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September 25, 1928 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-09-25

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g 17V









adio Communication Only Means
Of Contact With Ravaged
march For Dead Continues As
Reco:nstruction Work
(By Assqciated Press)
:.-While the surveys of the needs
' the hurricane ravaged area went
irward today, Florida poured
nergency supplies and a person-
el into the most sorely stricken
Evacuation of some rescuers con-
nued as liies of communication
radually were opened by the
'ews of men who have been clear-
g the debris cluttered roads.
thers were moving fast back.
adio communication was estab-
shed to Belle Glade, but no tele-
aone and telegraph wires were
orking into the area.
Make Special Surveys
A. L. Schafer, director of relief
r the National Red Cross, went
to the Everglades with Dr. Wil-
am Dekeline, medical officer of
e national organization, and
ohn Hendricks, also of national
eadquarters, to survey the ruins
eported in the Pelican Bay dis-
After persorial survey of the sit-
ation at Belle Glade Pohakee and

t All Sophomores and second- ) A,
semester Freshmen who are )
Iinterested in trying-out for )
positions on thek editorial and
business staffs of The Michi- S
I gan Daily are asked to report )
I any afternoon between 2 and M
5 n the offices of the publi- I
I cation in the Press building )
on Maynard street.1
Nature Of The New Opera Toj
Remain Secret; Will Be Radical o
Change, Says Shuter t

24. - Dr. E. D. Clawson, c
j head of tote'Red Cross medical t:
'relief cmm ttee, here tonightj
placed the death list from the Et
tropical hurricane in Florida t
at more than 2,300 persons. t:
1 a
Okeechobee Cit-r, and issuing a callr
for funds, Governor John W. Mar-
tin was enroute to Jacksonville I
where- he said ]le would make an-a
other effort over the radio.c
Estimates of Dead Vary d
Schafer held his estimate of the
known dead as 1,200 persons butc
Howard W. Selvy, a chairman ofs
the Palm Beach County Red Cross .
committee, announced again to-
day that surveys of casualties com-t
pleted for him by'O. C. Geicer, onea
of his workers, showed a total of'
2,200 persons. Other officials' esti-e
m*ates varied from 1,500 to 2,000,i
the latter figure wired to President
Coolidge by business men oft
Qkeechobee City.t
SSearch for bodies still went for-3
ward. Relief workers said theyt
were disposing of the bodies as bestx
they could. Wealthy residents oft
the Palm Beaches are driving au-i
tomobiles and trucks into relieft
With subscriptio s coming in
daily through the ails, the first
issue of The Michig, n Weekly for
1928-29 will be mailed out Wednes-
day, Oct. 3, accord'ng to an an-
nouncement made yesterday by J.
Stewart Hooker, '29, fmanaging edi-
tor of that publicati n. The Week-
ly does not have a firculation on
the campus, but is miled out every
week to parents of Michigan stu-
dents and particularly the parents
of incoming students who are in-
interested in the news of the
Now beginning its second year of
publication, many changes have
,been made in Tie Weekly. Where-
as last year it consisted entirely
',f stories reprinsed from The Daily,
a staff has now )een organized and
'will write its own copy with the
viewpoint of the outside reader in
mind. ,In this vay it was felt that
rhe Weekly wculd have more of
an appeal for oitside readers, and
also that more rews could be sum-
marized in eac.i issue than for-

Practice for the 1928 Michigan
Union Opera will get under way
with a meeting at 4 o'clock this
afternoon in the Mimes theater of
all those interested in any phases
of the work, whether it be cast
chorus, or committee activities. All
those who would like to try out for
this work whether they were out
last spring or not are asked to at-
tend the meeting this afternoon,
according to Dalton D. Walper '28,
general chairman.
A great deal of effort was put
forth this summer by those in
charge of the Opera in planning
the various phases of the produc-
tion. Mr. Milton Peterson '27L of
the Peter March company of De-
troit who will design and execute
the costumes for the show, spent
several weeks during the past sum-
mer obtaining local color for the
The nature of the new Opera is
not to be divulged for some time,
according to E. Mortimer Shuter,
director, for it will be a distinct
departure from anything ever
attempted before by any group of
collegiate players in any Univer-
sity or college in the country, he
maintains. "Just as 'Cotton Stock-
ings' of several years ago changed
the trend for college productions
and set a new pace to follow, so
we expect the new show to be just
as different and just as original
in conception," Shuter declared.
Theodore Harrison, director of
the glee clubs, will be in charge of
the entire muscial end of the show.
It is said that in this phase, too,
there will be radical departures,
more attentioon being given to the
careful selection of snappy, orig-
inal, and different music as well as
to the particula, training of vocies
for the songs.
One of the well known scenic
artists of this country, Axel Gruen-
burgh, has been retained by Shuter
to work on the execution of new
and novel ideas in scenery and spe.
cial effects which will be introduc-
ed in the coming show. He will
begin work on this material at once
and continue with his staff steadily
until the work is completed.
The complete itinerary of th(
Opera will be announced in the
near future and it is understoo
that many of the larger cities of
the country are being included a
heretofore, namely Chicago, Phila.
delphia, New York, and others.

