ESTABLISHED 1890 Air Ar AL IdL - -A-Age r t a1133 MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS Vol. XXXIX Np. 38AANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1928 PRICE FIVE CENTS I, I HOOVER WINS REST PERIOD GREAT SSUES MAKES PLEAS CIAND EARNEST TO CAST BALLOTS PROCLAIMS THAT BALLOT GREATEST PEACE-TIMEA OBLIGATION IS TRAVELS 13,000 MILES Cheering Crowds Welcome Hoover Back to Palo Alto, There to Quietly Cast His Vote (By Associated Press) . PALO ALTO, Cal., Nov. 5.-Her- bert Hoover left his campaign for the presidency in the hands of the voters tonightsand sat down in the comfort of his Palo Alto home to await their decision. With three months of work and almost 13,000 miles of traveling; behind him, the Republicans can- didate rached the end of his homewaikl path here late today and tomorrow he will join the great army of voters at the polls. His final plea to the electorate was in the form of a 15-minute talk over the radio from the study of his home tonight. This was to be non-partisan in character, it was announced,.and in the shape of an' appeal to the citizens of the coun-. try" to exercise their right of bal- lot. Covers Variety of Subjects In his discussions, the candidate had doubtless a variety of subjects but with chief stress laid upon agri- culture, the tariff, prosperity, pro- hibition, labor, immigration and the co-operation of government and industry. And through all of his speeches there had been a cur- rent of facts which considered each of the phases in the light of its importance to the American home. His first discussion of what he considered are the issues involved in the campaign was made in his acceptance speech in Palo Alto al- most three months ago. He turned from that to lay before the people I his farm relief proposal over the radio from his birthplace at West Branch, Iowa. His return trip across the con- tinent saw the delivery of his last important speech of the campaign at' St. Louis, with a sceondard-3 dress at Cumberland, Md., Louis- ville,. Ky., and Pueblo, Coo. The last stage of his home-com- ing trip brought Hoover into the borders of his dopted state, where he was welcomed by its governor, C. C. Young, and acclaimed by ,thousands, not only at Palo Alto but at the various cities through various cities through which his special train passed. In brief rear platform talks to not only at Palo Alto but at the each of these crowds, the nominee told them that the big job ahead now was to vote. Speaks At Sacramento I "You have arrived at your own convictions," he said at Sacramen- to, the state capitol. "You have yet to perform the greatest peace- time obligation that an American citizen owes to his country- that is, to go to the polls and to vote independen ly as each of your in- dividual consciences direct. "Whatever the conscience of America determines, that will be right." With this note he concluded a campaign which had carried him into 29 states in every section of the country except the solid south. His three trips across the continent and four other political swings had sent him over approximately 12,- rnn mla. + fn 4. wf+nPe annnA Michigan Alumni Are C In Elections For Three of the four candidates for Governor and U. S. Senator from Michigan to be voted on today have received degrees from the Univer- sity, while the fourth attended law ,school here for a year, a study of the careers of the Democratic and Republican candidates reveals. Fred W. Green, Michigan's twenty- seventh governor, up for re-election on the Republican ticket today, graduated from the Law school subsequent to a two and a half year college course at Ypsilanti Normal, in 1898, just in time to enter the army for service in the Spanish- American war. William A. Comstock, the Demo- crat's nominee for governor, grad- uated from the University in 1899 with the degree of PH. B. Since that time he has been a very active alumnus, being a member of the University of Michigan club of De- troit and serving as president of that organization in 1925-26. United States Senator Arthur H. Vandenberg of Grand Rapids, Re- publican candidate to succeed him- self, entered the University Law school but was forced to withdraw at the end of his first year because of his family's financial troubles after the panic of 1893. Vanden- PLAN IS BEING DRAWN nn.t Board Of Control Authorizes New Golf Course To Occupy 100 Acres WILL BE 18-HOLE COURSE Preliminary steps for the con- struction of the proposed Univer- sity golf course were taken by the Board of Control of athletics Satur- day at the first meeting of the year. Don Ross, a leading golf course architect was hired to make a preliminary sketch of the con- templated course. The course will have 18 holes, and will be built on the site of the present University course and additional land secured by the board. In all, more than 100 acres will be devoted to the course. It is anticipated that the new course will be one of the finest in the country. The land is of ideal condition, and the architect hired is one of the leading in the country, according to the Athletic associa- tion officials. Officers for