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November 15, 1928 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-11-15

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No. 46.




Story Of Distressed Steamer Is One
Of Pathos, Hardships, Heroism,
And Incompentence

Easterly Announces
Class Committeemen,
Announcement of appointments
to the class committees of the sen-k
for Engineering class was made
yesterday by Eugene Easterly,
president. The committees are:
Cane committee: John Hall,
chairman, George MacDonald, W.
R. Hough, William Senkpiel.
Social committee: George Mar-
tin, chairman, H. W. Bailey, J. F.
Preisch, and C. F. Moore.
Athletic committee: R. J. Mc-
Vittie, chairman, Karl Kammer-
meyer, and Carl Bloomquist.
Cap and Gown: Tom Leslie,
chairman, Seward Mallory, Lyle C.
Turton, and C. H. Gherkin.-
Financial committee: W. R.
Wright, chairman, Jack C. Adler,
H. M. Harrison, and S. R. Kern.
Class Day committee: John R.
Gilmartin, chairman, George Hub-
bell, Richard Spindle, and D. Fin-
Picture committee: Jock Schoff,
chairman, M. R. Disler, H. C. Rey-
nolds, and P. Farrar.
Invitation committee: William B.
Fortune, chairman, T. L. Yates,
and Jack Hapke.



(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Nov. 14.-The ma-
.ority of the survivors of the
Foundered steamer Vestris were
ought back to port today and the
asengers were seemingly unani-
mnous Incharges of indecision, de-
layand inefficiency against Cap-
tain William J. Carey and his offi-
tersand crew.
If help had been promptly
sought, they said, the 108 persons
now dead would be living still.
If the crew had known how to
manage their lifeboats many would
have been saved, they thought,
even with the S.O.S. call being sent
alate as it was. These are charges
which United States Attorney Tut-
tle announced today that he will
begin to investigate tomorrow, but
Captain Carey himself will never
be called to answer them.
Carey Jumps Without Lifebelt
For after seeing the women and
children under his care dumped
into a boiling sea from shattered
lifeqats, his passengers and crew
leaping into the waves from the
tountlering ship, and feeling the
bridge on which he stood sinking
bneathhisfeet, Captain Carey,
trtfe of 'his stewards said, jumped
into the water without a life belt,
though there were plenty to be
Of the 125 survivors brought in
on the American Shipper 41 were
passengers'and 84"crew, of the 23
don11the; erlin, which docked at a-
i~otthe,"same tImze, 18 were crew
iszi only five passengers.
Fro these w6 passengers from
the sunken steamer there came a
t~ory of hardship and heroism, of
bravery and bungling, of good in-
tentions and incompetence which'
all together comprised probably as
breathless a tale of the sea as has
been heard in all the history of
Passengers Tell Story
The composite story of the pas-
sengers, reduced to its essentials,
is as follows:
On Saturday last the Vestris,-
16-year-old craft on which Cap-
tain Carey was making his last
trip before assuming command of
the newer Voltaire as commodore,
of the Lamport and Holt line,-,
sailed from the Barbados and
South American ports with a 129
passengers and a crew of 199.
There were 37 women on board and
13 children.
*3That verynight the ship ran into
a blow that steadily increased to
gale force, the ship had a general
cargo of 6,000 tons, cloth and auto-
iobiles, and fruit and machinery
and bulk lead, and it rolled slug-
gishly in the gathering swells.
That was the time, passengers
insisted today, that the distress
pall should have been sent out and
not in the middle of Monday morn-
ing as it was. The Captain seemed
calm, they -said, then and until the
very end, but he was like a man.
who couldn't make up his mind.
Monday Brings Danger
There was little sleep Sunday
night and early Monday morning
all passengers were called on deck.
The storm that on Saturday beat
over the ship and washed the fur-
niture right out of the dining salon,
had abated, but a high sea was
running and the ship seemed al-
most on its side.
At 10 o'clockCaptain Carey or-
dered the S.O.S., a call to ships
none of which was nearer than a
.100 miles and soon after gave the
order to abandon the ship.
Neal O'Laughlin, chief radio
operator, remained in his cabin
trying to get one last appeal out
of his exhausted set, Captain
Carey stood on the bridge and or-
dered two stewards who went to
him to save themselves. They
jumped and looking back saw him
step quietly without bothering to
strap a lifebelt about him into the
sea. Then the ship sank and he

