Y, NOVEMBER 11, AM H f INI l'C !--11. G' A DAILY, PAGE T Y, NOVEMBER 11, 19281 THE MTCHI~iAN DAILY PAGE ~ TRANS-ATLANTICFLIGHT HERO SEARCHES FOR BIG GAME ON HUNTING TRIP IN MOUNTAINS OF NORTHERN MEXICO TO PRESENT COURSE Of EIGHT ADD~RESSESI York manager who wanted a Shawl "How much?" cabled the mar translation of Trobitsch. There ager. was some patient haggling. The "Ten thousand dollars," parrie I manager thought it expedient to the author. fl H AT point out that so many of Shaw's ;"How come?" again cabled the Oplays lost money. Quite otherwise, manager. Shaw wrote back. "The Theater "They expected to lose $30,000 o Guild made a lot of money from his it and lost only $20,000," was Shaw SBackto Methuselah." way of closing the discussion. 'HAS HRUSEDu MVIracwy i i 4/ FORMER MEMBER OF FRENCH I CABINET WILL TALK THURSDAY LECTURES ARE IN FRENCUt Maigret, Morize, Koella, Vibbert,: And Talarnon Are On Program j Of Speakers' Announcement of a series ofI eight lectures sponsored by the Cercle Francais was made yester- day by Prof. Rene Talamon of thej French department. The first lec-4 ture will be given next Thursday, Nov. 15, and the series will be con-} cluded May 2 with the annual French play.; The first lecture on next Thurs- day will be delivered at 4:15 o'clock in the Natural Science auditorium by M. Yvon Lapaquellerie, on "Lex Roman Francais D'Apres-Guerre." M. Lapequellerie was a member of the French cabinet under Painleve," and is now on a lecture tour of this country. He has written a his-__________________________ torical romance, "Amoret," and an- other work "l'Angelterre de L'opo- que Elizabethaine;" His more re- . Hunting bears and deer in Mex- member of a hunting party. Above cent works are a colle.ction of ico is almost as exciting as fly- left insert, Lindbergh. Above right, stories, and a' new romance "La ing the Atlantic to Colonel Charles the ranch house of Luis Leone, Mex- Princesse Tarakanov." A. Lindbergh, who has been vis- ican, minister of agriculture, in the itnthe sou thern re ublie as a state of Chihuahua. where the flv- SHAW ADJUSTS INCOME TAX BY REFUSING FORTUNE OFFERED BY CINEMA DISPUTE WITH PRODUCERS !Production Waste Shocks Author Who Jests When Informed His Plays Lose Money "The Doctor's Dilemna," which the New York Theater Guild will present next Wednesday at the Whitney theater, is but one of al large number of works by George Bernard Shaw which he has re- fused to allow to be used for mo- tion picture scenarios. An apocrypha has grown up during the last decade concerning Shaw's scorn of motion pictures, and his constant refusal of mil- lions from film producers. Just how much of that informationis merely Hollywood rumor can never be determined, for Shaw does not consider his personal exchequer a matter for public duscission. On the other hand, Shaw has stated in his "Table Talk" that he thinks motion pictures are food for lively conversation and conjiectur'e He - ~ A'Ction-AiV ovies %NE suggests the other, and in Cine-Kodak \Jm ovies, you preserve every bit of the action to entertain you again and again on the screen. at home. Come in and see the Cin6-Kodak equipment --you'll be amazed at its simplicity. Cin6-Kodaks as low as $70; a complete outfit, including pro-, jector and screen, for as little as $140. Demonstrations Daily at This Store er has been hunting. Below left, ranch. Below right, ,northern Mex- members of a hunting party at the ico mountains, typical scene in the district fHas Army Experience ul J.'... p a. t.ls .... 40 aJ '- I - --1'1'-, .. .1-..u vlAt l ., '...l. ;X" isU" Uw va--.'--- -.A On December 5, Jean Maigret, a nis too frightfully shocked by new :member of. the UniversityIITI1I Almerican picture producers' waste French department, will give a lec O N TIN PESN E SCREEN I of QLOW Y money. ;Kuren.speLaete ONTOCPRSETET LHe has, it is rumored, turned pendant la Guerre." M. Maigret AKLECAIONS uTnd own numerous offers of $50,000 T E Imember. of h n 10 LD HAA DNMrIRlplays. He also has been offered BritisdFench, ean d Arerian It may have been the fact that guarantee of $100,000 a year for five armies during. the World war, and j mayehaveeenfthhe wLuld release1111tgofered a in his tall on 'he Lafayette Ec- Hoover was elected president, it years, if he would release two plays cadrille, will be ale to give