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November 14, 1928 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-11-14

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4igan Ilatin

Published every morning except Monday
ring the University year by the Board in
ontrol of Student Publications.
Member of Western Confirence Editorial
Isociation. .
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
led to the use for republication of all news
'spatches credited to it or not otherwise
edited in this papertand the local news pub-
hed herein.
Entered at the postofice at Ann Arbor,
icigan, as second class matter. Special rate
postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
aster General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; b y mail,
lOffces: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
rd Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 2122.,.
Telephone 4925
ditor.....................Paul 7. Kern
ty Editor..... .....Nelson J. Smith
ews Editor...........Richard C. Kurvink
orts Editor..... .......Morris Quinn
omen's Editor .........Sylvia S. Stone
itor Michigan Weekly..... Stewart Hooker
usic and Drama............R. L. Askren
sistant City Editor.. .Lawrence R. Klein
Night Editors
arence N. Edelson Charles S. Monroe
)sepli E. Howell. Pierce Roamnberg
onald J. Klinc George E. Simons
George C. Tilley
. Reporters
aul L. Adams C. A., Lewis
orris Alexander Marian MaeDonald
ther Anderson ,Henry Merry
A. Askren N."S. Pickard
rtram Askwith Victor Rabinowitz
uise Behymer' Anne Schell
thur Bernstein Rachel Shearer
ton C. lHovee Robert Silbar
abel Charles Howard Simon
R. Chubb Robert L. Sloss
-ak E. Cooper Arthur R. Strubel
elen Domine EdithThomas
ouglas Edwards Beth Valentine
lborg Egeland Gurney Williams
bert J. Peldman Walter Wilds
arjorie Follmer George E. Wohlgemuth
illiam Gentry Robert Woodroofe
awrence Hartwig foseph A. Russell
ichard Jung Cad well Swanson
Iaries R. Kaufman A. Stewart
>7lh Kelsey Edward L. Warner Jr.
onald ,, Layman Cleland Wyllie

grasp. The League of Nations, de-
feated in the Senate by the filibus-
ter of the "splendid isolationists,"'
was allowed to die with its cham-
pion. The United States - joined
with Russia and Turkey outside the
That was the first step this coun-
try took in alienating the friend-
ship of Europe just won at the cost
of 50,000 lives and $100,000,000,000.
Our continued policy of aloofness
to Europe bore fruit in the Wash-,
ington conference of 1923. Accord-
ing to Coolidge's Armistice day
speech, England, France, and Jap-
an agreed to limitations in the class
of ships in which we were superior,
and not in those classes where they
were superior. The leadership we
had thrown away and the enmity
we had cultivated were apparent.
Since that day our diplomatic ef-
forts to restore friendly relations
have been feeble. As President
Coolidge said Sunday, "It is always
plain that Europe and the United
States are lacking in mutual un-
derstanding." We have offered to
join the World court with destruc-
tive reservations, we have called a
second naval limitations parley
that could not agree, we have
writen and signed a treaty deplor-
ing war, and, best of a bad lot, let
Lindbergh fly to Paris.
Small wonder that limitations in
the cruiser class cannot be agreed
to among our naval rivals. Small
wonder that to maintain our na-
tional integrity we must saddle our
taxpayers with burden of new
cruiser construction.

