THE MICHIGAN DAILY :. Fr 9Iirl$tpu BMW, isheo every mhorning except Monday the Cniver, ity year by the Board in I of Stu,#'bnt Publications. iber of western Confence Editorial ationi Associated Press is exclusively en- to the use for republication of all news hes credited to it nr not otherwise d in this paper and the local news pub- herein red at the posto!ace at Ann Arbor, an, as second class matter. Special rate tage granted by Third Asistant Post- General. cription by carrier, $4.oo; by mail, e: Ann Arbor Press Building, May. Street. es: Editorial, 4925; Busneaq, i2i:.,. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR KENNETH G. PATRICK ..... ..r...Paul J. Kern .........................Pa 1J en :ditor...............NelsonSmi. Sth Editor...... .....Richard C. Kurvink ,Editor..................gorris uinn n's Editor..,..........Sylvia S. Stone Michigan Weekly... J. Stewart Hooker and Drama.... .........R. L. Askren ut City Editor....Lawrence R. Klein Night Editors ce N. Edelson Charles S. Monroe . Howell Pierce Ro-mnberg J. Kling George B. Simone George C. Tilley Reporters aul L. Adams orris Alexander sther Anderson .A. Askren ertram Askwith ouise 'Behymer rthur Bernstein eton C. Bovee abel Charles .R. Chubb ank E. Cooper elen Domine ouglas Edwards alborg Egeland hbert J. Feldman :arjorie Follmer illiam Gentry awrence Hartwig chard Junk harles R. Kaufmao uth Kelsey onald 1~. Layman C. A. Lewis Marian MacDonald Henry Merry N. S. Pickard Victor Rabinowitz Anne Schell Rachel Shearer Robert Silbar Howard Simon. Robert L. Sloss Arthur R. Strubel Edith Thomas Beth Valentine Gurney Williams Walter Wilds George E. Wohlgemuth Robert Woodroofe Toseph A. Russell Cadwell Swanson A. Stewart Edward L. Warner Jr. Cleland Wyllie been distinctly humorous; no con- structive suggestion has been made or thought given to an obvious error in our modern life. But now the lesson has been brought home. Last Sunday, a Northwestern student, and mem- ber of the football squad, John Acher, was shot down for no rea- son at all by an unidentified assail- ant. Acher and a younger brother were celebrating the victory of Saturday, early Sunday morning. Driving along one of the main high- ways near which is reputed to be the hangout of Al Capone's gang, their car scraped fenders with an- other, and both stopped. Two men, believed to be gangsters, leaped out from the other car, and after an argument, one drew a gun and shot Acher twice, wounding him seriously. The two men then escaped. The boy shot was a college stu- dent. Evidently he had done noth- ing whatsoever even to require drawing of a firearm. In a fist fight he might have had a chance, but he was defenceless for gun play. There Is no humor for college students in this. The conditions in Chicago have been brought home directly, since one of their own class has been the victim. Fun has been poked at the open- ness of crime in Chicago. Jokes have been written about the way in which gunmen wall. without fear in the sight of the law. Pages have been filled with wit about bombs, machine guns, holdups, and assort- ed crimes. But no constructive ef- fort has been made from a class in which lies the future of the country concerning the solution of these problems. The very fact that men carry conceased weapons without fear of penalty offers a problem to our law students. Other attendant facts have a chance for solution in our schools. Those out of college are the ones who must deal di- rectly with these matters, but the college-trained have better prepar- ation and insight. John Acher will recover and oe more of a hero than he might ever have been on the football field. His case however, has made the colleges realize that Chicago gunplay is not all in the humor magazines. It is realer than most thought, and something that cannot be solved by placing a ban on it. BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER EDWARD L. HULSE ssistant Manager-RA Y MOND WACHTER Department Managers dvertising ........Alex K. Scherer dvertisg ... A. James Jordan dlvertirx .uCarl W. Hammer ervice.. ........H.lerbert it. Varnum irculatiou .Ieorge S. Bradley counts Lawrence E. Walkley ulhlicati'is' .R ay M. Hofelic Assistants ving Bin?el Jack Horwic lonald Blackstone Dix Humphrey Ury Chase Marion Kerr anette ale Lillian Kovinky ernor Davis Bernard Larson essie Egeland Leonard Littlejohn elen. Geer Hollister Mabley nn Goldberg Jack Rose asiper He~galverson Carl F. Schemm eorge amilton Sherwood Upton gnes Herwig Marie Wellstead Walter Yeagley 'HURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1928 ight Editor-CHARLES S. MONROE CAMPUS DRAMA AGAIN Drama 'at Michigan, with em- hasis on its shortcomings, has long een a favorite topic. Editorials, nusic and drama comments, and iterviews have been added each ear to the large amount of pre- 'us discussion material concern- .g the question and its possible olution. Nevertheless, despite agitation rom many sides, the situation has ot been materially changed. Last reek saw Play Production present laboratory work to a private audi- nice. Several weeks ago, Comedy lub produced a play at Mimes the- ter. As soon as the Opera is ver, Mimes will no doubt do sev- 'al plays. Independent effort con- inues while co-operation seems arther and farther in the future. Moreover, suitable facilities for heatrical work are not found any- rhere on the campus. Even if co- peration between the independent nits were brought about under