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November 13, 1928 - Image 1

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Vol. XXXIX. No. 44.



NOVEMBER 13, 1928


EVE N T HU UIVERSITY Farrell Names Class
Committee Members

Four Interesting Talks By Faculty
Members And Music By Union
Orchestra On Program
Continuing its regular schedule
pt,*broadcasting, the seventh Uni-
ersity Michigan Night radio pro-
gram wll put on the air through
WJR-WCX, the "Good Will Station"
ef the Richards Oakland company,
etroit, between 7 and 8 o'clock
liext Thursday night from the new
Mfrris hall studio, at State and
Jefferson s rees.
The program Thursday night will
te the third to be broadcast from
this new studio and once more the
*ublic will be invited to witness the
Niroadcasting of the program. Over
00 people were present on each of
the two previous nights, and at the
cclusion of the program last
u-sday night, motion pictures
$re taken of the speakers, the
musicians, and the studio to form
a continuation of the University
icture which is being sent all over
tle country to Alumni organiza-
tliris of the University.
SAs the opening speech on the
iventh Michigan Night program
the current series, Prof. John B.
Waite, of thf law school, will
espek on some phase of the rea-
tlou of the policeman to crime.
rofessor Waite has- been studying
-Folce problems in the cities, their
methods, and their difficulties for
ie past five or sx years. He has
Slen coninected with the police de-
partment of the City of Detroit and
hs lectured before the force and
the'law enforcement bodies of that
ty. He has even carried his in-.
lftlgatlons to the capitals of Eu-
Barker Will Speak
Dr. Paul S. Barker, professor of
, Mternal medicine and a member of
tre staff of the itniversity hospital,
will speak about heart disease. Dr.
Barker is a specialist and a re-
search worker in this field.
In the third talk on the program
Thursday night. Prof. Albert B.
Peck, of the mineralogy depart-
mnent, will talk about the results
o his study in his investigations in
the bureau of Engineering research.
He has been engaged in investiga-
tions for the largest manufacturer
of spark plugs in the country.
An athletic talk will comprise the
final talk of the evening, to be
given by Charles B. Hoyt, instruc-
tor In the theory and practice of
athletic coaching and trainer for
the University of Michigan athletic
teams. Hoyt will tell how he keeps
men of the football squad .off the
hospital list, what injuries are most
common in football games, and
why a man who seems to be laid
'hlt when viewed from the stands is
*able to get up and continue fight-
ing for Michigan.
Union Orchestra To Play
As the musical portion of the
program, the Union dance or-
'chestra, under the direction of Paul
Omer and Don Loomis; will present
a series of their liveliest numbers.
This will be the second appearance
of this organization on the Michi-
gan Night programs this year.
"While University programs usually
have music that harmonizes with
,the scholastic character of the
talks, the student and student in-
terests should be represented on
the programs," Prof Waldo M. Ab-
bot of the rhetoric department, an-

nouncer and program manager for !
the local station, stated yesterday.
(By Associated Press)
Fair Tuesday, rising tempera-
ture in west and north portions;
Wednesday unsettled, probably,

jJunior class committees for the
present school year were announc-
ed yesterday by William R. Farrell.
'29, recently elected president of
the literary class. Eight commit-
tees were named this year with a
total of 60 members of the class
selected for the minor offices.
The chairmen of the commit-
tees appointed include: advisory
committee, Ernest C. Reif; Class
book, Dorothy Whiting; financial,
Frank C. Waters; publicity, Ha-
warth F. Hoch; social, Richard S.
Cole; banquet ,Richard S. Wiener;
athletic, Richard M. Chapman;
auditing, Walter B. Crego.
The committees will function
under the direction of the individ-
ual chairmen at the time sched-
uled for the various events and at
other times that it is deemed nec-
essary for the furtherance of class
Committees of the junior classes
in schools or colleges other than
the literary school have not as yet
been announced.
l .
Members of Student Council To Be
Required To Audit All Class
Pursuant to the decision of the
Senate Committee on Student Af-
fairs favoring the plan of the Stu-
dent council concerning the elimi-
nation' of graft from class commit-
tees, Paul J. Kern, '29, president of
the student council, yesterday
made public the plan which met
with the sanction of the former
The plan in the main provides
for the presence of a member of
the student council on each of cer-
tain committees dealing ,with the
handling of funds in connection
with the committee's functions.
That member will act 'as 'an'audi-
tor for'the affairs of the commit-
tee. The purpose of the plan, ac-
cording to Kern, .' to provide for
a better and more systematic
handling of all such affairs. The
functions of committees principal-
ly affected by the ruling are the
Senior Ball, the J-Hop, the Soph
Prom, the Frosh Frolic, the May
party, the Military Ball, Senior
canes and Senior programs and in-
The wording of the plan fol-
1. No contract or voucher of the
committee shall be valid unless
signed by the Dean. of Students.
2. The auditor shall be respon-
sible for due care in the distribu-
tion of all tickets, and shall see
that the doorman in some way in-
validate all tickets immediately as
they are presented at the door on
the night of the party.
3. The list of complimentary
tickets to each party shall be made
public by the auditor at least a
week before the party. The audi-
tor shall see that no more compli-
mentary tickets shall be issued
than are accounted for. Immedi-
ately upon the making of the com-
plimentary lists, a capy shall be
mailed to the dean of students.
Prof. King To Attend
Washington Meeting
Horace W. Kink, professor of
hydraulic engineering, has left for
Washington, D. C., to attend the
first meeting of the special com-
mittee on waterways called by the
United States Chamber of Com-

