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November 15, 1928 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1928-11-15

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Miss Nora Crane Hunt, Director Of
Major Girls' Glee Club To
Open Meeting

I One completed k sample of C
syour article for the Christmas
: bazaar must be brought for
inspection to the parlour in
Barbour gym on Friday after-
noon, Nov. 16, between 3 and
k and 5 o'clock.
C Dorothy M. Flynn,
I Chairmanr of Articles.
10 0
W. (A. A. Drive Closes
SAdding100 Members
Arliene Heilman, '30, treasurer of
W. A. A., announced that more
than 100 women have joined the
organization during the member-!
ship drive which came to an end
yesterday. This figure does$ not
constitute the total for the year,
because dues can still be mailed to
the treasurer at Martha Cook
The first closed meeting for W.a
A. A. will be held at 4 o'clock on
Friday at the Women's Athletic
building. Besides the regular bus-
iness meeting, presided over by
Betty Smither, '29, president, Or-
chesis, the dancing club, will en-
tertain, and Dr. Margaret Bell, of
the department of physical educa-
tion, and Miss Dorothy Colby, ad-
visor of the association, will give
short talks.

For the opening and organization
meeting of the year, the Freshmen
Girls' Glee club is scheduled to
gather at 4:30 o'clock this after-
noon on the top floor of the School
of Music.:
At this meeting, according to
custom, the constitution will be
read, the officers elected, and the
time and day set for regular prac-
tice. Miss Nora Crane Hunt, direc-
tor of the University Girls' Glee
club, will open the meeting and
present the club's future director.
Miss Thelma Lewis, who is a new
member this year of the faculty of
the School of Music, and who is
also the director of the Couzen's
hall choral club, has agreed to be-
come the leader of the Freshman
Girls' Glee club.
Because of the enthusiasm evinc-
ed concerning the organization, a
larger membership is enrolled this
year than ever before. The mem-
bers who have been chosen by try-
out are: Reva Derby, Frances Cal-
vert, Winifred Gare, Katherine
Pessin, Frances Rayburn, Ruth Al-
lison, Dorothy Malone, Lucile Lan-
gle, Helen Haapamaki, Dorothea
Torbeson, Gertrude Guenther, Jean
Levi, Maurine Knox, Elizabeth Ger-
hard, Marie Westin, Sally Ensmin-
ger, Amerene Montgomery, Cath-
elia Pollock, Alice Merrick, Betty
Covert, Violet Ansorge, Phyllis Orn-
stein, Clare Leith, Louise Hinch,
Helen Blanchet, Marie Sinkheiner,
Elizabeth' Narey, Betty Carpenter,
Edwina Jenney, Bettyy Ropp, Eliz-
abeth Covert, Jane Smallman,
Hadie Supe, Hortense Gooding,
Helen Kitzmiller, Dorothy Malcolm.
Plans for the year, including the
sale of candy at the Junior Girls'
Play and, other possibilities of rais-
ing funds, as well as the music to
be studied, will be discussed. I

' 1
t 1

By defeating Ch
Tau Alpha entered
the intramural hoc
The game was ha
though not particu
I played, and ended i
'The offensive play
was outstanding ox
Alpha team. Gusti
ward line and Ohls
field also starred.
the close score t
evenly matched. On
team, LeRoy, fullba
goal guard, played
games, and Sibley
the offense.
Kappa; Delta won
Newberry team b
though a practice
the members of th
were "present result
'for the small Newt
League team defu
Epsilon Phi.
The result of th
and Delta Delta De
will be played, thisN
mine the team whi
with Zeta Tau Alpl:
It is hoped that the
ed on Monday. In
ment Kappa Delt
Epsilon Phi will pla3
pionship. The tours
ed between the tea
defeated in the first
As the winning t
vited to the hockey
they will receive the
essary that the ga
off soon. The banc

DEFEATEDLecture To Be Given
On Children's Books
U ALPHA Miss Louise Seaman, head of the
children's book department of the
McMillan publishing company for
i Omega, Zeta the past ten years, will deliver an
d the finals of illustrated lecture at 8 o'clock to-
key tournament. night in Pattengill auditorium, Ann
ard fought, al- Arbor high school, under the
ilarly brilliantly I uspices of the Print and Book
n a 4 to 3 score. shop, in recognition of the tenth
ying of Cassidy annual children's book week now
a the Zeta Tau in progress.
ine on the for- A graduate of Vassar in 1915 and
on in the back- editor of a college news sheet while
As is shown by there, Miss Seaman has done some
he teams were writing for publication. She was
the Chi Omega head of the first department of
ck, and Muffly, children's books maintained by 2
good defensive publishing company, although sev-
and Crane led eral have been created in recent
years. Oridinarily it has been
over the Helen customary to place women in this
y default, al- position, because it is felt that they
game between are better adiapted to thE work
ze teams which than are men.
ed in a victory There will be no admission
ery team. The charge for the lecture and any
alted to Alpha one interested in books for chil-
one interested is invited.

