NOVEMBER 6, 1928 THE MICHIGAN ........... .. ..... .. ..A .. v J-LJ" K, A 14 AL AVA I A b ye 1- in er hE c: H; a m S g b b b et fo al eN P 1 tb A ti th sk w fo es n th H st te we 3ETSY BARBOUR FALLS A.OA.EPTINENR To MARTHA COOK (Editor's note: This is the first IHA N A of a series of articles to explain the A SPPER organization and work of the Wo-" Jpha Epsilon Phi Defeats Alpha men's Athletic Association.) klph EpslonPhi efets AphaHouse Presidents Are Guests at Omicron Pi in Fast Game Every woman on campus onHSuseridens AhGetsc entering the University automati- Supper i Women's Athletic cally has become an inactive mem-'Building ber of the W. A. A. She may use - TOURNAMENTADVANCES the equipment and take advantage MARY WHITEIS SPEAKER Bar- of the coaching supplied by the de- Martha Cook defeated Betsy Ba partment of physical education, but The annual House Presidents' your in a closely contested game she is not actively a part of the supper took place last night in the esterday afternoon. The score was W AA. organization until she has Women's Athletic building, with the -0, the point being made by Zauer signified her interest in some ac- Advisers of Women hostesses to a the early part of the game. Sev- tive sport, either as an individual about 100 guests. Miss Grace Rich- ral times the Betsy Barbour team or on a team. This interest is sym- 'rs isAieLod r.Eia ead the ball within the striking rna e .Thsmrets ym-ards, Miss Alice Lloyd, Mrs. Eliza- . adre ball withinb t sriking bolized by points which are award- beth Woodworth, and Mary White, rle, but were unable to score. ed for participation in sports. 1'29, received the guests upon their ad the backfield been as strong Although the number of points arrival, and the supper was served s the forward line, a tied scre pit erwssre iight have' resulted. Zauer and necessary to attain membership in i shortly after 6 o'clock.. aurborn played their usual good W. A. A. in only one, earning this The decorations for the occasion ame. At one time the Betsy Bar- one involves the acquiring of at were simple, in keeping with the in- our goal was seriously thr.eatened least five. Points are awarded as formal nature of the affair, and y Martha Cook, but clever playing follows: for participation in a major consisted of chrysanthemums and y Edwards, the goal-keeper, avert- sport such as hockey, basketball, lighted candles. Between courses d another goal. Strasser starred and baseball, for the first team, the guests joined in singing Michi- or Betsy, with Willson and Shook 100 points; first squad, 75 points; i gan songs. ;so playing well. second team, 50 points; second After supper, Miss Richards open- In a fast game characterised by squad, 35 points. Participation in ed the short program with a few xcellent team work, Alpha Epsilon a minor sport such as swimming, remarks concerning the relation of hi defeated Alpha Omicron Pi, also track, or golf gives 50 points for the Advisers to the women students. to 0. There were few fouls and the team, and 35 for the squad. I She stressed the idea that the Ad-" he game was fast and well played. Individual activities, which include visers' chief function is that of lpha Epsilon Phi showed excep- horseback riding, bowling, and serving the students, and concluded, onal strength in the backfield, and archery, if competed in twelve her talk by introducing Mary heir clever passing gained for them times a season give 50 points. Hik- White, president of the Women's n advantage. Schwartz, Grabow- ing counts as a point a mile with league. ky, Weiss, and Stone stared for the fivemiles the minimum hike. M inners.T Y points are awarded for iss White urged the house pres- The Alpha Omicron Pi team eping health cards for one month. idents to recognize theerights and )uht Alhamthrohout tegame Swimming tests provide forean responsibilities of the Regents, the ught hard throughout the gamen r hprrearn- Advisers, and the house heads as" pecially at the goal, but the weak- ng for two hundred points, and A - entrance in tournaments and meets well as their own responsibility as ess of their orward line kept net five points for the qualifying agents of student self-government. iem from scoring repeatedly. "Tn tournament and ten for each addi"The Regents are responsible for1 awkins and Maslen. were the out- landing players on the A. 0. P. tional round. every girl in the University,' she amdngtyrss'tve.rPeasy to earn the P.ideclared, "and they have delegated1 am. It is very eayt anterequi- .tei rposblttoheAves Pi Beta Phi and Delta Delta Delta site number of points for member- their responsibility to the Advisers on their games by default. ship in W. A. A. No great profici- dents guarantee to them that we ency is required to hike five miles i takeareof ourselves only on 1terclass Hockey or to pass the first test in swim- condition that if we fail to do so Hy ming. After these points are earn- th ed, upon the payment of one dol- e responsibility reverts to them." Games Played Today lar foil dues, a woman may become The concluding remarks of the an active member in W. A. A. and program were made by Miss Lloyd, In the second series of games of may take part in the advantages who spoke of the new era which te interclass hockey tornament offered for friendly associations Michigan women are entering, cit- hicch will be played at 4:15 today with other women in the keen en- ing as