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November 17, 1928 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-11-17

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- - ---------------

lished every morning except Monday
g the Universit year by the Board in
ol of Student Publications.
tber of Western Conference Editorial
eAssociated Press is exclusively en-
to the use for republication of all news
:ches credited to it or not otherwise
ed in this paper and the local news pub-
tered at the p"tofice at Ann Arbor,
gan, as second class matter.' Special rate
stage granted by Third Assistant Post-
r General.
>scription by carrier, $4.00; by mail,.
ices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
ones: Editorial, 4925; BusinesR, 2121..
Telephone 4925
)r........ Paul J. Kern
Editor....... .. ..Nelson J. Smith
Editor............Richard C. Kurvink
is Editor.... .......Morris Quinn,
en's Editor...........SylviaS. Stone
r Michigan Weekly.. .J. Stewart Hooker
Ic and Drama... ,... ....R. L. Askren
tant City Editor......Lawrence R. Klein
Night Editors
nee N. Edelson Charles S. Monroe
h E. Howell Pierce Roe'-berg
id T. Klin George E. Simons
George C. Tilley


tul T,. Adams
orris Alexander
ther Anderson
A. Askren
rtram Askwith
)ise Behymer
thur Bernstein
ton C. Bovee"
abel Charles
R. Clubb
-ank E.Cooper
elen Domtine
ouglas Edwards
lborg Egeland
obern J7.Feldman
arorie.Fo lmer
illiam Gentry
awrence Hartwig
ichard Jung
Karles J. Kaufman
uth ELsey
onald E. Layman

C. A. Lewis
Marian MacDonald
Henry Merry
N:. S. Pickard
Victor Rabinowitz
Anne Schell
Rachel Shearer
Robert Silbar
Howard Simon
Robert L. Sloss
Arthur R. Strubel
Edith Thomas
Beth Valentine
Gurney Williams
Walter Wilds
George E. Wohlgemuth
Robert Woodroofe
Joseph A. Russell
Cad well Swanson
A. Stewart
Edward L. Warner Jr.
Cleland Wyllie

and a famous son to Ann Arbor
The time of the year is near at
hand when the men of Michigan's
two youngest classes will be given
the almost necessary opportunity
that comes each fall of participa-
tion in the class games. Coming
as they do at the close of the foot-
ball season, and just as winter is
about to settle upon the campus,
the class games are an event of
more than passing interest and
Somehow it is always necessary
that the members of the freshmen
and sophomore classes be allowed
an official means of locking horns
in the fall and sprinig of each
year. A growing spirit of class con-
sciousness which might if given no
expression, become quite somethingl
else, seems to develop within the
membership of the lower classes
and demands urgent satisfaction.
Mingled with the streaks and
smears of green and red paint
which are traditional in Class
games year by year, this spirit, at
once wholesome and dangerous,
produces a scene picturesque and
fascinating, and results in nothing
harmful. It is, of course, good fun
and results in improved and com-
mendable class feeling.
The morning of the Saturday of
the Iowa game has been designated
as the time for the contests this
fall. No member of either class
should miss the meetings which
will be held during the coming week
and all who can, should make every
effort to joint the paint-smeared
army of their classmates on that
With the ever present feeling for
class pride and class recognition
running at its highest peak, the
desire for victory is bound to be an
overpowering one. It may only be
hoped that with the heat and ex-
citement of the contests no mem-
ber of either class will so forget
himself as to commit any untoward
act which he might later regret;
but that each man will remember
that he is participating in one of
the oldest Michigan traditions and
will do nothing to spoil its memory.

o 0
About Book s
There's only one thing that any-
one can say about "The Set-Up."*
And that is that it's "great." When
you get through with this power-
ful picture of the rise and fall oft
a negro ;prize fighter-a picture
with action and thrills and people
-you'll be all a-tingle for some ex-
citement, and for some hand-to-
hand action. The story gets under
way and it makes you read it right
through to the end. As we said
before, it's "great." Anything fur-
ther that can be said is a mere
variation on this theme. And the
variations will be simply for the
purpose of inducing you to get
ahold of this book somewhere,
to enjoy the thrilling story, and to
see what this quite startling young
man, Mr. March, can do with the
rhythms of the English language.


