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November 17, 1928 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-11-17

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XXXIX, No. 48












Wilson Is Outstanding Michigan
Star, Scoring Three Of Five
By Edward L. Warner
TOLEDO, Nov. 16.-A n o t h e r
muddy gridiron failed to stop
Michigan's "B" team as Coach Ray
Courtwright's squad routed the
forces of Toledo university here
this afternoon in their final game
by a topheavy 33-0 score. In du-
plicating their score of last week
the Wolverines completely out-
played their opponents in every
department, gaining almost at will
and holding Toledo to a negligible
amount of yardage.
Don Wilson was the outstanding
star in the Michigan victory, scor-
srg three of the touchdowns. How-
ever lie was ably assisted by the
other backs,- as Widman did the
passing and gained consistently
around, the ends, Lytle crashed the
lieg for long gains, while Bieden-
v"ieg "and, Pearlman made some
nice 'gains, the former excelling in
. Forwards Rip Line
The junior varsity line played a
,ine game, bpth offensively and de-
fensively. The forwards ripped
open the Toledo forward wall for
Lytle's plunges, while they held
their rivals to two first downs
Michigan registered 13 first downs
during the game.
Coach Courtwright's eleven
scored twice on two consecutive
plays shortly after the opening
whistle. With the ball on Michi-
gan's 49 yard line, Widman threw
a20 yard pass to Wilson, who raced
tihe remaining distance across the
goal line, evading several tacklers
en route. Dunn kicked off to Bed-
enwieg who carried the ball to his
own 46 yard mark. On the first
play Widman again tossed a pass
to Wilson who streaked down the
sodden field for another score. The
play was an exact replica of the
one a moment before.
Michigan Pepalized
With the ball in midfield at the
beginning of the second period,
Michigan was penalized 25 yards
for clipping. Making three yards
in two plays,' Widman dropped
back to kick. Faking a punt, he
threw a short pass to Pearlman in-
stead, the latter running 65 yards
along the sidelines for atouch-
down. Bauer's kick for point
Toledo made its only gains of
any consequence in this quarter.
With the ball deep in their own I
territory, the Rockets made two
successive first downs on end runs
by Waring and Delcher. Michigan
then braced, and Toledo was
forced to kick.
Lytle Scores Touchdown
As the half waned, Michigan
launched a successful line crashing
attack. With the ball on the Wol-
,verines' 34 yard strip, Dick Lytle
went over the goal line for a touch-
down in three plays, all through
the line. Two off tackle smashes
were good for 12 yards apiece and
-likewise, first downs. On his third
attempt Lytle went through the
line 40 yards for a touchdown.
Bauer kicked goal.

The Lineups
Toledo Michigan "B"
Harste ........ LT.. Bergman
Marshall...... LG.k... . . . Sullo
Moses..........C......W. Brown
White . ...... RG........ Bauer
Hissong .......RT......... Hager'
McNutt .......RE........Carter
Kazmaier.....QB...... Widman
Delcher... LH... Biedenwieg
Philbin. . . .RH... .... Wilson
Dunn ....... . FB...... ... Lytle
Score By Quarters:
Michigan "B".....13 14 6 0-33

When Coach Tad Wieman's grid- first met on the gridiron in 1898
men meet the proteges of one of l and since then have had 22 en-
his former students, Harry Kipke, counters, Michigan winning all but
in the Michigan stadium this after- two. In 1913, a Michigan eleven
noon, it will be tue 22nd football i lost, 12 to 7, to the East Lansing
battle between the two largest edu- outfit in one of the early games
cational institutions of the state- of a season that was marked with
he University of Michigan and the victories over Cornell, Pennsylvania,
Michigan State college. and Syracuse. This game is well
Although today's game appears remembered in the minds of the
to be a lull on the Michigan Michigan State students of the
schedule amid the Big Ten and time as it was an upset and the first
nationally recognized elevens that time their team had won from
form the opposition for the Maize Michigan.
and Blue during the main part of Two years later the Maize and
the season, considerable interest is Blue lost, 24 to 0. Since then the
being ar'bused because 'of the tradi- local eleven has been far and away
tions attached to the meeting of the superior, the 1924 game being
these two teams. the only one in the past few sea-
Michigan and Michigan State sons that has been close. This
ended, after a bitter struggle, 7 to 0.
Michigan State will be represent-1
ed with the largest support of any
team visiting Michigan this'
' Iyear. From the seat of the up-
state school nearly 7,000 are coming
with a 100-piece military band,
while from other sections of the
state large numbers of Alumni are
Graduates Of Two Schools Meet arriving for today's game.
... ,r s .....me; rrip_,_







