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November 07, 1928 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-11-07

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Happy Warnor Vanquished


(By Associated Press)
Gov. Smith's own New York has
dealt his presidential hopes a hard
blow by turning to Herbert Hoover
es tabulation of the state vote1
neared completion.
Having lost his earlier advantage
for the 45 electoral votes, he had
hoped to make the nucleus of a
majority In the electoral college,
Smith found his opponent holding
the lead in all but a handful of
the states which had contributed
to the returns up until 11:30 p. m.
Only in a portion of the south
as Smith running ahead and even
here Hoover was leading in Vir-
lina and Florida, and was. run:
ning close to Smith in Texas.
b #P
Prohibition, Religion, Farm Relief,
Have Upset Traditional
Political Situation
When America went to the polls
yesterday, it brought to a close the
bitterest, most emotional, most ex-
citing, and most uncertain cam-
paign that has ever swept the
Republicans went to bed last
night confident in the knowledge
that normally there are 5,000,000
more followers of the elephant
than the donkey. Democrats, if
they went to bed, felt secure in the
knowledge that this year the poli-
tical and emotional issues have cut
squarely across both parties.
Split Issues Helped Smith
Anti-Catholic hysteria unques-
tionably was making great inroads
into the solid south, but insufficient'
to warrant more than a guess that
.any state, even North Carolina or
Virginia, might find itself in the
Hoover column. On the other
hand the wet plank that Smith
wrote into his own platform was
giving Secretary Work palpitations
every time he thought of the great
cities of the North and East, and
the fact of Smith's rise from the
masses was not counted on to lose
him votes in the great industrial
Mud-slinging of the roaring-
nineties variety also made its ap-
pearanc, In marked contrast to
the dignified campaigns of more
recent times. Republicansspent a
good deal of time assailing Smith
as a Tammany tool and recalling
the days of Boss Tweed, while
Democrats, including Smith, have
asked Hoover how Teapot Dome,
graft in the veteran's bureau, and
the Republican machines in Chi-
cago and Indiana fit into his
party's scheme of responsibility.
More constructively, partisans of
Hoover have pointed with pride to
their candidate's splendid record as

