THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, NOVEMBER .. ....... . AND EXHIBIT DISPATCHES CONCERNING ERUPTION OF ETNA INACCURATE, HOBBS SAYS 1f TO[f !UIWIL "Dispatches from Mt. Etna con- of action by men who are allow- Of PEASANT ___ cerning the volcanic disturbances ing their imaginations full sway. u TAwhich are now in progress, and The people in the vicinity, accord- ' A which tell of burning trees and ing to Professor Hobbs, can easily! houses and people madly fleeing get away from the flowing lava, Rgent Hanchett, Prof. Goddard, from the flames, are decidedly in- and those who have been killed Prof. Cowdin Elected accurate," said Professor William? are probably these who went back; To Membership POLONIA LITERARY CIRCLE Herbert Hobbs of the geology de- to their houses to save their house- COMPLETING PLANS FOR I partment in commenting upon the hold effects. UNIQUE PROJECT Mt. Etna eruption in Sicily. "The natives can always tell TO HONOR NEW MEMBERS _______"There is relatively little fire in when a large eruption is about to " e i r a e ltfWwLLr e t n uoevidence. The eruption is in the occur," said Professor Hobbs, "be- 'regent Benjamin S. Hanchett, Dl ITANA W SPEAK. form of a steady stream of lava cause the small flows at the top Prof. Edwin C. Goddard,.of the Law --which flows at the rate of about ci the cone which go on contin- school and Mrs. Goddard, and Prof. Exhibits To Include Embroideries,1 200 feet an hour. The lava on the uously begin to get large and more Roy W. Cowdin of the rhetoric de- Rugs, Carvings, Shawls, And surface of the flow freezes to the violent just prior to a large flow." partment and Mrs. Cowdin, who Hand-made Toys extent that it can be walked upon, Professor Hobbs explained that were elected to honorary member- (as I have done myself at Etna.) the region is so densely settled in ship of the Cosmopolitan club will Preparations are nearing com- There are nc\ tongues of flamei spite of the volcano because the be formally received by the club at pletion for a special bazaar to be shooting from the lava as the cor- laVa makes the region the most its initiation meeting at 8 o'clock held D)ecember 1, at Harris hall. respondents so vividly describe," fertile of the country and ideal for toni :ht in Lane hall. Prof. William The undertaking is sponsored by Professor Hobbs went on. vineyards. They are resigned to i A.' Frayer, of the history depart- the Polonia Literary Circle as the Professor Hobbs is convinced the frequent flows which occur on ment will deliver the principal ad- first experimental attempt begin- that the newspaper dispatches of a large scale about every ten years. dress of the evening, and will speak nirig a series of annual bazaars. the events are being written at a They build their houses from on "Is Internationalism the Next This bazaar is said to be unique' convenient distance from the scene masonry, although there is no Step?" Regent Hanchett will also in several aspects. Primarily its ,:danger of fire. Even the trees address the organization. The object is educational. It is a direct FIND PREHISTORIC are not consumed by fire byt fall nevw members of the club will be effort to acquaint the American sinto the stream of lava and flow initiated, about one hundred will public with some specimens of the TEMPLE IN SOUTH along with it. take part in the ceremonies. Polish peasant art, that is, artistic Professor Hobbs believes that if Preceding the initiation meeting, productions that are entirely the Objects declared by University of the flow has not stopped already it there will be a business meeting, work of uneducated peasants. Each Kentucky archeologists to be will do so within 24 hours. He has starting at 7 o'clock. All members object and creation that will be among the most ancient ever found been an eyewitness to many vol- are urged to be present, as very displayed and sold at the bazaar in that state were discovered in canic flows, having been at Mt. important business will be transac- has been ijr po d from Poland. I Christian county in the western Etna during the disturbances of ted. The committee appointed to Professor Mitana and Mr. and Mrs. part of Kentucky, recently, which 1898, and again in 1905 when he undertake the revision of the club Carleton Wells spent several weeks give new evidence of a tribe of pre- went to Italy to study earthquakes. constitution will make its report, of the past summer doing a con- historic Indians in that region. The "The grandest eruption I ever and all members are asked to con- siderable part of the actual selec- discoveries were made by two pro- saw was the historial eruption of sult the constitution before attend- tion themselves .in various cities of fessors who- have been excavating Vesuvius in 1906," Professor Hobbs ing the business meeting. A copy Poland. an ancient ceremonial mound. I stated. "The extent of the, flow can be found in the Cosmopolitan The exhibits will include embroi- 1The Christian county mound was was most impressive." room of Lane hall. deries, rugs, wood, paper, and 10 feet high and had a radius ofI leather carvings and cuttings, about 75 feet. A crew of laborers shawls of arvariety of brilliant removed 1,600 cubic yards of dirt colors and patterns, toys, and many before the scientific investigators other articles. All these will b relieve the workmen for the final sold at very reasonable prices. 