For First Time; Kipke
Gives Talk
(Special To The Daily)
DETROIT, Nov. 16.-For the
first time in the history of the two
schools, alumni representing the
University of Michigan and Michi~-
gan State college met at a noon,
luncheon, in the Detroit-Leland 1
hotel here today in advance of to-
morrow's football game. More than
one hundred and fifty graduatesr
of the schools now living in De-
troit were present at this sport
dinner which was sponsored by G.
V. Branch, active M.S.C. alumnus,
and Carroll P. Adams, secretary of
the University of Michigan club
of this city.
One of the unique features of the
meeting was the fact that three
of the speakers were Michigan let-
terman, Armin Rickel, president of.
the club, Harry Kipke, head foot-
ball coach at M.S.C., and Bennie
Oosterbaan, who is now coaching'
at his Alma Mater. Kipke, in his
talk, said "I am proud of the im-
provgment shown by the Michi-
gan team this year and proud thatI
I once played on it. I hope that1
they win all their games but I also
hope that just before the M.S.C.
game each year the whole team
suffers broken arms and legs. And
another thing, if Michigan works
old 83 tomorrow I will resign be-
cause I have my team all primed
for it."
Bennie Oosterbaan commented
on the fact that many of the play-
ers on both squads probably play-
ed together in high school and
that regardless of which team had
the highest score tomorrow, Michi-
gan will win.
"The fact that Michigan has a
lean streak this year is good in-
surance for good teams in the near
future," predicted R. E. Remington,
erstwhile referee, sports writer for
the Detroit News and teacher at
Northwestern high school. In the
rest of his speech, Mr. Remington
lauded Kipke and Oosterbaan for
their feat in earning All-American
recognition. Bud Shaver, of the
Detroit Times sports staff also
(By Associated Press);
Mostly cloudy, rain probable
Saturday and Saturday night and
possibly in east portions Sunday
morning; somewhat colder Satur-
day in south portions and in south-
east portions Sunday.

Faces Big Difficulty In Nation
Repudiating Chief Executive
Recognized Here
(By Associated Press)
PALO ALTO, Cal., Nov. 16.-With
many details of the itinerary for
his good-will voyage to South
America still to be determined,
Herbert Hoover today faced the dif-
ficult diplomatic task of working
out the character of the message
he will deliver to Nicaragua.
In the election, supervised by the
United States Marines, two days
before his own, the Conservative
party in Nicaragua, represented by
President Diaz, whom the United
States has recognized, was de-
feated, Gen. Jose Maria Moncada,
a Liberal, being elected.
It may be that when the battle-
ship Maryland docks at Corinto,
the President-elect will be met by
both the President-elect of Nicara-
gua and the Conservative represen-
tative, President Diaz.
The diplomatic difficulties are
enhanced by the fact that although
the United States refused to rec-
ognize Chamorro, a Conservative,
after Sacasa, a Liberal president,
had been unseated by a revolution,
it did recognize Diaz, who was se-
lected by the Nicaraguan Congress
to succeed him.
In the revolutions which followed,
the United States Marines were
sent to the country, and remained
there to supervise the election.
Mr. Hoover, in his campaign,
touched on the general subject of
armed intervention abroad. expres-
sing in his Boston address a hope
that such incidents would not again
occur. Under the present itinerary,
Nicaragua will be visited first.
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Nov. 16.-All trad-
ing records on the New York stock
exchange were smashed today when
6,714,400 shares changed hands in
a hysterical outburst of bullish en-
thusiasm which carried nearly 75
issues to record high levels on gains
running as high as $23 a share.

