17, 1928 _T H E MC GHIAN DAILY D~A+L Y {|J D~y[08[jp FENCH OFFICIAL AUTOMinOTIVYE CROUPS IS AAN P ILHAGAIN PREMIER WIL HLD MEETINlS 'f DICTATOR FORCES BILL FLONZALEY QUARTET, INNOVATORS OF FOUR PART MUSIC, HAVE INTRODUCED MANY MODERN ARTISTSC ti ... 9 _, is p 9v p; h 1 a x 9 K I Vir r ON ITALIAN Missolini Shears Of Last Re I AT, DETROIT, CHICA; ATTENDANCE REQUIREMENT IS GENUINE INTEREST IN I PRODUCTION CHRYSLER TO GIVE TALK Technical Session Wi11 Be Of Entirely Informal Nature Meetings of two divisions of the Society of Automobile EngineersI will be held in the near future, ac-: cording .to announcement of or- ganization officials. The S. A. E. production meeting and dinner will be held next Thursday and Friday at the Book-Cadillac hotel in Detroit, and the aeronautical engineering division will convenei December 5 and 6 in the Hotel Stevens, Chicago. - I Royal P VOTE PASSES ROME, Nov. 16.- of oratory, Premier his final gesture in consolidation of hi; torship over Italy N the bill placing the Council at the supr( Italian governmen Senate. The vni nn the CON61ESS The Flonzaleyquartet, which plays here Friday, Nov. 23, at Hill audi- torium has a history which is defi- Victor Emanuel nitely linked with the rise of a type anants Of of musical taste recently develop- ower ed all over the world in the artistic centers. To follow them in their 189 TO 19 wanderings through Austria, Swit- zerland, Germany, Holland, Eng- -With a flourish land, America, from their very be-. Mussolini made ginning in the Austrian capital to the legislative their present standing in the Uni- s Fascist dicta- ted States, is not only to watch the when he forced rise and growth of a notable associ- Fascist Grand ation but also to studythe evolution eme head of the of musical taste as the Quartet t through the developed more and more into an important factoi i4 the musical life of America. what is already known and loved,, went to Germany to visit Arnold so that the mind and ear of the Schoenberg, that 'true anarch of auditor is. not so much disturbed art,' and the following Fall his apo- as attracted. calyptic Quartet in D minor, which During the season of 1908-09, the had provoked such stormy demon- Dohnany's Quartet and Hugo strations in Vienna (the police had Wolf's works were introduced. Then to intervene) and in Dresden, was came Debussy and Ravel. Debussy produced in Europe and here. had already won his way into the Again a new name and a new art affection of the amateurs. Not so were introduced by the Flonzaleys with Ravel, who was still considered iri America. intricate, baffing, cerebral. The Kneisels had played his Quartet a little earlier, with the result as told: by one of the members that the Open Until 2 A. M. next morning a deluge of minatory letters from subscribers flooded . riday and Saturday Evenings them, threatening to desert their concerts. for a The Flonzaleys, aboute1911t in- EAT Mea YO Lunc, is AT THE The only requirement for at- tending the S. A. E. production meeting is a genuine -interest in the production problenio the in-. dustry; according to those in charge. In' addition to the technical ses- sions the peak of the meeting will be the production dinner at 6:30 o'clock :Thursday night, when the Detroit section will play host to members and guests atending the 1928 production meeting. K. T. Keller, vice-president in charge of manufacturing, Chrysler corpora- tion, will deliver the main address of the evening, o discussion of au- tomobile production engineering. E. Blanchard,tchairman of the S. A. E. production committee, will outline the activities of his com- mittee. All the technical sessions will be of an informal nature, it is an- nounced, every subject being open to argument and discussion. The reports are promised to present ideas, plans, methods, and expert advise, reports of work done and problems solved. In addition to these sessions and round table meetings, opportunity will be given the delegates to meet in private get-togethers of two or three men interested in a- special phase of one of the broader problems, to discuss and thoroughly consider the subject in which they are inter- ested. A- university proxessor, Johnj Younger, of Ohio State university, has been called in to explain to the delegates the secret of how the Ford Motor company secures its phenomenally ,low production costs. Subscribe for the Michiganensiari now. It costs only $4.00. i 9 rt. t p d t: Raymond Poincare who is back at the helm of the government of France with a cabi- net considered much weaker than the former one. The Premier plans to take an even greater interest in post-war finance than he took dluring his last term of office. At that time he earned the title of "savior of the franc" because of his untiring efforts for restabiliza- I tion. COLLEGE IS GIVEN DRUG STORE SIGNI Louis V. Middleton, a Grand Rapids pharmacist, has presented to the College of Pharmacy what is believed to be the oldest drug store sign in the state. The sign is made of three layers of hardĀ° wood and shaped after the druggist mortar. It is believed to date back, 85 years to: the early logging days of White Cloud, Mich. when it hung in front of what was then Clark's drug store. Victor J. Middleton, '30F, son of the Grand Rapids druggist, discov- ered the sign in the White Cloud pharmacy, now conducted by E. M. Lemire, and it occurred to him that the University would be glad to receive it as a relic. 