lication in the
he University.
t until 3:30 p.I
Bulletin is constructive notice to all members
Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi-
m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.)
L. 39
A. S.M.E.: Monday Evening Drama Section-Faculty Women's Club:
An interesting demonstration of the New Relay Drive for motor There will be a meeting at the Club room, 226 South Ingalls
trucks will be given Wednesday, Nov. 14, from 2 o'clock on, in the rear street, Tuesday evening, November 13, at 7:30 p. m. instead of Monday
of the Automotive Laboratory. The work will be in charge of Mr. Davis, evening.
representing the Relay Drive concern. Mrs. H. C. Eckstein
Jack Gray
Tryouts for Comedy Club:
Aeronautical Society: General tryouts for membership in Comedy Club will be held Wed-
A regular meeting of this Society will be held on Tuesday, Nov. 13, at nesday, November 14, from 4 to 6 p. m. in Sarah Caswell Angell Hall,
8:00 p. m., in Room 348 W. Engineering Building. All members .arere-located in the second floor of Barbour Gymnasium. Prospective try-
quested to attend. For the benefit of those who dd not have sufficient outs must be prepared to give a three minute selection of some dramatic
knowledge of Aeronautics and who thus would not be able to participate value. Second tryouts by invitation only will be held Thursday after-
in all of the activities of the Society (balloon and glider sections) the noon at the same time in Sarah Caswell Angell Hall.
first of a series of lectures will be given after the meeting. All those Thurston Thieme, President
who have not paid initiation fees up to time of meeting will be crossed S
off the list. All new members will be taken care of at 7:30, before There will be a special meeting of Phi Sigma on Tuesday, Nov. 13,
the meeting. .Teewl easeilmeigo h im nTedy o.1,
.EeKmeytidn. in room 2116 NaturalScience Bldg., at 7:30 pi m. Mr. W; T. Dempster
W. E. Koncczny, "Presidlent will provide the program.
The first regular meeting of the University Senate for the yearj
28-1929 will be held in Room C, Law building on Tuesday, NovemberI
1928 at 4:15 p. m.
Order of Business: Report of the Committee on the Reorganization
the Senate Council.
John W. Bradshaw, Secretary
of the Senate
niversity Lecture:
Professor Roman Dyboski, Professor of English Literature at the
ilversity of Cracow, Poland, will lecture on "The Influence of Poland
L Joseph Conrad" at 4:15 p. m., Tuesday, November 13, in Natural
ience Auditorium. The public is cordially invited.
F. E. Robbins
blic Lecture:
Doctor Dora Wagner, one of the group of German Educators at
esent visiting America will deliver a public lecture in the Auditorium
the University High School on Wednesday, November 14, at 4
lock, under the auspices of the School of Education. The topic of1
r address is The Youth Movement in Germany.
Doctor Wagner speaks English fluently and a real treat is in store
: those who hear her. The public is cordially invited.
C. O. Davis, Secretary
ench Lecture: .
The French writer Yvon Lapaquelle'rie will give the first lecture on
e Cercle Francais Program, Thursday, November 15, at 4:15 o'clock,
Natural Science Auditorium, on "Le Roman Francais d'apres-guerre."
Tickets for the whole series of lectures and plays may be procured
)m the Secretary of the Department of Romance Languiages (Room
2, Romance Languages Bldg.) or at the door.
Rene Talamon
e-Medical Students:
There will be a meeting of all pre-medical students in the West
iphitheater of the West (old) Medical Building at 5 o'clock on Tues-
y, November 13. At this meeting, Dean Cabot of the Medical School
L present, the reasons why the position of Counselor has been created,
at opportunities this pdsition offers to the pre-medical student, and
y an atterjpt is being made to include all pre-medical students,
;ardless of the Medical School they are planning to attend.
Dean Hugh Cabot,
Dean of the Medical School
Twilight Organ Recital:
Palmer Christian, University organist, will give the following pro-
gram in Hill Auditorium, Wednesday afternoon at 4:15 o'clock. The
general public, with the exception of small children,- is invited to attend.
No admission charge. Mozart: (1756-1791) Overture to "The Magic
Flute;" F. Couperin (1668-1733): Lament; Couperin: Soeur Monique;
Bach (1685-1750): Prelude and Fugue in B minor; Jongen: Pensee
d'Automne; Gigout: Scherzo; Massenet: Meditation, from "Thais;"
Stoughton: Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves "Arabian Nights" Suite.-
Edwin P. Creaser, Secretary
Charles A. Sink
Choral Union Rehearsal:
Mixed Chorus (Men and Women) rehearsal, Tuesday, November
School of Music at 7:00 o'clock. Rehearsal for Women, November
Earl V. Moore, Director
Reserve Band:
More players are needed in the Reserve Band. Please take note
that Freshmen and others ineligible for 'Varsity activities are eligible for
this organization. Report tonight at the regular rehearsal at 7:15 at
Morris Hall. Regular members please note the rehearsal announcement.