merce, it was announced yesterday.
This committee, composed .of 12
expert authorities on waterways in
the 'country, was appointed to con-
I sider the present state of water-
power development in the United
States and to formulate and make
recommendations as to public
policy regarding the . problem,
which is very important at the
present time.

War Vessel, Now In A Dry Dock, To
Carry President-Elect On
Good-Will Tour
(By Associated Press)
12-Herbert Hoover prepared today
to leave his home in Palo Alto on
Sunday to board ship at San Pedro,
Monday, for his good-will trip to
South America.
The first port of call of the bat-
tleship Maryland, which will bear
the president-elect and his party
on their southward journey, will be
Balboa, Panama Canal zone, where
Mr: Hoover will make the first task
of his journey the inspection of
the Panama canal. Beyond the
brief stop that will be made there,
the itinerary of the president-elect
has not been announced, but he
desires to visit all the republics on
the western coast of South America.
May Visit Bolivia
A definite decision regarding the
acceptance of an invitation to visit
Bolivia has not yet been reached.
The news was received today that
Henry P. Fletcher, ambassador to
Rome would represent the state
department on the trip.
The battleship Maryland, one of
the newest and largest of American
warcraft, will be boarded at the
Los Angeles' port around noon of
November 19. The ship, now is in
drydock at Hunter's Point on San
Francisco Bay.
To Occupy Admiral's Quarter
During the voyage to South
America, Mr. Hoover will occupy the
admiral's suite, located in the ex-
treme stern of the ship under the
quarterdeck. This suite is a sum-
ptuous one, consisting of a large
receptional room, a dining room, a
bedroom and a private bath with
a separate small sitting room.
These quarters will be equipped
with all the necessary facilities for
the president-elect to carry on the
great volume of work he must do
on the voyage.
For the other members of the
party, the personnel of which has
not yet been finally determined,
there will be a dozen other state-
rooms now occupied by junior of fi-
cers who will be detached from the
battleship until she returns to her
base on the California coast.
Plenty of good seats are still
available for the Michigan State
game to be played in the local sta-
dium Saturday, according to Har-
ry A. Tillotson, business manager of
the Athletic association. An atten-
dance of at least 50,000 is expected
for this game, according to the
association official. This will be
the largest so far this year, with
the exception ofthe Illinois game,
and promises to be an outstanding
This week's contest will hold con-
siderable interest to Michigan stu-
dents in addition to the fact that
it is a game between the two large

state schools, because Harry Kipke,
captain and All-American halfback
of the 1923 Michigan eleven is head
coach of the Spartan outfit. This
is his first year as coach of State
and his first stand against his Alma
Mater will draw considerabe atten-
Tickets for Saturday's game will
be mailed out during the next two
days and will be on sale up to game
time at the Administration build-
ing at Ferry field.

