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November 08, 1928 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-11-08

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Vol. XXXIX. No. 40.



Last Week More Than 300 Fans
Took Advantage of Opportunity
To Watch Program
Broadcasting from the new studio
in Morris hall, the sixth of current
series of University of Michigan
Night radio programs will be put
on the air between 7 and 8 o'clock
tonight, through WJR-WCX, the
"Good Will Station" of the Rich-
ards Oakland company, Detroit.
Tonight's program, which will be
the second to be broadcast from the
new studio, will be open to the
public. Last week on the opening
night, over 300 visitors took ad-
vantage of the opportunity to wit-
ness the broadcast. The former
band practice hall has been com-
pletely remodeled until today the
local studio ranks with the finest
in Detroit or this part of the coun-
While the artists may be seen
through soundproof windows in
the smaller studio, their voices and
music will be presented to the audi-
ence through a receiving set lo-
cated in the auditorium. The pro-
gram is sent over long distance
phone to the Detroit studio of
WJR, and is switched from there to
the Pontiac station by another
phone., There it is put on the air
and is received back in Ann Arbor
instantaneously. Hence, the pro-
grams travel over 100 miles in go-
ing from 'the interior studio to
the adjoining room.
Cabot Will Speak
In the opening talk on tonight's
program, Hugh Cabot, professor of
surgery and dean of the medical
school, will speak on "The Sur-
geon Views the Grade Crossing Ac-
cidents." This' topic was suggested
by Roy C. 'Vandercook, of the
Michigan Railroad's Association,
for its campaign to reduce the loss
of life in grade crossing accidents.
Prof. William Herbert Hobbs, of
the geology department and direc-
tor of the University of Michigan's
expedition to Greenland, will ex-
expound his belief that the future
air route to ¢Europe will be via
Greenland. Professor Hobbs gain-
ed nationwide recognition during
the past summer when his party
rescued the Rockford Fliers follow-
ing their mishap in the wastes of
"Acoustics of Auditoriums" will
be the title of the third talk on the
program to be given by Prof. Daniel
L. Rich, of the physics department.
Professor Rich has been engaged
in extensive research in that field
and will tell of his investigations.
Program Includes Music ...
The concluding address will be
given by Prof. E. Blythe Stason, of
the law school, who will speak on
"The Liability of Passenger Carri-
ers by Motor Bus." Professor Sta-
son is probably the best informed'
man on that topic in the country
The musical part of the program
will be furnished by the University
School of Music String Ensemble
Orchestra, under the direction of
Joseph E. Maddy, head of the pub-
lic school music department of that
school. The feature artist will be

Albert Lockwood, head of the
pianoforte department of the
School of Music, who will play
Etude-Murmurings in the Forest,
by Liszt and Gavotte by Ruben-


Yesterday the big news was the
election; today the football num-
ber of the Gargoyle will claim the
attention of the campus. Filled
from cover to cover with cartoons
and text that deal principally with
the most spectacular of games, the
November issue of the best in
campus fun is one of the best ever
offered-and is certainly the best
football number Garg has ever at-
For those whose time is at a pre-
mium, cartoons by Lee Blaser, '32,
Jerry Ellison, '31, and the well-
known "Litchty," ,29, will produce
laughs at a glance. Text by A. K.
President-Elect Asks For Unity Of
Opinion, Cooperation In
First Message
(By Associated Press)
7.-Looking upon Republican vic-1
tory as a. vindication of great is-
sues and a determination of the
true road of progress, Herbert
Hoover in his first message to the
American people as president-I
elect, late today asked for a co-I
operation and unity of spirit of
all leaders of opinion and of ac-

Gage, Jr., '29, Edwin Forbes, '29,
Gurney Williams, '31, and others,;
guarantee laughs for those whoj
read their magazines in a more:
leisurely manner.
The regular departments have'
been augmented by a new one-
"Diagonal Slants." Under this
heading all that is new on campus
is presented in a manner that is
both amusing and informative. Re-
views of the current books, thej
sports, and the drama, and thej
usual keen editorials are all to bel
found within Garg's November
At fifteen cents Gargoyle is
( Notice to holders of Gargoyle
J Subscription Cards:
All holders of Gargoyle Sub-j
I scription Cards should claim
their November issues at the
( Gargoyle Campus Booth loca-
I ted in University hall, directly
( across from the recorder's office.
1 The Booth will be open from 8 t
[ to 5. Individual copies may also
( be purchased at this booth. (
Carl U. Fauster,(
Business Manager.(
o o
unique in the field of college hu-1
mor publications, and this partic-
ular issue contains more real fun
in the line of art and copy than
any other college publication sell-I
ing at nearly twice the price.