cNamee, Halliburton, Saint-Gau-
dens, and Others Will Appear
Throughout Year
Opening with Count Felix von
uckner, famous "Sea-Devil," on
ov. 1, nine speakers of national
nd international fame will appear
Hill auditorium during the com-
g season under the auspices of
he Oratorical Association. The lec-
ire series this year opens on Nov.
and concludes with the number
n April 30.
Count von Luckner is said not
nly to have gained fame during
he World War when he sank four-'
een ships without killing a single
erson, but has also come into
rominence as a speaker since that
ime. He is the possessor of 27
.ecorations from his own and oth-'
r countries. His subject will be
Sea Raids of a Friendly Enemy."
Announcer Will Appear
The second speaker on this year's
ourse will be Graham McNamee,
premier radio announcer in Ameri-
a, who will appear here Nov. 14.
Ir. McNamee, who has broadcast
verything from the Dempsey-
unney bouts, several World Series,
host of football games to Presi-
lent Coolidge's official entrance to
he White House, will speak on
Telling the World." In addition
o his talk, the famous announcer
ill sing several numbers, as he is
oted for his rich baritone voice.
Zellner, famous protean charac-
erist, will be the third number, ap-
>earing here on Dec. 10. Under
he title of "Flashes from Life and
literature," he will give a number
>f characterizations including in
its repertoire, "Socrates," "Bene-
Liet Arnold," "Mo s es," "John
3rown" and "Faust." Special light-
ng effects and a scenic background
vill add to his performance.
Rice To Present Readings
Philelah Rice, head of his own
chool in dramatics at Boston, will
appear in Hill auditorium on Jan.
10. Recognized as being one of the
inest play readers in the country,
vIr. Rice was chosen to head the
famous Leland Powers school on
he death of Leland Powers, and
.ater started his own institution.
"Frenzied Fiction" will be the
topic of Stephen Leacock, world
famous humorist, when he appears
here Feb. 12. Mr. Leacock, who is
also a professor of political science
at McGill university in Montreal,
has been termed the "Canadian
MIark Twain." His personal appear-
ances, as well as his writing, have
reated a veritable sensation.
Homer Saint-Gaudens, director
of Fine Arts at Carnegie Institute,
and the son of Augustus Saint-
Gaudens, probably the greatest of
all American sculptors, will come
to Ann Arbor on Feb. 27. He was
graduated from Harvard in 1903,
doing considerable magazine work
in the field of art and following in
the footsteps of his famous father,
about whom he will talk when he
comes here.
Madam Sun Yat-Sen, China's
"First Lady," who was educated in
America, will speak here March 19
taking as her subject, "My Coun-
try." She is the widow of the late

President Sun Yat-Sen.
Richard Halliburton, youthful
romanticist and literary vagabond,
will apear here on April 22, in a
number of unusual interest. Hav-
ing written two best sellers a short
time after graduating from Prince-
ton, 'Halliburton is still accomplish-
ing things and will call a halt tc
his activities temporarily in orde:
to speak here on "The Gloriou
Peggy Wood, well-known Ameri-
can actress and musical comed:
star, will be the concluding speaker
on the course, appearing here Apri
30. - Miss Wood, who has had
colorful career on the stage wil
speak on "From Musical Comed:
to Shakespeare."
Applications for tickets for th
1928-29 courses are being filed ii
order at the offices of the Orator,
ical Association, 3211 Angell hall.
-U - - . T -, . . V %





