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November 09, 1928 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-11-09

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Hobbs, Rich, And Stason Speak;
School Of Music Ensemble
Presents Selections
"Michigan Night," the weekly
University radio program, was.
broadcast last night for the sec-
ond time from the new studio in
Morris hall. The program was
open to the public and over 300
people took advantage of the op-
portunity of seeing and hearing
the broadcasting.
Motion pictures of the speakers,
musicians, and studio were taken
at the end of the program and will
form a continuation of the Uni-
versity picture which will be shown
all over the country. The film was
taken by the Metropolitan motion
picture company.
Three talks with musical num-
bers between each constituted the
program proper.
Prof. William H. Hobbs, of the
geology department and director of
the University expedition to Green-
land, spoke on "The Future of
TransAtlantic Flying." In this
talk Professor Hobbs said that the
present air-route now travelled
from New York to Europe is not
the one best suited to flying. "The
single hop over the Atlantic," he
said, "is so close to the endurance
of modern planes that even on the
eastward passage with favoraple
prevailing winds, the hazard is too
great to carry any freight. The
ideal way," Professor Hobbs add-
ed, "is from Chicago over Green-
land and the Great Circle to Eu-
"Almost any room," said Daniel
L. Rich, professor of physics, in
speaking on "Acoustics of Auditor-
iums," "can be adjusted to have its
proper soundreverbration by cov-
ering the Walls with hair cloth,
celotex or cork. But this must not
be overdone, since a room too dead
Is as bad as one in which there is
excessive reverberation."
The concluding address made by
Prof. E. Blythe Stason of the law
school, spoke on "The Liability of
Passenger Carriers by Motor Bus."
The musical features of the pro-
gram were presented 'by the Uni-
versity School of Music String En-
seable orchestra under the direc-
tion of JToseph E. Maddy, head of
the public school music department
of that school. Albert Lockwood,
head of the pianoforte department,
was. the feature artist of the pro-
The actual transmission of the
program is not done in Ann Arbor,
but is sent to the Detroit studio of
WJR and from there it is switched
to Pontiac by another phone. Thus
the program travels over 100 miles
in going from the interior room to
the listeners in the auditorium.
National Secretary
Gives Talk to S. C. A.
The Student Christian associa-
ton held its weekly cabinet meet-
ing last night in Lane hall. Arthur
Rugh, national secretary of college
student Christian associations, ad-
dressed the cabinet on the activi-
ties of college associations through-
out the country.
The first of a series of student

conferences will be held at 4:15
o'clock next Thursday in Lane hall.
The conference will be on "Look-
ing at Life," and a faculty mem-
ber will address the meeting each
week. Prof. Howard Y. McClusky,
of the school of education, will be
the speaker for the next meeting.
His topic will be "Life Without Re-
ligion." All students and members
of the faculty are invited to at-
Law Review Staff
Will Hold Banquet
Definite arrangements have been
made for the Law Reviewdinner
to be held at 6:30 o'clock November
17 at the Lawyer's club. Prof.
Burke Shartel of the Law school
announced yesterday that the
principal speaker will be Douglas
Clannerton '21L. Grand Rapids,

Going up in the air alone for the
first time after only nine hours of
instruction, Bertha C. Flo, '31, made
a fifteen minute solo flight in a
Sparton biplane yesterday after-
noon at the Ann Arbor airport. This
was the first time any student had
made a solo flight at the local air-
Miss Flo, the sister of Lieut.
Leonard S. Flo in charge of the air-
port, had for her instructor, Myron
E. Zeller, '29E, who has passed the
government course at the San An-
tonio, Texas, flying field. In ad-
dition to the fifteen minutes she
spent in the air, Miss Flo made
three landings and three tae-offs
without any trouble.
Plan To Hold Two Extemporaneous
Meets During School Year,
Announces Chairman 1
Two extemporaneous speaking
contests, one to be held each seme-
ster, will be sponsored this year by
the Oratorical board, it was an-
ounced yesterday. The first of
these will be held this year on Dec.
12, with the preliminaries on the
Thursday preceding. The winner
will receive a $25 prize, and second
place will take $15.
The, Board is increasing the
number of contests to stimulate in-
terest in such contests, it was said.
Prizes will be given in each of the
additional events beside the orig-
inal ones. All undergraduates
scholastically eligible for other ac-
tivities are eligible to take part in
there contests, Russell Sanderson,
'29, chairman of the Board, an-
nounced. However, those men whoj
have taken part in inter-collegiate
debating or in oratorical contests1
will not be allowed to compete.
The Freshman oratorical contest
will be held next semester but the
date has not been announced. The'
winner will receive a medal which
is to be known as the Freshman
Oratorical association medal, one
of which will be given each year.
The winners of all the contests
sponsored by the Board will be pre-
sented with the Oratorial associa-
tion standard medal.
Other,; plans discussed included
one for better cooperation among
the four literary societies, Alpha;
Nu, Portia, Adelphi, and Athena.
The plan includes two social meet-
ings including all of the societies
each semester, and bi-monthly
group meetings with a speaker and
an open forum.
The plan for an all-campus de-
bating tournament between the
four organizations was referred
back to the societies. Plans for a
dramatic reading contest also were
Initial Presentation
Draws Big Audience
A capacity crowd witnessed the
opening of Play Production's first
private presentation last night in
the University auditorium. The
vehicle for the players was Rachel
Crother's, "A Little Journey."
The presentation was part of the
policy of the newly organized Play
Production section of the depart-*
ment of speech, namely to give a
certain number of laboratory pro-