much Fund Will Be Use To Reconstruct (Special to The Daily) a year for pictures. This also he first hand information Eastern University Into ganhwon ftam it WASHINGTON, Nov. 10 -Instead eclined. To his very positive No" OnJauay 1,Prf.Anre Smaller Collegngesafo al gm, or t he added that when he decided to On January 21, Prof. Andre ma eges might possibly have been the fact of coming directly from Ann Ar- relent and release he would make Morize fHarvard will speak bor to the National Alumni din- the first move "La Conversation." On February TO ADAPT OXFORD SYSTEM that someone read our article bor tote atnal Alusidn- t irstamove p 13, Prof. Charles Vibbert of the meekly supplicating gentlemanly ner here last night, President Cla- William Archer once put forth a -philosophy department and form- conduct in our theaters; in any case rence Cook Little and E. J. Otto- reason why the sale of motion ery(Bye~e wt h Americane Prs)ipnctue lright. shnoapealso thei erly" connected with the American CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Nov. 10.- some one has taken the thing to way, president of the Alumii as- pote right. Shappasthe University union, will speak on "La Reconstruction of Harvard will be heart with the result that it was sociation wound up a three day 'idea ran, had adjusted his income Vie de l'Etudiant Americain en made possible by a $3,000,000 fund almost possible to see the last visit to the University of Michigan to a point where income tax be- France." Shortly after, on Feb. 28, movie we witnessed, and almost Fa soire ''dram at wil bebl. given anonymously. This recon- possble to h t orcstramo clubs of Cincinnatti, Pittsburgh, came as little nuisance as possible, March 20, Charles Koella will lec- sthuction will take place in the and above the boos of the collegiate and Washington where they ex- and might look upon any great and ture on "l'Esprit de la Litterature form of a number' of small colleges audience. Now really this is pretty plained to large audiences of alum- sudden inflow of cash with a har- Suisse Francaise." Mr. Koella within the university resembling good progress for one week and at ni about the ten year alumni pro- rassed and inhospitable eye. spent several years in Geneva and the system of Oxford and Cam- the'present time we are looking gram and the University' itself.- paleys witheprndcesa h has been in the diplomatic service. bridge. forward to the day when we candhisrthtonew AOn April 17, Professor Talamon will The fund will- be used to build emerge from a theater and not nday, President Ottoway and which concerns his retort to a New lecture "Une Heure de Pronun- and endow a group of dormitories, hang our capal extremity because T. Hawley Tapping, field secretary ciation Francaise." The program dining halls and common rooms to our "classmates" gave way to their, of the Alumni association, who is wilb ocue nMy3 ith als in,Wasington for the National'i j CD will be concluded on May 2 with accommodate from 200 to 300 stu- puerile proclivities, dinner and -the Michigan-Navy 1A 'L- TI! E A T R E - the Frei cnh play.-I dents. Eventually it is hoped to When you have time you might run i football game in Baltimore this aft- Open TO Public i change the existing system into a over to the Majestic Theater and eInoon, will visit the University of All of 4e lectures will be given collection of convenient sized col- see Lon Chaney in the latest ver - Michigan club of.New York. Sunday and Monday in French' &iict 'will be open to the leges each of which would be a sion of "Laugh Clown Laugh." Throughout all his travels and public. Professor Talamon em- separate educational unit as well They have chosen to call this especially at the big banquet at phasised that the lectures are not as social unit. vehicle "While The City Sleeps" the Mayflower hotel here last night,-- for the students alone, but for any Under this plan Harvard college and Lon has traded in his President Little has been welcom- interested in French and France. would be only a name given to this inello outfit for the unassuming at- ed with great enthusiasm and all Associate membership tickets collection of schools. The college tire of a detective. The M. Chaney the alumni seem intensely inter- may now be procured from the sec- would, however, award degrees