Professors and One Alumnus
Elected to Athletic

Construction of dormitory to
house 500 women students and to
cost not more than $800,000 was
authorized at a meeting of the
Board of Regents of the University
held last Friday night, Sept. 21,1
The new dormitory wil be located
along Observatory street on the
east border of Palmer field. Ac-
cording to the decision of the
Regents the firm of Malcolmson
and Higginbotham of Detroit will
be the architects. The building
will be four stories in height, and
will be ready for occupancy by the
beginning of the regular school
year 1929-1930.
Due to the expiration of theI
terms of three of the members of
the board in control of athletics
the Regents appointed Prof. Elmer
D. Mitchell, director of intramural
sports and Prof. H. C. Anderson ofI
the College of Engineering and Ar-
chitecture to succeed Prof. John
Sundwall of the department of
physical education and Prof. Clar-
ence T. Johnston of the geology de-
partment. In addition Charles B.
DuCharme of Detroit, one of the
alumni members of the board was
appointed to succeed himself.
I Students who have literary I
I or artistic ability are urged to I
I tryout for the Gargoyle edi- I
I torial staff. This work offers '
I an insight to magazine edit- I
I ing and an opportunity to de- I
! velop natural ability. Sopho- I
mores with a C average or I
! better and second semester
! freshmen with a C plus aver- I
I age or better are eligible. Try- I
I outs are requested to report to I
I the Gargoyle editorial office in!i
f Pres. Building between 3 and
I 5 o'clock any afternoon.
I Maurice Lichtenstein I
I Editor. II

Galli-Curci, Rachmaninoff, Hayes,,
Kreisler, and Many Others
To Appear Here
Distinguished artists from all;
over the world, including such tal-
ent as Galli-Curci, Kreisler, Rach-
maninoff, Hayes, and a number of
groups of artists, will combine in
the fiftieth anniversary program of
the choral union concerts main-
tained by the University musical
society, according to Charles A.
Sink, president of the group. This,
year's series will mark the combin-
ing of the regular choral union
series and the extra concert series
to make the one all-star group of
The season will be opened on
Oct. 10 with the appearance of
Rosa Ponselle. Miss Ponselle has
gained great note as member of
the Metropolitan opera company
of New York. She is a dramatic,
soprano and her concert here will 1
be one of a few to be given on a
short tour of the country this fall.
Galli-Curci To Sing
Amelita Galli-Curci, the distin-
guished coloratura soprano, occu-
pies the second place on the list of
i concerts and will sing here on Oct.
122. She has long been well known
as one of the outstanding expo-
nents of coloratures. She has been
heard in Ann Arbor twice previous
to the coming engagement. Fol-
lowing herconcert, Vladimir Hor-
owitz, Russian pianist and soloist
with the Detroit Symphony orches-
tra will be here to play for the
audiences on Nov. 12.
The farewell tour of the Flonza-
ley quartet, with its personnel in-
tact, has Ann Arbor included in the
itinerary and that well known
group will play in Ann Arbor on
Nov. 23. Following them will come
Fritz Kreisler, world renowned vio-
linist, whose talent with that in-
strument has entertained music
lovers in all the capitals of the
Negro Tenor Will Come
After much effort, the booking
agents were able to arrange for the
appearance here on Jan. 18 of
£'LUiIIU Iavac n±maru fpn"t Haev p

Michigan men who have not
yet registered at the Union
may do so any afternoon be-
tween 2 and 5 o'clock at theI
side desk in the Union lobby, I
it was announced yesterday. I
More than 2300 men have reg-
istered to date, according toI

William E. Nissen,
dent of the Union.

'29, presi-

Present Enrollment Exceeds By 200,
The Number Of Rooters
In Past Years
One thousand and seventy-five
of the 1,200 available seats in the
cheering section had been sold up
to last night, according to an an-
nouneement by Paul J. Kern, '29,
The remaining 125 seats will be
placed on sale throughout this
week at the Administr tion build-
ing on Ferry field. P:ivision has
been made by the student council
with the official handling ticket
distribution for those who have
already made their regular appli-
cations to exchange their seats, if
they wish, for those in the cheer-
ing section.
The present enrollment of 1,075
exceeds by more than 200 any
previous figures. The first cheer-
ing section, organized two years
ago in the fall of 1926, seated 800
rooters. Last year in the new sta-
dium the cheering section seated
850. This year's section will easily
reach the maximum enrollment of
1,200 early this week, according to