(Special To The Daily)
NEW YORK, Nov. 12.-After at-
tending the dinner given by the
University of Michigan club of this
city tonight, and conferring with
New York city alumni tomorrow, T.
Hawley Tapping, Field secretary of
the Alumni association will attend
a banquet to be given in his honor
by the University of Michigan club
of Jamestown, N. Y., Thursday
E. J. Ottaway, president of the
Alumni association will also be
present at the banquet tonight,
having come here from Baltimore
with Mr. Tapping after the Michi-
gan-Navy football game last Sat-
"The Doctor's Dilemna" Will Be
Followed By "The
Second Man"
Opening a short run of four plays
tomorrow night at the Whitney
theater, the repertory company of
the New York Theater guild will
present Shaw's "The Doctor's Di-
This masterpiece chosen for the
opening performance is a brilliant
satire on the medical fraternity by
the great Irishman who has often
compared to Moliere, and has
poured prodigally into this play1
much of the Frenchman's violent
antipathy for doctors.
"The Doctor's Dilemna" is one
of three Shavian productions in
which there are great love themes.
In all his writings, Shaw has never
written a more tender and magnif-
icent dialogue than the death scene
of this play, nor has he created a
more lovable character than Jen-
nifer wife of the artist, a role
which will be played by Elizabeth
Despite Shaw's TParthian shots
at the medical profession, it has
played successfully to houses of
doctors from Johns Hopkins, Balti-
more. A well-known Baltimore
physician said of the performance,
"The arrival of one good clown
exercises a more beneficial influ-
ence on the health of a city than
that of twenty asses laden with
drugs," and he described the play
as "no problem play at all but
just another bit of eternal human
comedy. An old, old comedy of
The play was first performed in
London some fifteen years ago, and
in later revivals became one of the
most popular on the whole Shaw
f list. Granville-Barker gave it for
a single week in New York during
their repertory seeason in 1915, and
from that time until the guild re-
vived it last year, it had not been
seen in America.
"The Doctor's Dilemna" tomor-
row night will be followed by "The
Second Man," another high comedy
on Monday night, Nov. 19, "Ned
McCobb's Daughter," on Wednes-
day night, Nov. 28, another comedy
with a serious theme, and "John
Ferguson" on Monday night, Dec. 3.
Play Production Will
Have Private Showing
Play Production's second private
presentation will be given for three
nights, Tuesday, Wednesday, and
Thursday, Nov. 20, 21, and 22, it
was announced yesterday by Val-
entine B. Windt, director of Play
Production activites. Admission
will be by invitations only. Since

more than 400 persons were re-
fused invitations for the last pri-
vate showings, Windt has asked
that persons wanting to see the
coming plays write in or call at
the office of Play Production at
The first number on the pro-
grom will be a one act "curtain
raiser," "The Intruder" by Maurice
Maetrlinck. A three act play, W.
S. Gilbert's "Tom Cobb," a farcial
comedy, will complete the program,
Gilbert is the author of all the
Gilbert and Sullivan operas. He
wrote the plays for all of them,
Swhile Sullivan contributed the mu-

Possible That Small Life Boats
Have Made Their Way To Land
Despite Squally Weather
(By Associated Press)
The fate of 300 men, women and
children, refugees from the strange-1
ly stricken Lamport and Holt liner,
Vestris, was in doubt as this edition
went to press.
No trace of the passengers and
crew was found when the first of;
several rescue ships arrived at the
point, 300 miles off the Virginia.
'coast where the Vestris careened
sadly yesterday and sank.
Earlier messages had told of the
ship's personnel taking to the boats
and officials of the line in New
York expressed the conviction that
these boats at once had headed for
the nearest shore. As several hours
had elapsed between the abandon-
ment of the Vestris and the arrival
of the first reporting rescue craft,
it was held at the line headquarters
that the boats might well have
been a score of miles away, despite
squally weather.
Japanese Boat Alongside
Another fact operating to dis-
count anxiety was the proximity of
the Japanese ship Ohio Maru, re-
ported "alongside" the Vestris be-
fore the latter foundered. Trans-
fer of personnel to the Ohio Maru,
either from the sinking ship or
after they had taken to the boats,
was seen as a logical explanation of
"no trace found" reports from the
later arriving ship.
Strong northwest winds and a
heavy seea were reported by ships
in the vicinity.
Ships Go To Rescue
Two of the dozen ships sent
hurtling to the scene by the Ves-
tris' broadcast S. O. S. had reported
no signs could be found in the
vicinity of the life boats in which
her roster of 350 had taken refuge
when the contnued list of the Ves-
tris indicated she was doomed.
Her searchlights swept the sea
for miles without revealing one of
the boats, the Santa Barbara said
at 8 p. m. Eastern Standard time)
and the San Juan tersely recounted
that two and a half hours crusing
over the position given by the stric-
ken ship had been fruitless.