ductions in the course of the yeE
All the work for such production,
is done, by students of the various
play Production courses. No play-
ers were featured in "A Little
Journey", but, in a strict accord-
ance with the policy of Valentine
B. Windt, the director of Play
Production activities, the whole
production was submitted as the
product of the entire group of stu-

Thirty Students Stage Enthusiastic Rally
as Gridiron Warriors Leave to Sink


Disregarding the fervent plea of
yesterday morning's front page
editorial in The Daily to "bolt
classes, stop work, or cut dates,"
the great majority of the student
body failed yesterday to see the
Varsity football team leave for
Baltimore. In fact, the greatest
majority did not come, for hardly
more than 30 students were at the
Michigan Central station to wave
goodbye to the team.
Perhaps the most cheering fact
of the sendoff was that Ralph
Popp, '29, Varsity cheerleader cap-
tain, left with the team. After
days of gloom because no leader
was to be at Baltimore to lead the
Michigan rooters in cheers, the day
was brightened by the announce-
ment that the team was taking a'
cheerleader. Not that they were
egotistical, however. The players
want Michigan to cheer if Navy
makes a touchdown.

On the other hand, Joe Gembis,
who has made ten-seventeenths of
Michigan's scores this year, and
who lost a close decision to Frosty
Peters last week when he failed to
hit the crossbar of a goal-post, was
taken sick with appendicitis.
Hughes, "B" team fullback, went
in his place.
The 30 stalwarts gave three or
four cheers at the encouragement
of an earnest young man dressed in
white just before the train left.
Aside from a few hand-shakes and
back-slaps, this was the sole send-
off that the Team That Beat Il-
linois received. (See page 4-advt.
The Daily however, did its share.
It sent six staffinen to cover the
sendoff, but this number was de-
pleted at the appearance of a well-
known former assistant-to-the-
dean, who even now throws a scare
into certain members of The Daily
staff by a mere appearance.


Pharmi As, rchitects CHANGE
Hold Class ElectionsL U LU
Freshman pharmacy and archi-
tecture students yesterday closed
the week's balloting when they
coming year. These are the last Total Stock Sales Cross 5,000,000
elections announced by the Stu- Share Mark For Second Time
dent council, and probably close In Market's History
the voting for class officers for
the present year TICKER FALLS BEHIND
The freshman architects chose !L
Lyle Zisler as president, Robert (By Associated Press)
Leslie as vice-president, John White NEW YORK, Nov. 8.--The "Hoov-j
as secretary, and John Grey as I er boom" on the New York stock
treasurer. William Pocock and I
Ralph Smith were elected to serve exchange, which has carried scores
on the Architectural society. of issues to record high levels in
The Freshman pharmics elected ,the last two days in one of the most
Carl H. Brown, president, Raymond hysterical outbursts of buying in
D. Hetterick, vice-president, George recent years, was checked just be-
T. Griggs, secretary, and Howarh
W. Baldock, treasurer. fore the close of today's market


