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November 08, 1928 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-11-08

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, NOVEMBER 8, 1928,

7." ~




Detroit Symphony Orchestra, Led
By Victor Kolar, will Present
Other Half of Program
Vladimir Horowitz, noted pianist,
will combine with the Detroit Sym-
phony Orchestra next Monday
night in presenting-the third num-
ber on the current Choral Union
series. Victor Korla will be con-
ductor of the orchestra.
In the afternoon, preceding the
regular night concert, more than
5500 school children will be pres-
ent at a special concert to be
given at 2:45 o'clock in Hill audi-
torium. A novel program has been
aranged for the children. When
accompanied by their parents or
chaperones, the children will be ad-
mitted free. A special explanatory'
discussion will be given by Miss
Edith Rhetts, an authority in the
particular field.
The soloist, Vladimir Horowitz,
who will make his only appearance
in the regular night concert, has
been hailed by many as "the
Paderewski of his generation." He
was born twenty-three years ago in
Kiev, Russia, a son of a family of
wealth. At the age of six he be-
gan studying piano with his
mother, who was an accomplished
pianist. Seven years later, he en-
tered a conservatory to study
under Felix Bluemenfeld, a pupil
of the renowed Rubenstein. His
debut in the city of Karkov at the
age of seventeen astounded his
listeners. Since then his has been
a steady rise to fame and he has
been celebrated both in thiscoun-
try and in many countries abroad.
The Detroit Symphony Orchestra,
representing the other half of
Monday's program, has. been heard
many times in Ann Arbor. The
organization is composed of 90
f men,- all of theme solo artists and
many of themmusicians within-
ternational reputations.
Victor Kolar, who will wield the
baton for the occasion, has had1
a career as a musician and or-i
chestisa leader which has taken
=him from early adventures for the
very sustenance by which to sur-
,vive to the heights of accomplish-
ment in the musical world. He has
arranged a program of two num-
bers by the orchestra and a con-
certo in which Horowitz will play
with the accompaniment of theE

Doctor Thomas Lovell was busy,
all yesterday from 1 o'clock in the
morning on, receiving congratula-
tions for electing Hoover, or pre-
dicting his election, no one seemed
to know which.
In an exclusive Daily interview
granted at 5 o'clock yesterday
morning at the corner of State
street and the Nickel's arcade, he
told reporters how his statement of
last Wednesday that "one candidate
is sife, and the other isn't sife"
had kept the wires hot from coast
to coast until Hoover's election was
virtually assured.
The doctor had it hot from
Washington that a photo of him-
self, snapped in an Abe Lincoln
pose beside his newspaper stand,
had run front page in all Washing-
ton, D. C. papere last week over his
confident prediction that Hoover
would win. "It is impossible," he
said, "to estimate the part my

statement played in Ioover's vic-
tory. I thank God that he is in."
It appears probable as a result
of H:ouver's ejection yesterday that
Doc Lovell will have to leave Ann
Arbor for four years to take up
residence in Washington when
hoover appoints him to a position.
in the new Republican cabinet, he
believes. Te appointment was
practically assured early yesterday
morning when a former editor of
The Daily and a personal friend of
the doctor's, introduced Lovell to
Herbert Hoover's son, with a brief'
recapitulation of the sterling Re-
publican campaign work done by
the local cobbler, the Doctor said.
Young Hoover, according to Doc-
tor Lovell's modest confession, was
warm in his thanks for the valu-
able assistance to his father's
cause, and promised that his father
would demonstrate more adequate
appreciation when the time came
for distribution of political plums.


By Dug
Twice the remarkable has hap-
pened! Twice the senior and
junior classes of the University,
have been surpassed in political in-
trigues. One was by our own f1:-ash-
man class.
The freshman class is guilty of
assault and battery. Yesterday aft-
ernoon when a group of "potted"
freshmen came sauntering down
the diagonal with no apparent
malicious intent on their minds,
they were attacked by two groups
of other freshmen armed with,
rather ineffective instruments. Aft-I
er an apparently meaningless
scramble, several of these instru-
Dr. S. R. Light, vice-president ofj
the Upjohn company of Kalama-
zoo, will speak at the second
monthly meeting, of the Prescott
club at 7:30 Tuesday evening, No-
vember 13, in room 303 Chemistry
building. The subject of his talk
will be "The Pharamaceutical De-
velopment of Therapeutic Agents."
The Upjohn company is a large
concern which manufactures phar-
maceutical supplies, and Dr. Light
is a graduate of the University
college of medicine. The company
maintains a research fellowship on
synthetic drugs in the University.
Dean S. T. Dana of the School
of Forestry and Conservation will
speak to the members of the Isaac
Walton league on the local School
of Forestry and Conservation when
that group convenes in its annual
meeting on Nov. 9 and 10 at Lans-

ments were divorced from the
scrambling mob. Upon examina
tion they proved to be nothing
more than campaign slips from the
two opposing political factions that
.re reputed to exist on this campus,
Mtate and Washtenaw.
"Washtenaw may have the Coun-
cil, but State street has The Daily"
is among the most famous last,
lines. However, neither faction gotl
these freshman votes. They just
weren't in for these dirty politics!
We, the spectators, were begin-
ning to hold our breath, for turn-
ing into the Natural Science build-
ing was a girl, and we were afraid
the same performance was to be
repeated. But none of these fresh-
men seem to have forgotten their
high school day when "There is al-
ways time for courtesy" was posted
on every bulletin board. This time
they shoved and elbowed one an-
other in an attempt to place their
ticket in her hand. After ten min-
ute's of watching a score of aspir-
ants striving for her hand, she
calmly informed them, "i'm one of
the candidates in this election."
But while there's life, there's
hope. Half of the thundering herd
were left in a condition to continue,
the desolation.
Oklahoma Argicultural and Min-
ing college also surpassed our
worthy upper classes. A Miss Zula

