DAILY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1928 1 Internship" at 8 o'clock p. m in Room 1528 East Medical Building on Tuesday, November 6, 1928. All those interested are cordially invited to attend. Edwin J. Doty, President Michigan Alpha Chapter Men's Education Club: The Men's Education Club will meet Monday evening, October 5, "at 7:00 p. m. in room 302 of the Union. Dr. S. A. Courtis will speak on "Idealism in Education." All men interested in Education are invited. Arthur B. Elliott Chemical Engineering Seminar: Mr. Leonard Boddy will be the speaker at the Seminar on Monday, November 5, at 4 o'clock, in room 3201 E. Engineering Building. His subject is "The Piezo Electric Guage for Accurate Pressure Measure- ments." Alfred H. White Junior Research Club: The regular meeting of the Junior Research Club will be held in Room 1121 N. S., on Tuesday, November 6, at 7:30 p. m. The program will be as follows: H. J. Osterhof: "The force of attraction between solids and liquids." Election of members. DEATH OF CRAZED STUDENT PROMPTS ESTABLISHMENT OF HEALTH SERVICE Crazed with delirium brought on epidemics which were frequ ant dur- by pneumonia, a student jumped ing the war. U ONULEWIIAUIU IU from the window of the University In this same period the so-called hospital and ran down to the river infirmary m a d e arrangements; I where-by students in need of spe- and died. This happened in 1912 cial care would be sent to the Uni- and precipitated action toward a versity hospital for ward service. University health service. Until 1912 This added privilege together with there was no such thing, and this the work necessitated by the flu, episode urged the president of the flu epidemic caused the student fee Union and the Druids to promote to be raised to $6. Beside the work plans for an infirmary. The plan with students the infirmary did; was passed by the Board of Regents much toward the examination and. in 1912, and the following year the care of soldiers who were stationed University infirmary was establish- in Ann Arbor. All its accomplish- ed in the red brick house which ments aroused interest and result- now stands behind Hill auditorium ed in a new health service in 1921 on Ingalls street. which was to be run on a larger In its embryo stages the infir- scale. mary was not an infirmary in the The Health Service took iup its true sense of the word, for it did quarter in the building where it is not have any bed service but had now, which included an infirmary, only office treatment. At that time X-ray equipment, and made it pos- the staff was composed of five peo- sible to keep up with the modern ple-two men doctors, one woman methods of specialization. Thirty- doctor, a nurse, and a secretary. five people are now incorporated in This staff proved very inadequate the staff of which twenty are to cope with the number of stu- physicians. Since the change thel dents who demanded, service, so demand for service has increased that several seniors in the medical constantly and already the Health school were called on the scene to Service has been forced to infringe assist them. During this formative on the South Division of the Uni- period and continuing through the versity hospital. It is probable that war the institution accompilshhed a new building will be needed in Speaker Declares That Radio News Is Second In Importance To News Events SCIENTISTS ARE PRAISED I Discussing a new type of vacuum tube developed by the General Electric company, William T. L. Cogger, manager of the vacuum tube department,' spoke on the "New Vacuum Tube" Friday after- noon in the West lecture room of the West Physics building. "The new tube is really the old tube which has a new principle," Cog- ger stated. Probably next to news events the newspapers consider the publication of radio news of next importance, he continued, and he estimated that the political par- ties have spent $1,000,000 for radio broadcasting in the present elec- tion campaigns. In the manuracture of the new tubes Cogger said that almost every phase of engineering was gone into-electrical, :metallurgical, chemical, physical, and ceramics. The new tube contains 57 of the 91 k" X11-o ~li,0ynV[~ffh°. 