Intramural Pool Will
Under go Initial Test!
Completion of the swimming pool
in the University's new $75,000 In- I
tramural building will be marked
today, when ater is placed into
the tank for the first time. It will f
take 24 hours to fill the pool. If4
no defects are found in the con-
struction when the water is put in,
it is probable that this feature of1
the new sports building will be
used for the first time by the swim-
ming team Monday.
The pool is of regulation size, 75 1
by 35 feet, and is constructed, like
the remainder of the building, for
artistic appearance as well as utili-
ty. The walls and ceiling are of
cork, in a pleasing green shade,1
while the tile for the pool itself,
is green at the top, blending into
pure white for the bottom and
lower walls. The cork used on the'
walls will deaden echos that usually
make hearing difficult in the pool,
Before the pool can be used by
students there are several exit and
entrance doors which must be com-
pleted, according to the Athletic
Polish Professor to
Speak About Conradl
"The Influence of Poland on Jo-
seph Conrad" will be the subject of.
a lecture to be given at 4:15 o'clock
Tuesday afternoon in Natural Sci-
ence auditorium by R. Dyboski,I
professor of English Literature at
the University of Cracow, Poland.
Professor Dyboski is said to be the
supreme authority on English lit-
erature in Poland, and being per-i
sonally acquainted with contem-
porary English and Euro ean writ-
er he is qualified to speak on theI
subject chosen for him.
He was educated in England and
Germany, and has since been a
visiting lecturer at King's College,
Oxford. He is the author of many
critical works among the best of
which is numbered one written
while he was a prisoner of war in
Following a lecture tour of the
United States which will occupy
mostof the time betweennow and
the first of February, Prof. Dy-
boski will remain at the University
of Chicago for one semester where
he will offer a special course in
Polish literature.
Virginia Students
Mourn State's Vote,
Two statues of Thomas Jefferson
on the grounds of the University
of Virginia were draped in mourn-
ing following the reports of a cer-'

by an unexpected flood of selling
Total stock sales crossed the
5,000,000 share mark for the sec-
ond time in the exchange's his-
tory, but the total of 5,002,600
shares was still nearly 200,000
shares below the record, establish-
ed in the sharp decline of Jun.& 12,
The stock ticker had fallen an
hour behind the actual market in
the early afternoon and never
caught up, with the result that the
extent of this reaction was not
generally known until long after
the market had closed. The final
quotation was printed one hour and
15 minutes after the closing gong
that sounded the longest delay on
record. Today's transactions were
generally in a 100 to 500 share lots,
indicating wide-spread participa-
tion by small speculators and ac-
counting fcr the unusual long
ticker delays.
In view of the fact that stock
prices have been rising, with the
few serious interuptions since last
spring, Wall Street has been ex-
pecting what it likes to call a
"technical reaction" for several
weeks. Up until today, "bear" trad-
ers, who have been attempting to
pick the "top" of the market, have
received terrific beatings or been
faced with huge paper lockers. To-
day's selling movement, while un-
doubtedly representing a large
volume of profit taking, received
considerable impetus from the at-
tack of "bears" who took advan-
tage of the long ticker delay to
throw consternation into the camp
of the "bulls."
Fears of another large increase
in Federal Reserve "brokers" loans,
which' were borne out when the
actual figures, published after the
close of the market, showed a gain
of $71,804,000, were an important
factor in the selling movement.
(By Associated Press)
Lower Michigan: Mostly fair Fri-
day and Saturday; not much
change in temperature.

Democratic Thwart Republicans
In Attempt To Capture
Vital Positions
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Nov. 8.-Repub-
licans have established clear ma-
jorities in the next Congress in
both Senate and House, but have
failed to keep full pace with the
record-breaking sweep of their
party head, Herbert Hoover.
Almost complete returns tonight
showed that the new Congress, go-
ing office after next March 4, would
be divided as follows: Senate-Re-
publicans 55, Democrats 39, Farm-
er-Labor 1, Vacant' 1. House-Re-
publicans 267, Democrats 167,
Farmer-Labor 1.
Republicans held all of their 13
Senate seats at issue in this elec-
tion but captured only seven of the
20 Democratic positions at stake.
The Senate is almost evenly divid-
ed at present.
Republicans Gain In House
In the House election with all
435 seats involved, the Republicans
won 27 places now held by Demo-
crats, and replaced the lone So-
cialist, Victor Berger of Wisconsin,
and one of the two Farmer-Labor
members, William L. Carss, of
Minnesota. Democrats succeeded in
capturing three seats now held by
Republicans, one each in Indiana,
Rhode Island and West Virginia.
Despite these increased major-
ities, neither branh of Congress
will show as large a Republican
membership as the Congress elect-
ed in the 1920 landslide for War-
ren G. Harding. Then the Repub-
ians were given a margin of 22
votes in the Senate and of almost
165 in the House. Four years ago
when President Coolidge was elect-
ed, the Republicans won a majority
of 17 in the Senate but a margin of
only 60 in the House.
There were 435 House seats and
35 Senate seats to be filled in the
fall elections and in these 470 con-
tests there were only 39 switches
in the political make-up.
Returns Almost Complete
These tabulations are made with
returns in from all but five dis-
tricts in North Carolina, now held
by Democrats and count these
seats as Democratic until final re-
turns are received. Two Repub-
lican seats in the House are still in
doubt, those of Representative
Wurzbach of Texas, and of Repre-
sentative Beck of Pennsylvania.
While Herbert Hoover went into
the south and captured North Car-
olina, Virginia, Florida, Texas and
Tennessee, these states yielded
only a half dozen seats to Repub-
licans of their almost solid Demo-
cratic representation in the House.
No Republican senators were elect-
ed in southern states.
Most Leaders Stay
Virtually none of the leaders in
either party were scratched by the
election, but Representative Gar-
rett of Tennessee, the Democratic
leader in the House, goes out of
office after running on successfully
for the Senate nomination in that
state. Senate Republicans almost
must find a new leader, Senator
Curtis of Kansas, who now holds