Showers Of Meteors
ExpectedThis Week
(By Associated Press)
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Nov. 12.-
The mystery of Leonids, the most
spectacular of the world's meteoric
showers, forecast by some astrono-
mers for appearance this week, is
explained by Dr. Willard J. Fisher,
the fireball expert of Harvard ob-
servatory. All this week they are
worth watching, Dr. Fisher says,
since they are forerunners of the
great display expected to return. in
a few years.
Fifteen great historic showers of
the Leonids are recorded from 902
A. D. to 1901. Twenty-nine years
ago Prof. W. H. Pickering of Har-
vard, discovered that the showers
reoccur atintervals of about 34
years. It had been believed that
they came a little oftener. In an-
nouncing the 34-year period, Prof.
Pickering forecast a display in 1901
and reports from the Caribbean
that year told of meteors " like
snowflakes in a blizard." He fore-
cast, the next great display, "whose
maximum was not to be expected
before 1935."




Dean Of Professional School
Tell Students Of
New Plan


Singing Chorus Of 34 Men To Be
Used As An Interpretation Of
Musical Theme
With, the opening of the 1928
Union Opera, "Rainbow's End,"
only four weeks off, cast rehearsals
for the production are proceeding
with all characters definitely
chosen, according to E. Mortimer
Shuter, director of the opera.
William J. Browne '31 of Green-
ville, Mich., hailed at Mimes the-
ater as this year's "discovery," has
been chosen to play the feminine
lead. The comic lead will be filled
by Daniel H. Buell '30 of Detroit,
who was seen in last year's opera,
"The Same To You." The male
leads will be played by Sidney F.
Straight, spec., of Ann Arbor and
William R. Day '30L of Cleveland.
Others taking prominent parts in
this year's show are Hugh Claney
'30, William B. Reed '30. Harlan P.
Cristy '29, Richard C. Kurvink '29,
and several others.
Special Chorus Planned
Long heralded as the "opera dif-
ferent," "Rainbow's End" will pre-
sent a number of innovations. A
singing chorus of 34 men has been
selected to serve as a special group
to interpret this year's music,
Usually the only choruses to sing
the music have been the regular
dancing choruses. In addition,
Theodore Harrjson ( director of the
Glee club, is aidingin the train-
ing of the singers for the coming
production. Many features in the
staging of the entire presentation
will constitute a radical departure
from the previousroperas.
The author's of the book, "Rain-
bow's End," are Hugh Olaney '3(
of Chicago and David B. Hemp-
stead, Jr. '31 of Salt Lake City
Music and lyrics were written b3
Edward Heyman '28 of Chicago anc
addition music and lyrics by Wil-
liam M. Lewis, Jr. '29 of Muskegor
and William Watkins, spec., of Anr

Announcement of a meeting of
all pre-medical students to be held
at 5 o'clock this afternoon in the
West Amphitheater of they West
Medical building has been made by
Dr. Hugh Cabot, dean of the Med-
ical school. At this time Dean
Cabot will explain to prospective
students of medicine the functions'
of the newly created position of
Counsellor, to which Mr. Harvey
Emery has been appointed.
It was felt by the authorities that
the pre-medical student had prob-
lems so numerous and varied to
face before he finally became a
doctor, that a counsellor with
whom the student might prove
beneficial both to the student and
to the school. The position of
Counsellor was not created merely
to give orders on what should and
what should not be taken by the
student before he enters the medi-
cal school, according to Mr. Emery,
but to work out with the individual
the questions which enter his mind
in relation to the persuit of sub-
jects prerequisite to the study of
medicine. Certain courses must be
taken during the period of pre-
paration for advanced study, Mr.
Emery continued, but there are also
many subjects which are absolute-
ly necessary for entrance into med-
ical school, but which might be
of great benefit to the individual
because of the broad field upon
which he in entering that should


(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Nov. 12.-Four
new faces will appear in the Sen-
ate when it reconvenes next month
for the short and last term of the
present ,Congress. The new sena-
tors, all Republicans, were chosen
at this election to fill unexpired
terms of deceased members and
one vacancy caused by resignation.
An additional eight new mem-
bers, seven of whom are Republi-
cans, will be -sworn when the newly
elected congress comes into office
after next March 4. These mem-
bers in most instances defeated in-
cumbents but one will fill a seat
voluntarily relinquished.
The new members who will take
office immediately are John
Thomas, of Idaho, succeeding the
late Frank R. Gooding; Represen-
tative Theodore Burton, of Ohio,,
succeeding the late Frank B. Wil-I
lis; Octavino Larrazolo, of New
Mexico, succeeding the late Andri-
eux A. Jones, and Otis S. Glenn, of'
Illinois, who takes the seat vacated
by Frank L. 'Smith. Thomas, Bur-
ton and Glenn will serve until 1932
when the regular terms of their
predecessors would have expired.
Larrazolo will serve only until'
March 4.
On Wednesday, Nov. 7, The I
I Daily published an article con-
cerning a research project I
I which is now in progress under j
I the direction of Prof. R. H. j
Sherlock, of the College of Engi- I
I n'Tf~ .4v+-y ta + . i