tion for the common service for
the country.
"I can make no adequate ex-SC D A M S
pression of gratitude for the over-
whelming confidence of our peo- President Shaw Names Committees
ple, who without regard to section, To Investigate Methods
or interests have selected me for Of Publication
president of the whole United'
States," he said. WILL NOT PUNISH EDITORf
"There has been a vindication of
great issues and determination of (By Associated Press)
the true road of progress. The EAST LANSING, Mich., Nov. 7-
Republican party has again been President Robert S. Shaw of Michi-
assessed with a great responsibility. gan State College today appointed
In this great hour there can be4a committee of five to investigate
for me no feeling of victory or a report on methods of publication
exultation. Rather it imposes a of "The Eczema" a scandal news-
sense of solemn responsibility of paper which created a sensation on
the future and of complete inde- the campus yesterday. The publi-
pendence upon divine guidance for cation was issued by initiates into
the past which the greatest office Pi Delta Epsilon, a national jour-
in the world imposes. nalism fraternity.
"That task is to give the best The committee rollows: Prof. A.
within me, to interpret the common H. Nelson, of the English depart-
sense and the ideals of the Ameri- ment; Robert A. McGinnis, Royal
can people. I can only succeed in Oak and editor of the State News;
my part by the cooperation and official campus newspaper; M. W.
unity of spirit of all leaders of Avery, East Lansing; Harry Burris,
opinion and of action for the com- Ste. St. Marie, and editor of the
mon service of our country." Wolverine; college year book, and
The president-elect maae public James E. Hasselman, director of the
his statement at the first confer- publications. Burris was one of the
ence with newspapermen he had editors of the most recent issue of
held since his election had been "The Eczema.y
assured. The commm'-ee w~il lay down for-
mal rules to which editors of pub-
Aications must adhere. President
Shaw today indicated that he would
For Pan-Hellanic Ball not follow out intentions announc-
______ed yesterday of- disciplining the ed-
Completion of the list of chaper- itors of the publication.
ones for the Pan-Hellenic ball on 0 o
the night of November 30 was an- I FREHMAN CLASS
nounced yesterday by Ailene Yeo, ( ELECTIONS
'30, chairman of the affair. A par- (-j
tial list only was given in Tuesday's|( Today
Daily. ( Freshman Architects, 5 I
The chaperones will be President ( o'clock, Arch. bldg.
Clarence Cook Little and Mrs. Lit- I Freshman Pharmics, 5 o'clock,
tie, Dean Joseph A. Bursley and [ 303 Chem. bldg.
Mrs. Bursley, Dean John R. Ef- 0 0
finger and Mrs. Effinger, Miss
Grace Richards, Miss Alice Lloyd, PROF. VAN TYNE EL
Miss Beatrice Johnson, Miss Ethel
McCormick, Prof. Fielding H. Yost STUDENT COU
and Mrs. Yost, Prof. Arthur B.
Moehlman and Mrs. Moehlman, Elaborating his stand taken pub-
Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Christian, licly Sunday morning in a Daily
Prof. Waldo Abbott and Mrs. Ab- interview, Prof. Claude H. Van-
bott, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Smith, Prof. Tyne of the history department
William A. Frayer and Mrs. Frayer, yesterday submitted the following
Dean Hugh Cabot and Mrs. Cabot, letter to The Daily:
Mr. Wilbur Humphreys, Dr. Mar- "I think that I am quite ready
garet Bell, and Prof. Everett Brown to leave to the judgment of the
and Mrs. Brown, public which has read my inter-

