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November 11, 1928 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1928-11-11

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Candidates for the Freshman


sity Shows Strong Running At- D N
tack When Navy Smothers NORMAL DOWNS,
Wolves' Aerial OffenseW







basketball team willreport
Monday night at 7:30 in Water-
man Gym. All men must fur-
nish their own equipment and
Ray Fisher, Coach.






(Continued From Page One)
tempted a drop kick, but his effort#
was low and Captain Rich caught
the ball on Michigan's 9-yard line.
Johnny: annon, Navy's left half1
back, brought the. stands to theirI
feet immediately after the thirdl
quarter opened by taking Totzke's
kickoff on his own 17-yard mark,!
and after reversing the field be-
hind perfect interference, he
sprinted 76 yards to the Michiganj
7-yard strip before he was finally
brought down by a yellow-jersied
Clifton Fails
The first two assaults on the
Maize and-.Blue line with :Big Joe
Clifton carrying the ball, failed to
gain tkhe necessary yardage, but on;
the third attempt saw tne elusive'
Gannon slash his way off his own
left tackle for a touchdown. Bauer's
attempted drop-kick for the extra
point was partially blocked.
Michigan passed up an excellent
scoring opportunity a few minutes
later, after Truskowski had re-I
covered Welchel's fumble of Sim-
rail's punt on the Navy 30-yardi
line. Hozer hit left tackle for a!
yard. Truskowski's pass was knock-
ed down by Welchel but on theI
next play, a fake pass, Dahlem cir-
cled his own left end on the Middie
18-yard line. Rich was stopped by
Burke after a 1-yard gain. Hozer
made 6 off left tackle but failed to
gain on another try, Michigan was


YPSILANTI, Nov. 10.-Before the
largest homecoming crowd in the
history of Normal field, estimated,
at more than 5,000, Michigan State
Normal college came from behind Capt.
in the last quarter of one of the 30-yard
most thrilling battles ever fought yards.
for a collegiate football title in the center.
state here this afternoon, and de- who car
t feated Western State Teachrs col-
lege for the championship of the Castr
SMichigan collegiate conference by Cliff ton
a score of 18 to 9. the cen


Rich took the Navy kick
ran it back to Michigan's
lline. Rich plunged two
Hozer added two more at
Simrall kicked to Welchel,
me to his own 37-yard line.
ee lost a yard at tackle.I
got three yards through
ter of the line. Bowstrom
to Simrall, who made a fair
n his own 30-yard line.

Score: Michigan 0, Navy 0.

Ken Morrow, substitute quarter-
back, was the star of a sensational
Normal attack in the closing period
and scored -two touchdowns that
put the game on ice.
Malone recovered the kick-off
for Western State and returned it
25 yards to midfield. The teams
exchanged punts and Gunnerson
intercepted Frendt's pass on Nor-
mal's 27-yard line. Stites and Gun-
nerson both made first downs and
it was Normal's ball on Western's
31-yard line.
SNormal was forced to punt and
Muellich recovered a Western fum-
ble on the Western 12-yard line.
Stites and Gunnerson hit the line
for a first down on the 2-yard
marker. On the first play Stites I
scored a touchdown but the kick
for goal was wide. Stites returned
the next kick-off to Normal's 45-
yard line.
Normal Forced To Punt

kicked t
catch on

Rich went off his left tackle for
a yard. Simrall kicked to Welchel,
who was spilled on his 35-yard line.
Gannon slipped around his right
end for a yard.
Gannon tried tried to go outside
tackle on the right side but failed
to gain. Michigan was penalizedl
five yards for offside. Clifton,
plunged through thesmiddle for
two yards. Bowstrom kicked toI
Simrall, who made another fair
catch on his 25-yard line.
Dahlem plunged a yard through
Navy's left guard. Hozer added
four at the other side of the liie.
Simrall kicked to Welchel, who ran'

Bowstrom punted to Michigan's
26-yard line, where Byng downed
the ball. Hozer plunged five yards
through guard and center. Rich
added a first down on his own 37-
yard line.
Rich bucked through center fora
four yards more. Dahlem failed to'
gain at center. Dahlem took three
over Navy's right tackle. Simrall
kicked to Welchel on Navy's 15-
yard line.
Michigan was penalized 15-yards1
for tackling the Navy player be-I
fore he caught the ball. Clifton
took a yard over right guard. Gan-.
non picked up eight yards on a cut-
back play. Clifton went through'
left guard for first down on the
41-yard line.
Clifton rode through Michigan's
right guard for five yards but both
teams were offside and the ball
came back. Castree went off leftl
tackle for three yards. Castree
tri dAA th1 P bv it f il df nt