a ngle head, there would still re- iain the problem of finding ade- uate supplies for the work. The situation here is not a com- ion one among Universities. There re a great number of institutions L1 over the country having a Uni- ersity theater which functions as n influential part of the whole. arious plans are in operation at he different schools, but at most, f them co-operation between all actors seems to be the key-note > the entire system in use. True, ideed, there are other Universi- es which do not have entirely tisfactory arrangements regard- ig play production, but at most f them, the powers that be are ot dormant; some progress >wards a better state of affairs is eing made. We are not at this time offering definite solution to the situation. ut we do feel that a distant de- arture is necessary. At any rate, ie subject should commend itself those interested in the status of ie drama at Michigan as worthy earnest consideration. Within ie near future, several plans, ibmitted by persons desirous of eing a change will be investigated determine their feasibility. In e mean-time, serious thought ith a view to constructive criti-. S TED ROLL "THIS IS NOT THE DEMPSEY WE USED TO KNOW" We didn't go to hear Graham Mc- Namee last night. We heard him at the first Dempsey-Tunney fight, and what he said sounded like this: "They'reintoaclinchthey'reo u t o f a c 11 n chwhatisthematterwith demp- seyheseemsinadazetheyareinthecen- t e r.o ftheringnowtunneyslipsaright t o t h e j aw thisisnotthedempseywe usedtoknow." Every five or ten minutes, we suppose, we would break out with "this program is being de- livered to you through the courtesy of the Oratorical Association, producers of lec- tures de luxe." Ours Is Both Green And Small LARK: They've got me listed in the Directory from Michigan in- stead of from Illinois, where the governors may be "Small" but at least they are not "Green." The only thing that can soothe my wounded feelings now would be to get that extree twenty-five berries back from Treasurer 12-cents-a- can. Ask Bert. A valuable little news item from Windsor tells us that all female teachers will be graded. We might suggest to the board in control of education in Windsor that their project is practically useless. All female school teachers are of one class. A hockey player in Canada was given two years in jail because he refused to pay a fine. Just a cheap skate. * * * Well,"Frosh, as Rajawer says, "A sophomore a day keeps Black Friday away!" * * * We view with alarm the fact that the Women's League bazaar plans to have "bride score pads" (see yesterday's Daily) on hand. We suppose that the man with the most brides gets the most points. Or perhaps the bride gets ten points for a mere wounding, twenty points for maiming, and fifty points for an out-right killing. * FA* * 00 AN OPEN CHALLENGE TO PRESIDENT LITTLE You, sir, in your multifold knowledge of all things, what would YOU do in the case of Mary Gold? * * * We Could Kill Him For You, Sue We pause to note with pleasure the last sentence of Herr Herbert Schwartz' review of the Symphony concert: "We hope that this very unusual artist will play here in a recital shortly, when he may be more ad- equately appreciated and judged." " . may be more adequately judged." That's what we al- ways hope for whenever we turn to the fourth page of The Daily. But when that time comes it will be a millenium on this campus- that time of which Kipling spoke' so feelingly, "when the youngest critic has died." Sue Burb. * * * The Arkansas evolution act bans the sale of dictionaries containing the word evolution. Did you hear that noise? No, that was not another Chicago bombing, that was Noah Web- ster, Samuel Johnson, Robert Ingersoll, Charles Darwin, and What's-his-name Huxley turn- ing over in their graves. * * * The Taoists of China consider it a sin to criticise the weather and they believe that continual fault- finding will be punished in Purga- tory. That may be true, Taoistians, but you never have seen any Ann Mu-ic And Dr .mt I "HOTBED" From our special correspondent in New York, Douglas F. Doubleday Lit.28, have come reports on "Hot- bed" the Paul Osburn-University of Michigan play, which has re- cently opened. We quote: "What is likely to cause much ink-spilling in the near future is a similarity which "Hotbed" is alleged to bear to the University of Michigan and Co. The allega- tion is quite unfounded, it seems to me (Heywood Broun hasn't seen it yet), but many far-seeing persons will doubtless identify it as a re- plica of Ann Arbor: "The evidence pro is; the Rev- erend's son exclaims, "Oh, boy, I got a date and it's a one-thirty night"; same person comes in the living room singing ". . . and she couldn't get a (clap, clap) clam!"; same person remarks, "It'll be great on the boulevard tonight"; offstage quartet warbles "Fare Thee Well" on several occasions. "People will also say, and I mention these facts so that you may be among the first to pooh- bah, that Professor Clark (in the play) is Prof. Wenley or Bruce Donaldson, that Rev. Rushbrook is Rev. Jump, that Willard is G. D. Eaton. "A low, academic laugh greeted many of Prof. Clark's lines. He says: "It is a rule of the faculty that professors slur each other be- hind their backs; and that instruc- tors slur each other behind their backs; that is how f they get to be professors." On another occasion when a friend says to Prof. Clark: "Did he?," he answers; "Well, he did and he didn't.