was not seen again.
S-s p
IPayments on unpaid subscrip- I

Meteoric Spectacle
May Be Seen Tonight
Especially careful and observant
night-hawks last night were sched-
uled to observe in the northwest
skies, provided that they were
clear,, happens when the earth sail
through the orbit of a disinegrat-
diitga-ing comet, according to the word
I of Prof. Ralph Curtiss, director of
the University observatory. The
Leondis, the most spectacular of
the meteoric showers, is forecast by
some astronomers to return some
time this week, with an appearance
Fifteen great historic showers9of
the Leonids are recorded from 902
AA. D. to 1901, and it was discov-
ered some 29 years ago by Prof. W.
H. Pickering of Harvard, that the
showers reoccur at intervals of ap-
proximately 33 years. Prof. Pick-
ering forecast the display in 1901,
and reportsafor that year from
the Carribean egion told of meteors
"like snowflakes in a blizzard."_.
"Every year the year- passes
through the orbit of a disintegrat-
ing 'comet, known to astronomers
as 18661," Prof. Curtiss explained.
"It was in 1901 that we passed
through this orbit at a point ap-
proximately the center of the dens-
est region of the comet fragments.
However, the orbit present strag-
glers, and it is these that will be
responsible for any display appear-
ing late, sometime .after midnight,
tonight. Those interested should
watch the northeastern sky. The
Leonids meteors can be distin-
guished from any others that
might appear through the fact that
they seem to travel with great
rapidity and are bluish in color."
California Students
Are Lost In Storm
(By Associated Press)
BERKELEY, Cal., Nov. 14.-
Caught in a storm that broke yes-
terday after they had set out for
a hike to Snow mountain, two
co-eds of the University of Cali-
fornia and their two men com-
panions were missing today.
The girls are Apna and Mina
Bampsberger of Logan, Utah.
They were accompanied by Robert
Keeler and John Dempster of Los
Angeles, the former being engaged
to one of the sisters, who are
The quartette left in an automo-
bile Friday for Upper lake and in-
tended to hike from there to Snow
mountain. Their continued hab-
sence was discovered when they
failed to return to class at the
Von Sochoky Is Victim
Of His Own Invention
(By Associated Press)
EAST ORANGE, N, J., Nov. 14.-
Dr. Savin von Sochoky, inventor of
a luminous paint which has taken
the lives of six women and afflict-
ed a number of others with a bone-
destroying disease, died today, the
seventh known victim of his in-
Stricken four years ago, Dr. von
Sochoky's sufferings took a differ-
ent form of disease which poisoned
the others. The women, all em-
ployed by the United States Radium
corporation, formerly situated in
Orange of which the scientist was
a director, were attacked by radium
necrosis, a disintegration of the

I Mr. McNamee's first accompanist
had not been satisfactory! So yes-
terday while he was waiting for
another rehearsal, he permitted
the Gentleman of the Press to ask
him a few question concerning
his adventures in the field which
he has helped to make famous-ra-
dio announcing. Not that he
needs to rehearse for announcing,
but he admits that he sings too, so
an accompanist was necessary
even for an Oratorical lecture.
"Well, Mr. McNamee, what was
the most thrilling event you ever
announced?" asked we, all aglow.
McNamee, it must be said, has
covered the greatest events in the
past few years.
The answer came almost imme-
diately. "I think it was the second
Dempsey-Tunney fight in Chicago
last ear." This was the fight in
whi Dempsey almost had Tunney
out for the count of ten seconds,
to regain his championship. "But
that was a sporting event, and they
are the most exciting. The most
thrilling event, with what you
might term a 'background' was the
Lindbergh reception in Washington
upon his return to this country.
You may not think it was exciting,
but the old town was steamed up
that day and Lindbergh got a real
Present Plans Call For Mr. Hoover's
Departure From Palo Alto
This Sunday
(By Associated Prss)
Nov. 14.-Mrs. Herbert Hoover will
accompany the President-elect on
his good-will mission. to South
This was disclosed today as Mr.
Hoover went into a consideration of
the variety of the details connected
with the itinerary of his trip in a
luncheon conference with Captain
Edgar A. Kimberly commanding of-
ficer of the battleship Maryland,
upon which he will leave San Pedro
next Monday for the continent to
the southward.
Although considerable thought
had been given to the possibility of
Mrs. Hoover making the journey
with her husband, definite deci-
sion had been delayed.
Present plans call for the depart-
ure of Mr. Hoover and his party
from Palo Alto on a special train
Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock. The
train would go direct to San Pedro
without stopping at Los Angeles,
and immediately after his arrival
there Mr. Hoover plans to board his
ship and leave as speedily as pos-I
The tentative schedule, is suscep-
tible to many changes, the first
port of call after leaving San Pedro
would be Corinto, on the west coast
of Nicaragua, where he probably
would be welcomedby the president
of the republic.
In addition to Ambassador
Fletcher and George Ackerson,
secretary to the President-elect, the
official party will include George
Barr Baker of New York, a personal
friend of Mr. Hoover, who had
charge of the foreign language
section of the Republican National
committee during the presidential
Nicaragua is the only Central
American republic which is even
tentatively on the good-will itin-
erary. American marines have been!
occupying territory in this country
for more than a year, having been
sent there by President Coolidge at
the time of the revolutionary out-