penalized 5 yards for stalling, a Stites took the kick-off at the
pass, Squier to Rich, from place- start of the third period and was
kick formation was completed for stopped on Normal's 25-yard line.
a loss of 4 yards, and Navy took the Harrsen blocked VanBuren's punt
ball on her own 20-yard line. on the second play and took the
Bowstrom Punts ball over for a. touchdown for
Bowstrom punted to Simrall on Western State. Frendt kicked goal,
third down, and the Michigan making the score Western, 9, Nor-
safety man fought his way to his mal 6.
own 49-yard line. Simrall made 4 Normal took the ball on downs
around his own lift end, Hozer on its 19-yard line. Gunnerson
picked up 3 through center, and went around right end for 16 yards.
Dahlem, raced around end for a Malone intercepted another Nor-
first down. Rich crashed through mal pass and returned to Normal's
left tackle for 5 yards, and then 13-yard line. Gunnerson recovered
Hozer hit center for a first down a Western fumble on Normal's 19-
on the Navy 34-yard mark. yard line. VanBuren's punt went
,Rich made 5 around his own out of bounds on Normal's 36-yard,
right flank, by a clever bit of pivot- line. Frendt made first down on
ing, and on the next play Simrall Normal's 25-yard line as the third
circled the opposite end for a 4- quarter ended.
yard gain before Gannon brought Score: Western 9, Normal 6.
him down. Honer smashed through M
center for Michigan's third succes -Morw rpae unr
sive frst down. Dahlehir wa edad rown replaced Va nnurn n
siv first gan.B he, and heild tothe Normal backfield at the start;
to no gain by Burke, and failed to of the fourth quarter. Western
gain around his own left end on State was forced to punt and on .
the next play, but Navy was pen- the first play Boyd circled left end
alized 5 yards for offside. fr,2yrs owr
Hozer 'cracked left tackle for a I for 22 yards. A forward pass,
3-yard gain and on the old "talk- Brown to Abert gave Normal the
(Continued on Page Seve) ball on Western's 22-yard line.

five yards to Navy's 43-yard line. F gain and Navy was penalized five!
On a double pass, Welchel to yards for offside. Welchel passed
Clifton, four yards were added. to Moret for a 12-yard gain to mid-
Clifton failed at a smash at. field. Clifton plunged through cen-
tackle. Bowstrom kicked out of ter for a first down on Michigan's
bounds on Michigan's 43-yard line. 45-yard line.
Simrall, on a sweeping run Clifton took three more off his
around his right end, gained six right tackle. Gannon's pass to Cas-
yards. Dahlem made first down on tree tipped the receiver's fingers
his own 45-yard line. On a double and was grounded. Gannon tried a
pass Rich gained a yard. pass over the center of the line but
Simrall lost five yards when I Moret could not reach it.
Bying broke through and tackled Bowstrom punted to Michigan's
him before he got started. Simrall six-yard line, where Moret downed
kicked to Navy's nine-yard line, the ball. From behind his own
where Michigan downed it. goal line. Simrall punted to the
Gannon lost four yards on an at- 41-yard line, where Byng downed
tempted end run, but Michigan was j it. Welchel passed to Castree for
offside and drew a five-yard pen- a gain of 4 yards.
alty. Gannon went through his Castree plunged off left tackle l
right tackle for three yards. for a first down on Michigan's 30-I
Clifton fumbled but Gannon re- yard line. Clifton picked up three j
covered for a first down on theI at the same place. Clifton plunged!
23-yard line after Michigan had a through the middle for a first I
chance to fall on it. Gannon down on Michigan's 19-yard line.
rall on Navy's 47-yard line. Clifton plunged over the heads
On a triple pass Simrall to Rich of the Michigan guard for a yard.
to Dahlem a three-yard loss re- Gannon on a double pass cut back'
sulted when Wilson broke through. for five yards. Poe stopped Gannon
A pass was incomplete, Truskowski without gain. Bauer went in for
to Dahlem Simrall got two yards Castree. Peterson took Welchel's
on a sweeping run around Navy's place. Bauer missed a field goal,
right end. standing on his 25-yard line.
Simrall kicked out of bounds on Simrall caught the ball on his!
Navy's 29-yard line. Welchel was' eight yard line. Spring went in for
stopped at the line of scrimmage. Bauer. Rich plunged three yards
Gannon added two over his left at center. Simrall kicked to his
tackle. The period ended here own 46-yard line.
with the ball on Navy's 31-yard Gannon passed to Spring on the