landmarks the new Women's I Palmer field, the freshmen will joyment of sports and the pursuit Athletic building in which the sup- impete with the sophomores, the of a hobby. i per was given, the League building .niors with the seniors, and the to be opened in the spring, and the :n Arbor hockey club with the FRESHMEN GLEE TRYOUTS otley club. All players are re- lested to take heavy coats on the TO BE HELD TOMORROW I Dr. Ruthven Will ld with them if the weather isn ld. -Due to the number of candidates Talk On Museum Wida McClure, '29 Ed., has been who presented themselves for the The members of the American med chairman of the seating and Freshman Glee Club last Friday Association of t Wmen' test committee for the hockey afternoon, and the impossibility of Association of University Women nquet, and Dorothy McKee, '39, giving each one a personal test at will be guests of Dr. A. G. Ruthven, tairman of the decoration com- that time, the try-outs are to be Dean of Administration and Direc- ittee. Women are urged to sign continued at 4 o'clock tomorrow tor of the University museums, and > at the field house if they plan to afternoon at the School of Music, the Museum staff at the Museum tend the oanquet. The club membership is limited to building on Saturday, November 10.r 40 women. Friday afternoon 27 The program will begin with af ards Will Be Put freshmen were tried-outand a sim- tour of the building at 2:30 o'clock,f d Wil Be P filar number more were otan a followed by an address by Dr.s On' Sale This 'Weekp lrnme oewr given cards Ruthven on the "'Museum: Past,g ___ to return tomorrow. If necessary, a resen an Ftue"t . third afternoon this Frid a Present, and Future" Michigan playing cards will be ti afterno th ay, will All women wvho are eligible tov aced for sale by Thursday of this be devoted to the completion of membership in the organization arec ek in 20 sororities, Betsy Bar the try-outs. cordially invited to be present at ur, Helen Newberry, Martha Miss Nora Crane Hunt, Director this meeting. f. lk, Alumnae House, and Adelia of the University Girls' Glee Club, f teever to be sold for the Under- is personally supervising the test- Subscribe to The Michigan Daily,d aduate. C a m p a i g n committee, ing of voices, and June Marshall, $4.00 per year. "-It's worth it! f ilen Jones who is in charge of the ' 29, vice-president of the organiza-I le of these cards annonced to- tion, has charge of the Arrancro- I I0p In NOTICE TO JUNIOR WOMEN One dollar is due from every junior woman for the financ- ing of the Junior Girls' Play. It may be paid on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday after- noon at a table in University hall, or at Barbour gymnasium tomorrow afternoon. Margaret Sibley, Business Manager. Cora Opines My dear, so you know that that Lark person has been circulating remarks to the effect that his lit- tle lesson in grammar has me com- pletely squelched. Imagine that! And here I've been so busy that I simply haven't had time to bother with such trivial subjects, what with elections and football games and everything. And that reminds me, weren't you positively thrilled to death over that game Saturday? My dear, I simply haven't recovered yet. I should think Illinois would be absolutely crushed to think that her unde- feated team had been conquered by ours who hadn't won a victory be- fore. Which makes it all the more glorious for us. You know, if I had been a big man, like Lark for in- stance, I probably would have given the reception committee stationed at the door of the Michigan some- thing to get excited about Saturday night. (For further details see me or the theater manager or some other person of importance.) Well, I started out to tell Lark that he was wrong all wrong in thinking that I wouldn't say any- thing more. It all goes to show that he doesn't know women very well, though he does pretend to be a connaisseur on the subject. Women usually have the last word in most matters and I am no ex- ception to the rule. But why should I ruin my perfectly good original style to copy some prosaic old one that someone took up years and years ago? Unless you are origi- nal or something you don't get very far in this world any more. I don't belj.eve Lark knows that funda- mental principal, though. NOTICE The Women's Educational Club will have a meeting at 4 o' ?lock Wednesday, November 7, at the Women's Field House. All vomnen interested in Teaching are urged to attend. Tea will be served. Hellen R. Shaumbaugh, Faculty Sponsor. Simultaneous with the , an- nouncement that the Michigan football coach discourages men from making dates with the women students for the various football games because of the decrease in the cheering sections, Boston Uni- versity reports that because many of the poorer students felt the price of football games to be above their financial reach, but since "the other fellow" would take his girl if he did not attend, all home games this fall will be free to students. Phone 4161 I Mack & Co. I We Deliver d5 Zodet's Chypre perfume in gold silver gift box. and $3.00 value for .............$1119 Coty's new purse perfume in metal con- tainer. Priced at ..................$1.50 Coty's new single compact .....$200 Musical powder boxes. Priced from .......$600 to $1000 Pearl or amber dresser sets in all colors. Three piece set .............$500 Ten piece set ..............$10200 _ _ _ _ I