SAbout Books
Too long in these United States
illustrating has been considered the
peculiar and exclusive province of
the comic artists and the pen-
pushers on the monthlies. Far too
many of our so-called "illustrated±
books" have been mere nonsense
scrap-books, with a few ornamen-
tal pieces used for sales appeal.
Rapidly the trend is changing.
Publishers are beginning to ap-
preciate the fact that book-illus-
trating is an art which is proper
only when it is treated as a peculiar
genus. They have come to see that
illustrations, instead of being mere
extraneous ornaments, can be
made a vital and enriching source
of pleasure.
Boris Artzybasheff is one of the
most promising and most gifted
artists in this new trend. With
John Austen he is bringing to the
art of the book something original
and something extraordinarily
pleasing. His decorative fantasies
for the edition of Kreymborg's
"Funnybone Alley" were some of
the most charming things that we
have ever seen between the covers
of a book. They have all of the
Russian heavy quality, with a
lightness of conception, and a
spirit of fun which adds much to
a book requiring in itself few ad-
The latest book which Artzybash-
eff has illustrated is "The Fairy
Shoemaker."* The four poems,
two by Allingham, two by De La
Mare, and one by Matthew Arnold,
are all charming, and are the ideal
choices which lend themselves to
this sort of thing. Artzybasheff
has done, in this book, the best
things we have seen from him. The
essential spirit of fun runs riot,
and there-is more of the charming-
ly whimsical in this book than les-
ser men could have put in several
If you like fun that has a touch
of individuality to it, and if you
like the unusual and the charming,
you'll have this book in your li-
brary. If you have children, you'll
read it to them. But don't wait
until the children come to get the
*The Macmillan Cn. New York. $2.oo.
* * *

O 0l
Music And Drama
0 0
Reviewed by R. Leslie Askren
This delightful comedy of social
satire by Philip Barry is the most
satisfying play which has dusted
Detroit theater boards with a
shower of brilliance since the sea-
son opened. Built around the
theme that temporary infidelity
cannot vitally affect the tissue of
married life, it shies from the did-
actic as a house-partyi g collegian
would, and carries on into three
acts of genuine fun at such anrapid
tempo of action and brilliant dia-;
logue that the surprise ending
comes like the crack of a whip to
close the show with a logical and
honest solution.
Madge Kennedy, starred as the
betrayed wife who falls victim to'
the very weakness she cannot con-
done in her husband, gives certain-
ly the most workmanlike and gen-
uinely interpretive performance in
a cast of exceptional ability-and
this in face of the fact that Barry
has written her part without giving
her domination in a single scene.
More spectacular bits, but just as
thoroughly well done, are those of
Joanna Roos who plays the pas-
sion-drunk Noel Farley with almost
hypnotic power, of Jane Seymour
who is fascinating as the hard-
boiled social gadabout who unwit-
tingly brings the news of husband
Jim Hutton's defection, and of Her-
bert Yost, the quite unnecessary
husband, who satisfies the demands
of his egohby a drunken self-impor-
tance that makes him the center
of some of the most amusing sit-
uations that this sort of part hq
even given rise to.
Donn Cook, as Jim Hiutton pDvy
a fast moving. faseinatin husband.
to Miss Kennedy's Marv nd give
her fully as "mannered" and in-
telligent a foil for her own ecen-
tricities of quick. nervous smile and
drawling speech as could be asked
for, to bring out the winsome qual-
ity of her personality.
Barry's construction of the play,
from the drunken power of the
first scene where the dissmointed
Noel lashes Jim for refusing to sat-
isfy at last the physical elements of
her love, for him, through the
phantasy of the second act in
which Parrish outlines his idea for
an operetta, to the last scene
which is played almost entirely
with a piano accompaniment im-
plying tragedy, shows extraor-
dinary imaginative power which is
consistently maintained by bril-
liant dialogue.
* *H*

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Telephone 21214
seistan' Manager-RAY MOND WACHTER
Department Managers
dvertising .....Alex K. Scherer
dvertising.......... ...:A. James Jordan
ivertising .. . .Carl W. Hammer
rvice... . ....Herbert E. Varnum
irculation............ George S. Bradley,
counts. .Lawrence . Walkley
ublications............. Ray M. ofelich '
"ving Binzer Jack Horwich
onald Blackstone Dix Humphrey.
ary Chase Marion Kerr
°anette Dale Lillian Kovinsky
ernor Davis Bernard Larson
ssie Egeland Leonard Littlejohn
elen Geer Hollister Mabley
na Goldberg Jack Rose
asper Halverson Carl F. Schemmn
orge Hamilton Sherwood Upton
gnes Herwig Marie Wellstead
Walter Yeagley
Night Editor-Clarence Edelson