Nicholas D. Falcone, Director
Prescott Club:
Dr. S. R. Light, vice president of the Upjohn Company, Kalamazoo,
will address the club on "The Pharmaceutical Development of Thera-
peutic Agents," at 7:30 o'clock Tuesday, November 13, in Room 303
Chemistry building. All interested are cordially invited.
Fred Weinmann, President
Mathematical Club:I
The regular meeting will be held this evening (Tuesday) at 8
o'clock in Room 3201 Angell Hall. Reports on the Bologna Congress of
Mathematicians will be presented by L. C. Karpinski, D. K. Kazarinoff,
G. Y. Rainich and S. Timoshenko. Everyone interested is invited to
N. C. Fisk, Secretary
Quarterdeck Club:
There will be a meeting of the Quarterdeck Club at the Michigan
Union, Room No. 302 on Tuesday, November 13, at 7:00 p. m.
-(Joseph Fellows, Jr., Acting Commodore
Soph. Prom.:
There will be a meeting of the Soph. Prom. Committee on the thirdj
floor of the Union, Tuesday at 4 p. m.
Walter Yeagley, Chairman
Adelphi House of Representatives:
The House will meet for an important session this evening. All
members are asked to be present.
Robert H. Lloyd, Speaker
Scabbard and° Blade:
There will be a rushino meeting Wednesday, November 14, at 8:00
in the Drill Hall. Please wear uniform.
C. E. Staff
Phi Epsilon Kappa:
A very important meeting will be held at 7:15 p. m., Tuesday, Nov.
13, in room 310 of the Michigan Union. All members are requested to
be present.
Daniel P. Rose
There will be a meeting of the lower staffs of both the Business
and Editorial staffs of the 1929 Michiganensian this afternoon at 4:00
p. m. Everyone on the lower staffs should be present.
J. Franklin Miller,
Business Manager
Hillel Foundation:
Professor Cross will address the second open forum meeting at the
foundation quarters tonight at 7:30 o'clock. Everyone is invited.
Philip Stern
Hygiene Lectures:
The last Hygiene Lecture will be given Tuesday, November 13, at
4 o'clock. Those people who did not" attend the lecture given Monday,
Novmeber 12, must attend. Bring bluebooks.
Margaret Bell
Mount Etna Still Raging; Estimates
Show That Only One-Third
Of Force Is Spent
(By Associated Press)
ROME, Nov. 12.-The Giarre
correspondent of Lavoro
d'Italia, reported today that
Carrabba, important industrial
center on the slopes of Mount
Etna, appears doomed to
CATANIA, Sicily, Nov. 12-Still
pouring forth a fiery torrent which
devastated fertile fields and or-
chards on her eastern slope, Mount
Etna today was regarded as a men-
ace which had not yet spent her
Scientists of the Vulcanological
institute estimated that only a
third of the volcano's potential
force had been spent in .the erup-
tion which wiped out the town of
'Mascali and destroyed part of the
neighboring village of, Nunziata.
It was feared that the havoc of
the last eleven days might be the
prelude to a great disaster.
Five thousand refugees were be-
ing cared for in the villages near
the volcano, under the direction of
the prefect and local podestas. Bil-,
lets were requistioned for them
and rations and temporary sub-
sidies distributed.
Military and civil authorities
were doing all possible to combat
the fiery foe. Lieut. Gei. Scipioni,
whose name is a corruption of
that of the famous Scipio of Ro-
man times, established headquar-
ters not far from where the mol-
ten mass was pouring toward the
sea. All attention was centered on
when the lava was likely to reach
the water and what reaction there
would be when the two tides met.
leges of Engineering and Architecture:
ification Committee has placed the limit of time, at which
be dropped without record, at the end of the eighth week
er, November 17, 1928, excepting in cases of continued ill-
r extenuating circumstances. In all cases the classifier
Lt with the instructor.
Louis A. Hopinks, Secretary
Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary
zation Committee:
ing announced for this afternoon at 5:00 p. m. is post-
ext week on account of hockey.
Elizabeth Wellman
iman Hygiene Lecture:
'he second freshman lecture in Hygiene for men, will be given in
xman Gymnasium, Thursday and Friday, November 15 and 16,
4, 5:15 p. m. This requirement includes all freshmen in the regu-
hysical training classes and others that have been excused from
G. A. May
.1 Cross Country:
nber the dates-Interfraternity on Nov. 20; All-campus
rosh on Nov. 26; Inter-Class on Nov. 28.
Intramural epartment
The bowling alleys at the Women's Athletic Building are open to
women associated with the University and to faculty wives every
rnoon, except Saturday, from four to six o'clock. A charge of ten
s a string is made for the pin boys.
Margaret Bell
iish Students-
There will be a meeting of La Sociedad Hispanica Tuesday, Novem-
13, at 7:30 p. m. in Room 1035 A. H. All old members of the club.
any others interested are urged to be present.
