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November 14, 1928 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-11-14

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stries Of Michigan
ie For Yearbook
Of Seniors


Plans were announced yesterday
for the annual football banquet tol
be held at 6:15 o'clock Tuesday,
Nov. 27, in the ballroom of the
Union, according to James F. Gar-
rard, '30E, chairman of the recep-
tion. committee.
Coach Elton E. Wieman of the
football squad, Capt. George Rich,
'29L, and a prominent outside
speaker to be announced later will
deliver addresses at the banquet,
according to present plans.
As has been customary in the past,
the captain-elect of next year's
Varsity will be announced during
Theater Guild Will Produce Vehicle
By Shaw Here As First Stop
in Tour Of Country

ee-day drive for subscrip-
11 be opened this morning
members of the business
the Michiganensian, an-
ublication of the senior,
will be installed at each
the diagonal and in front
library as well as in the
)f the University and An-
z. Members of the 'Esian
1 be located at each of the
ich day through Friday of
k, to receive subscriptions.
'ice of the 'Ensian is $4 and
tinue at that price until
Coupons sold earlier in
for 50 cents each will be
as the equivilant of $1
the price of the year book,
g to the 'Ensian editors.
ian Is More Expensive .
and more expensive this
n ever before the 'Ensian
y a deeply embossed cover
tan and will present an
combination of colors and

Attention of all members of
the senior classes is called to the
fact ~that this coming Friday,
Nov. 16 is the last day on which
receipts for senior pic.tures in 1
the 1929 Michiganensian can be I
secured. I
It is important, according to I
the editors of the 'Ensian, thatj'.
seniors arrange with photo- C
f graphers for sittings immediate-
ly after signing up in the Ensian
I business office.
f The 'Ensian office will remain
open until 6 o'clock today and I
tomorrow so that seniors in the I
I.professional schools will be en-,jr
abled to secure receipts outside
f of class hours.
an extension of page design differ-
ent from any that has ever before
been produced on the- Michigan
"Michigan Industries" have been
selected as embodying the theme of
this year's book. Various branches
of activity characterizing the in-
dustrial and agricultural phases of
work as carried on various part
of Michigan will be emphasized
and portrayed on the varied colored
division pages which are to be
printed in six instead of the usual
four colors.1
The satire section coming at the
close of the 'Ensian has been re-
vised this year and will appear in a'
new and somewhat different light.
According to the publication's edi-
tors, this section will be one of
the features instead of as previous-
ly one of the weak .points of the
Work Began. Last June
Editorial work on tfie annual be-
gan last June with the filing of,
pictures of the University and its
activities. Those that finally ap-
pear will represent the selection
of but a few from the hundreds
that were actually taken. Several
novel page treatments, extremely
modern, are being planned, and
will, it is expected, lend a new and
different touch to. this Year's
GRAN'D RAPIDS, Mich., Nov. 12--
United States Senator Arthur H.I
Vandenberg has dispatched a letter
to Senator Curtis urging the neces-
sity that reapportionment shall be
issued in any tentative plans that
are made for legislation in the ap-
proaching short session.
Although Senator Curtis is vice-
president-elect he also continues as
the Republican senate leader and it
is in this capacity that Senator
Vanderberg urges him to have re-
apportionment in mind.
Due to an error by proof-readers,
it was erroneously stated in yes-
terday morning's Daily that the