4 The President's Address: President Clarence Cook Little will deliver an address on "The Church and the Campus" before a Union Meeting of the Student Christian Association and the Student organizations of the various local churches Sunday night, Nov. 4, at 6:45 p. m., in the Methodist Church, corner Washington and State Street. An invitation is extended to the student body and members of the faculty to attend this meet- ing. International Forum:, The first International Forum will be held Sunday, November 4, at 4:15 p. m., in the South Room, first floor, Lane Hall. Mr. T. T. Zee will lead an informal discussion on: "The Chinese Nationalist Move- ment and its International Importance." All foreign and American students and faculty members are cordially invited to attend. W. B. Palmer, J. M. Brumm, For International Committee of the S. C. A. i i Michigan Dames: The next meeting of the Michigan Dames Club will be held Tues- day, November 6, at 8 o'clock at the Faculty Women's Clubhouse, 226 South Ingalls street. The wives of all students are invited to attend. Mrs. C. W. Ferris J Hop Committeemen: There will be a meeting of all J-Hop committeemen Sunday at 11 a. m. in room 304 at the Union. Harry W. Wallace, Chairman Adelphi House of Representatives: The House will not convene Tuesday, November 6, election evening. Further announcements will be posted on the Bulletin Board. Robert H. Lloyd, Speaker Engineering Council: There will be a meeting of the Engineering Council on Tuesday evening, November 6, at 7:30, in Room 302, Michigan Union. R. C. Adams, Jr. Alpha Nu:. Alpha Nu, national debating society of Kappa Phi Sigma will hold its weekly meeting Tuesday, November 6, in the Alpha Nu room. The program this week is an' open forum on the question: "Does- a four year course in literature and arts give one a broader understanding of the universe in which he lives than a four year course in science?" A dramatization of "The Doctor" will be the program for November 13. This will be made by the pledges to the organization. Visitors are cordially invited to attend these meetings. John Webster, President K nown periodc elements; 20 of the considerable sanitary survey work the near future if the Health Serv- remaining 34 are practically un- on the campus and in rooming ice continues to satisfy the stu- known, he asserted. "There are 50 houses and was constantly battling I dents' needs. or 60 different uses other than high frequency of broadcasting range," THEATER GUILD, ORGANIZED IN 1919, he continued, and he gave a num- IS NOW POWERFUL FACTOR IN DRAMA ber of uses to which the tubes could be put on airplane beacons, manufacture of corn flakes, in the The history of the Theater Guild I there was a public for the better malfprofson ad n e organization of New York which is things of the theater. The direc- other sues. "They are also used in bringing a number of plays to Ann tors of the Guild leaped to their television," he stated. Arbor this season reveals a strug- . Cogger said that the creative at- Within four years they were mosphere in which scientists are gle from an insignificant organiza- comparatively well established. So working is responsible for the re- tion through the years to wide- great had become th ir fame that markable progress of man in re- sthey were picking their plays from cent years. The chief work of sci- modern theater, the literatures of the world. The ence is to conserve time, space, The Theater Guild started as a original subscribers numbered 100. and energy, he said. revoluntary movement against In four years that number had what had been the tawdriness of leaped to about 5,000 and instead -jtmIu I IrsInIII aiIaltIgiittt111tIlIt,,I,. the American theater. Its found- of a few thousand dollars to work ers and its present directors were with, the Guild was assured of i OPTICAL people who had been concerned some $40,000 to begin its fourth E with the famous old Washington year. DEPARTMENT Square Players and they