Deans Cabot And Dr. McKibben
Address All Medical
An announcement from the of-
fice of the Registrar shows a total
enrollment to date of 8,656 stu-
dents. Practically complete ex-
cept for the usual late comers, this
registration is one less than last
year, when 8,657 names were en-
tered on the enrollment books. The
Literary college shows the largest
decrease, with 139 short of last
year's mark. This was more than
-offset, however, by an increase of
150 in the graduate school. A gain
of 33 is reported in the Medical
school, making a total of 597.
The Literary college leads in to-
tal enrollment with 4,445 students.
Engineering and Architecture have
a gain of 9, with a total of 1,383.
Law school shows a gain of 5, with
a total of 503. School of Education
reports 393, a decrease of 60; School
of Dentistry 339, a decrease of 4;
College of Pharmacy, 81, a decrease
of 6; School of Forestry and Con-
servation 21, increase of 2, nursing
classes report 262, increased by 5;
and the Graduate School reports
Hazing Is Prevalent
Classes officially started today
with the usual amount of hazing.
This is conducted for the most part
by a' minority of last year's Fresh-
man class and is not tolerated by
I According to an announce- J
I ment made by Joseph A. Burs- J
t ley, dean of students, yester- I
I day, there will be no change I
I made in the conditions on 1
i whicli automobile permits are J
I granted, from those require- I
I ments which prevailec\ last I
I year. Permits will be issued I
I only to those students who J
J are confronted with unusual J
I and extraordinary circum-




One hundred and twenty-
five seats in the cheering sec-
tion are still available at the
Administration b u i ld iun g.
Those who have already sent
in regular applications may
exchange those applications
for cheering section tickets by
applying at the Administra-
tion building.

C .

Numerous improvements at the
Health Service, and the additionz
of several new doctors and assis-
tants to the staff have necessitatedt
an expansion of the department to
include six rooms in the basementi
of the South Department of the
University hospital. -
New X-ray apparatus has been,
installed to meet the increasing de-
mands which are being placed upon,
the University service. The equip-;
ment which will be used this yearI
embodies all the newest improve-
ments in X-rays apparatus, and
will entirely replace that previously
A department, of Mental Hygiene
has been incorporated in the serv-
ice also one in Physio-theraphy for
massaging, baking, and other heat
The personnel of the Health serv-
ice has been increased to a total

hoaa iyes, negro cenor. xnyo
was heard in his first Ann Arbor
MONDAY HAZINGS recital two years ago and many
I requests have been received asking!
GIVE SOPHOMORES' that he come back here for further
CH D DELGA special committee of Czecho-
slavakian-Americans has been re-
By Eskimo sponsible for the bringing to this
Almost displacing the Sopho- ! country of the Prague teachers'
mores in the activities of the tra- chorus, consisting of sixty school-
ditional "hazing parties," the Jun- masters of that city and said to be
iors and Seniors, assisted by a few one of the finest groups of itsI
non-descript Sophomores, rallied type in the world. Although the
round the library steps and the number of their concerts in this
State street end of the diagonal country is limited, they will appear
walk yesterday to carry out an in Ann Arbor on Jan. 24 with
ancient program of events which Metod Diezil conducting.
have long passed as entertainment Rachmaninoff Appears Feb. 13
at the expense of the Freshmen, f Another pianist besides Horowitz,
on the opening days of school.'namely Sergei Rachmaninoff will
With the appearance of the first occupy the limelight of the series
"pot" the prep-school desire to this year when he demonstrates his
make a fool of somebody was felt musical genius once more for Ann
by some of the "upperclassmen" Arborites on Feb. 13. A second
whose chronological age allows for violinist, too, in this case, Yelly
their presence in college, and im- D'Aranyi will be heard on the ser-
mediately the lad, though doubt- ies. She is from Hungary and has
less unaware of the customs of scored notable triumphs in con-
those who in a few ways have be- certs before audiences in many of
gun to approach maturity, was the great musical centers. She will
tackled from the rear and coin-j play here on Feb. 20.
pelled to perform for the enter- Concluding the anniversary semi-
tainment of the curious crowds centenary, the Detroit Symphony
which seemingly sprang up from orchestra, in their second appear-
nowhere on such occasions. ance in the series, will play here
It is evident that some of the on March 11 under the baton of
"hazers" forget that Dr. George Alfred Hertz, guest conductor and
May has physical education classes formerly Wagnerian conductor
Iin Waterman Gymnasium, and with the Metropolitan opera house
l that crew racing at Michigan has Many tickets have already been
long been abandoned. Songs and sold for the series but applications
dances also occupied a prominent are still being received at the Uni-
place on the program. I versity School of Music. The tickets
Some of the speeches presented j include a three dollar credit cou-
by members of the class of '32 from pon valid on the purchase of a
points of vantage on lamp-posts, May festival seat later. The prices
mail-boxes, and steps, were not for this years gala program ar
especially well composed, but were from $12 to $6 each. It is urge
of about the proper type for the by those in charge that anyone
' audiences which seemed interested desiring particular seats send in hi
in what they had to say. The gal- application in the near future. Al
lantry of the Freshmen far sur- orders are being filled according t
passed any that was displayed by priority of applications with no re
their advanced self-appointed di- gard for any other consideration.e
t rectors during the compulsory pro-
, posals which are always a source I D re rT' Lru TTTT