o ol
| Music And Drama
Thursday evening, Barre Hill, for-
mer Ann Arbor student, and nowj
with the Chicago Civic opera, made
his debut in "Pagliacci" in the role
of Silvio with a success which
should gladden his Ann Arbor
friends and encourage other stu-
dents in the School of Music here.
In his role, which was a smalla
one, Barre Hill was loudly applaud-
ed during. the opera for his sing-
ing and at its conclusion he was
given curtain call after call, finally
to appear alone before the foot-
lights in answer to the demands of
an enthusiastic audience. Such
applause to one who is making his
first appearance, is to say the leas
unusual. and t + 2ies to Mr Ti]3
Indirectly, his success i
to the University S:ho,. .,, M
for it was h r- tha M. Hri)l o
tained the whole of his musical
training. During his five years of
study here, Mr. Hill's splendid bari-
tone was developed through the aid
of the school's faculty, and his own

Sunday, Nov. 18
Fried Chicken Country Style
Candied Sweet Potatoes
Mashed Potatoes
Hot Biscuits with Honey
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Try some of our choice roasts of beef, pork, veal and lamb.
We have the delicious Canadian back bacon, and that won-
derful Virginia ham for roasting.
Plenty of fowl, chickens, broilers and ducks.

Telephone 21214
sistant Manager-RAYMOND WACHTER
Department Managers
sing.................Alex K. Scherer
Avertising............... A. James Jordan
dvertising...... ... Carl W. Hammer
ervice............... Herbert E. Varnum
irculation..............George 5. Bradley
ccounts.............Lawrence E. Walkley
>ublications.............Ray M Hofelich
rving Binzer Jack Horwich
onald Blackatone Dix Humphrey
ary Chase Marion Kerr
eanette Dale Lillian X~ovinsky
'ernor Davis Bernard Larson
essie Egeland Leonard Littlejohn
elen Geer Hollister Mabley
nn Goldberg Jack Rose
asper Halverson Carl F. Schenim
eorge Hamilton. Sherwood Upton
,gnes Herwig Marie Wellstead
Walter Yeagley

With the opening of the fall series
of stud'ent convocations tomorrow,
Ann Arbor will again be afforded
a Sabbath treat which past experi-
ence has shown they enjoy and
appreciate. There can be little
question that the convocations
have come to fill a worthy place
in the life of the community.
During the two years of their his-
tory, the convocations have brought
to Ann Arbor several men of tlae
highest calibre whose sermons, par-
taking somewhat of the nature of
popular lectures, have left much
worthwhile thought and inspiration
with their audiences. To regular
church-goers these speakers have
afforded' a change of background
and a welcome freshness of ideas.
To students, whose privilege it is
while away from home to neglect
their church affiliations, th'e con-
vocations offer a worthwhile Sun-
day diversion with ecclesiastical
ritual reduced to a minimum and
emphasis placed on the less tedious
forms of divine worship. Still the
atmosphere and essence of worship
are preserved, and a sense of com-
munion with something fine and
noble is carried away from Hill
Convocations may be rather flip-
pantly described as a glorified form
of non-compulsory chapel. The
glory, perhaps, lies in the large and
representative audiences that go
once, and keep on going. Fresh-
men, particularly, are urged to hear
William Lyon Phelps tomorrow, and
form their opinions of a Michigan
custom that has hewn for itself a
unique place in the life of a Uni-
versity town.
Today, the football teams repre-
senting the University of Michigan
and Michigan State college will
clash in the new stadium. This
game between the two leading, ed-
ucational institutions of the state
will mark the twenty-third meeting
of the schools, and promises to be.
another of the hard-fought battles
which have always taken place.
The University, it is true, has won
the majority of the contests, but
this has not lowered the respect
in which State has always been