1.Mr. Middleton purchased the sign, and his offer of it to the pharmacy school was gladly ac- cepted. Henry Ford, learning of the existence of the sign, wrote' Mr. Middleton that he would be glad to add it to his collection of antiques, but the Grand Rapids man decided to give it to the school. The sign will be mounted and placed on exhibition. .Subscribe to The Michigan Daily, $4.00 a year. Detroit Theaters -Ll: 4e Ulie measure was m81 to 13. The bill was passed after a brief statement in which the premier lightly pushed an olive branch toward King Victor Emanuel to soothe any pains the monarch might feel over this final step in shearing him of his power over his subjects. It has been reported in various quarters with increasing frequency of late that the king would abdicate if Mussolini persisted in pushing his bill through the Senate. The king was reported to be taking this stand on account of the clause in the bill which provi- sionally gives' the Grand Council the right to choose the king's suc- cessor. Under the present heredi- tary law, the king's eldest son suc- ceeds him on the throne. Mussolini, in his statement, re- iterated the devotion of Fascism to the monarchy, and pointed out that 'the king had reciprocated this feeling when he had laid a wreath on the tomb of fallen Fascisti. Il Duce declared this act on the part of Victor Emanuel was one "full of political significance." Mussolini concluded his state- ment by saying: "This bill will give the whole world a feeling of confidence in the unshakable stability ofthe government, and in the un- limited duration of the Fascist regime." The bill, briefly, recognizes the Fascist Grand Council, which hith- erto has been an unofficial body of; the Fascist party, as the supreme governmental authority of Italy. Subscribe for the Michiganensian now. It costs only $4.00. In the matter of programs, the Flonzaleys reverence the old and meet the new half-way, which was the advice of Robert Schumann. He it was who also said that the music of a string quartet was the refined conversation of an intimate circle of friends. At the outset of their public career, the Flonzaleys were more noted for their playing of the strict classigg quartets by Haydn and Mozart. Today, while still holding aloft the classic stan- dard which they raised over two decades ago, they are prominently identified in this country with the introduction of compositions by living composers. Their policy is to ~bring these new works before the public in small portions, not fright-. ening audiences with too many strange dissonances,, but bring- ing in the unfamiliar harmonies gradually, and in company with Th alnavs bou ,911 in-' troduced their work in Berlin, buta were much more lucky. The suc- cess was instantaneous, in fact, one, of the most popular ever recorded. g To prove how the appreciation of the public grows, it may be rec- orded here that the Flonzaleys played the Ravel Quartet in 1919, and it was decided that "the music was cause for twenty admi- rations" as a very modest amateurI said, and the work won a decidedly popular recognition. - In the Spring of 1913, Mr. Betti "Midnight Spread" Featuring the unusualt at the 3011/z South State Street 'I FEDERL F Breakfast, Dinner and Supper 'Lunches in Between Cafeteria or Table Service Home Cooking and Home Environment Just as Mother would have it. Regular Meals 35c 45c Sac We Please the Discriminate BAKED GOQDS For the Sorority, Fraternity, and the Home. Pumpkin Pies, Pattie Shells, Maca- roons, Cream Puffs, Eclairs, Pineapple Delights, Frui Cakes, English Muffins, Boston Brown Bread.' ANN ARBOR'S FINEST DINING ROOM AND LUNCH COUNTER 109 South Main St. REKETE'S 5-arBowl FAMOUS FOR Our Tasty Sandwiches, Salads, Excellent Fountain Service, and Fine Home Made Candies Send$1"00 fozesample box of a i assorted styles AMERICAN PENCIL.CO., Dept. Di1 lohoken,N.J. Makers of UNIQUE Thin Lead Colored Pencils-20 colors-$1.00 per dot. Breakfast Cereal 13 Servings 10C Special Blend COFFEE 39c Lb. This Is Great -Try It. Q \\\ :_ , .:. :: . , Mat. 2-4, RAE Nite 7--9 Big Double Show Great Railroad Drama "Midnight Limited" "SON OF THE FRONTIER" a Western ARTHUR LAKE in "RINGSIDE ROMEO" ./ Iii CASS THEATRE Prices:-Wed. Mat. 75c to $1.50 Nights $1-$2.50; Sat. Mat $1-$2 MADGE KENNEDY "PARIS BOUND" // /~ r i . ...... LITTLE THEATRE EAST COLUMBIA NEAR WOODW'RD, Saturday and Sunday Continuous 2-11-Nites 7 and 9 p. m. STARTING TODAY! ONE WEEK ONLY sThe Motion Picture Guild Presents A Study of the Evolution of Human and Animal Life from the Beginning of Time to the Mysterious Future. "Nature and Love" I. ~1 Produced under the supervision of Dr. University-of Berlin. Ulrich Schulz, ~ r CORNWELL COAL - COKE The perfea gieft is hfighly prized, lo lived and often useful." Gifts electrical combine beauty of handicraft with long life and a frequent and happy use- fulness. They are easy to choose, easy to fit to the receiver, yet not too severe on the purse of the giver. THE opens a new er af ocean travel Scranton, Pocahontas Kentucky and West Virginia Coal Solvay and Gas Coke Miraculously quiet and vibration- less, luxurious and swift, the nevw electrically operated S. S. Ca1WCr- nia, largest American-built psz- serger ship, has opened a new cra in ocean travel. Electricity drives the California so efficiently that the fuel bill for the initial coast-to-coast trip was comforts found in the finest hotels. Complete electrification makes the California an engineering marvel and a commercial success; it is booked far in advance, a sister ship has just been launched, and another is under construction. On sea or land, in every walk of life, electricity is in the van This business has been growing ever since it was established. The secret- "giving absolute satisfaction to our customers." We believe it pays to do business in a friendly way. If you think so too, let's get together. even less than the Canal tolls. Electricity mans the winches, bakes the bread, makes the ice, polishes the silver. And 0 of progress. Undreamed of yesterday, the electric ship is a symbol of the electrical'in- dustry's part in modern civil- electricity cools the This monogram is found on great izatiĀ©n and a prophecy,,.. I electricity cools the This moi ua am iV fond o i!\i V1 t iainadapohc