ESTABLISHED 1890 YV -.gdL I -A&. Air 4ir Am t t 4ailM MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS I. I VOL. XXXIX, No. 47 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1928 EIGHT PAG HOYT STRESSES NEED PROFESSORS RATING "WHO'S WHO"C WERE NOT ALWAYS .TEACHERS C A[IATIP TRAiFI IAINITIIP, PROF. FORD ATTACKS "SPYING", PLAN HURTS RESEARCH, HE SAYS "The proposed spying plan would "Often an instructor cannot ex- penalize research work, and that plain his work clearly and to the G O V E R N M E N T R E C O RDAL O FI I L D TLOf Y S RS K N u R nIIDL ii6 1 IMEI I ]UBy Friar IINot all university professors are l RADborn with their hand on a lecturer's stand, a perusal of the 1928-29 "Who's Who In America" reveals. Some professors went a number of TRAINER OF MICHIGAN TEAMS places and did a numebr of things IS MAIN SPEAKER before settling down to teaching ON PROGRAM school, and many others have grown tired of their profession and taken a vacation for a year or two, UNION ORCHESTRA PLAYS according to statistics. Prof. Jesse S. Reeves, of the po- Regular Rest And Wholesome Food litical science department, was a' Are The Fundamental Rules small town lawyer at Richmond, Of Training, Hoyt Says Ind., for the decade from 1897 to 1907 before he finally became assoc- "Since football has developed into iated with the University faculty. the open game, the training of the A short time after graduating from football squad has become an im- college, Professor Reeves taught n the building of a American history at the Woman's portant phase in thcollege of Baltimore, Md., but ap- successful team," Charles B. Hoyt, parently Maryland co-ed didn't trainer of the athletic teams of the have enough it, for he stayed there' University, stated in his talk on the only a short time. seventh Michigan Night radio pro- gram of the current series broad--N cast between 7 and 8 o'clock last night from the new Morris hall studio through WJR-WCX, Detroit. Equipment Described CLASS Hoyt pointed out the new Akinds of equipment which have come into prominence with the last year or Committee For Freshman Law two, since speed has become such And Senior Architecture an important element in football. Classes Are Picked "The University of Michigan foot--w ball players wear equipment that POSITIONS ARE NUMEROUS weighs 11 pounds," he said. "This is about four to six pounds lighter Class committee appointments in than that worn three or four years the senior Architecture and fresh- ago." man Law classes were announced In stressing the two fundamental yesterday by the class presidents. rules of training, those of regular The senior committees, as announ- rest and of wholesome food, Hoyt ced by Roy Peterson, are as fol- spoke of the rigid rules to which lows: each man is subjected. "And as Adivsoy committee: A. Alan to the matter of injuries," he said Stewart, chairman, Virginia Gies, "it is necessary to impress upon and Clark Harris. each man the importance of re- Cane committee: Walter Chaffee, porting every injury no matter how chairman, William Weiner, and trivial it may seem at the time. Herman Klein a Often a small blister, a scratch, or Auditing committee: H a r r i e t a strain develops into something Atn cm mtte Haenri, serious if it is left untouched. The Stone,'chairman, Matthew Spence, trainer must be in personal con- ' and Merle Eddy. tact with all of the men on the Finance committee: Carl chul- team all of the tine in order to witz, chairman, Louis Smoger, and know their exact condition." Kenneth Holmes. Discuss Police Problems Social committee: Harper Fow- Prof. John B. Waite of the law ' ley, chairman, Donald Kimball, and school, spoke on "Police Problems," Clarence Stoll. pointing out a comparison between P i c t u r e committee: Erwin the police of this country and those Broecker, chairman, Claude Samp- of England. Professor Waite, who son, and George Foulkes. has been actively engaged in this Cap and Gown committee: problem in Detroit and other Arthur Hooker, chairman, Wesley American cities as well as the capi- Stewart, and Edward Hull. tols of Europe, gave several out- Invitation committee: Chauncey standing differencesbetwene thean I n Ferris, chairman, John Annand forces of the average American cityi and Philip Matthews. and those of London. K Samuel E. Gawne, president of "Although we instinctively com- 'the freshman Law class, announced pare our police unfavorably with his appointments to committees as the English forces, actually man to follows: man we capture morel criminals Social committee: Francis E. than the English," he stated. "The Roehm, chairman, David W. Ken- trouble lies in the fact that because dall, Leo J. Conway, and Merrill of our conditions, we have so many W. Taylor. more criminals to be sought." Financial committee: Robert S. Heart Disease Is Subject