that post, becoming the next vice-
This will involve a contest with
Senator Watson of Indiana; Moses
of New Hampshire; Jones of Wash-
ington, and Reed of Pennsylvania,
mentioned among the possibilities
for leader.

Consideration of the proposed
plan to check graft in class com-
mittees held the attention of the
Senate Committee on Student Af-
fairs yesterday, but final announce-
ment awaits the submitting of the
complete plan by Paul J. Kern, '29,
president of the Student council.
The plan was originally submit-
ted to the student council at its
meeting on Wednesday night at
which time the idea was approved
by that body. Definite announce-
ment of the entire plan and its
details will be announced soon, ac-
cording to Kern.
The committee also gave permis-
sion to the Varsity band for two
Detroit trips, one on Armistice Day
at which time the band will par-
ticipate in a parade, the other on
Thanksgiving Day for a special
function for children.
Paul Kern, Mary White, and Wil-
liams Nissen Are Named to
Advisory Group
Class committees for the seniors
in the Literary college, as an-
nounced yesterday afternoon by
Kenneth C. Schafer, '29, president
of the class, are as follows:
Advisory: Paul J. Kern, chair-
man, Mary White and William E.
Athletic: Ernest McCoy, chair-
man, Horace Barton, Joe Gembis,
Thomas Watson, Edward Bayuk.
Auditing: Marvin Jacobs, chair-
man, Josephine Welch, Raymond
Wachter, Harold Hagar, Florence
Banquet: Robert Deo, chairman,
Ernest Freeze, Vriginia Ward,
Helen DeBevoise, Gabriel Joseph.r
Class Day: Robert Gessner,
chairman, June Marshall, William
Maney, Adelaine Wing, Kingsley
Finance: Herbert Ripley, chair-
man, Virginia Schuburth, Durwin
Algyer, Helen Hartman, Harold
Invitations; Charles Seilheimer,
chairman, Esther Ricker, Frank
Brading, Florence Watchpocket,
John Scheller.
Memorial: Mark Andrews, chair-
man, George Renner, Margaret
Crampton, John Lowenstine, Leone
Picture: Theron Childs, chair-
man, Charles Spicer, Louise Cooley,
Maxwell Reubin, Isabel Hubbard.
Promenade: Evans Griffing,
chairman, Clifford Spaulding Mary
Alice Moore, Rebecca Black, Ber-
nard Goldman.
Publicity: Charles Daker, chair-
man, Henry Shaw, Marian Kerr,
Rachael Schearer, Carl Hammer.
Senior Sing: Herbert Palmer,
chairman, Hall Cain, Virginia
Social Committee: Herbert Bark-
er, chairman, Margaret Mirfield,
Harold Marks, Jane Olds, Richard
Helms, Katherine Ohming.
The senior committees as ap-
pointed will begin functioning im-
mediately under the: direction of
their various chairmen. The com-
mittees are those usually appoint-
ed and will make their own ar-
rangements for the various events
covered. The appointments for
the other literary classes and for
the senior engineers will be an-
nounced in the near future, it is

