V61. XXXIX. No. 42.
Action Made Public By President
Little At Alumni Banquet
In Washington
Twelve thousand dollars, the an-
inta1 appropriation for the next
tw o years for the creation of sev-
eral alumni fellowships which was
made by the Board of Regents at
its October meeting as the first.
step towards the proposed Alumni
xniversty, was formally announced
tor the first time last night at the
Natonal Alumni dinner at the
Mgayflower hotel in Washington
D.C., by President Clarence Cook
Little, originator of the alumni col-
lege Idea at Michigan.
More than two hundred alumni
0rom all over the country were
present at the dinner which was
auflange by the University of
Micigan club of Washington for
all those alumni who plan to at-
teod he Michigan-Navy football
sane this afternoon in Baltimore.
scott- Turner, president of the
Washington club introduced Regent
4mes E. Murfin, '96L, the toast-
iter of the affair who in turn
initroduced the speakers, including
E T.;Ottoway, president of the
University of Michigan Alumni
taseiation, who spoke for the al-
umn4i association. Coach Fielding
. Yost, and President Little were
the other principal speakers.
Wiat the Board appropriation
announced by President Little real-
Smeans is that the Alumni Uni-
virsnf that he suggested a year
gwill probably be on a firm
ing basis by February, and that
hgan has made one of the first
ps in solving the greatest prob-
ien of the modern university, that
bringing the graduate in closer
6oztact with the University after
his graduation and enabling him to
ontinue his education in impor-.
taut. matters after he is oitr of
'Essentially, the Alumni univer-
sity plan aims to create co-opera-
tion betwen the University and her
graduates in two ways. First there
are benefits to be received by the
University in the way of alumni
support, gifts, help, advice; then, I
there is also the desire to bring the
University more actively to the al-
umni. The ten-year program which
is already well under way with the
building of the first dormitories
this year and the organization of
the Alumni association promise to
fulfill the first part of the univer-
slty plan.
,Although no definite action or
program has been arranged to take
advantage of the recent Board ac-
tion, It is understood that Presi- :
dent Little and the officers of the
Alumni association intend to select
several alumni who as the Michi-
gan Alumnus of this week explains
it, "will act as liaison officers be-
tween the graduates who are seek-
ing to establish contacts with the
University and the Faculty." Their
duties will consist mainly of en-
couraging the continuation of
these fellowships on an intellectual
basis so as to give alumni an oppor-
tunity to revive their waning in-'
spiration and desire for knowledge
after they have left school.
The question of alumni -relations
is playing a big part in modern
education and is becoming one of
the biggest problems of the univer-
sity administration of today. A
meeting of representatives of the
American Alumni council and the
American Association for Adult Ed-
ucation held at Vassar col-
lege recently, discussed the ques-
tion of whether there was any ob-
ligation on the part of the Univer-
sity to continue educating its stu-
dents after they have left school.
The meeting at Vassar decided
that the university very definitely
owed something to its graduates
and should continue the education-
al process as far as possible. This
action served as impetus to the
Michigan plan.
Two Fatally Injured
In Plant Explosion
1TT.M WDn h (n1 TrN v .-A ter-
Plans are now being formulated
for the preparations of a publica-
tions phamphet which will be sent
to all members of the freshman
class shortly before the close of
the first semester, it was announc-
ed yesterday.
The new pamphlet will contain,
among other things, pictures of the
interior of the Press building and
a description of aims and func-
tions as well as the opportunities
for experience offered on the major
student publications which are
under the supervision of the.Board
in Control of Student publication'
and have their offices in the Press
Occupying the major center of
interest in the booklet will be
comments upon the three ranking
publications upon the campus
the Gargoyle, the campus humor
magazine, the Michiganensian, an-
nual publication of the senior
classes, and The Michigan Daily,
the campus newspaper.
Freshman are eligible to try out
for work upon the publications
during their second semester of
residence on the campus. Because
of the fact that the larger number
of freshmen enter in the fall, reg-
Will Remain In Great Britain
Until End Of Present
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON,,Nov. 9.-Alanson
B. Houghton announced today fol-
lowing a conference with President
Coolidge that he will sail next
Wednesday to resume his post as
ambassador to Great Britain prob-
bly for the remainder of the pres-
ent administration.