Quinn, chairman, William Brum- "Heart Disease is a subject of baugh, Harold Bailey, and John S. great importance because it is very Mischener. common, it is often disabling, and Advisory committee: Thomas L. it ranks first of all the causes of Conlon, chairman, Paul S. Bryant, death in this country," Dr. Paul S. Archibal Black, and Wayne Brow- Barker, professor of internal medi- nell. cine and a member of the staff of Athletic committee: Donald R. the University hospital, said in his Williams, chairman, Allen Lamont, address on that disease. Dr. Barker Wesley J. Wells, and Donald F. discussed at length the causes, Nash. symnptoms, cures, and problems of this dangerous disease.,STUDENTS STEAL The musical portion of the pro- SCABAS "PRANK" gram for the second time this year was furnished by the Union dance orchestra under the direction of (By Associated Press) Paul Omeruand Don Loomis, pre- DETROIT, Nov. 15.-Mason S. senting a program of 10 of their Bailey an~d a companion, University liveliest numbers. 1 of Michigan students, who said Last night's program, which was they stole a taxicab from the the third to be broadcast from the Michigan Central terminal early new Morris hall studio, was seen today as a "prank," spent several and heard by more than 200 people hours in jail before being released who ,filled the auditorium. On each to return to Ann Arbor. They of the two previous nights over damaged the cab when they drove1 300 people were on hand to witness into a post and were required to the broadcast. settle with the owner. Greenland's favorite son, Prof. I Ili l H lI William H. Hobbs of the geolov de- partment, let Northern wind-storms go hang while he was learning how beer should be drunk at the uni- versity of Heidleberg back in 1888- 89, "Who's Who" reveals. Another professor, Prof. John G. Winter of the Latin department, also found pleasure in going toj ct±±uoj. h aoJiuanu. .D i" H IMIun"Ii~ BY ENGLISH DIVISION IMPROVEMENT OF DRAMATICS ON CAMPUS IS AIM OF FACULTY school abroad. Born in HKolland, 'AYSUETI LGBE Mich., Professor Winter took his STUDENTIS E A.B. in 1901 at Hope college, Hol- land, and remained there for a time Staging Of Student Plays Planned, as instructor in Greek and Latin. If Writing Possesses And in 1911 he married Johanna Proper Standard Anthonette Riemens, of Utrecht, Netherlands. As the first step in an effort to Prof. Harley H. Bartlett, of the I bring about a better situation in all botany department, served for a' fields of campus dramatics, a play time as botanist of the U. S. Rubber writing contest, under the spon- company in far-off Sumatra. Like- sorship of the division of English wise, Prof. Arthur E. R. Boak of of the University, has been an- the history department, after nounced by representatives of the teaching here during the decade departments included. The con- 1914-1924, spent a year or two in test is for one-act plays and even- Karanis, Egypt, digging in the hot tual production of one or more of sands of the desert, according to them for University audiences is the current volume of "Who's Who." planned, should the plays be of the William W. Bishop, University proper standard. librarian, has, traveled during the Any student, undergraduate orl course of a varied career from the graduate, of the University who Garrett Bibical Institute of Evans- is not doing instructional work is ton, Ill., where he was an instruc- eligible to compete in the contest. for in the New Testament and As many plays may be submitted assistant librarian, to the Vatican by one writer as he may desire. library, Rome. The judges for the contest have not ' yet been announced but it is ex- *pected that representatives of the speech, rhetoric, and English de-j partments will be included among tthose selected. rrrI ,.S IflC Set Final Date All plays must be turned in to persons to be announced later, by Second Production Will Be Given Friday, Jan. 11, 1929. The play is At The Whitney Theater to be presented with a title but Monday, Nov. 19 without the name of the author. MThe name of the author and the title are to be placed in an envelope, would be a mistake," said Prof. Adelbert Ford of the psychology1 department in commenting on the suggested investigation of the faculty by the student body. "Many professors on the campus are far better fitter for research work, sometimes of national importance,; than they are for classroom work. A college student, when he leaves a university, is in much the same; position in relation to the rest of the world as the faculty here is to: the student. The college graduate must be able to defend the college world, should be able to show that university professors are more than pedagogs. Is the work of college professors merely to teach" he continued. "I doubt whether a student com- mittee could have a suitable crit- erion for judging facultyen mem- 1 bers," Prof essor Ford went on. HOOVER'S TIME FILLED BY TRIP PREPARATIONS President-Elect Deluged By Notes And Congratulatory Letters From Host Of Admirers DEBATE WATERWAY ISSUE (By Associated Press) STANFORD UNIVERSITY, Cal., Nov. 15.