After Defeat, Smith Announces His
Decision to Nevir Again Run
For Public Office
(By Associated Press)
Closing tabulations of Tuesday's
election have continued to reinforce
the tremendous popular frte by
which Herbert Hoover and Charles
Curtis have amassed majorities in
states, having 444 electoral units
arid left Alfred E. Smith and J. T.
Robinson, leading in others with
only 87.
The late returns have served only
to emphasize the immensity of the
Republican sweep that embraced
the entire west and most of the
east and also extended in four ra-
tionally Democratic states of the
south-Virginia, North Carolina,
Florida and Texas.
Count Nears End
With less than a scattered quar-
ter of the nation precincts remain-
ing uncounted, the Hoover majority
had rolled up in 40 states. Smith
held a lead in eight others, six of
them in the south and two in the
east, Massachusetts and Rhode Is-
land. Only Alabama, Georgia,
South Carolina, Mississippi, Arkan-
sas and Louisiana, all in Dixie, re-
mained definitely under the Demo-
cratic banner. When more than
three-quarters of the popular vote
was recounted to a total exceed-
ing thirty millions, Hoover was
pulling away from Smith with a
margin of approximately 5,000,000.'
By the same mandate with which it
settled a Republican administra-
tion, the electorate likewise in-
creased that party's majority in the
two houses of Congress and gave
Republicans a lead in most of the
34 gubernatorial contests.
Following a trend established
early on election night, the Hoo-
ver advantage swung steadily along
in every section of the country. It
soon brought from Gov. Smith a
concession of his defeat, to be fol-
lowed by his announcement that
after a quarter of a century in
politics he expects never to run
for office again.
Smith Issues Statement
Expressing his gratitude to those
who suported his cause, the gov-
ernor said the "American people
have rendered their decisions; I am
a Democrat and I firmly believe in
the rule of the majority.'
At his California home Mr. Hoo-
ver relaxed to the elation of victory
and prepared an expression of his
gratitude to the public.
The strangeness of the new po-
litical map painted at the polls is
best reflected in the historical con-
trariness of the Republican vote in
the democracies of Texas, Florida,
North Carolina and Virginia and the
turn of Republican Massachusetts
and Rhode Island to the Smith
standard. Texas was a nip and
tuck battle at the outset but in the
late returns there in the three
sister states Hoover forged ahead.

" a
Send Them Off Royally!
I Three weeks ago a Michigan
I team left for Ohio State to playj
j a game of football. At that !
I time, it was a losing team and
j had little prospect of winning j
its game. Everyone on the j
j Michigan campus sent them off
j with the best of luck, mentally. I
I That is too often the way with
j a losing team. They did not(i
gather at the station to bid I
farewell. And the team did lose. I
Today, a Michigan team
( leaves for Baltimore to play the I
I United States Naval academy. I
A Michigan team is to be sole I
representative of the Western I
Conference in the East, Satur-
day. It is a team that has lost
more games than ordinarily. I
But at that, it is a winning
Michigan team!
j The Varsity is going East.
j Few Michigan supporters will be
j there to raise it to the heights I
of last week. It may lose. But I
j while they are here, why not I:
j give the men on the team a
I real sendoff? That winning I
j team leaves the Michigan Cen-
I tral depot at 4:30 o'clock this I
( afternoon. Why not express
I appreciation for the game last I!
I Saturday? Why not buoy it up I
with a will to "Sink the Navy."'
I Bolt classes! Stop work! Cut j
I dates! But get there! Add someji
measure to the appreciation and j
I support the Varsity football j
j team and coaches deserve.
j They'll need it and remember itji
Saturday! 1
Terrible Scenes In Villages And In
Country Described By
Eye Witnesses
(By Associated Press)I
CAPANIA, Sicily, Nov. 7.-Eye
witnesses of the molten torrents
flowing out of Mount Etna de-
scribed the spectacle as so awful
it can be compared only with de-
vastating offenses of the World
war. The steadily flowing stream
had infested trees and houses and
literally eaten them up.
Maintaining a rate of more than
100 yards an hour the lava is con-
suming life like a hungry monster
and destroying the most fertile and
the most cultivated land in Sicily.
Great crowds of steam arise
when its heat reaches the vats of
the distilleries which produce citric
acids and other chemicals.
People continue to flee the ad-
vancing fire with household be-
longings thrown on any makeshift
Svehicleand with barnyard animals
trudging along.

