', NOVEMBER 8, 1928 THE MICHIGAN . . . .......... . . . . ........ 'Si ILVAVAMMMffA AMMM3 i r WOMEN ARE TO SELL USED BOOKS FRIDA4Y MANY OPPORTUNITIES ARE AFFORDED FREQUENTERS OF RARE BOOK ROOM Few people other than graduate, students and faculty members know of the existence of the rare book room in the main . library building, and of the purpose of that; Proceeds To Furnish Funds National Convention Of Club ForI + .:. h=. EVERY KIND IS INCLUDED The Business and Professional Women's club will hold a book sale tomorrow and Saturday, Nov. 9 and 10, at 333 South Main St. The sale will continue the entire two days. Every kind of book will be sold, in- cluding novels, biographies, maga- zines, and University text-books. The proceeds will be used to further a fund for the national convention of the Club, which will be held next July at Mackinac Island in northern Michigan. The local branch of the club has more than a hundred members, among whom are several of the national officers. Miss Marian McClench, besides being the general chairman of the convention, is the national recording secretary; Dr. Margaret Elliot, of the School of Business Ad- ministration, is the national chair- man of Personnel Research; and Miss Katherine Tuomy is the state president. ATHENA INITIATION PLANS ARE NEARLYCOMPLETED Further plans for the initiations banquet of Athena were discussed at the meeting Tuesday night. Members of the committee in charge are, Grace -Darling, chair- man, Eleanor Coryell, and Ollie Backus. It was decided to hold the! banquet Nov. 30, at the Haunted Tavern, preceding which formal in- itiation will take place in the Ath-. ena room in Angell hall. Faculty of the speech department are to be invited. The program, while not yet complete, so far as is known, includes a toast to the new members followed by a reply by one of the initiates. It is plan- ned to include several musical num_ bers in the course of the evening. - Notice All junior women are required to pay their $1.00 class fee for the support of the Junior Girls' Play. No girl can try out for the play without first having paid this fee. There will be a table stationed in University hall from 9 to 4 o'clock today and tomorrow at which junior women may pay their dollar. RAMONA Beauty Shop Special for November Finger Wave or Marcel including a Shampoo with Lemon Rinse, $1 Open Evenings Phone 21478 625 E. Liberty room and the opportunities affor- ded by it. The choice few who do frequent that part of the library realize an enjoyment not to be equalled in the pursuit of books in the other various sections of the library. Miss Ella M. Hymans who has for four years assumed the duties of curator of rare books at the library said in a recent inter- view in regard to her work as cur- ator. "It is perfectly fascinating. I would just as soon spend all my time in the library as do anything else I know of." Miss Hymans, in speaking of the qualifications one must present to engage one's self in such work, said that aside from a library training there was no other requirement, the general requirement being an extensive knowledge of literature in its broadest sense. The success in such a career depends a great deal on the fitness of the individual. This fitness, Miss Hynes described as, "an intangible feeling, probab- ly innate, for literature,'' Miss Hy- mans further emphasized that just handling the books physically was not enough, although the position as curator of rare book does in- volve a great deal of mechanical work. The girl who selects that, phase of library work as her voca- tion must like and be able to ap- preciate queer old things-even an: ordinary librarian couldn't step right out from general library work into the position. "A girl will get out it anything that she wishes to put in it," de- clared Miss Hymans when asked what that field of work offered to the average woman. "I don't think that any person could handle the material in the rare book room and not feel that she was getting enough out of it to make it worth while," continued Miss Hymans. She stated that the mere viewing of a book like Gutenberg's Bible, the first book printed by moveable type, in 1498, should be enough to inspire awe in Beautiful Hands - il any booklover. The rare book room is only dif- ferent from the other divisions of the Library inasmuch as material is concerned but policy and tech- nique are the same. The rare book room contains the first edi- tions of books that are rare, some of which are beautiful in binding and design. The rareness of a book can only be adjudged by time. To some students . the later editions may be more useful since they are apt to have corrections and notes, but to the student who wishes to get that which the author has put into his book, the rare book room collection is invaluable. The books from this room are seldom taken outside of the Library, for the ruling is that rare books shall be used only in a fireproof building. In some instances the books are allowed to be taken out, the case depending on the book and the in- dividual. Prior to her beginning this work as curator of rare books, Miss Hy- mans was employed in the Library as a general librarian, but when this position became vacant, she was offered it by William W. Bishop, Librarian, because of her unusual interest in rare book collections. A part of the work of the rare book room is to prepare exhibits on the main floor of the Library. SCHOOL OF MUSIC GIVES SECOND TEA WED. AFTERNOON In accordance with its policy of fortnightly teas, the