the coming year were also selected at this meeting. Those who served last were again given their positions. Prof. R. W. Aigler, is chairman, Prof. F. H. Frayer, vice-chairman, and Fielding H. Yost, secretary. These three officers and Dick Spindle, '29, a student representative and Charles B. Ducharme, will form the executive committee. THE WEATHER (By Associated Press) Partly couldy and colder Tues- Jday; Wednesday generally fair. andidates Today governor And Senator berg did, however, receive an hon- orary Master of Arts degree from the University in recognition of his work in the field of United States history especially as regards the Constitution. John W. Bailey, of Battle Creek, the Democratic candidate for Uni- ted States Senator, received his de- gree from the Law school in. 1902.1 Curiously enough, in order to save enough money to take him through1 his law studies, Bailey worked for a number of years hauling wood locomotive fuel on the Michigan Central railroad, which he now rep- resents as general counsel. He has been mayor of Battle Creek five times. Regardless of what happens at the polls today, the University is bound to be well-represented in the ranks of the office-holders. ! I i iI ] I t I r . Daily Corrects Error On Freshman Election Due to an error in announcement of the date of the freshmen Engin- eering elections, The Daily erred Sunday in saying that the elections would be held today. The Fresh- man engineers will hold their elec- aCI"tions tomorrow at 11 o'clock in room 348 of the Engineering build- ing, as this is the regular time of MAURIE SHERMAN'S BAND IS their assemblies. There will be no CHOSEN TO FURNISH elections today. DANCE MUSIC Tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock, the freshmen in literary college will Celect their officers in Hill aud- CHAPERONESARE L itorium. Especial notice has been .nF called to the change of meeting Budget Increased For Decorations place from the Natural Science aud- And Dance Music To Elaborate 'itorium to Hill auditorium. Features On Program These are the only two freshman .P ll class elections scheduled at the The 1928 Pan-Hellenic ball will present. i be held on the night of Friday, No- -resent.__ vember 30, it was announced yes-PI rvAnn 11T111TV UrM L_. n T,.-- 'X7 - 0f er n a l by A;ipnp vPn mi L'enerai I iq1 1 111,111 11 1 It I I i I!1 u Ii I terday ay iliene sYev, a, gr ma'11u L COMMIIIEE JO M 1chairman. At the same time, an-1 nouncement of the orchestra and of the progress of the ticket sale VIEWnntSARCH WORK 10 CONSIDER CHIMES mwas made. Maurie S Cerman an Engineers Consider City Problems tra, from the College Inn of the For Delegation From Inscription To Be Cast On Each Bell Hotel Sherman in Chicago, will Illinois City In Recognition Of Efforts furnish the music this year. Sher- sman has rapidly risen to the ranks $58,000 GIVEN FOR WORK of the country's leading dance or- chAsts $ DEII EDchestra musicians within the past f Inspection and discussion of the The organization committee, ap- few years, and is perhaps the most work already done by the depart- pointed last Friday night at a meet- popular of the many young men ment of engineering research on ing of representatives of the classes now holding forth in Chicago three projects for which $28,000 was from '21 to '28, to formulate plans night clubs and eating places. recently granted by the Public for collection of the funds for the More money than ever before has Utilities commission, of Chicago, proposed carillons for the Burton been expended for the music this was made last Friday and Sat- Memorial Campanile, will hold the year, and Sherman was selected urday by 30 representatives of the first of a series of meetings Thurs- after several weeks of intensive commission, according to an an- day night in Alumni Memorial hall, eliminations and consideration. nouncement yesterday by Prof A. according to Walter Greiner, '25E, Sherman was finally chosen be- E. White, director of the depart- chairman. This committee was se- cause of his great popularity withnment. lected after the assembled alumni, college men and women, and of his One of the projects for which the from the classes which were in at- reputation through radio broad- $28,000 grant was given, embraces tendance at the University during cast dance engagements. a study of the methods of eliminat- the presidency of the late Marion Miss Yeo also announced that ing mositure from city gas. Re- Leroy Burton, had decided that j the tickets for the ball are selling d search on this subjectis being con- they would sponsor the purchas- rapidly. Representatives are now ducted under the supervision of H. ing of carillons for the Burton being sent to the various sororities 4 E. Keeler, of the department. The memorial which is to be erected by and dormitories to take ticket or- other projects are: a study of the4 the University of Michigan club of ders, and these orders should be effects of the products of combus- Ann Arbor. placed by the end of the week, Miss tion on shrinkage of metals in Acting as a sort of steering com- Yeo added. Later, a public sale of brass-melting