FOUR u MTruHT CA T T T'V rrwr~ 1~ 'N T I V M T C' 1-1 T CVA7 N.Y ~U.L'4LJt1L, .P4~JV - ~ ..,--... - -. - I EMBER 4if, 1928LJh Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en ttled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or' not otherwise credited in.this paper and the local news pub- lished lherein. Entered at the prastoflice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- waster General. Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Offices. Ann Arbot Press Building, May- nard Stret.. P-ones: Editorial, 4925, Rusinests, 212.,. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR KENNETH G. PATRICK Ediornd...r....... ... ...Paul J. Kern City Editor Nel.. . L eronJ eSmith Newsc Editor. E sichsC rd C. Kurvink Sports Editor ... .. r orrisQuinn Women's Editor... rter vl isS. Stone. Edi Adr Michigan Weekly. Stewart Hooker Music and Drama .... .. R.L. Askren Assistant City Editor .Lwrence R. Klein Night Editors Clarence N. Edelson Charles . onre L oseph E. Howell Pierce y ronerg Donald T. Klinc Ceor ,e !;.Sinuons George C. Tilley. Reporters Paul y. Adams C. A. Lewis Morns Alexander Marian MacDonald Esther Anderson Henry Merry C. A. Askren N. S. Pickard Bertram Askwith Victor Rabinowitr Louise Behymer Anne Schel Arthur Bernstein Rachel Shearer Seton C. Bovee .. .rbert Silbar [sabel Charles Noward Simon L. R. Chubb Robert L. S loss Drank F. Cooper Arthur R. Strubel Helen Domine.. Edith Thonas Douglas Edwards Beth. Valentine Valborg Egeland Gurney Williams Robert. J. Feldman Walter Wilds Marjorie Vollmer George E. Wohigemuth William Gentry Robert Woodroofe Lawrence Hartwig' Toseph' A. Russell Richard Jung Cadwell Swanson Charles R. Kauf man A. Stewart Ruth Kelsey Edward L. Warner Jr. Donald E. Layman Cleland Wyllie BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER EDWARD L. HULSE Assistant Manager-RAYMOND WACHTERI AdvrtiingDepartment Managers Advrtiin .... ...Alex K. Scherer Advertising. ..... .....A. James Jordan Advertising. ,.........Carl WV. Hammer Service ..... .... ... ... Herbert E. Varnum Circulation............ .George S. Bradley Accounts.............Lawrence E. Walkley Publications ...... .......Ray M. Hofelich Assistantsy - snown tnat Michigan loyalty doe not exist for victory alone-tha Michigan is behind her team, wi or lose. Now that the Varsity i winning again, it may only b hoped that friends of the Maize an Blue will not forget that Michiga will back any Michigan team. it n is e d n I About BOOK S ....r..w. . . I .& I': I 1837 Culminating a long argumen The Daily yesterday carried a stor concerning the establishment o 1837 as the date of the founding o the University. This date was se by the Board of Regents at its las meeting, but the wording of th resolution was not made publi until Friday. The Supreme court of the stat in its decision has pointed out tha while the Regents and the Trustee of the University are successors t the President and Didactors of th Catholipistemiad created in 1811 there was no act creating an insti tution similar to the University o Michigan until 1837. The Regent having been empowered with th right of making and using a com mon seal, the court has backed it right to use 1837 as the date of th seal. This means, therefore, tha the University's founding date wa 1837 and not 1817. This may put to rest some of th argument that has been prevalen about the founding, but much mor may be expected. 'The 1817 propo nents have yet too much to say and although the matter has beet ended officially and the 1837 sup porters may now breathe freely further argument is certain. But the Regents have decide that the University is not yet 10 years old, and administration an future students may look forwar to a real celebration in 1937. Unti then, "University . . . diplomas . and other literature" will bear th date 1837 in cold type. Our nobl Institution is only 91 years old. AFTER FRESHMAN WEEK Irving Binzer Donald Blackstone Mary Chase Jeanette Dale VernorDavis B~essie Egeland Helen Geer Ann Goldberg Kasper Halverson George Hamilton Agnes Herwig Walter Jack Horwich Dix Humphrey Marion Kerr Lillian Kovinsky Bernard Larson Leonard Littlejohn Hollister Mabley Jack Rose Carl F. Schemm Sherwood Upton Marie Wellstead Yeagley SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1928 Night Editor-GEORGE E. SIMONS THE VICTORS It is with just