Youth Finally Admits Earlier
Message For Aid Had Been
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Nov. 16.-A hesitant
young assistant radio operator on,
the lost liner Vestris,. called as a
witness this afternoon in the
federal inquiry into the sea dis-
aster, admitted with a nod of his
head that he told United States
Attorney Charles H. Tuttle the
Vestris had sent out a message
saying, "we may need help," before
her SOS came out of the air Mon-
day morning.
Charles Veschere, one of the two
assistants of the chief operator
Michael J. O'Loughlin, who went
with his ship, shifted uneasily and
professed to have a faulty memory
as 19Ir. Tuttle pressed him for in-
formation concerning the myster-
ious message.
Finally the youth said it had
been sent to the Lamport and Holt
line office in New York but in-
sisted he could not remember
In his investigation of the sink-
ing of the British liner Vestris and
the loss of 111 lives, United States
Attorney Tuttle today had under
subpena the wirseless correspon-
dence between Capt. Carey of the
Vestris and the boat owners, the
Lamport & Holt line.
This action was taken to deter-
mine whether before he broadcast
the SOS Capt. Carey notified the
New York office of the owners of
the dangerous list of his shhip and
was ordered to proceed.
Six survivors of the Vestris, all
passengers, were questioned Thurs-
day, the first day of the hearing.
Among their charges were:
That there were general incom-
petence and lack of discipline
among officers and crew.
That two filled boatloads were
left hanging in their davits and
carried down with the ship.
That no. orders were issued to
don lifebelts and that no competent
officers were assigned to life boats.
That some lifeboats were in-
properly equipped and leaked like
sieves at every seam.
That is some cases the launch-
ing tackle was out of commission.
That rescuing steamers passed
several lifeboats, occupants being
unable to signal because of defect-
ive flares.
Capt. William Hasley, assistant
superintendent of the Lamport &
Holt offices here, confirmed re-
ports today that four days before
the Vestris steamed away on its
final voyage she collided with an-
other vessel in Erie basin.
He said the collision was of no
severity however, the Vestris and
the Santa Luisa of th Grace line
scarcely more: than brushing to-
gether. The only damage to either
vessel, he said, was loss of paint.
The two boats came together as
the Vestris was leaving dry dock.
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Nov. 16.-The Demo-
cratic party faces a defibit of ap-
proximately $1,600,000 in meeting
expenses in the recent campaign
totalling about $5,300,000, James W.
Gerard, treasurer of the Democra-
tic National committee, announced
' O



Harry Kipke
Former Michigan all-American
halfback who captained his team
in his senior year, will be seen here
today in a new role, as coach of the
Spartans. Kipke aided in the
coaching of the Michigan team last
year and has had long training
under Yost.

By Morris Quinn
Two former Michigan football captains, both well-schooled
in the Yost system of the grid game will match wits for the first
time at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon when Coach Harry .Kipke leads
his Green and White eleven into the new stadium to challenge Tad
Wieman's fighting Wolverines.
For the first time since the disastrous opening game of the
season with the 'Battling Bishops' of Ohio Wesleyan university,
the Maize and Blue aggregation will trot out on the field favored
to win, but the Spartans are already dangerous foes and the Michi-
gan coaches are not taking them at all lightly.
Neither team boasts an imposing record in the games played
thus far. State has defeated
Kalamazoo and Chicago Y. M.
f lC. A. college and tied Mississippi
Agies, but lost to the University
WIT'l nh of Detroit, Colgate, and Albion,
while the Wolves have turned the
tables on Illinois and tied Navy,
losing to Ohio Wesleyan, Indiana,
Yost Announces Building Will Be Ohio State and Wisconsin.
Ready For Use Of Students By . Kipke Watches Defense
End Of Month Aided by a thorough knowledge
of the Michigan system of play,
ADDITIONAL SEATS BUILT Coach Kipke and his assistants Ed
Vandervort and "Gob" Wilson, both
Definitely answering the need of of whom formerly starred in Yost-
the University for ice skating coached lines, have concentrated
facilities, the rebuilt Coliseum, their eforts in developing a defense
which has been equipped with to stop the Wolverine attack. The
complete and modern details, will outcome, of this afternoon s tussel
be will be ready for use Dec. 1, it will hinge largely on the success
is announced today by Field- of their labors.
ing H. Yost, director of athletics The Wolverines, on the other-
at the University. hand, have had to divide their at-
This announcement was made tention this week between prepara-
following a careful survey of the tion to meet the Green and White
plans and the progress of the con- invasion and the development of
tractors, who are remodeling prac- a suitable defense for the great
tically the entire winter sports running attack that Coach Bert In-
building. gwersen has developed around
The Colesium was partically de- McLain, Amril and Glasgow.
stroyed by fire three years ago, It may be that the confidence
and skating there since has been manifested in the drills this week
handled on a more or less tempor- bodes ill for the Wolves this after-
ary manner. The Athletic asso- noon, especially since a team fired
ciation has now rebuilt the build- with the eternal desire 'to beat
ing, and installed equipment ne- Michigan,' as Michigan State always
cessary to accommodate in an ex- has been, . is scheduled to furnish
r- t m n r_ theskatin for stu- the opposition.