-Herbert Hoover was im- mersed in the work of completing preparations for his good-will trip to South America today and laid it aside only to receive some of the well wishers who called upon him., Among these was a delegation of classmates of the President-elect at Stanford university in 1895, most of them now San Franciscoan business men. The group, more 1 than a dozen strong, was headed by former Judge George E. Crotchers of San Francisco, and Thomas K. Code, the first quarterback Stan- ford university ever produced.. Another caller during the day was Representative W. E. Hull of Peoria, Ill., who called to convey his con- gratulations. Hull traversed the same route through South America a year or ,so ago as will the Presi- dent-elect, the Illinois Congress- man having been a member of a commission appointed to study and aid in the promotion of good roads on the southern continent. In addition to discussing the 1 forthcoming South American trip, Representative Hull talked to Mr. Hoover for some time concerning inland waterway developments, especially 'the Great Lakes. to the 'Gulf waterway, and the proposed St. Lawrence outlet from the Great Lakes to the Atlantic. OPEN TICKET SALE' FOR GRID BANQ UE T complete satisfaction of his class because of the nature of the course trather than because of his own lack of ability. It seems to me that only his colleagues, who are familiar with the type of work to be done can really pass judgment upon any instructor. If the proposed plan does go through, often an instruc- tor will be more interested in pre- senting a good appearance, and, less in presenting the part of the work which is difficult to explain, and so he will glide over the more complex parts of the subject," Pro- fessor Ford stated. Professor Ford explain that he had not fully considered the plan, and that he was not familiar with the details and latest developments of the plan. "My objection," he said "are formed from a superficial observation of the plan, but I doubt whether it would be possible to get students on the committee who would be able to judge their in- structors. It would be a far better plan to try to match the students and the professors, to put students with a certain background under instructors who stress that phase of the work." "Personally," Professor Ford con- tinued, "I have never sat in the class room of one of my instruc- tors. It is always possible to judge the ability of a teacher from the answers on the examinations." POINCARE SEES NEIED OF NEW REPARATIONS Future Of France And Europe Rests On Revision Of Policy, French Head Says SCATTERED FAMILIES GATHER WHILE BODIES OF VICTIMS ARE IDENTIFIED RESCUE STEAMERS DOCK Federal Investigation On Cause Of Liner's Sinking Is Planned (By Associated Press) NEW YORK, Nov. 15.-The de- tailed story of the sinking of the Vestris was being written on the official government records today as more of the ships of the rescue fleet 'came to the port with living and dead. Scattered families were reunited, and survivors were found by joyous relatives and friends. But in other quarters only sorrow pevailed as 22 bodies were laid out for identifica- tion or as officials shook their heads negatively in answer to anxi- ous queries of those seeking some word of the unrepor-ted. New Count Made At the end of the day all the rescue fleets had reached port or were near it, and the latest count of those who survived and who were lost failed to improve the list of 114 dead. Thirteen bodies were brought to New York on the de- stroyer Shaw. Meanwhile the bat- tleship Wyoming plowed on toward Hampton Roads with nine survi- vors and the French tanker Myri- am reached Brooklyn with 57 liv- ing. Setting aside questions as to jurisdiction, the federal authorities began a thorough investigation to- day into the sinking of the liner. After preliminary questioning of witnesses this morning by Assist- ant United States Attorneys George J. Mintzer and Edward S. Silver, the formal inquiry was scheduled to open before United States Com- missioner Francis A. O'Neill this afternoon. Between fifty and sixty witnesses had,, been subpoenaed for the hearing today. Jurisdiction Uncertain Although the Vestris was of Bri- tish registry and the jurisdiction of the America authorities was uncer- tain, it was indicated today that the British authorities might con- sent to have the entire inquiry conducted here. Mr. Mintzer said he had heard, unofficially, that the British board of trade had cabled the consul general here saying that I if the inquiry was unbiased and ex- 1haustive the