While the 'varsity grid team is
engaging the Navy at Baltimore
Saturday, students of the Univer-
sity will have two opportunities to
show their loyalty to their school.
One will be in attending the "B"
team contest with Alma college,
and the other in attendingethe
gridgraph to be shown in Hill audi-
torium by the Alumni association.
The junior 'Varsity game will be
the second and final of the season
to be played in Ann Arbor. Results
of thep Mih hi %x N v bn tla ull hi



v, Lil lulu -vJy iu willo e Committee Appointed To Confe
given out at important stages, at With Alumni Chairman
the second string game which will For Furtherance
be played on Ferry field. -
No further announcement con
TL EDcerning the student investigatio:
of younger faculty members wa
BY u forthcoming at the regular meet
ing of the Student council 'as
night, except that no final draft c
the questionnaire has yet bee:
Give First Of Series Of Private made.
Presentations Tonight, The committee of the Studei
council, composed of Frederick IV
PRESENT CROTHER PLAY Asbeck, '29, Kenneth G. Patrick, '2
PE N C TE P and Ernest C. Reif, '30, is still con
Play Production will present the ferring with representatives of th
first of its series of private pres- University's administration on th
entations of laboratory productions details of the plan to be followe
tonight and tomorrow night at in the student investigation, an
8:15 o'clock in University auditor- on the points to be covered in
ium. Admission is by invitation possible questionnaire.
only, but the supply of available Nothing more definite has bee:
tickets has been exhausted and no arrived at, according to the com
mittee, than that a system of in
more applications can be accepted, terviewing students on instructor
according to Valentine B. Windt, merits would be desirable, and th
director of Play Production. The a system of interviewing alumi
vehicle for the first presentation would be equally desirable. Not
is Rachel Crother's, "A Little Jour- ing definite has been decided as t
ney." whether or not any reports th
Tonight's presentation is in line may be received from students wi
with the new policy of Play Pro- be anonymous.
duction, namely to give all per- Plan To Aid Campanile
sons interested in the theater an Councilman David W. Wheele
opportunity to get real experience '29, was appointed to confer wit
in certain fields and finally to pre- Oscar A. Eberbach, '06, Ann Arbc
sent their combined efforts, devel- alumni chairman of the Burto
oped in the laboratory, before an Memorial campanile committee, i
audience appreciative of the pur- an effort to discover means where
pose and ultimate aims of the by the student body can cooperal
movement. with alumni organizations to fu
Windt has expressed the new ther the erection of the memoria
policies of the Play Production sec- This action follows last year's a
tion of the department of speech in tivity on the part of the. counc
a credo in which he states that, that organized sentiment in fav
"Play Production wishes to dedi- of the memorial.
cate itself as a laboratory work- The council moved adoption of
shop for all students of the Uni- plan submitted by Paul J. Kern, '2
versity of Michigan seriously in- council president, for the checkin
terested in any or all of the the- of graft in class committees, an
ater arts, and ultimately to serve today the plan as adopted will I
the community at large by mount- carried for ratification to. J. I
ing plays of merits with distinc- Bursley, dean of students, or to t
tion." , Senate Committee on Student A
"A Little Journey" has eighteen fairs. The final form in which
persons in its cast. In keeping with passes that body will be publishe
the policies as expressed no play- in The Daily.
ers are featured; on the contrary, inThFaly.aesAnone
the entire work is submitted as a Fall Games Announced
unit representing combined effort Fall games, to consist of a fla
of all departments of Play Pro- rush, a cane spree, and a pillo
duction. fight will be held on Ferry field t
morning of the Iowa game, accor
' ing to Councilman Robert Warre
Carillon Committee to '29, in charge of fall and spri
Meet Tonight at Union games. Election of'a sophomoi
captain will be held next week
Contrary to previous announce-Natural Science auditorium und
ments, the organization committee council auspices, and a freshma
representing the classes of '21 to '28 captain will be elected the week b4
will meet in the Michigani on 'fore the games in connection wil
tonight, instead of in AlumniMe-the Union's program of undercla
morial hall. meetings.
More definite plans for the pur-, Homecoming week-end has bee
chase of the carillons to be in- set by Councilman Richard
stalled in the proposed Burton Spindle, '29, as the week-end of ti
Memorial Companile will be ar- Iowa game, when a cup will be pr
ranged at' this meeting and sev- sented to the best decorated frate
eral others which will follow in nity house as judged by a coimi
quick succession, according to Wal- tee of townsmen and students.
ter Greiner, '25E, chairman of the The council moved to accept ti
committee, results of the freshman, class ele
tions as determined by the fir
THE WEATHER count in the literary college, by t
(ysIed esfirst count in the engineering cc
(By Associated Press) lege election of president, vicE
Fair Thursday, somewhat cooler president, and treasurer, and 1
in southeast portions; Friday gen- the first recount in the case of l
erally fair. engineering freshman treasurer.
Washtenaw Party Wins Freshman Literary
Election By Landslide; Engineers Elect Head
Sweeping through the freshman swer to the attendant appla
literary elections by the .largest and at the finish of the secon
majorities polled this fall, the someone made an ernest appe
setfor "flowers." The cheering oft
Washtenaw ticket yesterday swept surpassedethat of last year wh
all four candidates into office in a Washtenaw sent the same 2
decisive manner. The election was trained men to each class electi
featured by the fact that printed The most amusing incident of
slips bearing party tickets were occurred when Councilman Ken