Herbert Hoover, Republican standard bearer, willbe the next president of the United States. Sweeping
the country from coast to coast, capturing three states from the solid south, and leaving only seven definite-
ly in the possession of his opponent, the Republican candidate piled up an overwhelming, possibly record-
breaking total of electoral votes.
As returns from up-state New York began early last night to cut down Smith's majority in the city
and gradually to pile up a majority of ioo,ooo forHoover, Democrats conceded the election lost. As
returns came in from outlying districts all over the country, Hoover's lead steadily increased in practically;
all states until they could be placed definitely in the Hoover column.
The Middle West distinguished itself by polling especially heavy majorities for the .Republican candi-
date. Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana, and Iowa lumped their electoral votes into the Hoover
column by good margins. For a while Smith fought Hoover on even terms for Illinois' 29, but as the
down-state precincts reported, it became increasingly apparent that the Smith cause was lost.
Chronological reports by Associated Press follow:
9:00 O'Clock Hoover Smith Michigan, South Dakota and Kan-
With each hour swelling the to- Arkansas ...... 1,678 4,611 sas.
tal vote cast, Herbert Hoover was California ..... 4 5 The head of the ticket appeared
maintaining votes of varying pro- Colorado........5,711 2,671 to be carrying along the state of-
portions over Alfred E. Smith in a Connecticut ... 188,880 185,366 ficers except in Illinois, where the
majority of the states represented. Delaware ........4,645 1,739 Democratic senatorial candidate
in incomplete election returns tab- Florida.........2,841 18,342 was leading, and in Indiana, where
ulated 9 o'clock. Georgia'.........43,713 67,386 the edge in the gubernatorial race
The Republican candidate's ad- Idaho ........ ... 981 506 was held by opposition.
vantage was scattered through the Illinois .........272,138 239,969
East, the Mid-West, the border Indiana ........ 153,437 103,604 11:30 O'Clock
states and in a part of the South, Iowa ............6,871 8,971 Herbert Hoover, Republican presi-
Florida, Texas and Virginia, push-' -dential nominee, took a lead in the
ing him ahead with a small percen- Next President Rocky Mountain and Pacific coast
tage of the votes counted. Smith states when the first returns were
was away ahead in New York and tabulated.
had a small lead in Wisconsin. California, Hoover's home state;
Otherwise his leads were confined gave him a Vote of more than twc
to the south. He forged steadily to one and the majority continued
ahead in disputed North Carolina to swell as the ballots were counted
and held a two to one advantage in Oregon's first returns showed
Alabama and lesser or greater leads Hoover ahead by three to one.
In South Carolina, Georgia and Utah gave Hoover a slight lead.
Arkansas. Idaho voted two to one for
Hoover was expanding his mar- Hoover on first returns.
gin in the three southern states in Colorado's first returns gave
his column at this stage of the "..<:< Hoover a two to one lead.
tabulations. In Massachusetts, Wyoming's first reports showed a
from a josition 2,000 votes behind lead of nearly two to one fo
Smith, Hoover pulled that much Hoover.
ahead when one-sixteenth of the {: New Mexico gave Hoover nearl3
precincts had reported. He had . a lead of two to one on first returns
the usual Republican lead in Maine, Arizona's limited reports showe
as well in front in every other New a close race, 17 out of 462 precincts
England state. Rhode Island, con- giving Hoover 1,125; Smith 1,046.
fidently claimed by Democrats, was ;:..........t10and Missouri.
three to one for Hoover when nine .--
small precincts had been counted. Republican Victor 1:00 O'Clock
Ohio came through with a two Kansas.........67,396 24,456 Texas: 207 counties out of 253;
to one Republican majority as did Kentucky.......357,264 244,653 13 complete; Herbert Hoover 215,-
South Dakota, while Illinois and Louisiana . 75 800 968; Smith, 211,331.
Indiana were in Hoover's column by Minnesota...... 140,115 58,285 Oregon: 212 preenict out of 1,-
smaller margins. Maryland....... 37,115 40,822 783; Hoover, 19,038; Smith, 8,977.
Attracting keen attention be- Massachusetts .. 69,027 48,503 Wyoming: 144 precincts out of
cause it is Governor Smith's own c.. 36,901 13,064 693; Hoover, 7,917; Smith, 4,385.
state and holds 45 electoral votes, Mississippi ... 1,614 9,393 Nevada: 68 precincts out of 244
New York was givig its executive Missouri........ 29,201 23,348 Hoover, 4,822; Smith, 4,052.
a great lead in New York City and Montana.........1,591 1,855 Washington: 232 precincts out o:
putting him well up beh md Hoover Nebraska660 338 2,561; Hoover, 44,871; Smith, 21,615
in the upper counties. Smith's New Hampshire. 34,611 22,315 Kansas: 796 precincts out of 2,-
Wisconsin advantage was small New Jersey .. 2,977 815 667; Hoover, 171,585; Smith, 63,654
and the returns were too meager to New Mexico .... 132 122
suggest a trend. New York ......1,110,496 1,738,759
Electoral votes were tied at 220 North Carolina . 89,547 108,411
margains held by each candidate in Ohio...........314,009 142,679 v
each state were conceded as final. Oklahoma ..... 79,166 50,308
10st OconckPennsylvania ...397,733 207,6221
10 O'Ciock Rhode Island .. 23,095 16,457
Two Democratic newspapers, The South Carolina. 2,690 43,666
New York World and The New South Dakota .. 20,030 12,253
York Times, conceded th e election Tennessee ..... 22,343 25,920. .
to Hoover on a basis of the lead al- Tennssee... 22,343158 25,920-
ready accumulated by the Republi- Texas...........95,158 95,020 NEW YORK, Nov. 6-A statemen
can party. In 1916 these same Utah........ 981 12322 issued at Democratic nationa
cpanprty.cn 191thee smeVemot......3,91t2,36headquarters byMr. Raskob read:
auger concedeotnhe elasion to Virginia........76,326 68,705 "The Democratic party has mad!
son won the election, West Virginia .. 33,305 24,508 a gallant and clean fight for th
- Wisconsin ..... 70,605 46,667 principles in which it believes. Th
DETROIT, Nov. 6.-A constant Wyoming....... 487 . 240 verdict of the American people ha
tide of out-state votes that may as- The trend of Virginia and Florida been rendered, and, in accordance
sume record-breaking proportions to Herbert Hoover drew more with Democratic principles, w
were sweeping the Republican state marked as additional returns cheerfully accept the will of th
and national tickets toward Wayne came in from today's general majority and shall take our place
county, according to the trend of election. in the ranks of the majority o
widely scattered returns Tuesday At 10:30 o'clock Eastern Standard American citizens who desire th
night. Time, the Republican presidential future welfare of our country."
From nearly every section the candidate had nearly 12,000 more (Signed) John J. Raskob.
favoritism for Herbert Hoover, Gov. votes in Virginia than the Demo-