40-yard line. Clifton bucked to
Michigan's 34-yard line, carrying
a bevy of the tacklers with him.
Peterson's pass to Moret was in-
terecpted by Simrall on Michigan's'
30-yard line.,
Dahlem recovered a bad pass for
a loss of seven yards. Hozer took
three yards at center. Rich plung-
ed for four at his left guard. Sim-
rall kicked to Parson who fumb-
led on his 36-yard line. Draveling
Rich failed to gain at his left
guard, as the half ended.
Score: Michigan 0, Navy 0.
recovering for Michigan.
Totzke went into the Michigan
backfield at the start of the sec-
ond half. Totzke kicked off to
Gannon on Navy's 15-yard line and
he ran it back to Michigan's 8-yard
Hozer went in for Totzke, Gan-
non's sprint of 78 yards carried
through almost the whole Michigan
team. Clifton plunged to four-
yard line. Clifton again took the1
ball and got another yard. Gannon
took a double pass and on a re-
verse play scored a touchdown at
left tackle. Gannon's kick for the
extra point was wide and the score
was: Navy 6; Michigan 0.
Gannon took the second Michi-
gan kick off of the period and
receiving the ball on the 10-yard
line ran to his 38-yard line. Clifton
bucked a yard. Spring added four
yards at left tackle. Clifton failed'
in a thrust at guard. Bowstrom
kicked to Simrall who was down-
ed on his own $5-yard line, after
running two yards.
Simrall lost three yards on an
attempted end run, Ayng stopping
him before he got up to the line of
scrimmage. Simrall got a yard on
a run around his left end. Simrall
kicked on his 30-yard line and Pom
kicked to Welchel who fumbled
on his 30-yard line and Pommer-
ening recovering for Michigan.
Rich bucked two yards at center.'
Simrall's pass was .grounded, Navy
almost intercepting it, the ball fall-
ing from a back's fingers. Dahlem
on a delayed pass gained 16 yards.
Rich could get out a yard -off his

right tackle. Hozer plunged through
center for three yards.
Dahlem failed at center. Michi-
gan was penalized five yards for
delay. A fake kick was turned into1
a pass to Rich but the pass lostI
seven yards, and the ball, Gannon
got a yard at left tackle. Clifton
took nine yards and a first down on
'Navy's 30-yard line. Vovard broke
through and tossed Spring for a
yard's loss.
Clifton got the yard back at
right guard. Bowstrom kicked to
Simrall who returned ten yards to
his own 48-yard line.
Simrall got two yards on a long.
end run. Rich added two in the
middle of the line. Simrall made
a first down on Navy's 41-yard lire
slanting off left tackle.
Rich plunged four yards be-
tween left guard and center. Capt.-
Burke was hurt on the play and
Navy took time out. The Navy
leader continued to play although1
a substitute was sent in and recall-
Hozer plunged through center
for a first down on Navy's 41-yard'
line. Rich on a triple pass ran
four yards to his left. Gray took
four yards around his right end.
Simrall added four on a short end
i run to his left. Gray took Bow-
strom's place.
Hozer made it first down on
Navy's 19-yard line. Dahlem was
caught before he reached the line
of scrimmage, but sides were off-
Hozer bucked to the Navy's 11-
yard line. Hozer failed to gain.
Rich made it first down on the
seven-yard line.
Dahlem plunged to the four-
yard line as the period ended.
Score: Navy 6; Michigan 0.
Hozer plunged over but both
sides were offside again and the
play was brought back. Simrall
got only a yard. Dahlem plunged
to within a foot of the goal line.
Navy took time out. Byng was
hurt. Hozer went over for the'
touchdown. Squier's kick was block-
Score: Navy 6; Michigan 6.
Spring took the Michigan kick-
off and 'an eight yards to his 29-
yard line. Spring lost a yard at
right tackle. A long pass was
knocked down. Spring was trying
to pass to Moret. Lloyd went in for
(Continued on Page Seven)

Abbott, Illinois Ace, Takes First in
Eighth Annual Triangular
Cross-Country. Meet
Over a muddy course, made
muddier by the tramping of a
hundred high school runners, Il-
linois defeated Michigan and Ohio
in the eight annual cross-country
meet between the three schools
held at Columbus yesterday morn-
ing. The Illini runners gathered
in 38 points to Michigan's 40, and
Ohio's 42, thus bringing their win
column in this meet to three
W ereas Ohio has taken four and
MicAigan one.
Dave Abbott, blond Illinois flash,
finished the five miles 300 yards
ahead of Wuerfel, Wolverine cap-
tain, Baker of Ohio, trailed Wuer-
fel by ten yards, and Monroe, an-
other Michigan man was fourth.
Baker, held the lead for the first
mile, but Abbott held such a fast
pace that he headed the Buckeye
star at the first post and was well
out in front at the two mile mark.
From then on in to the tape he
was never in danger.
Abbott's winning time was 27:03
for the five mile course as com-
pared to the time of 26:57 for a
four and a half mile course last
year. Illinois won the meet last
year with the lowest .possible score
for such a cross-country meet, 15,
as six of their' hien crossed the
finish line at the samie time, giv-
ing them a six way tie, for first
place. Michigan and Ohio finish-
ed in the same order last year as
they, did in the meet yesterday..
All the Michigan men finished
strong and seemed in fine condi-
tion. Coach Steve Farell, Wolve-
rine mentor, was the starter of the
race which was to give Illinois Il-
linois its fi'st Bfig Ten victory of
the year.
Other Wolverines harriers to
place were Austin, eighth; Benson,
twelfth, and Aubrey, fourteenth.
The other men who are counted in
the select fifteen are: Stine, tIll-
Qis; Wotschak, Ohio; Seldom, Il-
linois; Heintz, Ohio; Novak, Illi-
ois; Donnel, Ohio; Smith, Ohio,
and Stahlnaker,. Illinois.
The campus is strong for Hoover.
Two polls, one held last spring.,and
another this sumner gave, him a
majority of 3 to 1 ovei' Smith.



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