Refreshing and naive in this day,
and age of reason is the effort of
the citizens of Arkansas to save
their offspring from a Fundamen-
talists Hell. By their instigation
and consent the sinful subject of
evolution is to be relegated to that
limbo of blasphemous causes where
lie the bibles of John Wycliff and
the thoughts and aims of the first.
It is not, however, the thought
that religion is thus to be saved
for, posterity that is disturbing.
Posterity will know how to take
care of itself. What disturbs is
the thought that in a country that
boasts of so high a state of civiliza-
tion as the United States, there
should be people who, while uphold-
ing this claim, nevertheless, pro-
claim their cultural deficiencies in
so flagrant a manner. To . be
cultured is to know the best that
has been said and thought through-
out the age. To this might be
added that these thoughts and say-
ings should be respected.
While direct action has not yet
been taken to enforce the law, it
is not at all hard to see that the
measure must needs influence
Arkansan educational thought,
and this in itself is perhaps more
harmful than a jail sentence or
other police court measures. It is
only to be hoped that the citizens
of the state may be able to realize
soon that they cannot combat
a suppositious bigotry of science
with the m re fanatical bigotry of
religion. Tle law is a ridiculous
one; banning dictionnaries from
Arkansas is like the efforts of the
Watch and Ward association to
keep immorality out of Boston.
A Detroit philanthropist, seem-
ingly hard-pressed to rid himself of
$1,000, has at last settled his prob-
lem. He has donated the sum to
the Detroit zoo with which to build
a cage large enough to let the
eagles spread their wings and
think "back-to-nature" thoughts.
The zoo management has taken
the money kindly, but as yet, are
not so sure as to the feasibility of
the idea.
The philanthropist, no doubt, is
inspired by the great American
emblem, the American eagle. It
pains him sorely to see the noble
symbol of American liberty cooped
in a barred pen. The recent po-
litical situation, inspired by the
people's champion, Al Smith, has

The saga of Pansy Jones, negroc
prize fighter, is told in rhythms1
that almost defy analysis. All one
is conscious of in the reading is
the fact that whatever the rhythms1
are, and however March ever de-
vised them, they are just thet
rhythms which move the story best.
Sometimes there is the beat of the
drum in the rhythms-at otheri
times there is the dull monotony of,
waiting-at 'othe , times there is
the pulsing and the movement of
a crowd, swaying, pushing, snort-;
ing. For real action, for change of
accurate colorful scenes, this book
can't be beat. You'll be there right
at the side of the ring when the
announcer bellows "LA-A-DE-EES
-AN' gents." And while Pansy is
struggling on the canvas, trying to
get up for just one more chance
at Sailor Gray, with the referee
counting off the seconds in a
mechanical voice-well, if you don't
sit right straight up in your chair
and get yourself all worked into a
knot, then you've got no business
reading anything stronger than
Mr. March is following the ex-
cellent job which he began with
"The Wild Party," privately issued
by Covici in Chicago. He makes
word combinations and essential
rhythms begin to mean things-he
makes them part of the story and
uses them to build up the back-
ground of a picture whose truth
there is no mistaking. And this
"Set-Up" is an excellent example.
It's as thrilling as anything we have
ever read. As we said at the begin-
ning, we have only one point to
make-this is a "great" piece of
work and you should read it.
*by Joseph Moncure March. Covici, Friede
New York. $2.oo
* * * -
In the very first sentence of
"Toilers of the Hills"* I bagged a
round dozen of descriptive adjec-
tives. My ardour somewhat dam-
pened, I turned the page, only to
discover that "Dock leaned out and
squirted a stream of tobacco juice
upon the gold of a torchweed. A
narrow line of juice had dried on
his lower lip and in the corners of
his mouth were little chunks of
tobacco." The first page was
enough to prejudice me against the
writer; the second was more than
enough to put me. out of sympathy
with the hero. And when the
heroine saw fit to kiss her man,
tobacco and all, the school of
realism almost lost another admir-
For a good many pages, however,
I struggled onward, through thou-
sands of dusty words and arid
sentences till I met a character
whose language was so strange that
a quotation therefrom is the only
way of relaying it with any de-
gree of justice to the reader. His
name, as far as one can make out,
is Joe, and this is what he says: "I
thed you'd better not teal my bacon
adin. I thed you're the turvieth
dog ever tole a man's bacon right
under hith eye. I thed you'd make
a man turth hith Dod till hith wit
buthted." Yes sir, that is just
what he said, and no beating about
the bush with Joe, either. Just
plain, straightforward speech it
was, from a man who hasn't time
to bother with the nicer intricacies
of the tongue.I

