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November 10, 1928 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-11-10

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"Since the war public opinion question whether this usage is ode- By F. C. Various other hazardous impedi- Dr
Ifl AIUUL3IL has become a term for social sdi- quate may seem, therefore, a bit U UIERSITY LAiDUIFriends of Irving W. Truettner of ments. medic
entists to conjure with," writes Quixotic. Yet the term is not al- the Buildings and Grounds de- Mr. Truettner's brown derby (he day
TO AD I N P I Prof. Lowell J. Carr, of the soci- ways used in jpust this sense, and Fire Line Saves Stinchfield Woods partment, yesterday mourned him refuses to reveal whether he's one. Coun
ology department, in the current when one stops to analsis the o hs ols neeto e
of Sociology and Social phenomena it becomes apparent From Near Catastrophe as as lost. A short time aer unc or not) suffered a bad dent in the on "S
Research in an article entitled that what people think is the re- Adjacent Land Burns he was seen walking along the side when he leaped too far' out Tod
ONLY THOSE MEN HAVE BEEN "Public Opinion as a Dynamic suit of a preceding psycho-social diagonal toward the library, but of the way of a particularly per- subje
CHOSEN WHO HAVE HAD Concept." process. Now what it is precisely BELIEVE FIRE ACCIDENTAL all efforts to locate him during the nicious steam. pipe. This particu- of Mi:
EXPERIENCE "Walter Lippman has challenged this process rather than its re- _tr___°. lar steam pipe, it was later as- assist
the political scientists to build suit that the second conception of Preparedness saved the Forestry fo certained from power plant engi-
EME~democracy on the stereotypes of public opinion would emphasize. school from a catastrophe a late last night at his home, and he neers, has a constant temperature Dr. M
SSYSTEM. IS BENEFICIAL h~ad a strange story to tell,f10dgesHT
'the man in the street. Professor "A clear statement of this latter Stinchfield woods, west of Dexter, o of 140 degrees HOT.esso
Many Inspectors Have Had Some McDougall has warned the social conception," Professor Carr goes yesterday. On the neighboringIt seems the B and G boys have Truettner's leap inspired him to versit
Practice in Teaching And psychologists that the Group Mind on to say, "is made by Cooley when property to the woods a fire was recently been fertilizing certain a new theory of athletic coaching. progr
Administration Work may not be safe for democracy at he says of public opinion that 'if accidentally started, apparently by parts of the campus in much the He deduces a professional jumper the M
all. Progranda, unknown to the we wish to see it as it is, (it) some hunters. None of the mem- same way as they did last spring, should be able to considerably bet- wauki
Readers Guie befre 195, no shoud be egardd ashaoorgaicebesbof heoFoestryschooagrou
Nineteen members of the facul- tReader's Guide before 1915, now should be regarded as an organic ibes of the Forestry school grout and this activity stimulated in Mr. ter the world's record if some one "The
ties of the various schools and col- haunts the apologists for the process, and not merely as a state which has been working out there Truettner an attack of spring dropped a burning match into his eases
tiespress and supplies Lasswell wiothfof agreement about some question recently were there at the time the r. So instead of going across
l4eges i h nvriyhv enqeto eetywr hr tthe tmftteverrunning trunks 'just as he started' lectur
iselected by the Division of Uni-t e the material for a devastating an- of the day.' He is however stress- fire took place. the diagonal and to work yester~ to run for the jumping-line. crani
versity Inspection of high schools alysis of the mechanisms f our ing not so much the psychological, What is known technically as a day, he submitted to a vicarious
as special inspectors to assist in war hysterias. The practitioners 'as the sociological side of the flre line had been constructed by whim and climbed down into one
the accrediting of high schools of the new profession blandly tell phenomena. Implied in that state- 'members of the school to insure of those doo-dinky little man-
throughout the state. us how the counsel of public re- ment is the assertion that what their property against such ag- holes that punctuate all the
Only those men have been se- Ilations manipulates our minds yo may think about Divine Inter- gressions. The fire line is a strip campus side-walks. And once
nltonspenhighsch enls h- for peaceful profit. Dean Pound position in human affairs is one of plowed land which has been down there, he walked three and -lome
ected to inspect high schools who and Felix Frankfurter have called thing, but the' process of conflict cleared of vegetation so that fire a half miles-18,480 feet-through
ho ehapveedone -nsiderable o ai the attention of the lawyers to the and discussion which has been can not progress beyond it. Con- all the tunnels he could find.
befo re.c d Many of these men have incidence of newspaper - made raging on that point for the last sequently the fire burned more Now even New York sub-way o
befie xan t hescin a ve opinion on the courts. Allport,three centuries is quite another. than 100 acres of neighboring trains have been shown to have:
li e - e achin oa Thurstaone, and others are busily "It is high time that social in- property to the extent of one- their perils, but sub-ways are
taieeprec insecondaryI Thurstaoneubwayarbusilyca
schools. preparing to measure public opin- vestigators shook themselves free fourth mile along the border of smooth, broad high-ways com-
on, from the content associations of Uhool woods. pared to the University's private
For many years this policy of "An important part of the newer the term public opinion, and be- The work of taking care of this system of tunnels. For the latter Co n fft