J. F. Weir, Secretary
ors :
Ii. i inperative that you make your Michiganensian picture
)intment immediately. The business office on the second floor of
Press building is open every afternoon from 1 to 5, and upon
nent here of $3.00 you are in a position to make your appointments,
. any one of the four official photographers, namely, Dey, Randall,.
tschler, or Spedding. $2.00 of this amount will be allowed by the
ographers on any private order which may be given before Christ-
. Act now, and get a' convenient appointment.
Thomas Thomas, Managing Editor
Radio Club: By Dug
The meeting of the Radio Club scheduled for tonight is postponed Observations of the most observ-
until Tuesday, November 20. ing " observers have revealed that
Walter Nelson the main library of the University
Municipal Administration Club: is the campus rendezvous and
MuniipalAdmiistatio Clu: Isocial center of all the types of in- ;
The Municipal Administration Club will meet tonight (Tuesday) at vertebrates that infest the environs.
7:00 p. m. sharp in the Bureau of Government Room, 2035 Angell Hall. . l
Plans for future dinners and discussions with city managers and others sen t the lowe ll nd
in the field of municipal work will be made. Those interested in munic- descend to the lowest will mclude
ipal administration are welcome to attend. all the social orders in question.
Eugene Mathivet, Jr., President The birds are unquestionably on
the highest level. They are the
Youngstown Michigan Club: only ones taking up permanent
There will be a meeting of the Youngstown Michigan club at 7:15 residence at our book warehouse.
Wednesday evening, in room 302 of the Union. All Youngstown men Not only that, but they are the
are urged to attend. only ones who are not requested to
Kenneth C. Schafer, Pres. remain silent while in the presence
of that austere edifice. All the
Pi Lambda Theta: chirping that comes from the walls
Pi Lambda Theta will hold its regular meeting tonight at 7:30 at of the library to the ears of those
Kappa Delta House, 1620 Cambridge Road. who frequent the diagonal are not
Bernice McHale, President the clicking of typewriter keys, as
formerly supposed, but is the
Alpha Nu: squeaks of birds (or rather they
Alpha Nn debating society will hold its regular meeting Tuesday, are sparrows) which seem to like
November 13, at 7:30 in the Alpha Nu room. the comfort of the woodbine cling-
The program is a dramatization of "The Seventh Doctor." This ing to the library. In fact, they
is being sponsored by the pledges of the, society. Visitors are welcome. even inhabit the little niches that
abound about that building.
Book Shelf & Stage Section-Faculty Women's Club: The next lower class of inverte-
m The Book Shelf and Stage Section of the Faculty Women's Club will brates are called by Daniel Webster,
meet with Mrs. L. W. Keeler, 1135 Granger Avenue, on Tuesday, Novem- human beings. They too always
ber 13, at 2:45 p. mn. plan to meet at the library. It is
Mrs. R. D. T. Hollister I also reported that many of these
Members of the sophomore prom
committee are asked to attend a
meeting at 4 o'clock this afternoon
in the student rooms on the third
floor of the Union, by Walter In unusually fine portraits
Yeagley, '31, chairman. of young men and women-
It's easy the way we make
- them.
mI FICTION Senior 'Ensian Pictures should be made at
,................. 2.50 -
.2.50 -
.................. 2.00 -
,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 .50
................. 2.50
.. .. .2.50 -The Gift Inspired by Sentiment-Your Photograph
K S 'rO R E vebFre er =
s #I#I#! lillniilI11#I# l 11# 11#I1 1 #####1 ##1 ##C11111##### n inii######1######t(%in
!TS USE LIBRARY ROME, Nov. 12-A communique
OBSERVERS STATE issued by the Stefani news agency
today said that the volcanic activi-
creatures practically live there; at ty of Mount Etna was diminishing
least the janitor is willing to in extent, speed, and volume..
when he tries to root. them out The principal stream was rolling
nights. Is has been suggested by down a path past Mascali, Sicily,
several vitally concerned that a toward Torrenti. Another branch
social register of in-going and out- was going toward the Mascali
going traffic. be kept. Closer ob- railroad station. It tended to form
servers think that even a high class a united front with a third branch
matrimonial bureau would be ap- which was going slowly toward
preciated. Nunziata.
let your'
BOOKS'-est Seilers i
BYRNE-DESTINY BAY.................................
BOJER-THE NEW TEMPLE...........................
DEEPING--OLD PYBUS .....,.... ..................... .
BROWN-THE FATHER..............................
WHARTON-THE CHILDREN............ ..........
WAST-STONE DESERT..............................
LUTZ-BLUE RUIN ..................................
SCHNTTZLER-TIIERESA ..................
GIBBIS-'HARNESS .............. ....... .... .........
Special Price to Reading Clubs
____ B OO]
Nothing pulls down
marks as fast as sickness
--and good health 'pro-
vides the clear brain that
carries you through many
a tight quiz. All of na-
ture's healthful food ele-
ments are in
Ensian Slips Must Be Procured By November 15
Appointments Should Be Made Before Decembcr 15