URGE WOMEN TO YRuths Sweep Nation;
Three Are In House
BALL- TICKETS EARLY "Ruth" is a good name in poll-
tics this year. Three Ruths were
elected to Congress on Nov. 6, along
More than three-fourths of the with four other women who were
entire allotment of tickets for the re-elected to sit in the House of
sixth annual Pan-Hellenic ball, to Representatives.
be held Friday, November 30, at the Mrs. Ruth Hannah McCormick,
Union, have b: en sold, according to Republican, was elected as a repre-
an announcement made by Ailene sentative at large from Illinois.
Yeo, '30, chairman of the party, Mrs. Ruth Bryan Owen, Demo-
yesterday. The number of tickets crat, will represent the fourth Con-
issued for the party will be strictly gressional district of Florida. She
limited to 200, according to Miss is a daughter of William Jennings
Yeo, and it is expected that all Bryan.
will be sold by the end of the week. Mrs. Ruth Baker Pratt, Republi-
Women on the campus still de- can, is the first' woman to be elect-
siring to purchase tickets for the ed to Congress from New York,
Pan-Hellenic ball should get in and she replaces a Democrat.
touch with Janet Calvert, '30, (7817) The House of Representatives
immediately, is was announced. will, it appears, seat seven women
The ball this year, as in the past, when the seventy-first Congress
is sponsored by the sorgrity women convenes in ecember, 1929. The


Cora Opines
My dear, I have just been talk
ing to the official go-between fo
the League bazaar. That reall
is the best name for Margaret Ohl
son, who is chairman of the Serv
ice committee. That's my idea c
a thankless job and I think any
one who takes it on is big-hearte
to say the least. It seems toer
that it is a job in which there
little glory and much work. C
course you have the personal sat
isfaction .of knowing that the af
fair probably couldn't functio
nearly so efficiently without yo1
but if no one else knows it, what
All the go-between has to do i
to see that everyone gets anyythin
they want from yards of wire t
scissors, presumably to cut it witl
and all other little items anyon
ever thought of wanting. I sup
pose if someone wanted gold-fis
to make the fish-pond more realis
tic she'd have to get those, too,
she had to get in a bathing su
and rob the aquarium. That's th
kind of job it is.
And that isn't all she has to do
either. She has to inspire tt
noble B and G boys to set up th
tables for the booths and do a
the other dirty work of like na
And still that isn't all. She ha
to arrange for all the janitor serv
ice connected with the busines
And probably if someone failed t
turn up, she would have to tal
on the job herself.
Anyway as I said before, I thin
anyone who would take the job
very big-hearted, and I thin
something ought to be done to lE
people know that the Service con
mittee has a real and importar
place in the work of the bazaar

o I


e Martha Cook
lta game which
week will deter-,
ch will compete
ha in the finals
y may be play-'
the B tourna-
a and Alpha
y for the cham-
nament is play-
ims which were
t round of play.
eam will be in-
banquet where
e cup, it is nec-,
imes be played
suet is held on

Women desiring to purchase
tickets for the Pan-Hellenic
ball should get in touch with
Janet Calvert, '30, (7817), im-

i I

Sororities To Hold
Intramural Tourney
Five sororities and four other
house: organizations( will be repre-
sented in the archery tournament
which will be held at 9:30 o'clock
Saturday morning at Palmer field.
Thej sororities which will partici-
pate are Alpha Gamma Delta,
Gamma Phi Beta, Kappa Delta,
Sigma Kappa, and Theta Phi
Alpha, Alumnae House, Betsy far-
bour House,. Couzens hall. A team
composed of women from thre.e


Immediately after the hockey
banquet, the indoor season will
open, the primary sports of which
are basketball, indoor golf, archery
and rifle. Frances Whipple, '31,
manager for outdoor sports, has
planned, an active program for the
next month beginning with a steak