Mr. Houghton said that his re-
signation, which was made effec-
tive at the president's pleasure,
was still in Mr. Coolidge's hands,
but that it had been agreed, fol-
lowing his defeat for United States
Senator from New York, that he
return to represent this country at
the court of St. James.
Shortly after Mr. Houghton's
nomination as Republican candi-
date for senator from New York,
he tendered his resignation, Mr.
Coolidge acknowledged receipt of
Mr. Houghton's communication
and in the same letter expressed
regrets for the loss of the latter's
services thereby creating the im-
pression that he had accepted the
The fact that. Mr. Houghton is
returning to his post is accepted
as showing that President Coolidge
did not accept the resignation.
Towns Are Destroyed
By Streams of Hot Lava
(By Associated Press)
CATANIA, Sicily, Nov. 9-Another
Sicilian villege has fallen to the
all-devouring lava.which continues
to pour from Mount Etna. Nunzi-
ata tonight was undergoing the
same fate as its neighbor village,
Maxcali, which already was com-
pletely burned and buried under
the advancing flow.
Only a part of Nunziata had'been
destroyed, but it had been com-
pletely evacuated by its inhabitants
t who feared the same fate that
overtook three men of Maxcali
whose escape was cut off, while
they slept, by the advancing lava
The smoking volcano as wmore
active tonight than for some hours.
The principal fiery stream that it
had disgored had reached a point
of only 60 meters from the rail-;
way station of Maxcali and was
proceeding inexorably onward at
a rate of 50 meters an hour. The
northern stream of lava had joined
this larger and central one. The
third and southernmost stream was
within 100 feet of the railway
bridge at Giarre and advancing at
the rate of 32 feet a hour.
The spirits of the Sicilians, who
have dwelt for generations in the
shadows cast by the giant who per-I
iodically has aroused itself to real)
destruction, are undaunted. The in-
habitants of . Maxcali have been
comforted by the government's
promise to rebuild their town.
Pass Books To Admit
ular tryout periods are conducted
shortly after the beginning of the
.spring semester each year and ex-
tend over the larger portion of the
The editorial and the business
staffs of each of the publication'
conduct tryouts at this time. Thc
work they offer includes actual ex-
perience in selling advertising,
writing advertising copy, account-
ing, bookkeeping, and in the prob-
lems of sales and distribution witi-
the business staffs; and an oppor
tunity for expression in virtually
every kind of editorial work.
In this field, The Daily offers
perhaps the widest opportunities
as its reporters cover the entire
campus each day and have oppor-
tunities to gain experience in the
writing of editorial comment aE
well as in the preparation of crit-
icisms of music, drama, and books
Lists Published Yesterday
Only Partially
Final announcements of com-
mittees of the senior class of the
literary college were made yester-
day by Kenneth C. Schafer, '29,
president of the class. The list of
committees published in yester-
day's edition of The Daily was only
partially complete, and due to some
changes in the appointments for
various reasons was rendered in-
The following appointments, it is
understood, are final decisions on
the matter, all difficulties due to
ineligibility being solved. Com-
mittees will begin to function im-
mediately under their respective
leaders, making their own arrange-
ments for their particular phases
of the ,work covered.
Appointments are as follows:
Advisory: Paul J. Kern, chair-
man, Mary White and William E.
Athletic: Ernest McCoy, chair-
man, Horace Barton, Joe Gembis,
Thomas Watson, Edward Bayuk.
Auditing: Marvin Jacobs, chair-.
man, Josephine Welch, Raymond
Wachter, Harold Hagar, Florence
Banquet: Robert Deo, chairman,
Ernest Freeze, Virginia Ward,
Helen DeBevoise, Gabriel Joseph.
Caps and Gowns: Joseph Pomo-
roy, chairman, Charles Miller,
Margaurette Roby, David Holzman,
Helen Melchers, Grace Edehnan.
Class Day: Robert Gessner,
chairman, June Marshall, William
Maney, Adelaine Wing, Kingsley
Finance: Herbert Ripley, chair-
man, Virginia Schuburth, Durwin
Algyer, Helen Hartman, Harold
Invitations: Charles Seilheimer,
chairman, Esther Ricker, Frank
Brading, Florence Watchpocket,
John Scheller, Charlotte Yates,
James Brown.
Memorial: Mark Andrews, chair-
man, George Renner, Margaret
Crampton, John Lowenstine, Leone
Picture: Theron Childs, chair-
man, Charles Spicer, Louise Cooley,
Maxwell Reubin, Isabel Hubbard.