distributed during the afternoon, '29, gravely assured the class th
and these are said to have been now they were to vote and remin
approved from the office of the ed them that they were to pay
dean of students. attention to the printed slips bea
Edward J. McCormach, (W), de- ing the tickets. "You are perfeci
feated Arthur Sutton, (S), for the free in your choice for each c



Payments on unpaid sub-
scriptions to The Michigan
Daily are due not later than
Nov. 15. After that date the
subscription price will be ad- I
vanced to $4.50 on all unpaid I



Michiganensian Announces November 15 Final
Date For Publication of Senior Class Pictures

Seniors pictures for the 1929
Michiganensian must be in by
Noember 15, according to an an-
nouncement made yesterday by the
editorial staff of that publication.
After that date it will be impossible
to have pictures inserted in the
senior section.
Plans for this year's annual in-
clude space for a certain number
of senior pictures and because that
quota has nearly been filled the
next few applicants will be assign-
ed to the remaining space. The

office, after which they must make
individual appointments with the
photographers of their preference.
To date many who have signed for
pictures with the business staff
have failed to make appointments
with photographers. It was em-
phasised by Stanton W. Todd, '30,
senior editor of the 'Ensian, that
Nov. 15 was also the time limit for
appointments with photographers
to be made.
There will be two minor changes
in the senior section to be made

view and your editorial the merits
of the matter in question. You do
not touch the matter of SECRECY
and ANONIMITY both of which are
fundamental as outlined in your
scheme as outlined in the Daily on
Thursday, November 1, and in
your editorial on the following day.
You dodge my point about instruc-
tors having to do principally with
freshmen, for you cannot have
your senior investigators in Fresh-
man classes and have them secret
-not even if they wear false
whiskers and masks. May I add
that I think it would have been a
little more loyal and upright of
the member of the History Depart-
ment "who has been here 18 years,"

In answer to the repeated criti-
cism of Professor Van Tyne con-
cerning the proposed student sur-
vey of younger faculty men, a
statement was given out last night
by an officer of the council, as fol-
"Professor Van Tyne, in his most
recent communication, is in error
on the following points:
"1. Neither the Student Coun-
cil nor any of its committees have
as yet completed any plan what-
soever for the proposed survey.
Since no definite plan has been
prepared it follows that no provi-
sion has been made for SECRECY
and ANONYMITY. If The Daily
Michigan Press Group
To Hear Noted Editor
Numbered among the speakers,
for the Michigan Press Conference
to be held the latter part of No-
vember in Ann Arbor will be Ar-

story of Nov. 1 was in error on this l
point, Professor Van Tyne could
have ascertained the facts very
simply from any member of the
council committee. -
"2. Professor Van Tyne is
wrong in stating that The Daily
editorial of last Friday mentioned
fundamental in the scheme. As1
a matter of fact The Daily edi-
torial of that date did not mention
either secrecy or anonymity at all.
Professor Van Tyne can verify this,
fact by reference to the files of The
"3. Professor Van Tyne also'
misquotes The Daily editorial of
Tuesday morning. His quotation
reads "who has been here 18
years." The Daily editorial read,
"with 18 hours in the history de-
partment." The misquotation is
fundamental in one of the points
Professor Van Tyne suggests.
"4. No freshman will be asked
to report on an instructor. If there
is any instructor with no upper-

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