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November 18, 1928 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-11-18

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_. _ t

lished every morning except Monday
the University year by the Board in
of of Student Publications.
mber of Western Conference Editorial
Associated Press is exclusively en-
to the use for republication of all news
ches credited to it or not otherwise
d in this paper and the local news pub-
ered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
gan, as second class matter. Special rate
tage granted by Third' Assistant Post-
scription by carrier, $4.oo; by mail,
ces: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nes : Editorial, 492S; Businesq, asite.
Telephone 4925
C. a..y......Paul e. rn
Editor... .........Nelso.n J. Smith
Editor........Richard C. Kurvink
tEditor .. .............Morris Quinn
!n's Editor... .......Sylvia S. Stone
Michigan Weekly... J. Stewart Hooker
and Drama............. R. L. Askreu
nt City Editor....Lawrence R. Klein
Night Editors./
ce N. Edelson Charles S. Monroe
E. Howell Pierce Roe-mberg
d J. Kline George R" Simons
George C.- Tilley


of empty seats inr the best sections
of the stadium. With a few ex-.
ceptions, Michigan spirit had gone
Michigan is as great as ever-
win or lose-and why, after it has
been good enough to make some of
the greatest men in the country
to give Michigan all they had, is it
not worth the loyal, fighting sup-
port of every member of this in-

i1 T,. Adamst
ris Alexander
her Anderson'
A. Askren
tram Askwith.
rise Behymer
hur Bernstein
on C. Bovee
el Charles
R. Chubb
nk F,..Cooper
'en Domime
iglas Edwards
borg Egeland
er J. Feldman
rorie Follmer
liam Gentry
Hrence Hartwig
hard Jung
rles RKaufman
h Kelsey
ad 4, Layman

C. A. 'Lewis
Marian MacDonald
Henary Merry
N. S. Pickard
Victor Rabinowitz
Anne Schell a
Rachel Shearer
Robert Silbar
Howard Simon
Robert L. Sloss
Arthur R. Strubel
Edith Thomas
Beth Valentine
Gurney Williams
Walter Wilds
George E. Wohlgemuth
Robert Woodroofe
loseph A. Russell
Cadwell Swanson
A. Stewart
Edward L. Warner Jr.
Cleland Wyllie

o-- -V
Hundreds of interesting exhibits
ranging from architectural plans;
for the construction of better way-
side refreshment stands to paint-
ings and lithographs by some of
the most famous modern and eigh-
teenth century French artists have
been presented here for the bene-
fit of the public and especially for
the students of the University.
These exhibitions have been ar-
ranged by Prof. Lorch and have
been on display at various times in
the new Architectural building.
Last night, one' of the finest dis-
plays of modern art which could
be gathered in Ann Arbor was pre-
sented by the Ann Arbor Art
association. How many students
have attended that, exhibit thus far,
or have even contemplated viewing
it in the near future? Very few!
There is no doubt that an in-
terest in athletics, football, basket-
ball, and baseball, is a good thing
but as has been often said before
the modern University is becoming
"ultra-athleticized" and as a re-
sult has become under developed
regarding artistic things. There is
a time and place for everything
and there is a proper proportion of
emphasis for everything. This pro-
portion has been sadly neglected
in the seeking of education for
"money making" purposes, in this
day of the "Get-rich-quick" four
year liberal arts courses which may
be liberal but which certainly
seems to forget the arts.
Campus Opinion
Contributors are asked to be brief,
confining themselves to less than 300
words if possible. Anonymous com-
munications will be disregarded. The
names of communicants will, however,
be regarded as confidential, upon re-
quest. Letters published should not be
construed as expressing the editorial
opinion of the Daily.

Telephone 21214
Department' Managers
tising.............Aex K. Scherer
tising......... . A. James Jordan
tising............... Carl W. Hammer
. ............Herbert E. Varnum
ation...:............George S. Bradley
nts............LawrencegE. Walkley
cations..... .......Ray M. Hofelich
g Binzer Jack Horwich
d Blacktone Dix Humphrey
Chase Marion Kerr
tte Dale Lillian Kovinsky
r Davis Bernard Larson
Egeland Leonard Littlejohn
iGeer Hollister Mabley
Goldberg Jack Rose
r 'Halverson Carl F. 'Schemm
P Hanilton Sherwood Upton
rHerWig Marie Wellstead
Walter Yeagley

Y, NOVEMBER 18, 1928 1 To the Editor:

Ab out Books
What this country needs (to
paraphrase Marshall's famous
remark about the five cent cigar)
is more and better sceptics. And,
of course. they will take for their
manual of the newest and best
thing in scepticism Bertrand Rus-
sell's "Sceptical Essays."* These
new sceptics will do the country in-
finite good, they will revise a way
of thinking which, to say the least,
has become gullible, and they will
remove, to use Mr. Russell's phrase,
only "clairvoyants, bookmakers,
bishops, and others who live
on the irrational hopes of those
who have done nothing to deserve
good fortune here or hereafter." All
in all, it will be a much, much bet-
ter country for some skeptics.
Bertrand Russel's doctrine is, on
the face of it, seemingly harmless
enough. It is this: "It is undesir-
able to believe a proposition when
there is no ground whatever for
supposing that it is true." But there
Iare many things which lie behind
the scenes, and there are many im-
plications which the average read-
er cannot see until Russell begins,
in his not-too-subtle way, to apply
This is Mr. Russell's first book
written strictly for the layman. And
one can only regret that he has
not written more. For there is
sound common sense in his ideas,
and many substantial dicta which
would remove the cloudy aura of
myth and blind faith which sur-
rounds many of our actions and
customs. His application of the
sceptical principles which have
made him a world figure make
fascinating reading for anyone that
is interested in ideas, and especial-
ly for one is not wedded to the
idea t'hat the thing that is being
done is the thing that is right.
This book demands only a clear
mind and the willingness to reason
and see new viewpoints. We do not
insist that you should agree with
Russell without understanding him.
But we do say that this book will
give you many things to think
about, and will stimulate you to an
attitude of inquiry and challenge
which is the true measure of intel-
ligence. And the last chapter in
which Russell states some pros-
pects, "pleasant and unpleasant,"
will make you wonder just what
this civilization of ours does amount
to, and where it is heading. That
wonder is the best thing that this
book can do for you.
*by Bertrand Russell. W. W. Norton and
Co. New York. $2.50
* * *
Translations of the poems and
ballads of the Far Eastern peoples
-of the Turks, the Persians and
other peoples of like nature-have
become rather commonplace due
to their highly conventionalized
form. Omar Khayham is probably
the worst offender, with Hafiz run-
ning a close second. Our ideas of
the poetry of these people have be-
come standardized and much of
the material loses.its color and its
Achmed Abdullah, brilliant story-

teller and fascinating personality,
has given us something new with
his book of translations, "Lute and
Scimitar."* He has caught the
essential tone of the peoples and
of the poetry and has given it to
us in a volume which should win a
large audience of those who like
the charming and the unusual. The
book abounds with charming bits.
Thepoems and ballads are taken
from the literatures of Central Asia
and come from six languages.
There is an introduction which is
delightful, and there are historical
and philological annotations which
give the book a complete form. The
notes anus the selection help to
give us the conception of the es-
sential poetry in these races, and
do not dun us incessantly with
the personality of a single isolated
One example we quote of the
kind of thing one may find here.
It is a short piece written by Mul-
lah Zukke to his Mistress Zaida
and is translated from the Persian.
Thy Passion is the scent of the
late-blooming Kabul rose.
Thy anger is a thousand thorns.


Music And Drama

A play extraordinarily difficult
in the demands it makes for cos- Want Ads Pay
tumes, sets and direction, to say
nothing of the acting, the Bonstel-'
le group have done it real justice.
It is the sort of show which, if you
are a devotee of adventure stories The Acme of
and similar high powered fiction,
you can sit back in your seat and FOOD
tear your way through every sort
of emotion imaginable. Benelli and
must have lain awake night worry-
ing that there was some sort of SERVX ICE
thrill he had failed to incorporate
in his story. As it is, there is hard-
ly a line in the show spoken calmly. THE
But that is distinctly the Italian1
manner. Like garlic, its enjoyment ANN ARBOR
requires cultivation. RESTAURANT
The actors do splendid work.
Craig Ward is very effective in the 215 S. Main
Lionel Barrymore role of the power- Near Liberty
ful brute. George Blackwood gives
a very sensitive performance as
the vengeful poet, with the assist- DRUGSI
ance of Alfred Lowe in a fine make-
up as the hunchback lackey. And
Vera Allen -as the blind, cast-off Kodak P
mistress threatened to steal the
honors from Miriam Sears whose
performance almost surpasses her'Yeuyo r
beauty. - Your Col
"THE SECOND MAN" Easy to take now
The secona bill of the Theater
Guild's productions, S. N. Behr- Let us show you the K
man's comedy, "The Second Man," Values are greater than ever.
will occupy the Whitney theater;
Monday night.
In conception it is perhaps the On the film that you use in
most important of last season's of-
ferings and the Theater Guild's in- of your picture making.
clusion of it in their tour pro-
gramme is by way of being a cor-
pliment to road-audiences. Its
sophisticated theme is drawn
from aletter Lord Leighton senti'
his sister; "For, together with, and
as it were behind, so much pleasur-!
able emotion, there is always that WJ"'II (I
other strange second man in me, u14 iiii Nu!
calm, critical, observant, unmoved,
blase, odious." And it records



Reviewed by R. Leslie Askren
Sam Benelli's "The Jest" which'
is the offering at the Detroit Civic
theater, ending Sunday night of
next week, is the best production
of that organization so far this

Get Acquainted With
Schaeberle & Son
For Everything in Musical
Instruments and Supplies
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110 So. Main St.