What makes the book so good is
that these lovable characters fol-
n, f a i +it,11v.11thewnuvthn-mh ,i

P. L. A.
* * *
With the opening of the Union
opera something like three weeks
away, the announcement that Mor-
timer E. Shuter had already put
the first act of the opera together.
was almost too good to be true; and
this reviewer frankly did not be-
lieve it until he followed the old
adage "seeing is believing."
Though by no means ready for
the boards just yet, "Rainbow's
End" is prgressing with surpris-
ing rapidity and even now holds
promise of b-ing not only. "the best
Union Opera ever," but something
unique in the field of men's drama-
tic productions.
During the rehearsal of the first
act last evening, it was apparent
that this year's opera will be great-
ly improved by the presence of a
real singer in the male lead. Wil-
liam J. Brown, regardless of his
ability as an actor, will be one of
the big attractions of this year's
production, because he has a fine,
powerful voice which will be able
to fill an ordinary theater, and
which has been one of the greatest
needs for a successful opera.
Last evening, supported by the
male chorus of especially chosen
singer, Brown sang "The Song of
the Cowboys," one of the feature
numbers, in a manner which did
full justice to this marching song
which is one of the unconventional
pieces of the show.
To judge the dancing acts with
the- performers scantily appareled
in gym suits, is rather a difficult
matter, but, if the costumes are as
clever as the publicity would have
us believe, they will be matched by
dancing which has the charm of
precision and perfect 'drilling.
As to the play itself, it a farcical
comedy, not making any pretense
at seriousness, but almost sure to
provide genuine, fresh entertain-
ment full of the college spirit.
The big item for Ann Arbor
audiences as to this year's opera is
that it will be really ready for the
stage when it opens here December
10, and the audiences for the open-
ing nights will not have to undergo
the pangs of listening to perform-
ances that are little better than
dress rehearsals.
P. L. A.
* * *
For the first time in its history,
The Grand Street Follies, that
satiric revue which for the past six
years has regaled New York the-
atergoers, has gone on tour, and
will open in Detroit at the Shubert
Lafayette theater Sunday.
The so-called Gala Edition which
will play in Detroit includes the
favorite numbers from other edi-
tions of the Grand Street Follies, as
well as the best numbers from the
1928 show. Publicity agents are
busy ballyhooing a burlesque mu-
sical comedy version of "Coquette,"
the operatic version of "Abie's
Irish Rose," a skit on "What Price
Morning Glories?" and other frivol-
isms and vanities that go to make
up a good follies such as costumes,
music, and dancing.
The Grand Street Follies has
somewhat of a reputation for
clever impersonations which is to
be upheld tomorrow in the person
of Albert Carroll who will give sev-
eral representations of such persons
as John Barrymore, the Prince of
Wales, Mrs. Fishe, and Mary Nash.
The Grand Street Follies were

Phone 5014

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That same Spirit prevails in this Bank. From the president down, all
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this community!

211 S. Fourth Ave.


101 N. Main St.

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I ~. X:.






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