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November 04, 1928 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-11-04

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4 &113

VOLUME 39 PART 2 Editor, Kenneth G. Patrick ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1928 Business Manager, Edward L. Hulse



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When 86,000 Watch 22! An aeroplane view of the new
football stadium at the University of Michigan. This is
said to have the largest seating capacity of any football
stadium in the country. It is built in a natural amphi-
theatre, and the top rows can be entered from street level
on three sides. It looks to us like the perfect bowl.









"We Who Are About to Learn Salute You."
At Simmons College, in the classic confines of
Boston, the freshmen are quickly taught their
proper place in the scheme of things. Here they
are saluting representatives of the august senior
class. From left to right-Marjorie Barham,
Bernice Epstein, and Jessica Teffer, all of the
Class of 1932, kow-tow to Kathleen Frich, Bet-
sey O'Connor, and Betty Whipple, of the Class
of 1929.
(Intentional Newsreel)






Beauties on the 'Bama, 'Bama
Shores. Misses Alice (left) and
Mary Mitchell are strong contend-
ers for the intercollegiate sister
beauty contest-if such is ever
held-according to their fellow stu-
dents at the University of Alabama.
They are conceded the title on the
campus at Tuscaloosa. Both are
members of the Alpha Gamma
Delta sorority.
(Orville Rush)



Radcliffe Girls Gather About "Jim." That's
wrong phonetically. What they gather about is
"Gym"-short for Harriet Lawrence Hemenway Gym-
nasium. It is believed that the majority of the stu-
dents shown are freshmen. If such is the case, pos-
terity has nothing to fear from the Class of 1932.
(Pacific and Atlantic)

"Pull for the SjIore, Boys"-Lower classmen disport them-
selves in various ways on different campuses-or should it be
campi? Some climb greased poles, some mix up the freshmen's
shoes, some smash hats, some tear shirts, and other stunts too
numerous to mention. At beautiful Villa Nova they take mud

. , .

Give Princeton's Opponents Enough Roper, and
They Will Head Coach W. W. Roper, gen-
erally spoken of as Bill, has become an institution and
a tradition on the Princeton campus. It is rumored
that after the Virginia scoreless tie the smile portrayed




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