break several years ago and theyI
were employed by an agreement
of both sides to supervise the reg-
istration and election for the selec-
tion of a new president.
. Dr. A. V. Kidder of the Carnegie
institution at Washington, famous
archaeologist, is to be the guest
of Dr. Carl E. Guthe, associate di-
rector of the museum of arch-
aelogy today. He is stopping off on
his way back to Washington after
a trip to Los Angeles where he
assisted with museum work there l.

I ovation."
McNamee included in this cate-
gory the final games in the World
Series of 1926 and 1927.
McNamee smiled when he was
asked about the. Michigan-Navy
game last week, which he announ-
ced. "It was little more than an
average college game," he said,
"with only a few good moments.
That run of Gannon's was very
exciting however, and I thought he
was going to it a second time." He
is to broadcast the Iowa-Wisconsin
game next Saturday, and has a
speaking engagement in Ohio, Fri-
day night, necessitating an airplane
trip. "But I've never missed an
engagement yet," he said, knocking
on wood.
By this time, his second accom-
panist was ready. He bade The
Daily reporters farewell, and almost
( broke Waldo Abbot's heart by find-
ing it impossible to look through
the new University broadcasting
Seventh University Night To Be
Put On Air Over Detroit Radio
Station, WJR-WCX
Talks by four members of the
University faculty and a musical
program to be given by the Union
dance orchestra will comprise the
seventh Michigan Night program
to be broadcast between 7 o'clock
and 8 o'clock tonight over WJR-
WCX, Detroit.
"Police Problems" is the title of
the opening talk to be given by
Prof. John B. Waite of the law
school. Professor Waite has studied
police problems in Detroit, and
many other American cities as
well as the, capital of Europe. In
his talk he will make .a comparison
between the problems faced by the
American police force and these
of the English policemen.
.Charles B. Hoyt, instructor in
the theory and practice of athletic
coaching and well-known as the
trainer of Michigan teams will
speak on "Keeping the Football
Man Physically Fit."
Prof. Albert B. Peck of the min-
erology department, who has been
engaged in research work for the
Champion Spark Plug Co. of To-
ledo, Ohio, will tell of the "Recent
Developments in the Composition
of Spark Plug Porcelains."
In the concluding talk on to-
night's program, Dr. Paul S. Bark-
er, of the medical school will tell
of "Heart Disease," having done
considerable research work on that
For tne second time this year,
the Union dance orchestra under
the direction of Paul Omer and
Don Loomis, will present a series
of their liveliest pieces for the mu-
sical portion of the program. Some
of the numbers they will play are:
'Crazy Rhythm, " "Wabash Blues,"n
"After You've Gone," "What a
Girl," and "I Wish I Could Shimmy
Like My Sister Kate."
With tomorrow the final day dur-
ing which members of the senior
classes may sign up for pictures in
the Michiganensian for 1929, an-
nouncement was made yesterday
that more than 1600 seniors had
already arranged for their sittings
and secured their receipts from the

'Ensian office.t
In order that students in profes-
sional schools may avoid conflicts
with their classes in the securing
of receipts, the office will continue.
open until 6 o'clock tonight. Mem-
bers of the staff will be in the Press
building from 1:30 o'clock on, today,
and from 1:30 o'clock until 5!
o'clock Friday afternoon.
The price of the picture receipt
is $3. These receipts must be pre-
sented to the photographers before
' appointments for sittings can be
made. Of the amount paid for the
receipt, $2 goes to the photographer
and the balance goes toward the
engraving cost of the individual
Officers of the various classes
may now arrange for their sittings,