pride that Michi- gan pays tribute to her Varsity to- day. Although in years to come it will not be remembered for its record of games kwon, it will be re- rnembered, and this is more import- ant, as one of the greatest fighting, teams ever to wear the Maize and It has been but a little more than five weeks since Michigan's secon annual Freshman week was brough to a close and classes begun for an other year. During the week tha preceeded the resumption of clas ses, freshmen and Freshman wee] occupied the center of the stage. Once classes had started, how ever, the freshman was turned ove to his instructors and left to shif chiefly for himself. Except as h4 wore or neglected to wear his pot and seldom enough then, the Uni versity, barring rare instances seemed to have forgotten his exis tance, forgotten that he was nevw and strange to college life. A few worthwhile men on the faculty continued as in previous years to supervise and meet from time to time with a group of freshmen but for the most part th freshman was left to sink or swim as his capabilities and good fortune might so direct. I Recent events have witnessed th inauguration of the Jnion's annual program for freshmen which, un- fortunately, must of necessity be limited in scope and consist of plans for oversized groups. Carry- ing with it as it does a system of meetings through the year, organ- ization of the class for the Fall games, and the conducting of an all-freshman banquet early in De- cember, ^the program is deserving of commendation and recommen- dation to members of the class of '32. AN ALMANACK, THE FOUR MARX with what is native. Judged in BROTHERS AND THE the light of what it purports to be t, "NEW YORKER" STAFF -a canvass of American Literature -y We can imagine only one group Since 1900-it will probably take its f of people that has more fun than place as one of the major critical f the four Marx Brothers and the works of the present decade. t staff of the New Yorker-and that C ayGoham Munson. J. I. Sears and at Company. New York. $.0. t group of people work with Burton e Rascoe in the publishing house of A GENTLEMAN WITH A c William Morrow. Their special in- VIEWPOINT terest is the compiling of the great- There is something to be said for e est collection of sense and non- the personal type of literature as t sense ever gathered between two practiced by Conrad Aiken: the s covers in these United States- man that can write this way can o "Morrow's Almanack for the Year have a devil of a good time getting e of Our Lord 1929."* his thoughts down on paper. The 7, Reading this Almanack is like second thing that can and should - listening to Joe Cook's reasons why be said is that there is a little more f he can't imitate four Hawaiians. It to this kind of thing than is usual s offers cures for lumbago, heart- in the cut and dried, omniscient e burn, lovesickness and B. O. It con- literature of the age not so long - tains love-poetry, lyric poetry, and past. s one or two songs which should be "Costumes By Eros"* contains e sung in the basement. There are fourteen short stories, all of them, t calendars, charts, fables, blurbs, as the title should indicate, having s and travel tales, ancient and mod- as a minor motif love. They are ern. There are essays on drunk- all written from the peculiar view- e enness, fashions, virtue, the stock point of Mr. Aiken, and when one t market, and personal cleanliness. gets this one feels that peculiar e A special Chicago section contains kinship which comes when the per- - advice on how to remove blood fect contact is established betwen , stains from clothing. author and reader. For Aiken has n Let it not be thought that this a fascinating mind which refuses - is the collection of morons. The to accept things for their face y, list of contributors includes prac- value. Always behind the fact there ' tically all of the literary lights of is an implication-a suggestion of d the year, and, as the index points forces or conflicts which play their 0 out, such worthies as Villon, Dr. part in life without coming to the d Johnson and Calvin Coolidge. We surface and without being ever d hold no brief for the sanity of these obvious. l contributions. We merely point out There are some fascinating stories this fact to show that they are not in this collection, one of the best e crazy all the time. Which