be discussed.Y
The position of Counsellor was
not created as a permanent addi-
tion to the staff of the Medical
school, but as an experiment to dis-
cover as many of the problems of
the pre-medical student as possi-
ble so that a means of solving them
satisfactorily may be worked out.
The whole plan, according to those
in charge, is to aid the student as
much as possible in outlining his
work, not dogmatically, but as
helpfully as may be done.
Goodrich In New York
To Attend Law Meeting
Prof. Herbert F. Goodrich of the
Law school left last Friday for New
York to attend a meeting of the
Confiic't of Laws committee and the
Torts committee. These com-
mittees meet once a year for a re-
statement of the conflict of laws
and the law of torts.
Each committee is composed of
seven or eight lawyers, teachers,
and judges, from all parts of the
country and represent the best in
each profession.
Prof. Goodrich will probably re-
turn to Ann Arbor next Monday.

Peter March of Detroit has been
entrusted with the task of provid-
ing all the costumes for this year's
opera. The representative of that
firm who observed the Pueblo In-
dians last summer to obtain local
color has completed many novel
costumes which will have their in-
troduction in "Rainbow's End."
Western Settings Prevail
The coming opera will be divided
into two acts and four scenes. The
first act begins with a scene at the
prayer stone at the pueblo; the
second scene shows the exterior of
the ranch house. The plaza of the
pueblo is the next scene, while the
interior of the kiva will provide the
most unusual setting during the
entire show. Following the kiva
scene, the plaza of the pueblo and
the prayer stone will be used in the
climaxes of the final action.
The plot deals with a group of
difficulties. They arrive at a "dude"
in the West due to transportation
traveling players who are stranded
ranch, the owner of which, a young
college graduate, was at onetime
intimately acquainted with one of
the young ladies in the troupe. The
leading lady falls in love with him,
others plot against him, jealousies
arise, and further complications
spring up through a nearby group
of Pueblo Indians. After some dif-
ficulty, the whole situation works
out to the satisfaction of all con-
cerned, with an effective closing
The Opera will play for one week
in Ann Arbor, beginning Monday,
Dec. 10, and continuing through
Saturday, Dec. 15. The itinerary
for outside of Ann Arbor includes
New York, Buffalo, Philadelphia,
Toledo, Cleveland and Cincinnati
as well as the usual Michigan cities,
Lansing, Grand Rapids, Saginaw,
Detroit and Kalamazoo.

i iN-


Copy Writing Contest Announced by Wagner
Clothing Company; To Be Judged By Faculty
Plans for an advertising copy ble to compete for the prizes. The
writing contest which will have as contest will close Dec. 22. Each
its purpose the stimulation of in- contestant may submit as many
terest in _ractical copy writing layouts as desired although but one'
te iprize will be awarded to a contest-
were announced yesterday by ant.

Attention of all members of
the senior classes is called to the
fact that this coming Friday,
Nov. 16 is the last day on which
receipts for senior pictures in
the 1929 Michiganensian can be
It is important, according to
the editors of the Ensian, that
seniors arrange with photo-
crrr-ld - fnr.i+ina~ im oria- -


_ t

Graduate And Literary Colleges Supply
Many Candidates For Teaching Positiox

In accordance with Play Produc-
tion's policy, announced last week,
the program will be strictly a labo-
ratory piece of work. It is not in-
tended to be subimtted as any-
thing else. All the technical de-
tails and various other matters in
Innnninnwith + . nrnrio+inn rf

Statistics issued recently con-
cerning the total number of can-
didates who have been enrolled
with the Bureeau of Appointments
during the past year show that the
majority of students applying for
positions were from the Graduate
school and the next largest num-

with the Bureau as prospec
Of this number, 512 were alu:
of the various schools and colle
of the University who have alre
obtained positions as teach
through the Bureau, but who de
a change Tn nrdber to bring

Wagner and company.
A mmi++,P h~acid 1w Prnf.

The subject of all copy is to be
"W a n r ' ' eHikorv - Freman


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