board would abide by it. IS REPERTORY COMPANY "The Second Man," by S. N. Behrman, will be the second offer- ing of the New York Theater Guild repertory company when it shows in Ann Arbor, Monday night, Nov. 19, at the Whitney theater. The play was first presented by the Theater Guild at its own the- ater in New York in the spring of last year, and shortly later was produced in London. It is the author's first play to have produc- tion on Broadway. Another of his1 plays, however, "Meteor," has at- tracted the attention of the Guild producers and is scheduled for presentation during the coming season. Behrman is in his early thirties and has already received the commendations of many well known critics. The story of the play centers around a wealthy widow in love with a rather insuccessful novelist who is witty, wise, and cynical. She is described as a "Tennysonian flapper with a Freudian. patter." Her advantures are with a serious minded, successful, and wealthy scientist. The story, as it developes, hints at tragedy in part of the ac-I tion, but returns again to comedy. The production, which will be sent here was staged under the di- rection of the well known Theater Guild artist, Philip Moeller, with costumes and settings by Raymond Sovey. Included in the cast are such favorites as Elizabeth Risdon, Peg Entwistle, and Robert Keith. "The Second Man" will be fol- lowed by two othernTheaterbGuild productions. The series runs over a period of four weeks. 0 0 with the name of the play appear- ing on the outside of the envelope. That information should be handed in at the same time as the play is turned in. Production of some of the plays as laboratory experiments will take place subsequent to the fifteenth of January, but no definite arrange- ments have been made in' that re- gard as yet. Possible publicrpro- duction will also be a feature of the contest, but that would depend entirely on the quality of the works submitted. Further details con- cerning the production of the plays will be announced later. Rowe States Purpose The purposeof the contest, as stated by Prof. Kenneth Rowe of the department of rhetoric is "To encourage native effort in the field of dramatic writing at the Univer- sity of Michigan; to help writers through association with the thd ater and production to the mastery of the technique of the particular form they are attempting; and also to encourage experimentation, the endeavor to open up new fields! in dramatic form, subject, and manner by the opportunity of trial performance before the at once CONFERENCEREQUESTED (By Associated Press) PARIS, NOV. 15.-A prophecy that the future of France and Eu- rope would ,depend on negotiations for revised reparation is in the policy declaration Raymond Poin- care gave out shortly before parli- ament met today. Negotiations on reparation will begin in December when experts of the Allies and Germany and with unofficial American observers meet. In the declaration, Poincare said the conference would solve the problem. He said that in the ex- changes among the governments no unresolvable difference of views had developed. Though it had been forecast the cabinet declaration would contain references to war debt as well as reparation by Germany, the debt question was not touched. The declaration emphasizes the; need for parliament' to note the budget before New Year Day, and adds: "Legal stabilization of the cur- rency closed a decisive phase in the financial redressment; but nothing is done so long as there remains something yet to be done." Confidence is expressed that minor differences over details of the budget can be ironed out. Poincare indicated two articles relating tC the return of certain religious or- ders to France might be detacheC and voted on separately. He saiC they were of paramount import- ance, but expressed confidence they would be decided on their merits, for the best interests of the country. critical and open minded audience Tickets for the annual Union which the University community football banquet to, be held Tues- affords." day night, Nov 27, in the ball- room of the Union will go on sale PREHISTORIC MAN 1 at the main desk in the lobby of DEPICTED IN FILM nhe Union building today, it was announced yesterday by' William E. I Nissen, '29, president. Tracing the development of man-I Plans for the annual banquet at kind from the pre-historic man ' which the 1929 Varsity football through the Neanderthal-man and captain will be announced are go- Cro-Magon man down to and end- ing rapidly forward, according to ing with the people of the cave I Nissen, although it is uncertain as 'and cliff-dwelling ages and pre- yet who the outside speaker will be. senting as well several unusual; An announcement concerning the pictures of animal life, particularly speaker will be made within the of fishes, insects, deer, and