,l 1V11 N 111 W~j V tl u . 11 141 U L 0 fu" V14h1.1qG l YV1VL 1V1 jjl
roast. Thursday, the twenty second, at league houses will also enter the
the field house. contest.
Won Lost Tied
Seniors ...........4 0 0
Juniorsl ...........0 3 1I
Sophomores .......1 1 21
Freshmen........1 2 1
Ill inuiuu liniimiiknnguu1 lif lnnnliur WNeLi ngeie
300 S. State St.
. (Cor. Liberty and State) any have net applques in
PERMANENT WAVING, dainty flower patterns and
IANCURNG, exquisite Fenh pleatings.
SHAMPOOING = Lovely hemstitching and beau-
FINGER WAVING =tful drawn work in Blue
Mrs. N. M. Hitchcock, Mgr.
Open Evenings Dial 2-141. Peach, Flesh and Green.
ill11,l illIl l 1111l11111111111 111111111116
H The Collins Shoppe
*-_ "Exclusive but not Expensive"
Liberty at Maynard
dbrics _a
tea= - -=
_ -
0 _~
_ nac Afer
_- o
for formal= - _
ronds oft
- o en00 dsg sa .........$.0u .
After oint l ce P E , braEL NsGtoPAT TO er N d
blac and,.
d iitok eris t .... .... . ................... $. up.
54" Bcsits o....................to............$1.2dip
N e w ~ a viEa lr ign a................................. 2. 0 0 p
t lae ostaudce a
nestr mtlle in sotOREMTELORNTPATTN_
blck on jut npckd
Large and small head ON HANDKERCHIEFS
in white or color. $1.00 a'dozen extra.

)f the campus, and will be held
n the Union ballroom amid the
most elaborate settings ever ar-
ranged for the affair. Maurie Sher-
man's recording orchestra of Chi-
cago, one of the best known dance
organizations in the country, has
been secured to furnish music for
the affair. Sherman's band is
known from coast to coast both
because of its radio broadcasting
and its dance engagements.
Subscribe for the Michiganensian
now. It costs only $4.00.
Rain Water
Hair, Eyebrow, Eye Lash
Scientific Scalp Treatment
Finger Waving, Marcelling,
Hair Cutting
Facial, French,Russian,
General, and coarse
pore treatment.
Dial 9471 406 E. Liberty
Get Acquainted With
Schaeberle & Son
For Everything in Musical
Instruments and Supplies
Radiola and Atwater-Kent
110 So. Main St.

four women who were members of1
Congress last year have all been1
re-elected. They are: Mrs. Edith
Nourse Rogers, Republican from;
Massachusetts, Mrs. Kate G. Lang-
ley, Republican from Kentuckky,
Mrs. Florence P. Kahn, Republican
from California, and Mrs. Mary T.
Norton, Democrat from New Jersey.1
For the present,. the Senatoriali
ranks seem secure against feminine 1
invasion, although a woman once
took her seat in the Senate* fori
two days.7
The seniors will play the sopho-
mores, and the juniors the fresh-
men at 4:15 o'clock this afternoon
on Palmer field. Marie Hartwigo
and Helen Wilson will have tickets
for the hockey banquet on the field
for those who want to buy them.

Don't Have


Ugly Red

Marvelous New Kind of
Cream, Specially for the
Hands, Quickly Makes
Them Soft and White!

An end to rough, red, work-
coarsened hands! A marvelous new
kind of cream makes the ugliest
hands attractive and interesting.
Improves them noticeably in two
minutes-note the instant whiten-
ing! Daily massage with THINC
will keep your hands :.-quisitely
dainty, soft and white.
Not a cold cream, vanishing Lleam or lo.
tio. Entirely new. Approved by Good
Hlousekeepingl nstitute. Try THING-
money back inot delighted. At any good
drug store, toilet goods counter or beauty
shop. F

Re=. U.S. Pat. OFF.

1E IL0

This collection of frocks' for formal wear.
Gay bouffant creations of crisp ombre-
hued taffeta - - lacey frocks - frocks
of tiered chiffon - - frocks of rich velvets.
Showing the smart uneven hemlines,-

using the decolletage



"robe de style" is here - as well as
adaptations of practically every Paris
success. A wide range of prices from


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