'The excavating.------I latter will be determined only by At the base of thesmound, be- lieved to have been used as a cere- AIkC AI ATR th actual tcosts of the objects, monial site, were found skeletons,T ctsportahbtion.dThfesbanda pottery, and other signsr of pre-his- TODAY ONLY wosts of exhibition. This bazaar toreclife. Structures of worship THE 7TH M. G. M. REVIVAL WEEK SPECIAL will offer an excellent opportunty had been built here by sinking to secure beautiful and unusual,rows ofp for the walls, with I"FLESH AND THE DEVIL" Chgrs tmascogifttatanneounocal?posts in the center, to support the _________________________ figure, the committee annoulices. roof made of interwoven brush and The bazaar will open its exhibi- twigs. Three such structures had Featuring tion at 1 o'clock Saturday after- been constructed on the location. Greta Garbo - - John Gilbert noon, Dec. 1. At 7 in the evening, I-_ Dr. Mitana, lecturer in Polish Lit- the salesgirls are planned, in the The picture that set the world on fire. The erature, will deliver a special lec- evening tea and music will be fur- most lavish and enterta ng study of sex and ture on "Polish Peasant Art." The nished. o medy-Sportigt sale of articles will follow. For Admission will be free of charge.___________________ local color, peasant costumes for Attention will be called later to the Sunday and Monday outstanding features of the exhibit, Robert Agnew and Pauline Garon acccording to those in charge ofin LITTLE ATTENDS the undertaking. 1_"THE COLLEGE HERO" A LU MN I B ANQU ET pa, I Dean Hahne of Northwestern University has started a reear lch to determine whe'h er No.hwcst- ern women spend more for morics and chewing gum than they do for silk stockings and newspapers He considers it such an important question that he will unde °ake to make out an ideal budget for the women of the Universty. Mat. N Big Double Show with One Round Hogan MONTE BLUE also "THE RINGLEADER" A Real Western Komedy Tarzan AL NEXT WEEK AT W UE el AT THE 1 *t W. dim. m woli W- w COSMOPOLITAN OPENING TODAY IMPOSSIBLE FROM A GENIUS WHOSE CHARACTERIZATIONS HAVE AMAZED THE WORLD. 1 _,u .-' - ' r,, ,=" 4 s I I Reports from Pittsburgh indicate that the largest crowd to attend a meeting of the University of Mich- igan club of Pittsburgh this year was present at the banquet ten- dered President Little and E. J. Ottoway, President of the Alumni association, Thursday night at the University club. W. G. Moore, '05E, was chairman of the general attendance commit- tee in charge of the banquet. Detroit Theaters CASS THEATRE I Prices:-Nights $1 to $3.85; Wed. Mat. $1 to $2; Sat. Mat. $1-$2.50 ARTHUR HAMMERSTEIN "Golden Dawn" LAFAYETTE "Nobody's Girl" Evenings, 75c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 Thurs. Mat. 50c to $2.00; Sat.. Mat. 50c to $2.50 Fq 1 I1 81 4i Single Performance Seats Now on Sale ALSO MAIL ORDERS RECEIVED FOR THIS SEASON'S DRAMATIC EVENT TH NEW YORK 4T[P~JTkYC#A4,Y WUERTHK THE HOME OF DISTINCTIVE PICTURES Laugh with "TOPSY" LOVE "LITTLE EVA" W, rrI c. t : . _ Subscribe to The Michigan Daily Whtney Theatre WED. EVE., NOV. 14- "The Doctor's Dilemma" MON. EVE., NOV. 19- "The Second Man" WED. EVE.. NOV. 28- "Ned McCobb's Daughter" MON. EVE., DEC. 3- "John Ferguson" SLEEFS /1. oggyd With A NITA PAGE MAY BUSCH With . Box Office at PRINT AND BOOK SHOP 521 E. Jefferson St. Phone 21081 ==neon " Last Imes Today ~V : - Ire~ ; Last Times Today IC I C ha da hi ha ::. Pa pii en gu C Ti 4A f haney, as a detective, single- anded, corner the city's most angerous "mob" in their secret ide-away -and then finds he as bitten off more than he can hew! acked with Chaney thrills, this cture will sweep you along at terrific pace of excitement and itertainment! It packs the ower and punch of a machine- un! HANEY'S FINEST CHARAC- ERIZATION! MUSICAL ARRANGEMENT MAJESTIC STRING ENSEMBLE JULIUS SCHMIDT Conducting KEN OSBORNE Organist POLICY TODAY: 2:00 3 :35 350 10c 7:00 8:40 50c 10c LAST TIMES S c Y PN El y D VA AA r- 1 DOUBLE STAGE BILL CLARA PAT ROONEY'S HOWARD RODEO BOYS TODAY SEE AND HEAR FOOTBALL RETURNS BY QUARTERS Art & Beauty As You Like It Exclusive Majestic Appointments D- Comedy Creation "WEDDED BLISTERS" with WALLACE LUPINO PARAMOUNT NEWS The Eyes of the World AESOP'S FABLE The .Screen's Greatest Cartoon .._....___\ i + a . 6 tm-