Pipes and Canes: Donald Flem-
ing, chairman, Paul Tennes, Harry
Russell, Carlisle Rueger, Stewart
Promenade: Evans Griffing,
chairman, Clifford Spaulding, Mary
Alice Moore, Rebecca Black, Ber-
nard Goldman.
Publicity: Charles Daker, chair-
man, Henry Shaw, Marian Kerr,
Rachael Schearer, Carl Hammer.
Senior Ball: Loy Sutherland,,
chairman, Scudder Griffing, Fenton!
Raber, Wayne Dewey, Jerald Har-
rington, Charles Baker, Edward
Senior Sing: Herbert Palmer,
chairman, Virginia Spaulding, Ed-
ward Vick.
Social Committee: Herbert Bark-
er, chairman, Margaret Mirfield,
Harold Marks, Jane Olds, Richard
Helms, Katherine Ohming.
Takes Long Walks And rides With
Wife Over Scenes Of Their
College Day Romance
(By Associated Press)
Nov. 9.-Passing into the third day
of rest from the strain of contest,
Herbert Hoover went to what is be-
coming a regular schedule for the
period that will precede his plunge
into national affairs as the certi-
fied chief of the party in power.
After an early breakfast, with
the next First Lady of the Land,
the president-elect went with her
for the favorite walk over the
sun-dripped hills, accompanied by
an escort of secret service men. Re-
tracing their steps over the paths
that have known them in their
college days, he turned to his desk
and she to an automobile ride.
Gives Time To Work
Unable to give himself complete-
ly over to relaxation even in this
period of rest, Hoover spent con-
siderable time in digging into the
pile of correspondence that con-
tinues to accumulate. He worked
more leisurely than usual, however,
in his broad, comfortable study,
with his desk facing a window be-
neath which unfolds a view of the
red-top roofs of Stanford Univer-
sity, the valley below and in the
distance SaneFrancisco Bay and
the rolling foothills of the coast
range. The president-elect seldom
leaves his home, except Jfor his
early morning walk and the after-
noon ride. This takes him and
Mrs. Hoover down the valley where,
turning away from the regular
traffic into byroads, they climb into
the mountains over a narrow,
winding automobile road that
twists precariously in and out
around the shoulder of the hills.
Now and then the road seems to
curve into the terrain itself and
ahead looms in its stead a perfect
view of the peaceful countryside
Cabinet Not Settled
Although the president-elect has
given little thought to the identity
of the various members of his offi-
cial family March 4, there had al-
ready arisen considerable specula-
tion concerning its makeup. , The
name of J. R. Howard of Clemens,
Iowa, was thrust today into the list
of those Hoover was said to be con-
sidering for secretary of agricul-
Howard, long a friend of the
president-elect, is president of the
farm bureau, and was associated
with Hoover in his work during the
World war. Two - others, Dante
Pierce, Des Moines farm paper
publisher, and Senator Arthur
Capper of Kansas, also have been
mentioned for the post, but the
probabilities are that it will be
many weeks before the executiv
elect come to any definite deter-
mination upon the subject.
The editors of The Daily call
to the attention of their readers
two things. The first of these
is that the sentiment expressed
on page one of The Daily of
Wednesday morning of this week
is by no means the sentiment
of The Daily staff. The error
is to be regretted.
The second is that several of
the communications received in
the last two days have been un-
available for publication in the
Campus Opinion column because
of a ruling of the Board in Con-
trol of Student Publications
which states that all communi-
cations must be signed by the
writer. The attention of the
writer is called tothe fact that
anonymous letters cannot be
published in fairness to The
Kenneth G. Patrick,
Managing editor
Repertory Company To Give Series
Of Plays At Whitney, Starting
Next Wednesday
Opening next Wednesday night,
Nov. 14, with Bernard Shaw's "The
Doctor's Dilemma," the Repertory
company of the New York Theater
Guild will offer a run of four plays
on successive Mondays and Wed-
nesdays at the Whitney theater.
"The Doctor's Dilemna" chosen
for the opening performances is an
amusing satire on the medical pro-
fession, with typical Shavian char-
acterization saving the dramatic
values, and sharp travesties on the
innoculators, the vivisectionists, and
the fashionable quacks.
In it, moreover, the great Irish
dramatist, with his delicacy of sen-
timent, has accomplished the seem-
ingly impossible-made high com-
edy of death - killed his hero and
given the audience grace to smile.