Presenting "The Doctor's Dilem-
ma" at 8:15 o'clock tonight at the
Whitney, the New York Theater
Guild will make the first presenta-
tion of the play on tour in America.
The repertory company of the guild
which will appear here is taking
the play on the road fresh from a
long and popular run in New York
with many actors who have had
parts in the guild's major succes-
In the cast will be Elizabeth Ris-
don, Robert Keith, Peg Entwistle,
Warburton Gamble, Brandon Evans,
P. J. Kelly, Jack Qukley, Beatrice
Hendricks, and others.
The play is a witty satire on the
foibles of the medical profession
written by Bernard Shaw, and one -
of the most popular on the whole
list of the great Molieresque Irish-
man. In addition to being a witty
assault on the medical profession,
the play is the dramatization of a
rascally young genius with an over-
weening selfishness.
But Shaw, always eager to fight
for the underdog, presents the sel-
fish young artist as a sincere and
courageous scientist of beauty.
Then he accomplishes the impos-
sible and kills his hero, making high
comedy of death and giving the
audience the grace to smile.
After presenting "The Doctor's
Dilemma" tonight, the repertory
company of the guild will return to
Ann Arbor next Monday, Nov. 19,
to offer S. N. Behrman's high com-
edy "The Second Man," an amus-
ing incident of a young short-story
writer who attempts to disentangle
himself from an infatuated flap-
per in order to marry an old friend
with an income.
On Wednesday, Nov. 28, the same
company will present "Ned Mc-
Cobb's Daughter," another comedy
with a serious, underlying theme,
and on Monday, Dec. 3, "John
Ferguson"~ a genre tragedy of
terrific power by St.John Irvine.
(By Associated Press)
BELGRADE, Jugoslavia, Nov. 13-
A vitual surrender to the demands
of the Croat peasant party and its
allies was announced today by
Prime Minister Anton Koroshetz.
He said that the cabinet was ready
to accept any agreement with the
malcontents which might serve to
strengthen the Jugoslav state.
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Nov. 13.-Men and
women of letters dined at the Hotel'
Roosevelt tonight to celebrate
publication .of the first volume of
the dictionary of American bio-
I graphy, which aims to recreate and
I reinterpret the makes of American
life and culture.
President Coolidge, to whom a
copy of the first volume has been
presented, expressed regret that he
could not attend the dinner, given
by the American Council of
Learned Societies which has under-
taken the collossal task of issuing
the dictionary.
Allen Johnson, editor-in-chief of
the dictionary, which will comprise
20 volumes, told the diners that
1,100 persons had contributed to
the work.
"In all of these biographies," he
said. "we have sought to tell the

j the banquet and a short speech
will be made by that individual.
Carl G. Brandt, of the speech de-
partment, well-known as an after-
dinner speaker, will act as toast-
master of the program according to
the announcement.
Music for the affair will be fur-
nished by the Union orchestra, with
members of the Varsity squad being
the guests of the Union.
A plan similar to that used last
year will be followed according to
Garrard. At that time tables were
reserved for various fraternities
which bought blocks of seats. It is
the hope of the reception cmmit-
tee that a similar practice may be
followed this year.
Tickets will go sale either the lat-
ter part of this week or the first
of next week and will be $1.25. They
may be secured either from Union
committeemen or at the main desk
in the lobby of the Union building.
Aids In Solving National Problems,
Professor Says In Address To
Hillel Foundation
"In three principal ways, in the
solving of national problems, in the
creating of opinion, and in the
leading to sound conclusions, the
study of history is important and
helpful to the individual," asserted
Prof. A. L. Cross, of the English
history department, last night in
speaking at the second open forum
meeting by the Hillel foundation.
"Many persons have suggested
that governments be conducted
scientifically for the purpose of
efficiency but life is entirely too
complex to try to settle large re-
lationships by formulae," added
Professor Cross.
"There are many problems in
our country and in every country,"
he continued, "and since our per-
sonal experience is very limited, we
will be better able to understand
and solve our pertinent troubles by
reading history, literature, and
even philosophy of other countries,
as well as those of our. Racial
psychology is a very significant
factor in the solution of problems
of government.
"Proper historical knowledge
would eliminate much of the ignor-
ance of the people and although
history does not repeat itself
identically as is incorrectly claim-
ed, a knowledge of similar occa-
sions in the past in other coun-
tries or in our own country will
help considerably in allowing a
reasonably accurate predicition of
what will happen. One thing that
makes predicition difficult is the
fact that although we pride our-
selves on our achievements and our
period of enlightment, human na-
ture has improved very little, if
any. Our literature for example is
not markedly better than some of
the first ever created.
"Concerning research, I believe
that a certain amount of it is good
for anyone provided that he
doesn't take himself and his value
to humanity too seriously. There
is, without doubt, a certain ex-
hilaration in coming in contact
with a certain period of the past,
even though it is only through the
second-handed method of other
peoples' writings. .
"What we should have is con-
victions and not prejudices. Opin-
ions are quite different when ar-
rived at through research and
wide reading than when arrived at
through provincialism or narrow
minded snap judgments and the

