FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1928 .. ... .. r Publihed every marnng except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association The Associated Press is exclusively en- &tled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise eredited in this paper and telocal news pub- lished herein. Entered at the pstoffice at Ann Abor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of posta e granted by Third Assistant Post- master General. Subscription by carrier, $4.o; by mail, $4.50. fticeas Ann Arbor Press Building, May- rd Street Phones: Editorial, 4925; Busines, 2212.. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR KENNETH G. PATRICK Editor............. ,,,....Paul J. Kern City Editor_...........Nelson J. Smith News Editor. ... Richard C. Kurvin 6 orts Editor..... .......,Morris Quinn Women's Editor.......Sylvia S. Stone Editor Michigan Weekly.,. .J. Stewart Hooker Music and lama..........R L. Askren Assistant City Editor. .Lawrence R. Klein Night Editors Clarence N. Edelson Charles S. Monroe seph E. Howell Pierce Roenberg Donal4 J. Klin George E. Simon George C. Tilley Reporters" Paul L.. Adams C. A. Lewis Morris Alexander Marian MacDonald Esther Anderson Henry Merry C. A. Askren N. S. Pickard .._.Bertram Akwith Victor Rabinowit Louise Behymer Ane Schell Arthur Bernstein Rachel Shearer :Seton C. Bovee Robert Silar Isabel Charles Howard Simon L. R. Chubb Robert L. Sloss Frank E. Cooper Arthur R. Strubel Hlen one Edith Thomas_ ouglas Edwards Beth Valentine 'Valborg Egeland Gurney Williams Robert . Feldman Water Wilds Marjorie ollmer George E. Wohgemuth 'William Genry Robert :Woodroofe Lawrence Hartwig roseph A. Russell Richard Jng Cadwell Swanson Charles R. Kaufman A. Stewart RuthaKelsey Edward L Warner Jr. Donald E. Layman ,Celand Wyllie BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER EDWARD L. HULSE Assistant Manager-RA MOND WACHTER Department Managers Advertising........ ...Alex K. Scherer Advertising..............A. James Jordan Advertising .......... Carl W. Hammer Service... . .......Herbert E. Varnum Circulation............":..George S. :Bradley Accounts..............Lawrence E. Walkley Publications..............Ray M. Hofelich Assistants- Irving Binzer Jack Horwich D'onald Blackstone Dix Humphrey Mary Chase Marion Kerr -Jeanette Dale Lillian Kovinsky Vernr Davis Bernard Larson BessieEgeland Leonard Littlejohn Helen Geer Hollister Mabley -...Ann Goldberg Jack Rose Kasper Halverson Carl F. Schemr George Hamilton Sherwood Upton 'Agnes Herwig Marie Wellstead Walter Yeagley - THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1928 Night Editor-GEORGE E. SIMONS PRESIDENT-ELECT HOOVER Although the electoral college will not assemble for a few months, the fact has already become ap- parent that Herbert Hoover will be the next President of the United States. The most rabid Smith sup- porter will concede that. , In an election that was general- ly conceded to him even before election day, the former Secretary of Commerce developed unexpected strength and the latest returns show that he will have more than 440 electoral votes, surpassing the margins of Harding and Coolidge. The crowning blow to Al Smith's hopes came when he lost his own state of New York and the 45 votes therein. The Solid South, so long a Democratic stronghold that Re- publicans paid little attention to it, broke for the first time since 1860, and gave a part of its votes to Hoover. Smith and his men appeared confident even when the betting odds swung to his opponent and the late information came into headquarters. Smith was a man who had the backing of the largest state in the Union and who had been a successful candidate many times. Opposed to him was a man who had never before faced the voters, a man who had never been a can- didate for public office. The re- sulting vote, a crushing landslide, was a tribute to the Republican party: for its government of the past administrations but most of all for its candidate, Hoover. Hoover's record was by far the more outstanding. His record be- fore the war as engineering expert, his record as food administrator, and his post-war record as Com- merce secretary in the cabinets of Harding and Coolidge gave him a command over national affairs Smith could not hope to equal. Smith made a splendid record in governing New York, but at a cru- cial time in foreign affairs, he asked, "The Platt Amendment? Never heard of it!" Hoover was too good a man to leave national affairs. The Amer- ican public realised this, and con- firmed it Tuesday. Certainly, a plish more. His record shines. The American people have left no