having members of the faculty do technique of the social survy is gan to inquire not merely what xperirnental forest is in charge -f are usually about five or six feet'J
the inspecting has been continued derived from, a lively intre t in men think about prohibition, the I Prof. L. J. Young, of the Forestry high, and lined with steam pipes,i
because the personnel assigned to the mental backgrounds of its League of Nations, and compa- school. high tension electric wires, and
the Division of high school inspec- subjects," continues Professor nionate mariage, but how they ---____HE hom
ion has not been suffiientto take Carr. "Opinions, attitudes, 'mind- have come to think that way. We
care of the work, and because Uni-sets,' have become as respectable, must not become so obsessed with comfort
versity authorities have found it cbjects of social research as hous- hsendhfofhetr 's-A uua Op ru t utfsanghe
advantageous to have represent- Ingadthjrmert. rm th e second half of the term so- ' An Unusual Opportunity outets along the
tivnt rs of he f yse-ng and the crime rate. From the cial psychology' that we forget the
tive members of the faculty se- comparative neglect of pre-war first. Every opinion and every at- e
Syears public opinion has emergedI titude is the expression not mere- M r. Louise Seam an room, landry,
conditions in secondary schools. as one of the major objectives of ly of a psychological process but
Prof. J. B. Edmonson and Prof. social inquiry. We have become of a social process as well. one Head of the Childrens Book dept. and in the floo
George W. Carrothers have plan- 'public opinion conscious'." may even hazard the opinion that of The Macmillan Co., . dining table
ned to arange conferences with Professor Carr then discusses the meager as our achievenent still is
the special inspectors relative to two sociological conceptions as to in social psychology, we are near- Will spea On Sufficient of te
the previous reports on the differ- what public opinion is and does. er to a satisfactory description of
ent schools. A copy of the set of "In the first place,' he says, "pub- psychological process than we are little devices wil
instructions which have been given li opinion is a collective way of of social because at least in psy- H1 . )t L N .1BO O)S to use 'lams a
to the inspectors are being sent looking at the world; it is what chology we have the technique ob-tP
out to all high schools which are men think or believe. On the servation and experiment.just where and w
to be judged for accrediting. It is basis of authority, established us- Summing up his article Profes- Thursday Evening, Nov. 15th, 8 p. m. with the coad o
believed that these will be helpful age and popuar practice this is the sor Carr states, "Renewed interest
to the principals in anticipating meaning of the term. It is what in public opinion since the war has in and yet easy to r
some of the questions which the the term means for the business brought out an ambiguity In the
inspectors will ask, man, for the politican, and for reference of the term that sociolo- PATaTENGILL AUDITORIUM an elecical con
Besides this copy of the instruc- the average newpaper reader. To gists would do well to clear up."Aus-advise you.
tions, a letter to high school prin- - Ann Arbor High School
cipals has been sent out and in under the auspices of
it the name of the inspector who THE
named. that school has been CORNWELL COAL - COKE THE PRINT & BOOK SHOP
Those men who have been se- 52r. efesnst
lected to inspect highschools in 521 E. Jefferson St. ETR OIT
the state: are: Prof. J. H. Cannon,
of the electrical engineering de- Scranton, Pocahontas Admission Free
partment; Prof. W. L. Carr of the Kentucky and West Virginia Coal COMPAN
Latin department; Prof. C. J. Coe,
of the Mathematics department; Solvay and Gas Coke Special Exhibit of Children's Books During
Prof. A. R. Crittenden of the Latin S'BkNy
department; Prof. F. D. Curtis, of Children's Book Week-
the School of Education.__
Prof. O. S. Duffendack of the____________
physics department; Prof. J. E.
Dunlap, of the ancient languages This business has been growing ever
department; S. E. Field, of the
mathematics department; Prof. S. since it was established. The secret-
F. Gingerich, of the English de- "giving absolute satisfaction to our -
partment; Prof. W. R. Humphreys, customers." We believe it pays to do
assistant dean of the Literary col-bidyealS4and
lege; Prof. H. A. Kenyon, of the business in a friendly way. If you
Romance language department. think so too, le8's get together.
Prof. J. H. Muyskens, of theI1
phonetics department; Prof. D. L.1 I.. I.
Rich, of the physics department; I
Prof. L. J. Rouse, of the mathema-
tics department; Prof. O. W. Step-
henson of the University, high CORNWELL COAL - COKE
school, and H. H. Ryan, principal -' FEDERAL
of the University high school. OFFICE, CORNWELL BLOCK
Phones, Office :451-455 Yard Office: 5152 Breakfast,
CHICAGO.-Jim Mullen, Chicago I a9a
promoter, has been suspended by Dinner and Supper
the Illinois boxing commission. S p
--~~~~ ---Tnh m

Sturgis Lectures
To Shiawassee Club
Cyrus Sturgis, Professor of
ine at the University, yester-
ectured before the Shiawassee
ty Medical Society, at Owosso,
ome phases of heart disease."
lay he will lecture on the same
ct before the Medical society
lwaukee. Dr. John Alexander,
ant professor of surgery, and
fax Minor Peet, Associate proi
of surgery, both of the. Uni-
y are also speakers on the
am which is to be given in
Iedical Arts building at Mil-
ee. Dr. Alexander's subject is
Management of surgical dis-
of the chest." Dr. Peet will
e on "The treatment of
ai and intracranial injuries."
of electrical
as con'venience
baseboard of
ig room, bed-
nd kitchen-
ir under the
e inexpensive
H enable one
ad appliances
'hen wanted-
at of the way
each. Consult
tractor, or let


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