by city gas, in charge mittee, the group is authorized to tickets will be held for those wom-uyf Prof. Claire Upthegrove and a develop organization plans and en who cannot be reached through study of the permeability of alloy committees to carry on the work of the regular sources. retorts to various gases, in charge securing the necessary financing Adionlm eysbigspt of Prof. W. P. Wood. secumg te ncessry inaning Additional money is being spent All the delegates were guests of for the project. After all arrange- on the decorations, the committee Ae et ments have ben tentatively made by announced. The increase in the the research engineering depart- the committee in their meetingsmscadeortnsbgtsep mnt at a dinner given in the Union they womi repor their ret s'~ music and decorations budgets rep- at 7 o'clock Friday night. They they will report their results at a resents a noticeable increase over at7ocokF iynightkThery second session of the larger body sresentseaanoticeablenincrease over whchn metin at the ich n Uiod those of other years, it was pointed ent the aftrboatories in which which meet at the Michigan Union out the various - 1 1 1 I I ' I 4: ; ; . , ,) PRESENTED TO POPULAR VOTE HOOVER GIVES LAST TALK FROM HOME WHILE SMITH PLEADS FOR RETURN TO DEMOCRATICLEADERSHIP This is election day, summoning the populace to its civic duty of electing its governing officers. Once again it must decide whether the helm of national leadership shall be entrusted to Republicans or Democrats. It has to chose between Herbert Hoover and Charles Curtis on one side, and Alfred E. Smith and Joseph T. Robinson on the other. By the ballot the electorate must also declare its pref- erence in electing 37 senators, 435 representatives, 34 governors and other state officers. More than 40,000,000 strong, the electorate is ready to ex- press its will, amply prepared to right its mandate after months of attentive listening to debates on the issues and of close scrutiny of the candidates themselves. It has weighed the evidence and heard the closing arguments/ of the standard-bearers, there remains to the beleaguered voter only the task of decision. ]U O- Appealing to an aroused populace to translate its convictions into bal- lots at the "polls, Mr. oover dhre. Committee Starts Arrangements ted -his lestwords of the campaign For Music And Ballroom to the country over the radio last At First Meeting night from his Palo Alto, Cal., home. Governor Smith spoke twice T E N NAM E D in concluding his case, once to the farm belt at noon time and again Meeting for the first time since in the evening to the entire nation, Meeingfo th fisttim sicesummarizing his argument for A the recent junior class elections, return to Democratic leadership. the J-Hop committee for the class of 1930 met last Sunday in the Their peregrinations at an end, Union. Appoints of the chairmen the two central figures and their and members of the committees vice-presidential running mates, were made by Harry Wallace, '30 Robinson and Curtis, are at their chairman of the main committee, homes resting and waiting for the and work was started toward se- news of victory or defeat. Each curing a suitable place for holding has retired.from the stage express- the next affair and in discussion of ing confidence that he will have a the music. part in the drama's last act, the While as yet no definite plans march for inauguration. have been made, the Hop may be Machinery Assembled held this year in the new Intra- With the campaign machinery mural building instead of in dismantled for another four years Waterman and Barbour gymnas- every energy centers now on the lums as in the past. However before progress by which the voter will the final decision is made acoustic speak his mind. Scores of thousands effects will have to be tried. Sev- of voting booths have been set up eral nationally known orchestras in cities, and hamlets and if the were mentioned as possibilities for registration figures are any indica- the Hop, and a thorough discussion tion each of them will have his day- was made on many as the music long queue of humanity. Although committee had been functioning the polls will be open generally for a week prior to the meeting. from dawn to sunset there is a The following committee chair- probability that in some congested men and members were appointed sections the day will not be long by Wallace. Every man on the enough for all qualified voters to main committee is represented on pass through the booths. at least one committee, although Whenrthe polls are closed the no outsiders are to be connected- great accounting machinery will be with any. c accelerated to high speed, and the Music committee: Charles S' wearied workers held at their tasks Monroe, '30, chairman; Jack Keane, throughout the night until the last '30D, assistant chairman. ballot is counted. The east, of Ticket committee: dreorge Brad- course, will be first to give its re- ley, '30, chairman; Ludwig Emde, turns to the country, the voting '30E, Robert Heaney, 30L, Clarenceuplaces and other time belts closing Hahn, '30, Myles Duellman, ' . in succession