and plays in exceedingly unfortunate ested in the university, and alum- retary of the Romance language conduct uniform examinations. In luck for he always ends up with a ni ten year program, and the alum- department in room 112 of the Ro- making the gift, President Lowell broken heart just because he is tooni university. mance Languages building, or at said: big" and to altruistic to let the the door of the. auditorium next "For a generation there has been heroine marry him. Subscribe for the Michiganensian Thursday. After next Thursday'There is one supreme disappoint- now. It costs only $4.00. Thrda.Ate ex hrsamuch discussion of the policy of mn nti e o hr r e- the lectures will- be given in room breakiment in this gem for there are sev- 1025 Angell hall,.but all will com- u olarglgs in to eral scenes in a funreal.parlor and, mence at -4:15 o'clock tnless an- smaller social units in order to se- although we waited patieptly for a nouncement is made to the con- cue eat thhe ame ti th aan of Lon disguised as a -Meet Your Friends trary. corpse we were not rewarded. Manye- - Holders of the tickets are en- tutions. Many men here have felt times "While The City Sleeps" was_ titled to admission to all of the lec- that this must comne if we were to on its way to self obliteration and =at S o0Columbia Pictures presents tures, except the play for which confer the greavest benefit upon every time but one Anita Page hur- an additional fee is charged. our undergraduates. ried in to save the day. The direc- "The present plan involves no tor must be accredited with a T H EAM BUCHAREST, Rumania.-Prin- change in the method of teaching, knowledge of when to use the highL cess Ileana, 19-year-old daughter and in fact our tutorial system ly efficacious appeal of Miss Page, of Dowager Queen Marie, will leave lends itself to it perfectly." that is the one thing he did well = 301 So. State St. soon for a visit to Stockholm President Lowell especially noted and so far as we are concerned which, itis rumored, may result in that the Oxford and Cambridge that one thing is enough.T& alliance with the Swedish Royal plans were not being imitated by During the seven reels we occa- Toasted Rolls & Coffee 1Oc family. The departure for Stock- rather adapted to American needs. sionally wearied of the omnipresbby Ag, C holm of the Swedish minister to -ent machine gun fire but just about1 Chicken Dinner ...... 50cP= Rumania indicates that the visit of Men students in the University that time Chaney would come the Princess is considered impor- this year outnumber the women through with a ludicrous facial n Trpin tant. students by a proportion of 3 to 1. grimace or Anita Page with some- Music While You Eat iiii H 111111 thing less easy to define. College comics, college capers yt1 11111111111111111111111111111111i1111111jill iii 1111111111111111111i1111111111111111 - D. . H. I _ =iCollegei. comicsi.icollegeiu;.capersi C - ~D. B. H. JR- 616IE3I1 Qi~lllifiiiilllilt111111IlIII fir , Tand college football as it has (CTi1*1*1111*11111111lli111111111111Ul1111[111111111111111R11111111111111111111l116111l11111111111116111 : --nis1S almost like never been played before. ShhLuncheon-11:30 to 1:30. 60c 01e eso d ad . Dinner-5 :30 to 7:30 . . .85c COMEDY NEWS wells easoned and Sunday Dinner .. . . $1.25 Tesday-Wednesday fastI(12:30 to 2:30) RALPH INCE, - I ES ., _ .-ESTELLE TAYLOR M. B.C.='2 THE TEA CUP _ INN - - "THE SINGAPORE MUTINY You'll find it economical to 308 Thompson St. Just Off Liberty St. eat here regularly. COOPER'S KITCHENETTElIII FAMOUS FOR FOOD - =Tuttle's Lunch Over Slater's° - =ESTABLISHED 1887 New Policy in Addition to Our a la Carte Service : LOWER PRICES BASED ON VOLUME OF SALES L6P C B RSOK LMN ESSTHE CLUB BREAKFASTS ARE VERY POPULAR, ANYD ARE PROMPTLY SERVED : sThe Plate Dinner-45c The Social Dinners- A feature; high in quality; plenty in 75c, $1.00, $1.25 s Owner living in another city desires to sell = = quantity. Fast for service. Served be- Especially prepared with chops, steaks, _ -- - -= = n . o chicken. broiled, fried. or baked, with _ FRANCISCO-BOYCE 719 North University SUDDE[V " SERVICEk 7ii y 3mo b , 1" Ifo ar mig w w ui6m i V,, a s 4 . , .. The iul i Will present another Super-Special ALL THIS WEEK if e p' ' , 4 - I 4 I I I I k The Picture That Broke the Records