As before, the cheering section
will consist of a blue block "M" in
a yellow background, the color be-
ing provided by blue and yellow
I hats, capes, and megaphones pro-
I vided to those holding cheering
section tickets. This year to en-
I large the section an entire row of
blue has been added around the
block "M" and three rows of yel-
low have been added all the way
round the background.
The seats reserved for the sec-
tion are the best in the stadium.
They are between the 40-yard lines
on the west side of the stadium,
looking away from 'the sun.
Speaking last night of this year's
section, Kern, president of the
council, expressed an appreciation
of the work done by Richard S.
Spindle, '29, chairman of the
cheering section committee,' and
his four assistants, Ernest Reif, '30,
Robert Warren, '29, David Wheel-
er, '29 and Willard Lowney, '30.
1I These men have maintained a
booth in Waterman gymnasium'
throughout the past week to ap-
proach men students.
. The Labor Day activities of the
Ann Arbor citizens aside from the
s usual festivities associated with the
- holiday seem to consist mostly in
s gathering brick paving blocks.
- More than 10,000 of these were sto-
a len on that day and of this num-
s ber only 5,000 have been located.
'e The blocks were taken from De-
d troit St., in some manner unac-
e countable, for they disappeared
is like vapor. Acting upon informa-
l tion sent to the Daily News the
fo City Engineer, a detective, and a
- I Daily News reporter toured the
I Darlington subdivision on Monday

the great majority of the students,
either sophomores or upper-class-
The first holiday, it was an-
nounced, will be a one day affair
on Thanksgiving, Thursday, No-
vember 29.
Yesterday morning students or
all four classes of the Medical
school gathered in the West Medi-
cal building to hear Dr. Hugh Ca-
bot, dean of the school, and Dr.
Paul S. McKibben of the anatomy
department deliver short addresses.
Dean Cabot challenged members
of the incoming class to prove that
they were worthy of the careful se-
lection given the group. He stated
that this year's Freshman Medical
class was the most carefully chosen
group that had ever been admitted
to the school.
Many Turned Away
"We had to turn away a great
many including at least 100 who
were perfectly qualified to enter.
Why was this, you ask? My answer
is that it is extremely doubtful it
mass production has any place in
educational institutions generally,
anj it is absolutely certain that it
has no place in schools of medicine.
This is true because it is not pos-
sible to provide the proper facilities
for training large numbers. We
have satisfactory facilities for the
training of about 100 upperclass
students in the clinics.
"Inasmuch as the mortality rate
of the. students who fail to survive
the four years has dropped from
some place around 30 per cent to
less than 10 per cent, we must lim-
it the size of Freshman groups ac-
cordingly," reasoned Dr. Cabot.
"However, let me add, it is not due
to any decrease in scholastic re-
quirements, or to a lessening of the
ferocity of the faculty members,
that this decrease in mortality has
taken place, but rather to the careA
ful selection of those who seem best
qualified to take the course, and
having classes small enough to be
properly trained."
A policy of waiving some routine
work of the best qualified men in

One of the nev features this year
11 be a "Campius Comment" col-.
nn in place of- the old humor
lumn, which will appear every
eek on the edtorial page along
.th the editorial and music and
'ama news.
Freshmen who have not yet sub-
ribed for their parents may do
hb mailing+air r nderso n The



I morning and succeeded in identi-
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