Many Are Injured, Shipping
Delayed, Communication Is
Partially Stopped



(By Associated Press)
LONDON, Nov. 16.-A southwest-
erly gale of great violence whipped
over South England and Wales to-
day, crippling wire communication,
buffeting such shippingi as ven-
tured abroad, and causing wide-
spread damage to property and in-
juries to scores.
Two deaths, one at Bristol and
another at Exeter, were reported.
Along the channel ports and Bris-
tol coast area, the storm was de-
scribed as the worst in many years.
Throughout the day it frequently
attained a velocity of 60 to 70 miles
an hour, and it continued with t
dangerous force last night.j
In London, poles, chimneys, trees
and hanging signs yielded before
the fierce blow and many persons
in the streets were hurt. A mighty
wind, sweeping through West-
minster, disarmed one of Britain's
historic warriors, the sword of the
heroic figure of Richard the Lion
Hearted,, outside the House. of
Lords, was sapped from his hand
and hurled to the pavement.
The coasting steamer Edith called
into Liverpool during the day
minus her funnel, which was lost
during a battering by h1ry seas
on a voyage from Creetown, Ire-
land. The crew was without food
for two days and was forced to
crouch in the stoke hold because
the cabins and galleys were awash.
Extensive damage was suffered
in the Cardiff district. Trees were
uprooted, fronts of houses blown
in, roofs torn off, and harbor craft
orced to remain in their docks.

cellenl maniiis e g ll6IV au
dents and members of the faculty
of the University.
The Colesium, when it is finished,
will be supplied with ice for skating
by the most modern ice making
plant it is possible to construct,
according to the announcement of
Director Yost. More than ten
miles of galvanized 1 1-4 inch pipe
have been installed into the freez-
ing system which will be able to
produce ice at all times, 24 hours a
day, for six months or more each
year. The director states, giving
some idea of the extent of the
The inside of the Coliseum has
been practically rebuilt, with new
plaster and paint, a complete new
heating plant, more than 2,000
seats for spectators, and an in-~7
sulating material which has been
built into the end walls and roof
and which will prevent heat com-
ing into the building on the warm-
er days.
In order to improve the appear-
ance of the building and the sur-
roundings, the land belonging to
the Athletic association immediate
ly around the Coliseum has been
graded and sodded.

Anderson To Play
Coach Kipke intimates that the
State lineup will be the same as
the one that faced the Titans a
week ago. Anderson, veteran left
flanker, has recovered entirely
from the injuries sustai.-d in the
fray with the Dorais-coached team
and will be back at his former posi-
tion. It was announced earlier in
the week that Fogg would probably
replace him.
The Spartan backfield which has
been something of a- puzzle all sea-
son long, will consist of Nordberg at
quarter, Dickenson and Grove at
the halves, and Danziger at full.
Plan New Offense
Michigan is planning to launch
her newly organized offense against
the invaders with the hope of ad-
,ding points to the right-side of the
scoring column which 'includes
only 23 to date. The Navy game
a week ago saw the Wolverines
flash a consistent running attack
for the first time this year and if
'they can make their passing game
function at the same time, the
State defense should find its
hands full.
Coach Wieman has announced
only one change in the front that
faced the Navy at Baltimore a week
ago, and that is the replacement of
Dahlem. at right half by Wheeler.
Stan Hozer will be seen at the full-
back post in the new stadium for
the first time, as Joe Gembis is still
on the ailing list.
Probable Lineups
Truskowski ... .LE..... Anderson
Pommerening . LT.. Christenson
Poe ........... LG.:....Hitchings
Steinke..... ..RG....... Moerrer
VtiT.ll%^ -) rrTinr"


t 1

Paul Whiteman and his popular concert on February 12, 1924, in
musical organization, who will ap- I New York City, when he gave his
pear in a concert Nov. 27 at Hill 'program of American music and
auditorium, have given over six was accepted by the first-line New
hundred concerts in the United York critics as the man in whom
States, Canada, Great Britian, the destiny of our American music
France, Germany, Holland, and rests. For, in the composition of
Belgium in the last three years. his orchestra, its unique combina-
After a long tour of the Paramount tion of instruments, its rhythms,
picture theatres, on which occasion its tone color and the tunes and
he received the highest price ever harmonies which it plays, this or-


7L~l Au m r v 1 J~jj lI I
No college of the University I
is in any way obligated to any I
one photographer. The four I
official photographers of the E
Michiganensian, namely Dey, j

Invitations have been issued for
Play Production's second private
production to take place Tuesday,
Wednesday, and Thursday, Nov. 20,
21, and 22. Admission is by invita-
tion only, but it is possible for per-
sons interested in the theater to
obtain invitations by communicat-
ing with Valentine B. Windt, direc-
tor of Play Production activities.

duction. It is the plan of the new
director to submit the entire work
as a unit representing the efforts
of all persons connected with the
classes in Play Production.
A one-act curtain raiser, "The
Intruder," by Maurice Maeter-
linck, will open the program. The
other play will be 0. S. Gilbert's
three-act farcial comedy, "Tom

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