doubt as to whom they want as their President. His name is Her- bert Hoover. FEDERAL LIQUOR PROBE A few weeks ago there was great uproar hereabouts concerning the proposed federal liquor investiga- tion. The uproar was largely caused by those individuals who thought of federal officers as a gang of thugs who would raid fra- ternity parties, break down' fra-: ternity front doors with axes, and arrest innocent college girls. Then the matter blew over and the up- roar subsided. But since that time things hive; been happening which the Univer- sity campus deserves to know, and the first of these things is that the plan for a federal investigation has not been abandoned. It is reasonably certain, on the other hand, that the federal investiga- tion, when it is instituted, will not comprise raids and rioting, but will be a calm, deliberate, and unevent- ful affair. It will be a survey very like a survey by University officials themselves would be. The very nature of such an in- vestigation, however, precludes thea possibility of any publicity while it is in progress. The campus can not expect that the arrival of the federal men will be heralded by trumpets, and that a campus Paul Revere will be appointed to ride ahead and warn all students to throw away their liquor. The suc- cess of the investigation in estab- lishing the true conditions at Mich- igan depends on utter secrecy while the survey is in progress, and the fraternities can not expect warn- ing. That the federal men may arrive any time need not be a subject of apprehension, if it is true, for their purpose will be only to discover the actual situation and not to take immediate action. It is up to the student body so to deport itself that action will never be necessary. THE MEDICAL SCHOOL AGAIN Less than eight months ago, the Michigan campus read that, the faculty of the Medical school had voted to inaugurate a general ex- amination at the end of the four year course. This move came at a time when local interest was for the most part centered about the University college. - I l atll~tl/il11II/1////t/1//1/t/// te t ae.RrrI ~fu C1 0b u : + Music And Drama 0 HAILING NEW GENIUS In accordance with our policy of "policing the highway of Art" we are compelled to call attention to the iconoclastic way in which i E. D. P., a high school teacher, who presented sentiments of some value in the Campus Opinion yesterday, mistreats the English language. The particular words in question are "pedagouge," to indicate a teacher, and "asperions," to signi- fy some form of uncomplimentary remark. An occasional mis-spelling sug- gests laxity among the sophomore "devils" who read proof in "the Hole," but repetition of the error implies quite frankly an ulterior motive on the author's part. If we are to give E. D. P. credit for such motives we must admit a certain amount of novelty in the coinage of "pedagouge" to mean teacher. Gouge is a very colorful word. It suggests digging things out with a blunt instrument-perhaps knowledge, or something similar. It also suggests the "shyster" type of person. A gouger is no gentle- man. A tyro at philology might find still another interpretation, involving the translation of ped- agouge (peda-foot, gouge- to dig or injure) to mean one who uses his feet with malice aforethought. In any case, a pedagouge according to. the new interpretation is one whom one would not care to in- troduce to his mother. But in the case of asperions we confess ourselves stumped. It is too euphonious to be nasty, too novel to permit examination. To us personally it recalls Hypatia, the lovely mistress of valorous Romans, so we can only congratulate E. D. P. for courage and originality when, faced by the English language- while at the same time murmuring a fervent prayer for the very- younger generation who still have etymological adventures in high school ahead of them. R. L. A. o- o- About Books THE LAST OF THE GREAT VICTORIANS P" I .11 r One finds it hard to realize that: Max Beerbohm is still alive and that a new book has recently come from him. For he is the lone emi- nent survivor of the late Victorian age: a man who combined his ac- quaintanceship with such worthies as Austin Dobson and others of the genial and austere school with friendships and working experi- ences with Aubrey Beardsley, Oscar Wilde and others of the fiery school. But one finds it more easy to un- derstand the survival of this man when one penetrates the sur- face of his works. In his latest, "A Variety of Things,"* one finds little that is antedated olr stodgy in viewpoint, and much that is fascin- ating, and fresh, and lasting. Beerbohm is essentially