Considerable optimism seems to
exist in some quarters that the
Hoover avalanche of electoral votes
has sounded the death knell of the
Democratic party. Senator George,
Democrat, told the South last sum-
mer that if the South broke and
beat the Democratic party in 1928
there might not be a Democratic
party to return in 1932. The South
broke, but the able Senator from
Georgia was perhaps more pessi-
mistic than practical-though John
J. Raskob went to the opposite ex-
treme in his post-election state-
ment that "there is nothing to be
discouraged about."
There is no immediate danger of
the party's passing from the na-
tional picture. Though it is a pleas-
ing thought that Hoover was elec-
ted by the entire nation in a sort
of pan-United States Republican
pageant, it is a dependable guess
that the South will fall solidly back
into line behind a protestant Demo-
crat in 1932, and if it should hap-
pen to be Governor Ritchie, there
will more than likely be a profound
silence south of Mason-Dixon's
line on the prohibition question.


Be sure and get your Photographer's Receipt from
'Ensian Office before Nov. 16.
Then make an appointment and we will take goo
care of your photograph.

Phone 4434


619 E. Liberty

In view *of the fact that over a
period of several years, numerous
instances have been known of graft
and corruption in the administra-
tion of class committees, and be-
cause of the fact that at no time
have adequate steps been taken to
cope with the situation, the pro-
;osal of the Student Council which
has been accepted by the Senate
sommittee on Student Affairs and
which will seek to eliminate such
difficulties is both timely and
The chief opportunities for dis-
ionesty on this campus present
hemselves in the class "prom"
ommittees and in those senior
ommittees which arrange for
anes, programs, and invitations.
Uere large amounts of class money
ire handled, often loosely, and the
esultant graft has been deplor-
To meet this situation and rectify,
t, a plan has been presented by
he Student Council and placed in
ffect which appears well quali-
ied to assist in the eliminating of
orrupt practices. It has, of course,
, purpose which lacking any other
irtue should commend it to the
tudent body.
Fortunately, it is a proposal
rhich does not stop there, but con-
inues to check minutely those
ources which time has shown to be
usceptible of corruption. As such
he new plan needs no defense. It
ooks to the eradication of an evil
rhich is distinctly a black mark
pon the reputation of this insti-
ition, and it presents a program
hich should prove able to accom-
lish that work.

The crying Democratic need is
for a great leader to grasp the
helm in 1928-possibly a composite
of Wilson and Smith with the Wil-
sonian grasp of affairs and the
Smithsonian personal appeal. At
any rate the party needs some one
of God-like proportions to weld into
unity the factions of Democracy, to
reconcile the votes of the dry, con-
servative South, the damp indus-
trial East, and the agricultural
West. If the man appears, figures
show that his task will have been
simplified by Smith who has won
an important following for Demo-
cracy in the North, South, and East,
whose rabid partisanship in 1928
will not permit them to lapse Re-
publican in subsequent elections.
Democratic optimism for 1932 or
1936, however, should not be too
pronounced. No Moses is yet in
sight to lead them out of the wild-
erness, especially now that Smith,
who might conceivably have done a
W. J. Bryan act on the nomination
and been elected over a weak Re-
publican, has sung his' political
swan song over the radio. Frank-
lin Roosevelt, governor-elect, may
do it if he rises high enough in
New York, and Ritchie, George,
Moody, and Walsh, have already
been mentioned, but none of them
as yet looks the right size for the