Finished by Shaw in 1906, the
play has had various successful
runs in London, Cologne, Berlin,
New York, and on the road in this
country. The Theater Guild sent
the production, which will be seen
in Ann Arbor, on tour after a long
engagement in New York, and in-
cluded in the repertory company
many actors who have had parts
in the Guild's leading successes.
Among them are Elizabeth Risdon,
Peg Entwistle, Robert Keith, Bea-
trice Hendrick, P. J. Kelly, and
Warburton Gamble.
"The Doctor's Dilemma" will be
followed Monday night, Nov. 19, by
"The Second Man," another high
comedy, "Ned McCobb's Daughter,"
on Wednesday night, Nov. 28, a
comedy with a serious, underlying
theme, and "John Ferguson" on
Monday night, Dec. 3, a genre tra-
gedy of terrific power.
Single performanc seats or sea-
son tickets are now on sale by the
Print and Book shop, East Jeffer-
By Morris Quinn
BALTIMORE, Md., Nov. 9.-With a pack of fighting
Wolverines desireous of following up their victory over the title.
bound Illini with another success challenged by a powerful crew
of Middies who are confident that they can turn back the invader:
as they did two years ago, prospects are unusually bright for one
of the most colorful intersectional battles of the year when these
two teams face each other for the fourth consectutive time at 2:3(
o'clock tomorrow afternoon in Baltimore stadium.
Two weeks ago Navy fans freely predicted a victory for their
team, but since the remarkable Michigan comebacks against Wis
consin and Illinois, their confidence has' waned considerably anC
evetyone around Annapolis believes that the game will be the
toughest one the Middy scheduled.
The game ranks with the Army-Notre Dame, Harvard- Penn
sylvania classic as one of the' mos
flH I I importantstruggles along the At
r JL antic seaboard and tonight Bal
timore is thronging with thou
DUSIsands of Michigan and Navy root
ers. It is estimated that aproxi
Frenzy Of Buying Continues With
Industrial And Railroad Shares
Setting Trading Marks
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Nov. 9-The Hoover
boom market, which ran into a
storm of selling late yesterday,f
steamed forward again today onI
the crest of another gigantic wave
of buying which lifted nearly two
score issues to record high levels.
The average of 20 leading indus-
trials, compiled by the Associated
Press, advanced nearly three points
to the highest level in history, with
a slightly smaller gain in the aver-
age of 20 leading railroad shares.
Total sales of 4,996,100 shares
were the third largest on record,
being exceeded only by the 5,000,-
000 share sessions of yesterday and
June 12 last. The ticker was again
unable to cope with the large vol-
ume of trading, printing the final
quotations one hour and two min-
utes after the market closed.
Violent bidding for the common.
stock of the . Radio Corporation
which advanced $37 a share, had
quickly dropped $20 of this gain,
and Montgomery-Ward which ran
{ up $22 a share and dropped $5,
provided the chief speculative
thrills. Several other high priced
specialties, including Coty, Jewel
Tea and General Electric, estab-
lished new high records ongains of
$5 to $12 a share.
Committee Sets Date
For Sophomore Dance
mately 60,004 people will witness
the contest.
Both teams will take the fleld
determined to win. Michigan has
yet a chance to finish out the sea-
son successfully, despite her early
losses, while Navy has an oppor-
tunity to even the series at .twc
Coach Tad Wieman's determined
Michigan squad arrived here this
morning and immediately took ,up
their quarters in the Southern Ho-
tel. At 3 o'clock this afternoon the
players tested the sod in the Muni-
cipal stadium, going through a
lengthy limbering up drill that con
sisted of punting, passing, anc
signal practice.
Gembis In Hospital
With the exception of Joe Gem-
bis, who was left in Ann Arbor
suffering with appendicitis, th
Wolverine squad appears to be it
the best possible condition for thi
coming battle.
Contrary to the announcemen
made before the team left Ann Ar-
bor Thursday afternoon, Coaci
Wieman will probably use Wheele:
at one of the halves with Dahlen
at the other, sending Rich to th
fullback post in place of Hozer
From end to end the Wolverine
line will. remain the same as ii
the Illinois game.