Extends Scope Of Supreme Court
Of StateIncRegulation
Of Proceedure
Suggesting revised rules of prac-
tice for the Supreme and Circuit
courts, and a simplified method of
appellate procedure, a report
drawn up by a commission created
by the last Legislature was submit-
ted yesterday to the Supreme court.
The report is the culmination of six
months' of research. conducted for
the most part by Prof. Edson R.
Sunderland of the Law school, un-
der the auspices and at the expense
of the Lawyer's Club Foundation.
The other members of the commis-
sion are Alexis C. Angell, Detroit,
Alva M. Cummins, Lansing, John
M. Dunham, Grand Rapids, and
Irvin Long, Detroit.
Michigan Is Exceptional
"Michigan is one of the few
states," explained Prof. Sunder-
land, "which has a constitutional
provision permitting the Supreme
court to regulate all legal procedure.
This constitution has been in ef-
fect since 1850 but the Supreme
court has never fully exercised the
power given it under this provision.
Recently, the Legislature created
the present commission to assist
the Supreme court in extending the
scope of its regulation of legal
There are five general reforms
suggested in the report as drawn
up, by the commission. The first
purpose is to reduce the two sets
of rules, Supreme court rules and
Circuit court rules, to one set. This
will complete thee consolid4tipn
started in 1916 when prior to that
time there were three sets.
Tells Of Second Reform
The second general reform em-
bodied in these rules is the em-
ployment of a single system 6
pleading, the equity system, in all
actions and suits. It is pointed Qut
in the report that the characteris-
tic feature of the equity system of
pleading is its direct and specific
method of dealing with facts. In
this system there is no general
issue, for each allegation must be
met with a direct admission or de-
The extention of discovery before
trial is the third general reform.
This is designed to do away with
the practice of concealing the trip
position until the time of the triZ
and then to surprise one's oppnent
by the true facts. It is pointed out
that courts will never functi ,
properly until provision is made for
the sifting of facts before the triaL
Appellate procedure simplifica-
tion is the fourth general reform.
Instead of the fourteen present
methods of appeal, suppimented
by some twenty-six special varie-
ties, a single method is proposed to
be employed In all cases.
Miscellaney Concludes Discussion
The concluding section of the re-
port discusses proposed miscellan-
eous changes. These consist of
claims against attorneys, motions
for dismissal, use of registered mail,
the taking of depositions, special
verdicts, and technical objections.

What action the Supreme court
will take on these proposed changes
'cannot, of course, be stated. The
full text of this report has been
published by the Lawyer's club
with a sufficient number of copies
for distribution to the profession
of the State.

Leather-Necked Engineers With Falsetto
Voices Guide Tiny Trains Along Diagonal

A second showing will take place
tonight at 8:15 o'clock The per-
formances tonight is also by invita-
tion only, but there are no more
tickets available. Every seat has
been taken for several days, ac-
cording to Windt, and no more re-
quests for tickets can be granted.
Law Library Enlarged
With Recent Donation

Interest Is Revivedj
In Italian Classes'
University students are much
more interested in the Italian
language this year than they ever
have been before, according to en-
rollment figures announced yester-
day at departmental headquarters.
A 50 per cent increase is found
among first year students, a. 200
per cent increase in second year
classes, and a 100 per cent increase
in the advanced class in Dante.
The large increase among the
more advanced groups is explained
by the fact that this year many
more students are continuing their
elementary work than did in pre-
vious years, according to Anton
Napoli, of the Romance languages
Dean Bates Leaves

"Too-too-too" peeped a husky
falsetto meant for soprano. And
a leather-legged, leather-necked
engineer pushed a tiny train of tin
cars yesterday afternoon along the
diagonal walk during the Web and
Flange initiation.
The track, laid by other initiates,
was constructed according to hith-
erto unknown engineering prin-
ciples. For these engineers proved
the possibility of constructing a

shout arose when one of the
neophytes was found missing.
Loud cries rent the air: "Hey,
where's Brown? I haven't met.
Brown yet!"
The initiation taught rhetoric
students from the lit school, who
stood on the side-lines watching,
the importance of having an outline
prepared when doing a theme. The
same incident gave a stray minister
in the crowd a topic for a sermon


Edmonson Attends
School Conference
Prof. J. B. Edmonson, chairman
of the executive committee of the
School of Education, has gone to
Chicago where he is attending a
meeting of the executive committee
of the NorthdCentral association of
colleges and secondary schools.
Professor Edmonson is secretary of
the association.,
The North Central association is
a standardizing agency which in-
cludes the leading universities,

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