Expresses Opinion That Television
Is Coming Development
In Radio Work
Combing a series of seven num-
bers with his talk entitled "You're
on the Air," Graham McNamee,
America's premier radio announc-
er, last night delivered the second
talk on the 1928-1929 Oratorical as-
sociation lecture course in Hill au-
McNamee opened his program by'
singing four solos.
"Not all the letters an announcer
receives are as favorable as one
might think," McNamee said, giv-
ing several examples of those re-
ceived from radio fans, "in fact
many are expressions of how bad
we really are. However, we have
found it impossible to please every-
Traces Growth of Radio-
McNamee traced the growth of
radio from its inception several
yearsago to the present day point-
ing out the first experiences which
were common to the radio fan upon
the receiving of a few squeals.
"Today the National Broadcasting
company handles the broadcasting
of many great events through its
chain broadcasting system, and the
broadcasting of these great pro-
grams are only possiblerthrough
the company due to the great ex-
pense of giving them." McNamee
gave as an illustration an example
of a program broadcast about a
year ago which cost in the neigh-
borhood of $50,000.
"Television is the important
thing coming along now," he said.
"It is working out nicely and surely
will come although probably not
for some time as yet. Just as radio
seemed an improbability a few
years back, so does television to-
day, but the day is coming when
everyone will be able to take ad-
vantage of it."
Speaking of the one factor which
the radio has been unable to over-
come altogether, McNamee spoke o'
various experiments which have
been made in hopes that the stu-
dios may be able to be built in such
a manner that the artist may re-
ceive the inspiration that is miss-
ing in the lack of an audience be-
fore his eyes. "This is our greatest
concern today," he said, "and we
have come to believe that an elab-
orate system of lights will solve
the problem."
Receive Numerous Questions
"Among the letters received from
radio fans from all points over the
country, we are always confronted
with numerous questions aboutour
work. Among these," he said re-
ferring to the Dempsey-Tunney
fight in Chicago a year ago, "the
favorite question seems to be put
thus: 'Mac-Was it a long count?'
Perhaps the second most numerous
question is, "How is it possible for
a man to sit at a football game and
give a. play-by-play account and
at the same time know all the
players?' In answer to this question
he described at length the system
employed in the covering of these
McNamee was introduced by I
Robert J. Gessner, president of the
Oratorical association, and was ac-
companied in his musical numbers
by Donna Esselstyne of the School
of Music.
Curtain Rod Mystery
Is Solved By Snooper
"Mysterious Curtain-rods" is the
title of this story, or "The Students
Gain Their Privileges." The locale
is a place you all know when you
wore pots-that chilly room 25
down in the basement of Angell

hall where freshmen rhetoric ex-
aminations are held.
Not long ago an official Daily
snooper observed B.' & G. boys
carrying three-foot curtain rods
into this room. In the strong, si-
lent manner of men of the open
spaces and day labourers, they re-
fused to reveal what use was in-
tended for the rods.
But yesterday the crisis of the
drama was passed safely and the
denouement reached. It was found I

Councilors To Check
Class Money Reports
Following a discussion of plans
for the elimination of graft on the
varies class committees, Paul J.
Kern, '29, president of the Student
council, appointed councilmen to
represent that body on the further-
ance of the plans approved by the
Senate committee on Student af-
fairs. The duties of the council-
men will be to check up on the ex-
penditures made by each of the
committees, and countersign all
checks issued by them in order that
he may present to the council and
the Senate committee an itemized
report of all financial dealings.
John R. Gilmartin, '29E, will su-
pervise the work of the councilmen
of the committees, being responsible
for the proper conduct of business
of the representatives.
Council representatives were ap-
appointed to all committees which
handle money except the J-Hop
committee, for which Willard E.
Lowry, '30, was elected by the coun-
cil. Appointments of representa-
tives on the various committees
made by Kern are as follows:
Senior cane committee, Ernest
McCoy, '29, Sophomore prom, David
Wheeler, '29, Frosh frolic, Richard
S. Spindle, '29E, Senior ball, Eugene
Easterly, '29E. Appointment of
councilmen to act on the commit-
tees for the military ball, and the
architects' May party have been
postponed until a later date.
Traditional Class Battle To.Be Held
On South Ferry Field On
November 24
Final plans for holding the Fall.
games between the freshman and
sophomore classes on the morning
of Saturday, Nov. 24, before the
Iowa game were approved by the
Student council in its regular week-
iy meeting last night.
According to a report madeby
Robert F. Warren, '29, in charge of
arrangements, the traditional class
battle will be held on south Ferry
field before the Homecoming game,
under the direction of members of
the council, and Michigamua,
Sphinx, Triangles and other honor
societies on the campus. Official'
badges for members of the organ-
izations will be available at the
Union Friday afternoon before the
Election of the captain of the
sophomoers was held yesterday aft-
ernoon at which time George M.
Ryerson, '31, was chosen to head
his class. Election of a freshman
captain will be held next week.
Discussion of the collection of
class dues was taken up and it was
decided that a class dues week
would be held in the spring, al-
though individual class treasurers
may collect dues at any time they
so desire by obtaining receipt books
from John R. Gilmartin, '29E,7
phone 21417. According to a rule'
of the University Senate, 25 per
cent of all women's dues collected
must be turned over the Women's
As in past years, the Student
council will assume the responsibil-
ity for the sale of Christmas seals
for the benefit of the Michigan An-
ti-Tuberculosis league. Ernest Mc-
Coy, '29, was appointed to take
charge of the sale.
Councilman Gilmartin was elec-
ted to represent the Student coun-
cil at a convention of the National
Student Federation of the United