essential thing is to know the
thought, the motives, and the
background of other peoples. Al-
though even with this knowledge
we can not completely alter hu-
man nature, we can at least make
it more reasonable."
The first of a series of weekly
student conferences will be held at
4:15 o'clock this afternoon in Lane
hall.. Prof. Howard Y. McClusky of
the school of education, will speak
on "Life Without Religion."
These conferences, which are be-
ing held under the auspices of the
Student Christian Association, are
on the general topic of "Looking
on Life.".
A prominent faculty member will

Pioneer Anouncer To Recount His
Experiences At Inaugurations
And Conventions
Graham McNamee, America's
premier radio announcer, will ap-
pear at 8 o'clock tonight in Hill
auditorium as the second feature
of the 1928-1929 Oratorical lecture
course, speaking on "Telling the
McNamee has probably spoken to
more people than any other hu-
man being in the world's history.
The familiar sound of his voice is
known from coast to coast. He is
a pioneer in the new profession of
broadcasting, and his familiar
"Graham McNamee speaking-
please stand by" is now a byword
throughout this country.
He covered the last inaugura-
tion, when millions thrilled at his
graphic description of President
Coolidge's official entrance to the
White House, and is scheduled to
report the next inauguration. Mc-
Namee was at the microphone for
the Dempsey-Tunney fight, the
Lindbergh celebrations, three or
four World's Series, and many in-
tersectional football games includ-
ing the Michigan-Navy game at
Baltimore last Saturday, and both
national conventions.
Has Rich Baritone Voice
Not only as a speaker is Mc-
Namee noted, for he is a fine musi-
cian as well, and his rich bari-
tone voice is often enjoyed by his
radio audiences. Tonight, in ad-
dition to his talk, he will sing six
numbers: "Vittoria Mio Gore" by
Carrissimi, "Oft in the Stilly Night"
an old Irish melody, "Some Rival
Has Stolen My True Love Away"
an old English number, "The Fields
O'Ballyelare" by Turner-Maley,
"The Great Awakening" by Kram-
er, and "Leetle Bateese" by O'Hara.
McNamee's prominence in the
radio field has resulted in a wealth
of experiences jammed clear
through with human interest, and'
these are the things which he talks
about when he makes a personal
appearance. He is in wide demand
as a speaker and manages to steal
away from the "Mike" for a speak-
ing tour each season.
Chain broadcasting of outstand-
ing sporting and political events
has made McNamee's name a
household word- throughout the
eastern half of the United States,
and his "Good evening ladies and
gentlemen of the radio audiences"
is recognized by radio listerners
A peculiar ability to word pic-
ture scenes which are occuring be-
fore his eyes in such a manner
that his invisible audience can
readily visualize them, combined
with a cool head and magnetic
personality which registers even in
his voice, have carried him to his
present outstanding position in his
unusual profession.
Single Tickets Available
As a pioneer in this brand-new
profession, McNamee's personal
experiences have been highly in-
teresting. His recollections of some
of the broadcasts he has handled,
told in his own colorful manner,
have contributed greatly to the
success of a large number of din-
ners and entertainments.

Single admission seats to the lec-
ture may be obtained at the office
of the Oratorical association in
3211 Angell hall, at Slater's book
store, or at the box-office in Hill
auditorium which will be open at
7 o'clock tonight for the sale of
these tickets. The entire right sec-
tion of the main floor and half
of the first balcony have been set
aside for the single admission
tickets. Prior to the von Luckner
lecture two weeks ago, it. was er-
roneously announced that all the;
seats were sold out.
As the first step in organization
for the Fall games, which are to be
held a week from Saturday, the
Sophomores will gather at 4:15
o'clock this afternoon in Natural
Science auditorium to select their