not only economically serves you
the best of food, but with the best
sanitary conditions there are.
With food well prepared, cour-
teously served, the Chubb House
has established the best recom-
mendation on the Campus.
Meals by day, by meal, or by the
week, starting today.
209 South State Street
Phone 5672 for Reservations

- -1
Subscribe to The Michigan Dail



light Editor-JOSEPH E. HOWELL
At 11 o'clock this morning, Dr.
Villiam Lyons Phelps, Lampton
rofessor of English languages and
iteratures at Yale university, is
cheduled to give the first address
if the fall series of University con-
'ocations in Hill auditorium.
While in no way seeking to corn-
)ete with or detract from student
ir local interest in Ann Arbor
hurch services which will be in
rogress at the same time, this
onvocation and the others which
vill follow it present a rare op-
iortunity to all those who can ar-
ange to atend. Convocations occur
n scarcely more than half a dozen
unday mornings during an entire
ollege year so that they can hard-
y be considered of a competitive
lature and under no circumstances
an they be held to be over done.
On each occasion, however, an
xcellent visiting speaker is secured
,nd presented in a setting which
s inspiring if for nothing else than
s disregard of ritual and its wealth
f simplicity. The convocation
peakers, moreover, are personages,
ationally known, who bring mes-
ages which are essentially a part
,nd an acqusition to any scheme of
Since we first thought of coming
o college, the fame of Michigan
pirit has set the University before
is as a great institution, not alone
or its educational offerings, which
,re unsurpassed, bat as something
f which we all became a part in
pirit. It is supposedly a spirit of
oyalty which drives us on to fight
or Michigan in any field, be it
cademic, athletic, or institutional.
|very organization at Michigan has
een noted for its fight. Michigan
ien have been known as loyalty
But sometime lately that spirit
as died so far as the general stu-
ent body is concerned. It has
lmost proven that we, as Michigan
ien and women, are exactly like
he masses which stick to the win-.
er, and neglect the loser. And
hen when we rate as winners we
ecome overconfident.
The State game yesterday was a
erfect example. We were sure we
onld win and cnnnantlv nlot

"As the births of living things at
first are ill-shapen, so are all in-
novations, which are the births of
time." Notwithstanding, after
reading Professor Van Tyne's opin-
ion of the proposed student faculty
investigation, I could not but agree
with his reproach of the plan. Yet,
a different aspect of the proposal
urges me to give this present im-
pression.' If such a system would
tend to remove many people who
are capable of high scholarship, it
would be unfavorable. That is would
prove such a tendency is certain,
for it is seldom that a real scholar,
one who is seeking recognition in
a particular field, is efficient in
giving to undergraduates the de-
sired enthusiasm and inspiration
for cultural development. The dif-
ficulty arises from an imperfection
in our educational system. This
system confuses scholarship with
pedagogy. It gives academic recog-
nition to the restricted specialist in
preference to those more humanly
and liberally cultivated, to the book
writers rather than the teachers.
This is no disparagement of the
scholar; ordinary consideration
gives him a high place in the ranks
of men as one imperative to our
progress in knowledge. Serious
consideration would only have him
relieved of his pedagogical respon-
sibilities, save in an advanced stage,
that in a class by himself he might
devote the whole of his energy to
his work. It would put liberal cul-
ture in other hands, versed primar-
ily in inspiring and forming their
students to their fullest develop-
ment. That such is not the case
is self-evident. An attempt, under
the present system to eliminate
from our faculty those who are un-
fitted for teaching, yet proficient
in scholarship by any agency is
unreasonable. It would far out-
weigh any advantage, which would
be small so long as the rest of the
system remained intact, by the low
scholastic standards and repu-
tation, which as Professor Van
Tyne says, it would bring to the
institution. This plan of student
investigation of the faculty is but
another of those superficial, de-
signs, those obviously well meant
but ineffective proposals to remedy
the apparent evils of our educa-
tional system. These are little so-
lace to those who realize that it
is the fundamental roots of the
system that are wrong and that
not until those fundamental prin-
cinles are changed can we look for

Peg Entwistle
Clark Storey, artist, introvert and
sophistic philosopher in his strug-
gle with two types of women-one
the disillusioned cynic, the other
the romantic sensualist.
The Repertory company which is
handling the show is an exceeding-
ly able group and should be able to
do the Behrman opus in the high
comedy manner it requires. The
cast includes those featured in "The
Doctor's Dilemma," with the addi-
tion of Peg Entwistle who played
the maid in the Shaw piece and
now appears as the romantic Mon-
ica Grey.
R. L. A.
The Study Group of Matinee
Musicale will meet at the home of
the president, Mrs. Rene Talamon,
at 8 o'clock Wednesday evening,
November 21. Dallies Frantz will
present the following three piano
Prelude and Fugue in F minor..
........................ B ach
Sonatina in C major ....,.Mozart
The Harmonious Blacksmith....
Perpetual Motion ..........Weber
.a u t **
Sonata, Opus 110. .. .. .Beethoven
* * *

Thus for the sake of one
I become the slave
Of a thnimarn t hnn

rose, have


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