The possible shift in the Midd:
backfield predicted earlier in thf
week, whereby Spring would re
plac Castree, sensational soph
omore at right half, has apparent:
failed to materialize as Coach Ing
ram stated this afternoon tha
Castree would start the game. Thi
is taken to indicate that the Nav
will rely on its strong running at
tack rather than on forward pas
ses to turn back the Wolverines.-
Squier May See Action
It was intimated by Coach Wie
man that George Squier or Morri
Hughes, Junior varsity fullbaci
who is filling Gembis' place on th
squad, may play an important rol
in the coming battle. Both of thes
men are capable place kickers an(
will be injected into the Michiga:
line-up in case the Wolverines ar
in a position to score from th
While the M.ize and Blue lin
will hold a considerable weight ad
vantage over that of the Ingram
coached eleven, the latter outfi
will offset this margin in the back
field. The Michigan line average
193 pounds as compared to 182 fc
Navy. The Middy backs tip th
scales at 177, and the Wolverine
at 161.
Wheeler and Simrall, the Mich
igan punters, will match kicks wit
one of the best punters in Easter
circles, Bob Bowstrom, who hold
; down a tackle berth on the Midd
team. In the Pennsylvania cor
test he consistently outboote
Shull, who is generally rated tl
peer of the Eastern kickers.
Payments on unpaid sub-
scriptions to The Michigan
Daily are due not later than
Nov. 15. After that date the
subscription price will be ad-
vanced to $4.50 on all unpaid
_ n
Cross-Country Flyer
Returns After Start
(By Associated Press)
SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, Nov. 9.-
Richard James, 17, New York boy
aviator, who is engaged in a cross-
country flight, returned to the air-
port here at 3:15 p. m. today, two
hours and 15 minutes after he had
hopped off for Rock Springs, Wyo.
He encountered unfavorable wind
conditions about 100 miles east of
here and decided to turn back.
VT L, L.aAL4An ! Chairmen and members of the
(By Associated Press) various committees which will have
Mostly cloudy Saturday and Sun- charge of the Soph Prom were an-
day, possibly rain; somewhat nounced by Walter Yeagley, '31,
warmer Sunday. general chairman. At the samej
warmerSunda.time,Yeagley announced that the
Prom will be held on December 14.
Massachusetts Votes a Friday night, thus leaving little
To Repeal Prohibition more than a month in which to
make the entire arrangements for
(By Associated Press) the affair.
BOSTON, Nov. 9.-Sentiment in Yeagley appointed the following
favor of repeal of the prohibition E committees:
amendment was expressed by ma- Music: Alfred Drew, chairman,
jority of the voters in 32 of the Ernestine Wagner, ° and Victor
state senatorial districts of Mass- Kirchner.
achusetts in Tuesday's election' Ticket: Bruce Palmer, chairman,
while four districts returned a ma- Lawrence Hobart, and Robert Gor-
jority against repeal. The matter don.
came before the voters in the form Favors: Clay Olmstead, chair-
of a "question of public policy" man, Marion Finch, and Hattie
which appeared on the ballot in Kreye.
all but four of the 40 senatorial Decorations: David C. Findley,
districts. chairman, Sallie Buckley, and
The question was in this -form: Stanley Levison.
"Shall a senator from this district Chaperones: Joseph Roper, chair-
be instructed to vote for a resolu- man, Leon Lyle, and Everett
tion requesting Congress to take Phelps.
action for the repeal of the meas- Floor: Jack Diehl and Edward
ure." Eliezer.
The Prom will be held as usual
Grid raph To Show in the Union ballroom. Tickets
Twill be placed on sale soon ,and ar-
Navy Game Results rangements for favors are now. be-
ing made. Negotiations are being
Results of the Michigan-Navy caried on to obtain music.
game will be shown, play by play,
at the gridgraph this afternoon in Navy Game Returns
Hill auditorium, under the auspices
af +ha Almni .'na roitinn A unn!THeA iia-te t nn,
Graduate Students 1
To Hear Dean Huber
Prof. Carl Huber, dean of the'
Graduate school will address grad-
1 ri a -,rIpnfvte a inahcrn( - ,n +'n ha I
Contrary to an announce-
ment made earlier this year,
there will be no Daily extra
after the game today. It is
possible, however, that The
T'aily will n hligh an etra
Michigana Pos. Naa
Truskowski ....LE........ More
Pommerening .LT........ Wils(
Poe ..........LG..... Burke(C
Cragin......... ....... Hugh
Steinke........RG....... Koep]