with the passing of Invitations committee: Robert mesun.eCioniwithitps McCoy, '30E, chairman; Ludwig the sun. California, with its polls Mdoy, '30E, s chairman.udwigremaining open until 8 o'clock (11 Emde, '30E, assistant chairman. o'lcatr taaadtm)wl Booth committee: Phillip Allen, clockE astern Sta ndardctime) will '30E, chairman; Ross Stevens, '30F. be the last to beg s the cunting. Favors committee: Alan Bovard, Simplified in some sections be- '30, chairman; Clarence Hahn, '30, cause of the installation of voting Robert Conn, 30B.Ad.machines, the tabulation elsewhere Decorations committee: James dlre bThe ballots generallyproe Richardson, '30A, chairman; Mau- IongTeblld tstgener al rice Lazar, '30, Ross Stevens, '30F, long, filled withstater and local and Myles Duellman, '30P. candidacies as well as with referen- Floor committee: Wilfred Orwig, da awaiting decision. Their com- '30Ed., chairman, Jack Keane, '30D. plexity will make for slow counting and a definite trend may be long 7it's Mailboxes in developing. next Friday. This meeting will be held just before the Iowa football game and if the suggestions are en- dorsed at that time, the permanent organization will immediately start work and the organization commit- tee will retire from existence. As a special inducement to other classes to contribute towards the movement, it has ben decided that "all classes will be recognized for their efforts in the project through a suitable inscription cast on each bell." There will be fifty-three bells in all, costing somewhere be-I tween sixty and eighty thousand dollars. i Crother's "Little Journe Vehicle For P "A Little . Journey," Rachel Crother's popular comedy, will be the vehicle for Play Production's first number of the 1928-29 private presentation season Thursday and Friday nights at 8:15 o'clock. The play will be one of a number of lab- oratory productions to which ad- mission will be by application made to Play Production for invitations. A limited number of persons' ap- plications have been accepted and a few more will be admitted to the two showings. Vc1a nrennc nrP im-bn i r1i, my" To Be Next "lay Production Classes All the technical work in connec- tion with the production of the play, including the working out of all details which are involved, has been done by committees from the advanced classes in Play Produc- tion. Two scenes have been con- structed and -many costumes were made by the various assistants. Publicity work and ticket distribu- tion has also been taken care of by students in the advanced Play Pro- duction classes. D-... T11l A JJ.... Miss Yeo announced the list of chaperones for the ball as follows: President Clarence Cook Little and Mrs. Little, Dean Joseph A. Bursley I and Mrs. Bursley, Dean John R. Ef- finger and Mrs. Effinger, Miss Grace Richards, Miss Alice Lloyd, Miss Beatrice Johnson, Prof. Field- ing H. Yost and Mrs. Yost, Prof. Arthur B. Moehlman and Mrs. Moehlman, Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Christian, Prof Waldo Abbott and Mrs. Abbott. I Although there is to be no poster contest this year, any women who have ideas are welcome to get in touch with the publicity committee,. Lela Crump, '30 chairman, an- nounced. SCountShows Great Popularity of Union, As a result of a clicker check made Saturday in various parts of the Union, it is estimated that 17,- 709 persons entered the building at some time during the day. According to the check, 2,255 peo- ple were served in the cafeteria, 1,- 440 were served at the soda foun- tion in the tap room, 1,726 were served in the main dining room, 220 patronized the barber shop, and 192 nairi for shoe shines. and attended a meeting Friday aft- ernoon where they heard an .ad- dress by Prof. A. E. White, director of the department of engineering research. The ladies among the del- egates were entertained at a tea by Mrs. A. H. White at her home, 608 Onondaga avenue. Saturday afternoon the guests at- tended the Michigan-Illinois foot- ball game in a body. They then disbanded and most of them. were on their way back West before Sun- day. The corporations represented were: Commonwealth Edison com- pany, the Peoples Gas Light and Coke company, Public Service com- pany of Northern Illinois, Chicago Rapid Transit company, Chicago North Shore and Milwaukee rail- road, and the Middle West Utilities company. Suindav Congestion of C. Reveals Week-end Writing Orgies Here "The girl you left behind you" seems to very well remembered by University students and especially so on Sundays. Perhaps this ap- plies only to those who live in the so-called Washtenaw avenue dis- trict.l Freshman crept up to the pillar- box and crammed in his envelope. It slid out. He tried it again with the same result. The box was full to overflowing. According to a statement by Postmaster A. C. Pack, the forego- ing is not at all an uncommon inci- Union Tap-room Will Have Returns Tonight Election returns will be received in the tap room of the Union to- night as long as student interest indicates a desire for reports, it was announced yesterday by William V. Nissen, '29, president of the Union.