $1.25 each. of 34 men1will accompany the r
As features of the program, there ular cast and choruses on the t
will be an outside speaker to be to augment the singing and do sE
announced later, and Captain: eral special songs, consisting
George Rich, '29L. Carl Brandt of* rythmic music composed to ble
the speech department is to act as with the general Western atm
toastmaster. phere provided in the show.
The entire Varsity football squad Scene Is Laid In West



will be the guests of the Union at The plot involves a young collei
the banquet. As the climax of the man who owns a dude ranch in ti
program, the captain-elect of Mich- West. A traveling group of playe
igan's 1929 Varsity will be an- are forced to seek accommodation
nounced and according to custom at his ranch due to transportati
will deliver a. short speech. Music difficulties. A former associate
for the dinner will be furnished by the owner of the ranch is in tb
the Union orchestra. company and plots against hin
Further complications arise with
Registration Begins i tribe of Pueblo Indians who 11
For Pool Tnearby. In addition, the leadii
ForPo ournamentlady of the company falls in lo
Registration will begin today with the young man in questio
the billiard room of the Union for with the result, that after nume
althseinerdeste inpartUnipag ous entanglements with the diffe
all those anterested participatg ent persons in the play, everythil
in the annual pool and bilard works out satisfactorily in the fin
tournament to be conducted by the scene.

union again this year, it was an-
nounced yesterday by William H.
Stewart, '30, chairman of the Union
house committee.
Two tournaments will be held,
one for those most adept at pool
and the other for those who pre-
fer billiards. Silver loving cups are
being offered to the first place
winners while $5 in trade in the
Union billiard room will be given
to the men placing second in the
two contests.
Registration for the tournaments
will continue for a week, accord-
ing to Stewart, and then tourna-
ment play will begin.

Costumes in keeping with t
setting are being made by "Pet
March" of Detroit, style specialis
Representatives of the organizati
are in Ann Arbor from time to tin
to fit the members of the cast a
choruses to their newly acquir
gowns, cowboy suits, Indian outfi
and other elaborate costumes.
(By Associated Press)
Partly cloudy Tuesday; Wedne
day generally fair with rising te:

Noted French Educational Director Speaks
Of Paris University Life, Past And Present

"University Life in Paris, Past
And Present" was the subject of a
lecture delivered by Auguste V.
Desclos, assistant director of the
National Office of French Univer-'
sitles and Schools, at 4:15 yester-
day afternoon in Natural Science
auditorium. He traced the devel-
opment of the University of Paris
from its very beginning when the
students met in the open near
Notre Dame cathedral to the pres.,

not uncommon, but the students
were anxious to learn and studied
hard, he said.
During the seventeenth century
the Paris institution declined, but
in 1870 after the revolution the
school was entirely reorganzied
and rebuilt. At the present time,
the speaker explained, there are
five so-called faculties in the Uni-
versity of Paris, those of science,
the arts, medicine, law, pharmacy,
and the normal shonol

The University faculty and
student body mourns the death
of Professor-emeritus Alexander
Ziwet, former head of the math-
ematics department., In his
death the University has lost
one of its most brilliant scholars.
Professor Ziwet was the head
of the mathematics department
for 21 years, was a member of
many professional and honorary
clubs, and within the past few
years, he was voted among the
1,000 most brilliant scholars in
the country.
Urhn Pofnficenr Ziwet wa

Phelps Preaches On Mystic Divinity Of Man
At First Of Fall Series Of Convocatiox

William Lyon Phelps, addressing
the first convocation of the year
last Sunday, preached an eloquent
defense of the divinity of man.
Emphasizing the greatness of
the soul as compared with the in-
significance of the body,Professor
Phelps expounded his own creed of

out what a sordid world this wc
be if there were no helpless pea
to care for.
He brought the point home %
the story of Cornelia and her c
dren. "It seems that a lady wh
husband had just made a pile
the stock exchange called on C



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