-Par- don me, I mean he did. I get so used to answering questions in class." Briefly, "Hotbed" deals with the advent of a moral crusader, Rev. Rushbrook, who tries to clean up a university campus. In his pok- ings around he discovers an affair between a young instructor and some unknown girl which he vows to expose. The girl will not marry; she prefers to dally because the man is psychically uncongenial for anything deeper. In the last scene Rushbrook's character takes on a slanting gleam of nobility when he forces himself to reveal the girl to the papers as his own daughter. Critics have damned the play with faint praise. Too earnest, it is tilting at bigotry-which the re- cent election has made boresome. "THE DOCTOR'S DILEMMA Reviewed by R. Leslie Askren The Theater Guild's production o; Shaw last night was a notable event in the interpretation of Shav- ian drama in this locality. And that not because of the assignment of the roles to capable actors nor because of fidelity of production, but for the quite simple but ex- I tremely more important combina- tion of direction and acting, in units of moods rather than lines. Shaw's habit of saying odd things in a much odder way is too often so disconcerting that the essential unity of his plays, as it is carried I in the interplay of moods-con- ceived in fantasy and delivered by wit-is lost to the lesser value of the epigrammatic in his dialogue. The Theater Guild played him in a broader vein that subdued his lines to their proper proportions, and expressed the moods, with all their delicacy and brilliance of con- ception, as a unity. Credit for acting honors in such a sincere production is difficult to distribute. Certainly Elizabeth Risdon was convincing as Shaw's. pet scapegoat and yet only love, the determined idealist, Warburton .. 'The Little Store of Big Values' TAKE ADVANTAGE NOW OF THE Startling Coat Reductions NOW IN EFFECT OUR BEST COATS SHARPLY CUT 121 Beautiful New Winter Coats, of Broad- cloth, gorgeously furred -- with shawl collars and P a q u in' s bolster collars, plain and lil Some young scientist has found a way to overcome gravity, says a statement. Does that mean that now we'll have to go up in the tree to carry the apples down? Campus Opinion Contributors are asked to beabrief, confining themselves to less than 300 words it possible. Anonymous cor- munications will Ile disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential, upon re- quest. Letters published should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of the Daily. THREE CHEERS To the Editor: Last week three young students, quite new to the customs and or- dinances of the city of Ann Arbor, were arrested by three policemen in a small Ann Arbor park for kicking and catching a football in a city park. They were taken to the police magistrate to whom they plead guilty. The municipal judge immediately fined them $5.50 each. No judge in any other city would have rendered justice in this man- ner on first charge for a harmless and non-disturbing offense of the public peace. I understand that the citizens of Ann Arbor have changed since my day, that they consider the students fair game from whom to pick shekels and to browbeat whenever they have oc- casion-that a student in general is considered an unwelcome guest to be tolerated because he is a source of revenue and nothing else. As a father, an alumnus, and tax- paying citizen, I feel that this thing should be looked after by the stu- dent council or some other author- ity. These petty offenses should not be handled in such a high- handed manner. Furthermore, if the city of Ann Arbor and its authorities' have be- come quite independent of the stu- dents and want to persecute them at every turn and rob them, let there be a general boycott of all the merchants by the students. Let them reduce purchases to a very low minimum and patronize home merchants until such time as it will seem to the city fathers prop- rITh E' spiralled cuffs, guaranteed satin l Formerly Up to $70 .49o5. ings. Save from $10 to $20 {4 New Theatre Bldg. 529 E. Liberty St. "POPULAR PRICES ALWAYS' F' a .. + . r I, £ t U N The whole day gets a cheery start when Kellogg's Corn Flakes come to breakfast. Here is flavor to tempt any appetite and crispness that makes the calmest taste excited. Kellogg's are ideal for a late snack at the end of the evening too. So good and easy to digest. All restaurants serve them. i/i 1 Arbor weather! We wonder if Mt. Etna' tion is just a manifesta jealousy of Aimee S. Mc tures in London? -* * * A news report from o republic of Chicago states t 535 persons visit the city ventions every eight mont brag about that, but howr Gamble, as the prince of men who came near making an awful ass s erup- of himself in the final scene, left' tion of little to ask for. The "King of P's lee- Men," Robert Keith, may well be buried with the epitaph, "He died, ur sister wisely, and much too. well." And hat 727,- for the rest, the honors may well for con- be called equal, except, perhaps, ths. Yes, many get that P. J. Kelly's poor General N 1F9A R N F L A I The most popular cereals served in the dining-rooms of American colleges, eating clubs and fra- ternities are made by Kellogg in Battle Creek. They include Corn Flakes, ALL-BRAN, Pep Bran Flakes, Rice Krispies, Krumbles and Kellogg's Shredded Whole Whea Biscuit. Also Kaffee Hag Coffee . -the coffee that .u ~ C o] K ES 11 :20