"The Father"* by Katherine Hol-
land Brown, is the story of pre-
Civil War days, when the slavery
question was uppermost in the
minds and hearts of all men, when
the Frontier was in its stage of ad-
olescence, when girls wore crinq-
lines and hoops and nubys.
The subject being Slavery, it is
of course impossible to avoid a
certain amount of preaching, but
on the whole, it is done with such
grace and artfulness that even the
most light-minded reader will
hardly object. The main character,
the Father, is found to be the man
who inspired Abraham Lincoln to
do what we all know he did do:
give up his life for his country. All
through the book this wonderful
Father worked and sweated over
his small press, writing Abolitionist
articles for an uninspiring and an-
tagonistic public, arguing with all
comers after the manner of Socra-
tes, by pulling -them off in a cor-'
ner and refusing to let them go
until he had had his say. Finally
his press was destroyed, his office
burned, and his life attempted, but
still no converts had been made.
And at the end, when his best
friend, Abraham Lincoln, told him
that he had made one convert,
(himself) poor, disheartened Mr.
Stafford groaned to think that he
had lived a failure, for he con-
sidered Lincoln too old, too poor, too
small° a lamp to light the world
from the dark path of Slavery.
But all this serious part, running
through the story as a dark strong
thread, seemed, under the skillful
hands of Miss Brown, to serve as
a framework for a thrilling tale of
Frontier life, with its hardships,
its pitiful pleasures and backbreak-
ing labors; and in that story the
character of Abraham Lincoln is
portrayed with such sympathy and
vividness as to make the man live
and breathe before the reader. He!





Whether the renowned George
Bernard Shaw, ever popular mas-
ter of slap-stick, was really in debt
to a member of the medical profes-
sion as recently suggested by Dr.
Ruhrah during 1906 when he wrote
his now famous tirade upon it, will
probably never be known. It sounds
like a story which G. B. himself
might well have taken pleasure is
spreading in his ever constant de-
light at bewildering his public.
At any rate, "The Doctor's Dilem-
ma," now being produced on tour
in this country for the first time
by the Theater Guild, is the most
sparkling modern satire of the
foibles and weakness of doctors in
general to be directed at them since
Moliere. Nothing more can be saidI
of it than that it is Shaw-Shaw,
ever the ruthless enemmi of
shame and sentimentality in what-
ever form the world may manifest
it; and doctors should not feel
alarmed that he has picked them
out in this particular play for the
butt of his true genius in cutting be-
neath the surface and revealing the
inanities, of society. Others have
suffered as much from him.
More than merely attacking the
medical profession, Shaw set him-'
self a harder problem in this play
in the character of Louis Dubedat,
the rascally genius. Shaw has
stated it himself in this remark
made shortly after the play's first
production, "I know no harder
practical question than how much
selfishness one ought to stand fromj
a gifted person for the sake of his
gifts or the chance of his being;
right in the long run."
In his solution, Mr. Shaw has
selected one of his most dangerous1
and successful weapons, irony so
nearly beautiful sentiment in its
expression, that the point of it is
only vaguely felt and so strikes
home with redoubled power when
at last the audience realizes it.
Robert Keith will play the part of






8:30 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Daily & Sunday

310 So. State St.
Above College Inn

Phone 7927


President Coolidge, pleading last
Sunday for increased naval strength
nd a continuance of "splendid iso-
ation," has passed on to the Hoov-
r administration a pronouncement
f the nation's foreign policy for
he past eight years and a signifi-
an' estimate of its weakness.
In 1919 when Wilson went to Eu-
ope to participate in the treaty-
nraking that settled the World War,I
e carried with him his plan for the
,eague of Nations. That plan was
egarded by Europe as the ultimate

Democratic principles, however,
will make an appeal for some time
to come, and the party in power,
physically unable to satisfy every
one, will continue to alienate presi-
dential votes until it piles up
enough opposition to defeat itself.
The Democratic party with its
roots planted one hundred and
twenty-five years deep in our coun-
try's history is the logical bene-
ficiary of that opposition, and will
not become practically or theoretic-
ally defunct within the next gener-


is seen not as the future President
of the United States, but as a back-
woods lawyer and frontiersman.
There seem to be two minor plots,
dealing for the most part with the
love-affairs of two sets of young
people, but these are of secondary
importance. One of them (happily
the one we are mainly interested
in) turns out very well, with the
girl in question riding off with her
mavn aj-c lan v o -1,-. ... . ._

Hill Auditorium
Box Office Open
from 7 to 8


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