Dr. A. G. Ruthven, Director, Makes
Award For Research
On Fish
Dr. W. N. Koelz, engaged in re-
search work on fish at the Mu-
seum, has been granted a Loyd
fellowship for further research in
his field, it was announced by Dr.
Alexander G. Ruthven, director of
the Museum.
Dr. Koelz has been engaged for
ten years in examining and cata-
loguing specimens of white fish
and herring for the U. S. bureau of
fisheries. A report of the work
covered by him in these years will
be off the press in several weeks.
The fish that Dr. Koelz is inter-
ested in mainly were brought down
by the successive glaciers that cov-
ered the North American contin-
ent and were deposited in the
Great Lakes and smaller lake of
this region. The fish since that
time have evolved into many dif-
ferent forms even within the same
species. Dr. Koelz is attempting to
discover the fundamental factors
that have caused the change in
the fish, so that future breeding for
the best specimens will be facilitat-
ed. To do this each fish must be
carefully measured, gills, length,
and size.
One of the results of Dr. Koelz'
monumental work is a collection of
.whitefish in the Museum which is
probably the largest in the world.
Dr. Koelz was naturalist with the
McMillan Polar expedition in 1925.
He was directly in charge of all the
biological work, collecting fish,
birds, and other specimens. On
this expedition the party went to
the northern extreme of Green-
land, much further north than the
University's geological station, Mt.
Evans. Dr. Koelz hopes to be able
to' go with McMillan again in the
near future.
Mae Felts was chosen as queen of
the freshman class by no less a
margin than 3,000,000 votes, which
is more than twice the majority
with which our senior class of-
ficers were elected. Did some one
say she was the nation's sweet-

FACULTY GROUP NAMED TO CONDUCT Prof. Robert Cusn-an, Cornell.
The contest will probably be held
NEW YORK CURRENT EVENTS CONTEST in March ba monthearlier than
that of last year. T e executive
In preparation for the annual toric departmen. Three of these body has wbh the rep-
New York Times Intercollegiate, men have served on the committee resent.i'. ehools en-
Current Events contest a faculty in previous years. tered in wiwill an-
The date of the contest has not nounce the ;n a short
committee has been selected to yet been definitely settled, but the time.
supervise the competition and to matter is in the hands of a special
conduct examinations. national executive committee,
The body is headed by Prof. which is endeavoring to set a time'
Esatisfactory to the twenty institu- The Acme o
Everett S. Brown of the political tions participating. This group is
science department, who is the composed of Prof. Ellen D. Ellis,'F1P (- Vr
University of Michigan representa- Mt. Holyoke, chairman; Prof.
tive of the academic council of the ! Henry Huntington, Brown; and
organization. It includes four
other members of the faculty; "
Prof. John L. Brumm of the jour- Get Acquainted With SERVICE
nalism department, Prof. Preston
W en,-fl hlcrn ,. --..- -


N *d

Web and Flange, honorary engi-


neering society, will hold its an-,

nual initiation at 3 o'clock this1
afternoon at the West Engineering t"Plantations in the Tropics" was
Arch, followed by a banquet at the the subject of Prof. D. M. Mat-
Michigan Union at 6:30 o'clock this thews, of the Forestry school, at
evening. The following men, all the meeting of the Forestry club
,members of the senior class, are Wednesday night in Natural Sci-
to be initiated: J. J. Burgess, J.
W. Brown, L. E. Bury, G. C. Ernst, ence building.
W. G. Fyfe, C. H. Gherken, A. W. Prof. Matthews discussed his
Hoy, J. C. Kohl, T. M. Lesly, A. plantation work in Cuba, far east,
W. Miyanaga, S. H. Purdy, W. C. and South America and illustrated
Senkpiel, L. C. Van Mere, L. K. his talk with photographs. He toldI
Wenzel, and L. C. Winklehaus. of the research he had done in the
capacity of consulting forester for
The Charleston and Yale blues the United States Fruit company
have been changed into much more and the Cuba company, both of
stately dances than those that pa- Cuba, where he goes twice a year
raded under these names hereto- to perform work for these con-
fore. cerns.

Ankle-Fashioning, the touch-
down in shoe making. You'll
"cheer" the* thought of an ox-
ford that always fits atthe ankle
and never slips at the heel. .
Opposite Michigan Theater
One Man Tells Another"
543 --The Hamfton
~" 'K Img'orte Black Scotch
Grain; also Broum.




00 .* 40 cr=1

A./"1./lIS/"./"% ". ". '"« ~,d", . ".cede"".A... v"+ +"': ". °1..e"".

Just in from the Mills:
Brown Worsteds
Shadow Striped Bulrush
English Herringbone Worsteds
Oxford Grays
Faint Blue and Gray Stripes
Come in and see them.

- !tlt111111hi l llltttl 1t EEttllttl itl11t# 11 Iil IUIt111111# ll11#11 111111i
' -
What could a gentleman send to the "One and
only" if there were no flowers! For there really is
nothing that can convey the message of affection
so well as flowers.
"Say It With Flowers"


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