Lwr4k ,47 a t I jj VOLUME 39 PART 2 Editor, Kenneth G. Patrick ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, NOVEMBIIER 11. 1928 Business Manager, Edward L. Hulsel NUMBER 43 U U FM W 0 (The Lafayette) 4 . q. ,y I Not a Brown Derby in the Group-This picture shows that there are two sides to the political question. These are the charming officers of the Smith League for Alfred U. "Smith. 'Left to right: First Row-Margaret Johnson, Kansas City, Mo.; Arnold Dana, Charleston, W. Va.; Elizabeth Jordan, Antlers,. Okla.; Second Row-May Hutchins, Scarsdale, N. Y.; Theodora Sohst, New York; Virginia Veach, Oil City, Pa.; Katherine Kerlin, Moores- town, N. J. -4 f ,f"- {~ _ mmammums.- Mr_ r; """ . - ' _ :. . ....r ' , - . . Technical Student StudiesPigskin-Hy- perbole Parabolas- Howard Harpster, captain and quarter- back of the Carnegie Tech eleven. He is noted as a punter par- excellence. a Y 1 Y Ei' = ._ . . .. The Badgers are proud of their new play- ing field and mammoth stands. ># ~(Aerial Photographic Service)y Rising From a Surround- ing of Sylvan ,Beauty-The lacy Harkness Tlower domi- nates the beautiful campus of Yale University.. (Underwood and Underwood) (Carnegie Tartan) ,.. , : -