Graham McNamee
Observers Declare Mount Etna Has
Reached Peak Of Eruption; Set+
Damage at $18,500,000 j
(By Associated Press)
CATANIA, Sicily, Nov. 13.- Sci-
entists and non-expert observers
agreed today that the demon of
Mount Etna probably had wrought
its worst from the present 12-day
eruption of the volcano. They
found, moreover, that the loss
probably would aggregate about
The work of reconstruction has
already been planned, chiefly in
the way of mapping out new trans-
portation routes around the fresh
lava deposits. The Italian engineer
corps, which has been busy for ten
days, found itself confronted with
another task this afternoon.
The lava reached the road over
which passengers had been ferried
in automobiles to trains on the
other side of the main lava stream.
This shut off that route of com-
munication between Messina and
Catania. Engineers immediately
started construction of a new road+
a 150 feet below the demolished
one. The route is essential for
maintenance of the economic life
of Sicily's 4,000,000 population.
In reaching the total damage
figures, nearly $8,500,000 were al-.
lowed for devastation of forests,
about $3,000,000 for destruction of
agricultural lands, and more than!
$2,500,0000 for interruption of traf- i
fic and consequent loss of com-1
merce. Destruction of buildings,
roads, bridges, railways and wire
lines made up the balance.
STRASBURG, France, Nov. 13-
France's problems in Alsace will get
a new airing as a result of the dra-
matic and unexpected reappear-
ance here of Dr. Roos. He was one
of the autonomist leaders, who was
sentenced to 15 years in prison and
20 years' exile by the court at Col-
mar and who took refuge in Swit-
Dr. Roos gave himself up to the
Strasburg police after having elud-
ed 200 policemen and after hav-
ing succeeded in speaking at a
meeting held by autonomists and
communists. He was promptly
placed in jail.
Appointment of a committee to
secure a faculty adviser for La So-
ciedad Hispanica was made at a
meeting of the society last night.
The committee is to consist of
Ernest Scharmer, '31, Gertrude
Holton, '29, and Clare Timberlake,
Katherine Bird, '29, vice-presi-
dent of the organization, named



(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Nov. 14.-More than 200 of the 339 pas-
sengers and crew of the steamer Vestris who abondoned their sink-
ing ship off the Virginia capes -the day before yesterday, were safe
today, but for the rest, some of whom could be seen floating dead
upon the stormy waters, there was almost no hope.
As darkness of the second night since the castaways took to
lifeboats and a make-shift raft settled over the gray waters, Vice



New Pool Features Are Results
Of Swimming Coach's
Michigan's newest swimming pool
in the new intramural sports
building, open today for the first
time and paid for out of the re-
ceipts from football games, em-
bodies features which are not
found in any other pool in the
The net dimensions of the pool
are 75 by 35 feet. The greatest
depth of the pool is 10 1-2 feet.
It is eight feet at the deep end
and 4 1-2 feet at the shallow end.

I Any male student of the Uni- I
[ versity who has a locker in the I
( new intramural building may
I use the new pool free of charge. I
( It will be open, at present, from I
I 8 to 12 o'clock in the morning, I
I and from 2 to. 6 o'clock in the I
( afternoon. I
o- o
There are seven 5 foot lanes for
racing. Enach lane is numbered,
the yards are marked on the side
with numbers- and across the bot-
tom with small lines and five feet
from each end of the pool is a wide
line across the bottom to warn the
swimmer he is , approaching the
end of the pool, making it un-
necessary for him to crash on.
The pool contains 150,000 gallons
of water all of which is continuous-
ly circulated and makes the "round
trip," so to speak, through the sand
filters and sterilization process
once in every eight to ten hours.
Water in the pool is purified by two
systems: the first, the sand filter.
and the second, by an oxygen
which is obtained by passing an
electric current through a concen-
trated salt solution.
The natatorium is constructed
with two walls, between which is
secreted ample parts of the venti-
lating system, so constructed that
it will be large enough to care for
3 any conditions that may arise
without opening windows or doors.
The cork walls of the natatorium
prevent "sweating" on the walls
and keeps down the echo of the
human voice so that it is possible
to talk and be heard with ease even
across the pool.
During the day huge windows of
two sides of the room give a sea-
shore brilliance to the natatorium
while at night flood lights produce.
a shadowless even light. The north
wall of the natatorium is a large
sliding door which raises up from
the floor and which can be raised
for swimming meets, allowing 2,500
spectators a clear view of the pool.
The pool is equipped with two
standard diving boards, two low
diving boards and. removable water
polo posts
Many of the unique ideas incor-
porated in the pool, as the depth
markings across the bottom, the
warning lines five feet from each
end, etc., were the result of sug-
gestions of Matt Mann, varsity
swimming coach.
I Mann has developed two confer-
ence champion swimming teams
for Michigan in three years of
coaching, and has had a wide and
varied experience as a swimming
coach in many parts of the United
EDU~~f ArrII L Y~