bats, next few days. the Little Theater of Detroit is Beginnning next week, tickets showing the motion picture "Nature may be secured from Union com- and Love," during a week's run, mitteemen. The price is $1.25. beginning tomorrow. The Union is especially anxious to In the light of recent discussions stress the fact that this is an all- upon the origin of man, the picture, campus and not an invitational produced in Berlin, covers nearly banquet. Any student on campus all of the salient points of the who cares to, is eligible to attend. scientific side of evolution, making it possible to study many va TO CLOSE 'ENSIAN of life as they actually are,RE S IN 'as they are described.PI T R SE IO Toa1stelatdydrn ; "i , z r , S a ^V r United States Attorney Charles H. Tuttle, in ordering the investi- gation, said it was for the purpose of "recording and perpetuating" the testimonyofethehrescued pas- sengers- and crew while the facts were still fresh in their minds. Charges against the ship's officers ranging from blundering seaman- ship to plain murder piled up soon after the arrival here Wednesday of the steamships American Ship- per and Berlin with a total of 148 persons rescued from lifeboats aft- er the Vestris, bound from New York to South America, foundered off the Virginia capes Monday. Early today the French tanker Myrian docked in Brooklyn with 57 survivors, some of whom sup- ported the charges while others denied them or remained silent. British. Consider Inquiry Board of trade officials in Lon- don, England, today were under- stood to be considering whether an inquiry should be held"- into the sinking. It was pointed out that such an inquiry is not obligatory and that it rests with the depart- ment. i , i i , | , ii , FOOTBALL PROGRAM SALESMEN WANTED Anyone interested in selling football programs for Saturday's game will kindly apply at 3:30 o'clock today at the main en- trance of Ferry field. Carl Loos, Manager. I I( - THE WEATHER (By Associated Press) Mostly cloudy Friday, followed by rain Friday night or Saturday; somewhat colder. PROMINENT ARCHAEOLOGIST LAUDS UNIVERSITY MUSEUM LABORATORIE 1 '9 1 1 BUTLER RECEIVES NEW CAMPUS, MOVES TEN MILES ACROSS CITY) Transplanting ivy vines, a his- I of colleges and universities in toric flag pole and the traditions France and England, and also in o 72yeagspulernierEgypt, Thomas Hibben, architect, of 7 years, Butler university, the jmade application of the Collegiate first co-educational endownment I Gothic, using North Carolina pink institution of Indiana, has been granite and Indiana limestone. moved ten miles across the city of Some 15 national fraternity and Indianapolis into buildings and a sorority chapters at Butler are campus of permanent and natural having plans drawn for homes to beauty which the gifts of philan- cost from $30,000 to $80,000 each thropic friends and alumni have on land just south of and facing made nossible.the colleve rmardnve,. -C CAMPUS OPIONION CLARIFIED The Daily calls to the attention of any mistaken readers the contribution to the Campus Opinion column of yesterday morning entitled "Three Cheers." The communication dealt with - the arrest of three students last week in a city park on charges of breaking a city ordinance which prohibits ball play- ing in streets and in specified park sites. The students were .fined the lowest amount possible under the municipal laws and were thereupon discharged. The article in question, written by the parent of one of the students, complained of the rendering , ', Today is the last day during which members of the senior class may sign up for pictures in the 1929 Michiganensian, it was announced by J. Franklin Miller, '29,; president I manager of the publication. Seniors may secure their picture receipts between 1:30 and 5 o'clock. today by applying at the business' I office of the 'Ensian in the Press building on Maynard street. The iprice of the receipts is $3. Once I "In my opinion the archaeologi-l cal laboratories in your new Mu-] seum are the best equipped of anyt institution in the world," was the tribute paid yesterday by Dr. A.i V. Kidder, well-known archaeolo-I gists of the Carnegie institution ofi Washington, who stopped off in Ann Arbor to see the Museum on his way east from Los Angeles where he has been assisting in mu-; seum work there. "Your equipment as a whole in the Museum is a most wonderfull logists all over the middle we: He is doing this in the capacity chairman of the committee state archaeological surveys of t nation research council. The fur tions of this council are to e courage archaeological surveys over the country. Dr. Guthe's con mittee encourages state agencies make surveys with a view to t preservation of antiquities for I ture generations," he said. When asked about his work director of the excavations of I