were By this time people were clamor- - either personally connected with ing. to become subscribers to the Lenses and Frames made E or vitally interested in the the- Guild. From 5,000, the figures = To Order ater. With $500,000 of borrowed leaped to 6,000 and kept growing, ' Optical Prescriptions captial they took over the tiny and now the Theater Guild's sub-- = ailedp- Garrick theater in New York to scription list in New York numbers Filled further the movement. In the some 25,000 ,of the citizenry. spring of 1919 they opened their : HALLERS first production, "Bonds of Inter- Subscribe to The Michigan Daily, State St. Jewelers est," which ran for three weeks and lost their small capital. $4.00 per year. It's worth it! .-1l!t111111 111t1111titli But they were not discouraged. ' lllllllltlllllilll[ I t111 11111III11 Their faith was larger than their financial standing and the faith of Luncheon-11:30 to 1:30 . . 60c a the actors associated with them in ' Dinner-5:30 to 7:30 . ... .85c the venture was just as great. SoDr "John Ferguson" by St. John Sunday Dinner-12 to 2. . $1.25 Ervine and this tragedy astoundedA Weekly Rate, $7.00 Try it.' them and ; impressed theatrical-= New York by running to excellent THE CUP = business through the summer, us- E=E A INN ually a hard season. Thus "John 308 Thompson St. Just Off Liberty St. Ferguson" proved to them that,,- ' I. Ilk, i 1I'' Support of minor athletics caused workers just appointed by the a deficit of $73,620. president of the university. ;,1 i111110[[11 l11 |11 u 111 1l111111111[111[[[111 111111 111 E11 m II II [1111111[[[[ "Gee, this Southern- Chicken Pie surely- hits the spot. And it's only,60ci" s- M. L. F.-'29. You'll find it economical toe eat here regularlv. COOPER'S KITCHENETTE FAMOUS FOR FOOD- Over Slater's :111iii11111111111111[11111u1n[11111111 Inu 1 u1 Iii 111 11111 11n1 1 11 i ni111 31111111 4 I i I i i I- TEN OF THE BEST TITLES BEVERIDGE--Abraham Lincoln-2 volumes...........................$12.50 MUSSOLINI-My Autobiography......................................3.50 BEARD-Whither Mankind........................................... 3.00 BATCHELLER--Coming Up the Road..................................3.50 CABLE, GEO. W.-Life and Letters by His Daughter..:.................... 3.50 BOAS-Cotton Mather...............................................3.50 KREYMBORG AND OTHERS-Second American Caravan................5.00 GIBBONS-New Map of South America................................ 3.00 THOMAS-Count Luckner-The Sea Devil.............................. 2.50 CURLE-Last Twelve Years of Jos. Conrad..........................2.50 Special Prices to Libraries and Reading Clubs XVWAHIRS UNIVERSITY ____________#BOOK STORE .1 I 1' - e' I a --- - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - 11111111##llilli siiill lliillitllillti11111111111 t11111 t111llIIllIt1l8 fill 111111111111111111111111111111PI ti IIIIIltlll lllt llll illtllltd11IIll lllilillillillt llI {IItlll tlllt lllillliillll il llllll llI1111{tlltIIIIIIIiliit!E It i11tI11i 11111111#I11 111III 11 1lIIPII|||1 1l1111U#11lltlllllltllll lll11I111ll ili il llliillillitlllil111{11111llitll l ll ll ltll llttllli H I#11!1IIII~ l1I11111ililll l ltll {I I Iltl l lll ll lttl1IIIH t11 11 1u 11 H I U I l t1111Ii iilllllll1 111#illillllllll ill l lll11111111i iiii# #liillillili lilli lill1 i MICHIGAN UNION CAFETERIA[ Special 50 Cent Aleals Each Day MEAT POTATOES VEGETABLE ROLLS DESSERT COFFEE II 11 1 11 11 11 11 111 I i11 1111l 111111111t1111illil itllli11111[1111111111111llill~lll1111111lill llllll(IIHIltlli ili 111!Itil l i i iiillill llllli l 111 lilililih 1111111tI111H lliHI illii 11111 111111111111#l ftlll ll l ll l #1111111111t11111IllIIIIIillil!!11#111111!1111#111111111lT~il~ ill II III11i111;11I~IIIlIIIIII111II i tliltlllltll#ilt#In lllllllilliliillillillllll llli lill#11# ail il I I 11111Is IIIs IIItlI1111IlIlI I# III I I111111111111'11#lflu l 11t11111N 1111II #lltlll llll li iflilll##l11!I II tI#II!IIIll l til111111111liltillllltlitilll#H I IH Itil110#1 111 - r M a' M M M = . 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