tret wan vheiepub Hcse at tcratiostandard-be rer.out 1 6 New York, Nov i od . Alfred


Al Smith, the happy warrior, has gone down to defeat. But his defeat, after one of the most stirring
political battles of our country's history, is yet a glorious one.
He need not retire from public life until 1932 with the knowledge that he fought and lost and accom-
plished nothing. The noble principles of political integrity, frankness with the people, and vigorous, pro-
gressive administration which he has eloquently upheld, can not die in Republican hands.
These principles he has impressed indelibly on the minds of the public. They have already become a,
part of our unwritten constitution. Smith may, truly be called one of the noblest moral forces in our public
life today.
Like Jefferson in his ideals of Democracy, like Lincoln in his moral integrity and his rise from humbleI
origin, and like Roosevelt in fighting spirit and his progressive energy, Smith stands head and shoulders'
above other figures on the political stage.
Hoover, too, is great, and a worthy leader of the country. But he is great in his stability and conserva-
tism-as a leader to whom the American people can pin their implicit faith that nothing disastrous will
happen in the next four years. From Hoover we can not expect the brilliant, constructive administration
of a Roosevelt or a Wilson.
But Republicanism will not run amuck soon again. Under Hoover we may rest assured that Teapot
Domes, veteran bureau graft, and men like Daugherty, Fall, and Doheny are relics of an obscure past. If
this is assured by Hoover's integrity, it is doubly assured by the fact that Smith ran, for he has instilled
in the people a consciousness that will not again tolerate corruption in high places.
Republican Victory Proves To Be One Of Greatest In History,
Hoover Is Certain Of Receiving At Least 384 Electoral Votes

Piling up what bids fair to be
one of the greatest, if not the
greatest, electoral vote in recent
years, Herbert Hoover appeared the
unquestioned choice of the Ameri-
can people for president at an early
hour this morning.
. Election results, based upon in-'
complete returns, indicated that
Mr. Hoover would win by a total
of at least 384 electoral votes to
Governor Smith's 147. That the
Democratic candidate would poll

eve of the balloting also seemed far
from impossible as Hoover's
strength in Texas and Florida of
the southern states and in Massa-
chusetts, Missouri, and Montana
seemed on the strength of early
returns to be virtually as strong
if not stronger than the New York
Texas with 20, Florida 6, Massa-
chusetts 18, Missouri 18, Rhode Is-
land 5, and Montana 4, total 71
electoral votes to which the Repub-

and Oklahoma, all of which at one
time or another in the past have
supported a Republican president-
ial candidate turned again yester-
day to the Grand Old Party and
and indications were that Florida,
Texas, and Virginia would follow in
Taking the solid Republican
states of Minnesota, Michigan,
Pennsylvania, and Maine, totalling'
71 electoral votes, as a foundation
and adding to them the pivotal
states "of New York with 45. Ohio

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