is, we being "The. Necktie," which ap- e believe a great virtue. peared in the Harvard "Hound and One sample of very touching Horn." It is a collection which verse we must quote here. It is an well represents this man, and epitaph: places him definitely in the list of n Here lies the body of MARY the coming American Literateurs. GWYNNE *By ConRad Aiken. Charles Scriher's d Sons. New York. $2.00. Who was so very pure within, * * * - She cracked the shell of her earthly MORE SEX BOLONEY t skin This is the day and age of en- Andhatched herself a cherubim. lightenment. Little boy and girl k Decidedly not with a collegiateauthors are just awakening to the aspect. But college men are treated realization that there is such a to the following advice: "'Trust thing as sex, and they cannot keep r your dog to the end; a woman- away from it. They must talk, t till the first opportunity." For the think, and interpret life in noth- women on the campus there is the ing but terms of sex, and the result very pertinent note-"New . silk is a flood of distinctly puerile trash ' stockings should be washed in tepid that one hates to say, but most ad- water and a mild soap before being mit is the dominating trend in worn." present day fiction. But we do not intend to give "The Bride's Progress,"* is such a away all of the secrets in this col- book. Here we have a clever plot e lection. Only one more word: then revolving around a bridal luncheon S you can run to buy the book. The at which are depicted for us an t University of Michigan (soft music, Irish virgin, a grisette, a morbid but f Oscar) comes in for mention thust- upright hero, a retrograde English- ly: "The 1929 'Younger Generation' man, a clever but naughty lawyer, a novels, if laid end to end, will ex- and several other equally well, dis- 1 tend from Portal 16, Yale Bowl, to torted characters. the door of the Michigan Union-I The conversation and general an advance of many miles over G'handling of this story is really quite - 1928, when the line petered out in readable, but the actual characters -a field near Notre Dame." are nothing short of nauseating. It We suggest to Prof. Jack that this would seem that Harold Weston e book be put in the Rhetoric library. had deliberately set about to gather It is a mine of information which together as many different abnor- would lighten the tedious task of mailities and sex imbeciles as he copying the room-mate's notes. In could uncover, and then daintly 1 the meantime we suggest that hashed them together for the deli- everyone on the campus get in cate appetites of the morons who touch with a copy. Which illus- have succeeded in causing a de- trates the didactic influence of a mand for such stuff. good almanack. The book makes an attempt at *Edited by Burton Rascoe. William Mor- exposition of sacred and profane row and Co. New York. 2.50. loe but o srd spd tat # * * love; but one strongly suspects that A CRITIC BREAKS HIS SHELL the author has had too much ex- pThere is something fascinating perience with the latter and not about watching the development of enough with the former. Certainly a critic. For every critic aspires to the characters of his sacred love set the world on fire in his youth. hilenothwhat one may call normal. As he develops he finds that most whalethose of the other may be of the fires in the world have been whTt a p Just on oewr bu h long lit. In his maturity he finds c stione more word about the that there are, after all, but few cohatersationof this book, because fires in the world worth tending. ha bsensa ion tht book has made, Such a development, raised al- ticated chatter, sly innuendos, and ready to the second stage, is evi- veiled remarks, it is highly success- denced in the new volume from the ful and realistic; but to attempt to hands of Gorham Munson, "Des- build a novel upon this single tinations."