of the I genial school-those good writers who have more enjoyment and ac- complish more by making guarded fun of people and institutions than, they could get by throwing a thousand bricks in the Mencken manner. The books are never to be read on street-cars, or in the few minutes before dinner. One should settlesdown before a grate fire to toast one's shins-have smokings and apple near at hand -and then one can revel in the play of this man's mind and fancy.j In this new book there are twoi essays that especially commend themselves to the reader. "The Spirit of Caricature" is a defense of that art which has found little foothold in England and less in the United States. Just now, through the machinations of those two clever Mexicans, Covarrubias and Hidalgo, we are coming in this country to appreciate the things which Beerbohm here sets down in his inimitable manner of apology. "Not That I would Boast" is an- other which is in the matchlessl style of this master of the essay. Dealing wholly in personalities it makes a moving picture which is invested with all that makes the in- timate essay the most charming and the most restful form of litera- ture. These two represent the spirit of the book-essays set down by a, gentleman and a genial wit. "A Variety of Things" should be in the library of every person who likes good writing, an inimitable style, and the constant flash and sparkle of a genuine and fascinat- ing personality, the like of which we produce too rarely in these journalistic and hyper-sexual days. *By Max Beerbohm. Alfred Knopf. New York. $3.00. R CA Today Only Another M. G. M. Revival Week Special RAMON Packed with red- blooded action and oriental intriue/ Comedy News Tomorrow Only WILLIAM HAINES in "WEST POINT" Saturday Only That sensational masterpiece which placed her in the cinema hall of fame. GRETA GARBO and JOHN GILBERT Made by Mrs. Murphy Assures a Party of a Good Star Dial 8339 to order I-- CANDIES SODA LUNCHES Under Michigan Theater Sign .iILILLILILLLLLLILLILILILLLILLILILLLILLILLILILLIIIILLLLLILILII1| 1|11LLILlILLLILLLLLILL iLL L 11fr I ."A IZ r-2i . to 11 ?iNrtt1j 46P Chocolate Camp Hot Fude undae! Hot Chocolate! You Never Tasted the Equal 516 William ... one block from State. ineys own Ice Cream Shipped Daily from Grand Rapids I in THE DEVIL" 'FLESH AND i' _ _ ,-, Il .d GJ.-. Ii La L.1 WJ l.d6 Detroit SmhoyOrchestra will give two concerts in Hill Auditorium. Monday, November 12 FIRST CONCERT It was, spoken of at the time as one of the most singular strides inI the field of education recently ac-a complished upon this campus; and+ looked upon from the view of theI very important functions which the doctor must perform in relation to human life, it seemed to be an im- portant step in the development of professional education. As the Medical school has recog- nized the genuine need for compre- hensive preparation as a prerequi- site for the practice of medicine and has sought to supply that pre- paration, it has also recognized that it is easily possible for men, who either by interests or abilities are not fitted for the practice of medicine, to enter the school and7 spend a great deal of time need- lessly in the pursuit of studies for which they will have no later use.+ Together with this realization, the Medical school has found it necessary for some time now to limit its enrollment. Admission to the school has thus become a semi-} competitive matter. As a means towards insuring the Medical school that it will receive only thel most qualified of its applicants, the+ Board of Regents have approved the appointment of a Counsellor of Premedical students. At the re- quest of Dean Cabot of the Medi- cal school, Mr. Harvey Emery has been appointed to the post. It will be his task to meet with each premedical student, discuss his individual problems, and try to assist in their solution. He is to be in touch with the various facultes concerned and to be fam- iliar with the requirements of the various Medical schools. In view of the fact that his office' may be able to throw light on some] of the problems of the UniversityI college when it begins to function next year, and because of the quite1 evident assistance which a pre-I medical counsellor should be able to give to a large number of stu- dents, the new office may wellc assume a position of genuine serv-1 ice to the University and its stu- dent body.c ** * LABORATORY PRODUCTION This evening Play Production, under the direction of Valentine B. Windt, will produce, for laboratory purposes only, Rachel Crothers' railroad comedy, "The Little Journey." The story in brief has to do with the love affair of a