States of America, to be held on
Dec. 12-15, inclusive, at the Uni-
versity of Missouri at Columbia.
Plans for - the continuation of
student convocations next year
were approved, as were the appoint-
ments of representatives to elimi-
nate graft in class committees.
Councilman Lowry reported that
plans were under way for a pep
meeting to be held before the Iowa
game. The committee appointed
some time ago to work out plans
for the student investigation of the
faculty had no definite program to
Fair and warmer; probable show-
er. Continued cool in Ann Arbor
vicinity. Winds, northeast and
southwest. Friday, worse.
M. E. Class To Visit
Battle Creek Plant
I- - -



VanDusen Of Union Theological
Seminary Will Speak Later;
Vandenburg May Come
Prof. William Lyon Phelph o
Yale, will open the fall series o
student convocations at 11 o'clocI
Sunday in Mill auditorium. H
was also chosen by the convoca-
tions committee of the Studeni
council to open the fall series lasi
Professor Phelps has long beer
known to the literary world as e
popular ' lecturer, patron of - the
theatre, and author of a large anc
diversified number of books
Among the volumes of his author.
ship are literary essays, biography
accounts of polar exploration, tex
books, and religious and theatrica
Has ManyDegrees
Among the degrees that have
been awarded him are an A. B. anc
Ph. D. from Yale, an A. M. fror
Harvard,and two honorary degree
of Litt. D. from Brown Unversit'
and Colgate University.
Perhaps his most recent claim tc
fame, or at least publicity, is the
invitation he extended last spring
to James Joseph Tunney, other-
wise known as "Gentleman Gene'
to address his Shakespeare sectior
in New Haven.f The. heavyweigh,
championship accepted, and filme
the lecture room to capacty. -
Ushering at convacations this
year will be taken care of b3
Sphinx, junior honorary society
and assistants under the chair-
manship of George E. Simons, '30
The new Frieze memorial orga
will be played by a visiting solos
from Detroit, who will also eac
the congregation in hymns.
Seek to Secure Vandenberg
Attempts to secure a speaker fol
the following Sunday, Nov. 23, have
been unsuccessful, according to ar
announcement yesterday by Marla
Andrews, '29, chairman of the
convocations committee. An effori
(has not yet been heard from) tc
secure Senator Vandenberg o
Grand Rapids, for the third Sun-
day of the series, Nov. 30.
Henry Pitt Van Dusen of Union
Theological seminary will close the
series Sunday, Dec. 14. VanDuser
is known to Ann Arbor from pas
addresses at St. Andrew's Episcopal
church, although it has never beer
possible to secure him for a con-
vocation address.
The committee has made effort
this year to secure Vice-Presiden
Charles G. Dawes, Senator William'
E. Borah, Rabbi Stephen Wise, anc
Senator George Whar.ton Pepper
but without success. These mer
will be considered again for the
spring convocation series, to be
held In February and March o
next year. Dean Charles R. Brown
retired head of the Yale Divinit
school, has practically been secured
to address one of the spring con-
vocations, according to Andrews.
Rehabilitation Plans
Laid For Homeless
(By Associated Press)
CATANIA, Sicily,'Nov. 14-Plans
for the rehabilitation of almost 4,-
000 persons who have been made
homeless by the Mount Etna erup-
tion were in progress today. Re-
vised figures gave 3,952 refugees
without work or housing and thE
local authorities are doing thei
best to aid them.
The lava flow was decreasin
steadily today. The main flow was
slowly moving along withmthmn
slowly moving along while its var-
ious branches were making some-
what faster speed. A new branc'
was flowing toward a lower portior
of the village of Nunziata and was
not far from outlying houses. Thi

branch was about 200 feet wide.
Northwestern Women
Organize dress-Clini
Women students of Northwestern
university, in working toward good
dates for all men, are going to
operate a "dress-clinic" and stan-
I riai.,qia .the annarvanco nf all the


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