* One finds in this vol- thread is hardly successful. ume the fire and the impetuosity All in all, tht book must be of the Gorham of a few years back labeled "for the wastebasket" if for turning somewhat into the fine dis- no other reason than that it lacksI crimination and urbanity of a true a broad, clean outlook on life. critic. There is less of the absolute *By Harold "Weston. William Morrow- and and didactic, and more of the truly Company, New °York. $2.5~0. critical and sceptical. READINGSIN ROMAN LAW A few years back, Mr. Munson, in BY ALBERT R. CRITTENDEN a speech here, said, "William Car- los Williams is one of the leading, It is seldom that a text book if not the leading American poet written to aid a student in his today." In the volume we find, in- progress from an elementary prim- stead of the flat-footed, absolute er to more complex forms of litera- steadture of any language has the prac-' statement, an analysis distinguish- tical value of supplying worthwhile ed for its sanity. And the con- information at the same time. Yet clusion this time is, "Wallace Stev- this is the unique accomplishment ens, Marianne Moore and William of Prof. Crittenden's new book. ti , i } 4 i t i1 i , 3 s ij t r3 iI a J p > i i Y Want Ads Pay c si ,3 . , I t 1 , , F 'I > .I I, l j . t I OU want a plaCe 1608 BROOKLYN Stats neat, drop into Owner living in another city desires to sell "THE PALM" =this Beautiful Home. Seven rooms and bath. Sto eat This property in first class condition. Dou- ='=_ble garage. Newly painted. SC e WILL CONSIDER EXCHANGE Chicken Dinner, 50c - Ann Arbor Home Builders, Inc. F. P. Corry, Pres. S. Schultz, V. P. E. H. Smith, Sec.-Treas. 301 S. State St. =c1250 N. Main St. Phone 7408 11111~ ~ ~~~:1 110lilliilllillililli |1111111111| 4 $itSOr ve- , - I~ Student Supply Store 1 1 11 South University I .4 4 SI ;A coats Pressed for $1.00 by buying a Cash Card. I v , Phone 4310 American Dry Cleaners 215 E. Wash. Phone 4310 Yesterday's victory over Illinois, champions of 1927, and erstwhile contenders for the 1928 title, was particularly sweet to such a team. An almost totally inexperienced eleven, driven to its best, day after day, in unusually hard and numer- ous practice sessions and rewarded only by defeat of four successive week-ends, it came back a week ago and fought the Cardinal of Wis- consin to a standstill. From a come-back to victory was but a matter of days. That the victory should be over an opponent, and a rival as highly regarded as Illinois is regarded by Michigan added immeasureably to the thrill and drama of the contest. It has been said, and truly, that Michigan has no foe which she would rather beat than Illinois. Coach Zuppke's Orange and Blue elevens always play a great game and always show a spirit that has aptly led them to be called theh "Fighting Illini." Handicapped by an injury to Timm in the early moments of play, and momentarily dazed by the Wolverine score, the Illinois team came back hard and played a great game. That Peter's dropkick should bounce the wrong way after hitting the cross bar was a tough break for any team. That it should mean the difference be- tween defeat and a tie clearly in- dicates the closeness of play. The honor of victory over such a foe, it may be hoped, will prove at least a partial balm to the men who compose the Maize and Blue squad. They have proven, and nobly, that it is fighting spirit which wins the greatest victories. That they have that spirit there is no question. Recognition must be paid before closing to a great Michigan line. Time and again that powerful for- ward wall called a halt when it WAGMER&COMPANY jor Tien z: Snce 1Xi48~ However worthy and deserving the work of the Union in this field is at best a poor excuse for what might be. If Freshmen week is to be carried to its logical conclusion, some system of groups which would include all freshmen and extend throughout the year should pro- vided.. It might be that a program along the lines of thateconducted by the Union, more extensive in concept, and arranging for the organization of smaller groups together with sponsorship by a member of the faculty, might well be suggested. The details, however, are of les-. ser import at this time. They might easily be worked out. The important factor to be considered is the seemingly needless gap that lies between Freshman week and the balance of a freshman's college life. An attempt is being made to meet it but it is an attempt which might well be furthered from other sources with benefical results.' with subdued but insistent voice "WITH PRIDE IN OUR ORIGIN WE FAITHFULLY SERVE THOSE WHO HAVE INVESTED IN US AND DEPEND UPON US TO CARE FOR THAT MOST IMPORTANT MATTER, a I It is fortunate that Coach Zupp- ke, who "also writes newspaper ar- ticles," prophesied in his articles that Michigan would give Illinois