certain young city-bred girl, on her way from New York to the far West to live with some kind of an aunt. She is poor. Her New York lover is poor. Consequently and in spite of the romantic conventions, they part in the first act. Three days out of New York there is a train wreck. A hero saves the girl's life. The emotional shock makes the rest of the passengers think of God -with the natural result of hys- teria. The scene.changes, the pas- sengers get religion in the desert, there is no mail robbery-as there really should be-and the girl mar- ries her saviour. The richness of the character parts makes the play admirable for casting experiments. R. L. A. * * * DETROIT CIVIC THEATER The Barrymores' great New York success, "The Jest," by Sem Benelli is the Detroit Civic Theater presen- tation for the next two weeks, having opened Monday night, with George Blackwood, Craig Ward, and Miriam Sears in the leading roles, and Vera Allen and Walter Sher- win in prominent parts. This thrilling and challenging drama is the most famous and most popular of modern Italian plays, being first produced in New York with John and Lionel Barry- more, and later with Basil Sidney at the Plymouth Theater, where it won tremendous applause. Since its first appearance in Rome in 1909 it has never been out of pro- duction in Italy, and as a stage vehicle for Sarah Bernhardt it was produced with great success in Paris. The Civic Theater produc- tion affords an exceptional oppor- tunity to see the play, which has never toured in America and which will not be shown again in Detroit for a number of years, as it is an expensive and scenically gorgeous production. Thrilling drama, lightning plays of humor, scenes of passionate hate and tender love, make up the Victor Kolar, Conducting SCHOOL CHILDREN admitted free. in charge of their teachers will be Edith Rhetts, Lecturer ADUL TS may purchase tickets at the School of Music at 5Oc each. SECOND CONCERT 8:15 P. M. - THIRD CHORAL UNION CONCERT I t IT'S THE PEOPLE THAT COUNT, NOT THE PLACES There is one very decided virtue in the way that Konrad Bercovici has handled the sketches in his new book, "Nights Abroad."* And that virtue is that he has dealt more with the people that he saw and heard about-people hidden away in the corners of the Contin- ent who vivified the life and the ideals of the country-than with mere incidents of travel and typi- cal sightseeing. There is much of the personal, a little of the whim- sical, and more that is highly in- triguing in this work. Bercovici is a master of the fine art of drawing a picture with words-colored, swift-moving, fas- cinating words. His descriptions sparkle and the narration moves with never a hitch until the picture is completed. Real people move in and out of the sketches, people who live and move and have their be- ing in the atmosphere which this author knows so well and senses so accurately. There is never a dull moment'in this book, or a moment when one says, "I've heard that be- fore." Here is a man who has "done" the continent in the style' of a master and has taken from it the best that it had to offer- pleasant contacts and associations with people and places and things. "Havana" is a fascinating bit of a sketch which is almost a short story and yet retains all of the color and the personality which Bercovici has injected into every line of this book. The girl is the girl that lived across the alley, the girl we saw from the tram that bright fall afternoon, the girl at whom we made eyes throughout the whole performance of "Porgy." She is alive, vibrant and individual. This is indeed a fascinating book for those who like the unusual the Victor Kolar, Conducting Vladimir Horowitz, Pianist Patrons are requested to come on time as the doors will be closed during numbers; and also to detach before leaving home and present for admission Coupon No. 3, reading "Horowitz." i4 1/till If { I 9) iN I,, p,, / , YOU'LL find that Kellogg's Pep Bran Flakes are better bran cakes. There's nothing like that peppy flavor of PEP or that unusual crispness. Try these better bran flakes. You get the nourishment from the wheat. Just enough bran to be mildly laxative. Order some today at your campus cafeteria or the- fraternity restaurant. Made by Kellogg of Battle Creek. lift The mostpopular cereals served in the dining-rooms of American colleges, eating clubs and fra- ternities are made by Kellogg in Battle Creek. They include Pep Bran Flakes, ALL-BRAN, Rice Krispies, Krumbles, Corn Flakes and Kellogg's Shredded Whole Wheat Biscuit. Also Kaffee Hag Coffee -the coffee that lets you sleep. ==.L 1 IP'P~i I _ _ _ 0 I' I I :