Admiral Taylor of the battleship
Wyoming reported by wireless
that it was not thought possible
any more of the unaccounted for.
were living and that he was leav-
ing the scene of the disaster.
If the admiral's belief proves to
have been well founded the death
list will be in the neighborhood of
The American Shipper, first to
reach" the scene, reported rescue of
123 persons, 33 of them passengers.
When the list of rescued passengers
was received by wireless, however,
there were 38 names and it was not
clear whether this altered the total
or was balanced by a similar
change in the crew.
Berlin Rescues 23
The liner Berlin rescued 23 per-
sons and sarted for New York,
where it was expected to arrive
about 8 o'clock Wednesday morning.
The tanker Myriam saved 63
persons and the battleship Wyo-
ming picked up eight. There was
one report that a dead man had
been found by the Wyoming but
direct messages fromh the battle-
ship made no mention of this.
This would give a total of 21 or
222 (according to interpretations
of the reports from the Anerican
Shipper) rescued, and a 117 or 122
unaccounted for.
The complete story of the hard-
ships which the rescued must have
endured before they were saved
cannot yet be told, for the air and
all available radio facilities had
been needed in the work of life
saving, but a few bits have coni
through to indicate the sort of
thing that must have been general.
Horrors, Recounted
One man pu:e from a beam to
which he was clinging for his life,
told of floating past *a raft on
which a woman-and she must
have been drenched for the waves
were running jhigh-sat with two
children. Search was begun for
them, but no report of them being
found came in.
Dispatches that filtered through
the ether from rescue ships said
that six lifeboats had been found,
and in one of them was the crew
for a seventh lifeboat which cap-
sized. The battleship Wyoming,
which has picked up some of the
survivors, reported through a
wrecking tug that all the lifeboats
that had been lost by the Vestris
had been accounted for, and a mes-
sage from jour ships that also were
continuing the search, announced
that one life; raft still was drifting.;
Among the rescue ships steaming
toward port was the French tanker
Myriam, which sent a message that
it had aboard 64 survivors of the
Vestris, 11 more than had previous-
ly been reported.
Indications that the number of
those still unaccounted for might
be tragically reduced came from
reports of the recovery of the
bodies. Radio reports to the Navy
department from the battleship
Wyoming said that coast guard de-
stroyers had picked up ten bodies.
(By Associated Press)
SAN JUAN, P. R. 'Nov. 13.-The
courts probably will be called on
to determine which of the two po-
litical parties in Porto Rico won
control of the island's legislature in
last Tuesday's voting. Both the
Alianza and the coalition of "pure
Republicans" and socialists, claim
the victory.
The supervisor of elections today
declined to begin the official tabu-
lation until Attorney General
Everly gives an opinion regarding
the marking on hundreds of pro-
tested ballots. Most of these dis-
puted votes were marked by ,coal-
tionists, there being two emblems
at the top of that party's ballot.
IMany of the voters placed a cross

under each emblem.
At the second. monthly meeting

the committee. Miss Bird is act- i TLRL/ t11'LVUK W I LL
ing as president because of the J LECTURE TODAY
resignation last night of Gertrude 1___
Holton, '29. 1Dr. Dora Wagner4 German educa-
The large turn-out at the first tor who is well-known for her re-
meeting of the semester proved the search on education made in this
deciding factor in determining that country, will speak here on "The
the club would continue as an ac- Youth Movement in Germany," at
tive organization. Such a motion 4 o'clock today in the auditorium of


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