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November 11, 1928 - Image 12

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1928-11-11

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The Rope That Tied Up Broadway Traffic-The Sophomores
at Columbia (it's a college) dragged the Freshmen out into
Broadway, thereby adding to Mayor Walker's traffic problem.
(Pacific and Atlantic)


(Above) ALTHEA BAINBRIDGE enjoys the thrills of her first air trip as furnished by
Pilot R. S. Fogg. Her charming smile is unmarred by cloudy teeth-thanks to Pepsodent.
Blame Film
for Cloudy Teeth
-for serious tooth and gum disorders. Remove it twice eaci
day with the special film-removing dentifrice dentists urge
IN ten cases of dull, discolored teeth, nine may Film, too, is the basis of tartar. An
be traced to a dingy film that ordinary brush- with tartar, are the cause of pyorrhea. It
ing fails to remove successfully. That is the discolorations from food and smokir
opinion of modern dental specialists. Serious makes pretty teeth look "off color."
tooth and gum disorders, including pyorrhea, are Pepsodent first curdles that film. Then
also traced to film as their chief cause. . ijn ent eistet am. Thtt
Film must be removed twice daily. To do this, . gentle safety to enamel. it acts to
dentists urge the special, film-removing denti- gums and give them healthy, coral color
frice - Pepsodent - different in formula and in tiplies the alkalinity of the saliva and k
action from all others. One whose main purpose mouth clean. Largely on dental advice, tl
is to remove this dangerous coating from teeth. are discarding old ways for it. Get it t
Film is the great enemy of pretty teeth and dentifrices are sold or write The Pepso<




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