Symphonic League held a "get-together" party from 2:30 to 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon in the School of Music parlors. Mrs. Earl V. Moore was hostess of the afternoon, and was assisted by Dorothy Wilson. Every other Wednesday afternoon such a party, sponsored by the Symphonic League, is given for all women stu- dents in the School of Music, and a woman member of the faculty assisted by a member of the social committee are the hostesses. W[YVRN TO CONS!0DE SALE' OFBLUEBOOKS, Supply Which Has Been Ordered Is Expected To Arrive Within Two Weeks FEW ARE NOW AVAL(UBLE fI I f I An Amazing New Kind of Cream Instantly Makes Your Hands Soft and White N O MORE red, rough, coarsened handsl A marvelous new kind of cream softens and whitens your hands with amazing quickness. Almost while you watch,your hands take on that milky whiteness, softness and beauty which all envy and admire but few possess. Make this test just before you retire tonight-it won't take a second! Smooth a little THINC on your hands. Note the instant whitening! In the morning see how exquisitely so ft and white your hands are! THINC is entirely new-not a cold cream or lotion. Approved by Good Housekeeping Insti- tute. Use THINC for a few days, Money back if you're not de- lighted. At any good drug store, toilet goods counter or beauty shop. Wyvern society will continue its field day given by the Chicago sale of bluebooks at Barbour gym- Field Hockey association. The nasium in two weeks when the new demonstration game between the supply of bluebooks ordered, ar- English and the American team re- rives. Several houses which have sulted in a 30 to 0 victor for the already ordered books and still wish English women. them may obtain some by calling "The reason for their great su- at 3 o'clock today at Barbour gym- nasium, as there are still some of periority," continued Miss Camp- the five-cent size left, according to bell, "is that the English women an announcement made by Dorothy have played hockey all their lives. Woodrow, chairman. L'nglish girls play with a hockey The society sponsors this sale of stick much as an American child bluebooks, the proceeds of which plays with a ball. Their stick work go the Women's league each year. In this way dormitories, sororities has become an art. The English and league houses, are given the girl also runs faster than th( privilege of keeping a stock of American girl. Her stride is dif- bluebooks on hand. ferent-she uses her knees less and gets a longer swing from the hips. CITY TEAM WINS making for greater speed. Her HOCKE Y MA TCH drives for goal are terrific, and she follows up her drive with great In a game played with shortened speed. American women simply halves because of a late start, the can't play as fast, and were outrun Ann Abor hockey club, composed as well as outplayed in every part of members of the physical educa- of the game." tion department staff and graduate The All-English team has beer students, defeated the Motley similarly successful in defeating club, 4 to 1 Tuesday afternoon, every other hockey team whicl The Ann Arbor hockey club they have met in this country. Th( showed a particularly good defen- 1927 All-United States team fell tc sive play, which made it difficult them by a score of 9 to 1, the All- for the Motley club to get its for- Philadelphia team, 10 to 1, and the ward line past the full backfield. All-St. Louis team, 20 to 0. The Miss Laura Campbell and Miss I team will continue its trip playing Hassinger starred for the Ann Ar- at field days all over the country. bor club, while Campbell was the including Wellesley and Boston, and best player on the Motley team. ending at the play day held at The next game the Ann Arbor Philadelphia, at which city teams club will play, will be with the from, all over the country will play freshman second team on Tuesday, to compete for the United State Nov. 13. team, members of wicn will be Le Worth Beauty Shoppe Rain Water Shampoo 300 S. State St. Hair, Eyebrow, Eye Lash (Cor. Liberty and State) E oDying PERMANENT WAVING, Scientific Scalp Treatment MARCELLING, FACIALS, Finger Waving, Marcelling, MANICURING, Hair Cutting A C GFacial, French, Russian, SHAMPOOING General, and coarse - FINGER WAVING = pore treatment. Mrs. N. M. Hitchcock, Mgr. CAYER SHOPPE Open Evenings Dial 2-141 Dial 9471 406 E. Liberty t i11 11 1111 111111111111111lll0t11111111 II. _ Illlii 111111111111111 [11111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111 Ili11111111L1111111111111 -: Style Quality Value Service 3 Charming New Hats Exceptionally Low Priced $500; I-- Every favored Fall style, every smart fabric and color that is new and favored for present wear finds authoritative expres- sion in this distinctive showing. Evening Gowns For Formal 'Occasions $20 Crepes New Frocks Flare Satins In Satin or Georgettes Silk Crepe Chiffons $15 Velvets : There's swing to them, flaring skirts, pleated skirts DELIGHTFUL, and swathed hip lines. exclusive models that boast i C Each is ample proof that a of beautiful drapings to give 4 ,.r,-.l.mnv.-.r r~4rh. ;n fl-nchFI tbm that InVI l7feminie= "I R N WREN THINKING OF BE2AUTY "The Little Store Highlights of The Mode of Big Values"__ _ Revealed In These Handsome Coats For each is an individual creation---distinctive in its line and use of fur. Developed of such fine fabrics as majora, erma, gob- lina, norma, velour de norde, broadcloth and suprema. Misses' Sizes 16 to 20 Women's Sizes 36 to 44 n "iri: A S :':?°.:. v. 8 _ $ $ 1975o 59.50 11